General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Hey ladies
Been quietly reading along
Gigs don’t know if u remember a while ago me being confused posting a positive OPK but thinking it was too soon as exclusively Bfing and was only 5.5months post partum.. anyway it turned out it was right and AF arrived shortly after.. I wasn’t impressed. Since then my supply seems to have dropped! I read up about galactagogues (supplements to help aid milk production) I’ve just started taking ‘blessed thistle’ and ‘fenugreek’ I read quite a few good things online so fingers crossed. Also going to try pumping in between feeds to see if I can get things up again! I think Theo’s not wanting as much as he’s eating food now too x
Hi keeps! Oh my gosh I can't believe theo is over 7 months now! Is he crawling yet? Are his sisters smitten with him?

I'm not surprised about my shrinking supply, just sad i guess. I could probably try and boost it but it's very hard to nurse with his feeding schedule, plus having to supplement...and he's starting to get fussy at the nipple. I'm glad I've been able to nurse part time though...i think this is the longest...? I can't remember how lobg i was able to with Levin.

The weather is finally warming up! I'm trying to get Myles used to my bigger carrier (instead of the moby wrap) but he's not a fan. I might have to look for another ergo...
Keeps hey :) wow Theo is 7 months, thats gone super fast! Hope you & your lovely girls & Theo are all well <3

My friend used to take Fenugreek to boast her Milk supply aswell, it did work but she (meaning bodily odour in general) smelt abit funky lol even though she used Deodorant etc.. not bad smell just of the herb i think :-/

Gigs could Myles be starting to teethe? Try some Teething powders like Ashton & Parsons if the US stocks it, i use it & hes improved lots with feeding more calmly. Hayden was around 8/9wks just fussing on/off boob, sometimes they do it also as they want more milk but they’ve emptied us lol & the bod has to catch up with supply, ive noticed this alot atm! Also hes going through the stage of half way through a feed, popping off the boob to look at me & give a cheeky smirk :haha: annoying but so cute!

The early morning wakings was short lived thank goodness :)

I swear i was ovulating the other day though but it was sooo painful! Im half expecting a mini period at somepoint but hopibg not! Im not feeding any less now than what i was when i first introduced some formula, who knows!

Flueks hows hubs recovery going?
Good morning everyone, I’ve been waking up nauseous most days lately so that’s so fun! I think it’s acid reflux, I’ve been having bad attacks of it occasionally during the day the past 2 weeks and last night I had it really bad. Woke up this morning with it. I also got like 10 hours of sleep and I’m still exhausted, so that’s cool. Mini rant over.
Sorry to be all about me.

How would you feel about using Benadryl to help your child sleep?

I’m really hesitant to do that. It’s a running joke in our family when someone can’t sleep, but we don’t actually do it. It just feels weird. I don’t like thinking I drugged him just to get sleep. I’d rather just be exhausted.

Asking because the developmental pediatrician brought it up. A still wakes a minimum of 4x a night. I weaned him from his night bottle but he still wakes to drink water. When I tried weaning from water, it is WW3. He bangs his head and literally attacks me and rolls around crying for an hour. Anyway she said if after three weeks of no milk at night that it’s become a routine and I should try to break it with Benadryl (more explicit directions to come when I talk to her). It is something his regular pedi brought up as well.

Am I thinking too much? Would you moms do it?
I'd leave a sippy in his bed so he can wake up and drink as he pleases without bugging you. Also i think if it came to drugging him i'd try melanonin or whatever it's called...never used it myself though.

I also had luck with diffusing a "sleepy time" oil mix in Levin's room when he sucked at sleeping. It was lavender and some other things but it was pre mixed. I got it at Wegman's.

Cb that little mid-drink smile is so cute!!! Not there yet with Myles but the boys did it. He is smiling more! I love this stage, although it's been a bit tainted by Levin...he's just been hard to manage recently. Very needy and getting into trouble by throwing things and hitting. Today he bit poor Myles' toe!

Fortunately my mom is coming tomorrow so I'll get a little break. Right now I'm a bit burnt out...and today I insisted hubby go play disc golf after work. Why do I do these things?! XD
I kid...he needs a break just as much as I do. I hope he has fun, and also he has a chance to win some money.
Dobs, that depends on my level of desperation. If you are at breaking point with your exhaustion, id give it a try. Remember: being tired is treated just about the same as being drunk when it comes to the law. I had a coworker who flipped his pick up truck driving home. To the cops/insurance he claimed he swerved to avoid a deer, truth was he fell asleep behind the wheel. He was lucky to walk away bruised but his truck was a write off. Dark country road, so he had no witnesses to tell the story different.
Point is: don't become unsafe with what you are comfortable doing.
Eventually he will have to learn to sleep through the night, or self sooth back to sleep. Just because you give something once, doesn't create a Dependance.
Hello keeps :) hope it helps increase your supply.

Gigs it's definitely hard trying to nurse, pump, and supplement. I was overwhelmed with just one!! I knew I couldn't do it this time. Also in hindsight kinda wishing I waited longer as V is hard to manage with her limit pushing and temper trantrum toddler phase. Just reminding myself things will get better. Also yay for help from your mom :)

CB hope its not AF fixing to make an entrance. I seem to recall.... I blanked on her name, girl that lived in Wales that was a tattoo/piercing artist, got her first pp AF ridiculously early even though she was EBF.

Hubby is doing fairly well. Still some soreness to right kidney area and no stone passing that we know of yet. He isn't taking pain meds though so that's good.

Shae anything new in your diet or eating late?? Heartburn sucks, I have it pretty bad when preggo.

Dobby hmm that's tough. Could try melatonin and/or oils like Gigs suggested first and if not go to benadryl. Sleeping good is important for both of you. Don't look at it as drugging him but as helping him get what he needs.
Flueky, great to hear your DH is doing well. Could the stones be small enough that he hasn't noticed them passing?

Shae: sorry about the heartburn. I have had it a few times during pregnancy and I feel sorry for anyone who has it regularly. Eating nuts has helped me every time.

Afm: my midwife was here for the last time just now. She commented on my huge baby as she walked in....the last few days I have felt like he's doubled in size so she wasn't wrong :). Anyway, we almost had a bet on whether or not he'd be over 5kg...DH and I would have lost that bet: e weights 5.4kg!! He's put on 2 kg since birth, she said it's unusual for babies to put on that much. 1-1.5 is what she usually sees. Grew 5.5cm in length too. Maybe both my boys will be tall...
I am sad that this chapter is over with my midwife, for now she still has my sheep and DH wants to do business with her hubby so still get to see them just for different things then baby.
I’ve fallen and broken my toe today. The pain is awful! I can only take paracetamol until I know whether I’m pregnant or not.
Pacific that's what I'm hoping has happened. Maybe crushed so fine he isn't feeling it or hearing it. Fantastic on E's weight gain!! I can relate on feeling a bit sad in one way that chapter of life is closing but thankful this will be the last newborn phase. Looking forward to getting to focus on my 2 girls growing up.

Needausername yikes!! Sorry about your toe. Hope it heals quickly.

AFM ugh been rough week. S is much needier than V was. S likes to be held almost constantly by me or on the boob. She won't accept either pacifier we have tried. I've ordered a mam one and hope she can use it to help her sleep by herself. Daytime is going to be a struggle if not because I'll be juggling S and V alone starting in April. V requires lots of attention as she's into everything.

I weighed S this morning, 6lb 9 oz!! She's gaining an ounce a day now. Oh and my dad is going to come down this weekend and stay for a week :)
Flueky, have you tried a wrap style carrier? E is the same with always needing to be held, mind you: that's all they know from being inside of us for 9 months. I am going to have to get mine out in the next few days, I have to start working in the kitchen again soon!

Sounds like S is really catching up now, awesome weight gain!

Needs; ouch! How far into your cycle are you?

Afm: don't remember if I mentioned that I got a hemorrhoid 2/3 weeks post partum. I ended up using traumeel creme on it when it wasn't bleeding and seriously that thing is just about gone now. Told my mw about it today and she was impressed. It's homeopathic with arnica, so safe to use, my mw approved ;) (lol, yes after the fact...)
I'm pretty desperate. I have no memory at all. I can communicate at a grade school level. I lost all my higher vocabulary. I'm sucking at my job. I autopilot when I drive. Everything hurts all the time. I am swearing at A in my head. Thankfully I have the restraint to not actually swear at him. On the weekends, sometimes i'll put moana on and sleep in his play pen with him and then he just wakes me up when the movie ends and he wants breakfast.

Gigs he has access to his water but he still flails around. Idk if the water is why he wakes or a distraction tbh. Because he knows where the cup is and can easily get it himself. But he wont unless I give it to him and then he crawls into the crook of my arm with his cup looking so angelic and smug lol

I think someone gave me a sleepy time oil for my baby shower so I'll look for it. But today I broke the no screen after daycare rule because I am just in physical agony I am so tired
Did you make up the screen rule Dobby? No shame in breaking arbitrary rules you set for yourself. You do you. And let me know if you try the oil.

Fluek I'm confused, why didn't they temove the stones during surgery?

Pl do you think that cream would work on...ah hem...older afflictions?

Y'all I'm having the quite irrational "could I be pregnant" thoughts :roll: no real reason except symptoms.
The developmental pediatrician did. A lot of new research correlates screen use before two to ASD like behaviors. Plus it messes with sleep so even though I cut it off an hour or min 30m before bed, she wanted me to push it out as much as possible so I just stopped and paid attention to him. I really liked it. We spent a lot of time together but today I'm just miserable. He's been on my phone for longer than I care to admit. =/ but i don't think the screen time was messing with his sleep because after three weeks no screens except 15m in the morning when I shower and no change in sleep.
Hey all. I'm still alive, but pretty tired. Gonna do my best to respond though...

shae - Your hair's lookin' good. FX your acid reflux calms down soon.

Dobby - I feel like these days, some Drs just like to load kids up on meds. Maybe try a few more natural options before the Benedryl? And I'm so sorry you're having a hard time and are in so much pain. I really hope you get some kind of relief soon. -.-

Re: increasing milk supply. The only thing I ever did was try the Starbucks "pink drink" a few times, but it didn't seem to make much difference. So, can't really offer any help here.

Good job to all the LOs out there and their weight gains. :)

AFM, I had my MW appt on Monday. It went well, but was also fairly quick. I'd already heard the MW "schpeel" last time and they already had the majority of my medical and person info, so not much to go over. I ended up dealing with a trainee, but it was her last week of training, so I'll be dealing with yet another new face at my next appt (on Easter Monday morning). Finally got to actually see my scan results and it had the heartbeat down as 181bpm (awesome) and I explained to her my confusion on my EDD and measurements. She agreed and said the MWs like to decide on the EDD based on measurements more than LMP, so my EDD is now October 21. Got my reqs for the first trimester screening and made the appts for April 15. When I called to schedule the scan, the receptionist asked how far along I was (10 weeks) and when I told her the date I wanted, she said "so, you'll be 14 weeks?" "No, I'll be 13+0" "We kind of prefer you to come in when you're around 12 weeks." "It would work out better for my work schedule if I could come in on the 15th though." And then she made the appt. Like, SERIOUSLY?! The paper work says "11+0 to 13+6". I am well within that range, just shut up and book me. More friggen BS from the medical community.
I also saw Captain Marvel with SO and his cousin and we all really liked it. SO said he'd give it an 8/10. It was probably funnier and more relatable cuz it was mostly set on Earth in 1995, so we were laughing at old Smashing Pumpkins music posters and grey Gameboys and slow-ass computers. lol
And, as of tonight, still able to find the HB on my doppler. :)
Pacific was hoping to use my baby ktan. It says birth to 35 lbs, but one part says to consult with ped if less than 8 lbs. I may try and just be extra cautious. She may not lke it. I hope she does. Also glad your hemmrhoid is gone. They can be annoying to downright painful. I couldn't stand that one that woke me every hour from my sleep due to how painful it was.

Dobby don't feel bad. I let V watch before bedtime. It seems to help her sleep. I really don't think it's an awful thing and if you people think it's bad, well so much worse out there.

Gigs nope both times they just broke the stone up and retrieved pieces he could. Well to be honest I didn't get to hear tge doctor so maybe he retrieved them all this time? DHs mom isn't most reliable on these things.

Pretty reminds me of how the receptionist wouldn't let me do prenatal labs until at least 6 weeks then after that schedule my 7 to 8 week appt. I sent a message to the OB who told me I could do labs whenever I wanted. Then receptionist tried to say it was so I wouldn't have to wait as long until appt/scan. Frustrating because I needed convenient schedule for me, but I got my way.

Yay for heartbeat and watching captain marvel:)
Dobs- we do melatonin at night. No shame. I got the liquid kind and mix it in a small amount of juice and give it to her to drink. She gets 2ml a night and she’s asleep within the hour and sleeps all
Night. Highly recommend. Benadryl doesn’t have as good of an effect on Tabs so i only use it if she gets bit by a bug cause she swells up bad where she got bit.

I say give him whatever will
Help you sleep and function like a human again. If i don’t give Tabs her melatonin she won’t hardly go to sleep until
After 10 at the earliest
Flueky, I am not familiar with the Ktan... I do know with the wraps I will do different types of wraps depending on babies age and how they are supposed to snuggle in there safely. (Like at this age some positions are unsafe for joint development)

Dobs, no shame in using drugs. You may even want to try both for a few nights each to see which one works better. You'll have much happier thoughts and wonder why you haven't tried it earlier when you do go there.

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