General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Jez hahaha that’s exactly the same as me, Theo’s and Ella cots are next to each other with all the good intentions of using them. I think they’ve maybe used them 3 times? lol Re: the baby thing. I don’t know, I know mature + sensible me should say “nope, I’m officially done. 4 is more than enough.” ... but then there’s that other side that just loves being pregnant, and babies. But of course, they don’t stay babies for long! I’m honestly at my happiest when pregnant.

Green can’t wait for baby pic! Enjoy just having one little bundle this time, hope you’re getting lots of squishes whilst at the hospital and can enjoy baby.

Gigs :rofl: egg with stuff in it. Sounds actually quite appealing!

CB I’m on FB and totes adding you. Funny that you’ve seen my CM before seeing my face :rofl: Ahh it’s good to get to a point when you’re confident in your decision to be ‘done.’ I don’t think I’ll ever get there..

AFM tried a new brand today as it was all amazon had for next day delivery. Called “baby mad” wide strip tests? Saved my FMU and just dipped it at 11am... BFN. Dipped my last OPK which seem to be fading and no longer + now too. So wondering if maybe I did just ovulate. Although I really thought those tests could have been the start of something yesterday! I shamefully used all 4 FRER in one evening yesterday :oops: The POAS obsession is real..

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Jez hahaha that’s exactly the same as me, Theo’s and Ella cots are next to each other with all the good intentions of using them. I think they’ve maybe used them 3 times? lol Re: the baby thing. I don’t know, I know mature + sensible me should say “nope, I’m officially done. 4 is more than enough.” ... but then there’s that other side that just loves being pregnant, and babies. But of course, they don’t stay babies for long! I’m honestly at my happiest when pregnant.

Green can’t wait for baby pic! Enjoy just having one little bundle this time, hope you’re getting lots of squishes whilst at the hospital and can enjoy baby.

Gigs :rofl: egg with stuff in it. Sounds actually quite appealing!

CB I’m on FB and totes adding you. Funny that you’ve seen my CM before seeing my face :rofl: Ahh it’s good to get to a point when you’re confident in your decision to be ‘done.’ I don’t think I’ll ever get there..

AFM tried a new brand today as it was all amazing had for next day delivery. Called “baby mad” wide strip tests? Saved my FMU and just dipped it at 11am... BFN. Dipped my last OPK which seem to be fading and no longer + now too. So wondering if maybe I did just ovulate. Although I really thought those tests could have been the start of something yesterday! I shamefully used all 4 FRER in one evening yesterday :oops: The POAS obsession is real..

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I have had a positive pregnancy test at time of ovulation before, so I would say you just ovulated xx
Keeps ive peed on about 6 sticks in 1 day before :haha: Lol

I love being pg aswell but Haydens one done me right in, i have however told SO if we win the lottery i want another via IVF lol
CB I think a lot of the number of babies we have is down to money. If I was rich with a huge house I’d love 5-6 kids x

IC - something catching my eye think it’s the ident, but you know I just bought a pack of cheapies so got tests to burn! Either 8/9 dpo or 2dpo depending on which was true ovulation lol definitely going to look into that tempdrop Shae said about!

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Keeps if you increase the saturation there’s no pink, so I’m thinking indent

Green congrats on your little one! Sorry about the scary aftermath but glad you’re okay now.
Oh jeez, there's like 3 pages of posts to catch up on. Ok, I'm gonna do my best here...

Keeps - SO's mom and cousin (on his dad's side) knit and/or crochet, so Alex has 3 blankets from them combined, that blue/green/yellow one from me and one from my friend's mom. I need to learn how to do hats, so I can make all my kids hats and matching scarves for the colder months. :)
I do have an appt at 31 weeks for a 4D scan where we'll get a CD with pics and a video and apparently even a bear with the heartbeat recorded, so it'll play when you press it. I've never asked if a standard medical U/S clinic will do scans for a fee though.
Yay for Ella using a toddler bed now. Her and Theo are so cute. :)

Gigs - Congrats on AF. :)

kitty - I just added you on IG. lol

Green - Jesus, hearing stories like that just reaffirms my thinking that the majority of the medical community are just just a bunch of heartless dumbasses. (Not you though, shae) Glad to hear you and Memphis are doing well though and you got your VBAC.
Alex's hair was kind of a medium brown at birth, but it thinned out and then lightened up in the following months.

AFM, still no word from the MWs, so I guess no news is good news. Still feeling movements and can sometimes tell which side baby is on. On Friday night, Alex slept in his toddler bed. It took him about 20 mins to get to sleep with me sitting beside the bed. He then woke up and went back to sleep 3 times in a span of about 40 mins in the middle of the night and either SO or I sat with him til he went back to sleep. So, it was a mild success. I just wish he could sleep in that bed every night.
In other news, SO said he was talking to a work friend (who is currently house hunting) about various things he (the friend) has learned and advice he's been given and when SO got home that night, he said maybe we should try to get a place sooner rather than later. Like, before the new baby comes. So, I've just been gently trying to stoke that fire. I don't mind sending some emails and gathering info, I just want to know that he's gonna put in some decent effort too. So far, neither of us has done anything (except me checking my credit score: 822 *pops collar* lol), so I'll let you ladies know when there's anything to report.

Also, if anyone wants to add me on IG, my family friendly account is brandy.j.g and my slightly risque-r account is brandyjoy_sgh. DM me for FB. :)

Pretty he’s so cute in the toddler bed awww! That’s awesome that your SO is thinking about getting a house sooner rather than later! I agree that no news is usually good news.
Re: the medical community, I think most professions work with the 1/3 rule: 1/3 are terrible, 1/3 are okay, and 1/3 are great. Unfortunately some nurses and doctors get cocky and think they know everything after they’ve been working in the field for years, and that causes them to not listen to their patients. It’s very sad. I hope to be both competent and compassionate as a nurse.
RE: medical field- j totally agree with you shae in the 1/3 rule. I actually LOVE my OB. She's amazing and she actually delivered Memphis (super rare since I birthed in a large hospital and you just get whoever is on call). I think if she didn't take care of me it could have been worse. She was very cautious of the vbac the whole time. She supported it but was very clear she wanted me watched VERY close. I don't think anyone else would have listened when all I said was "I'm dizzy"

Pretty- that's amazing news on possible house hunting! That would be amazing to get moved before the new baby.

Baby update: Memphis is in the nicu for jaundice. I'm taking a 10 minutes break before hearing back to go to his feeding time so I can breastfeed him. He's a breastfeeding champ so far. I was discharged and since the hospital is an hour from our house DH and I are staying in a hotel for now. No idea when I'm going to sleep when I have to go back to the hospital every 3 hours to feed.
Oh and RE having more babies. It's a big no from me. My body clearly doesn't want babies inside after 36 weeks and I'm not putting anymore babies are risk of being sick or nicu time
Green so sorry to read little Memphis is in nicu :( and that you're not allowed to stay! That breaks my heart. Biggest hugs to you and i hope he is released very soon :hugs:
Oh green that’s so hard! Glad you found a hotel. We have an organization a block away from where A was in PICU. They bought a building and basically allow parents of children in the hospital to stay for free and provide showers and meals as well. You don’t even have to sleep there, you can pop over for meals and a shower if you prefer to sleep in the room since PICU doesn’t have a shower. Hoping the jaundice and nicu stay are short lived
Green, sorry to hear Memphis is in the NICU, hope it is short-lived and you can all go home. Have the twins met their brother yet?

So... Sorry to anyone who has sent me PMs before... I just figured out where they go! Maybe if I smack my head into a wall a bit more often I could have got there a bit faster.
So.. go ahead PM me with your Facebook contacts ;)
:rofl: yeah this new format took a LOT to get used to!

Oy I am up for the third time with baby at 3am and he is trying to start the day. This sleep thing has been miserable.

Makes me feel pretty sure of the "no more babies" decision!
Green I’m sorry Memphis is in the NICU :( hopefully the jaundice will resolve quickly and he’ll be home in no time.

Gigs yikes @ 3 am. I’m only awake at 5 am cuz I fell asleep at 6:30 pm yesterday. I hope sleep starts to get better soon.
MrsGreen im so sorry to hear Memphis is in NICU, big hugs & i really feel for you that u cant stay with him xx hopefully will be a very short stay & with all the breastfeeding will boot the Jaundice away <3

Urhh 3am Gigs zzzzZ snoozefest aswell! I was up at 2 & then again at 4:45 if it helps lol

I not sure why BnB changed private Messages to ‘conversations’ #eyeroll.. if its not broke, dont fix it.

Shae you’ll make a fab Nurse, anyone will be very lucky to gave u as their care giver :)

Dobby thats great about the building next to the Hospital providing all of that, more hospitals need places like these
10:40 and we're up for our first time. Already shaping up to be a repeat of last night :roll: grrrrrrrrr
We are averaging 4 wake ups a night right now. Wtf.

Cb i'm sorry you're going through it too!

Kit any update?

Edit: 12:50, up again...this is seriously breaking me...oh joy i'm hearing thunder now...
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Oh gigs I’m sorry that the wake ups are so frequent, it’s always hard when you’re desperate for sleep :hugs:

I’m actually in a foreign country right now, so I won’t be testing again until the 25th :brat: but I suppose it’s a good thing because provided AF stays away and the spotting wasn’t this months period in theory I’ll get a fantastic definite line when I get back!!
CB he mentioned she might have to be cut off from the boob which really makes me sad. I don't want to ep or ff only. Nothing wrong with ff but I want her to primarily drink bm.

You should buy an omelette pan. No real worry of trying to flip it over. I love mine.

Keeps thanks. Tried mam but no luck :(
He looks like such a happy baby!! He's beautiful :)

Greenie congrats on baby Memphis arrival. I'm so sorry your nurse was not listening to you, that's unacceptable! I hope Memphis can leave nicu soon. Our hospital has a "Ronald McDonald" house where nicu families can stay free of charge. Maybe ask or at least if hotel can discount your stay?

Gigs I'm glad your paranoia started thus thread years ago! Yay for AF!

Poor DHs omelette usually looks like eggs with stuff in it because the first one I make doesn't set as nicely.

Sorry M isn't sleeping well. S usually wakes between 1 and 230 then again at 5ish. She does pretty well. I better sleep while i can.

Pretty that's fantastic you may be getting a house together soon :)

Kitty no the suspense!!
It's 4:25, and the baby is up abd squirming. We're two ounces down and two diapers in already, and he is refusing more formula and opting instead to stare and me and squeal. Will he go back to sleep tonight or will he attempt another pre-5am morning? Your guess is as good as mine on this episode of--"Will I Sleep Anymore Tonight?"

Fluek I hope she stays a good sleeper for you! I think I just struck out with my babies. I thought Des was my good sleeper but in retrospect I do recall a few long nights and rage chucking bottles across the room...also a couple of tearful eyes as I rocked him and told hubs "we're never doing this again." :rofl:
Gigs well dang she went less than 3 hours. She is a pretty good sleeper. V was freaking amazing though and I miss that. She was sleeping 8 hour stretch at this age. She spoiled me for sure.

AFM we are all finally getting better. I felt really bad Saturday evening. I think it was from walking around flea market for hours that afternoon. I had this horrible headache and I felt so stopped up with congestion. However it was such an amazing feeling being sans baby Saturday for 6 hours! I felt like my own person again. We still had V with us but she is easy by herself. Plus she really enjoyed not sharing me. Sitter will be watching S this Saturday too for 5.5 hours. Maybe I'll take a bath or something :)

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