General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Flueky - Happy to hear that S is drinking better and that she naps well for the sitter and DH. I used the shush-pat method for Alex and it seemed to work alright, but there were still a couple nights that he would "purple cry" for 45-60 mins. I don't think I'd have the nerves for CIO, but best of luck.

Dobby - That's nice about the discount. I know I spent close to $100 on decorations, loot bag stuff, plates, etc, but he's worth it. lol. Still need to pick up a 24 pack of coke, some fruit and veg trays and order the pizzas, but otherwise, I think we have everything we need. I'm feeling noticeably less stressed about this BDay than the last one.

CB - I asked SO's aunt to make a good sized circular cake with a fondant manhole cover on top, and then I have these turtle figures I'll be putting on it. Plus, I'll be making cupcakes with multi-coloured frosting. (see below)

Gigs - That's so BS about your insurance not covering your meds. When are companies gonna get it that mental health is just as important and legit and physical health? How'd your appt go today? Were you able to get the Rx you need?
And I would LOVE to have 4 kids, but I think I could settle for 3. SO never wanted any, so the fact that he seems fairly ok with the 2nd one on the way is kind of reassuring. Hopefully I can convince him to give me one more shot at a girl.

Re: open house. It was ok. It was a split level with 2 beds a half staircase up, 2 beds a half staircase down, and a +1 in the basement. The back door/sep entrance lead into an ok sided backyard. And there was a 2nd, smaller kitchen in the basement. The ceilings were pretty low though and a few things needed a little TLC. And there actually happened to be another open house right across the street, so we checked that one out too. It was also split level with 3 beds up top and a +1 in the basement. SO seemed to like it a lot and said it reminded him of his grandparent's place when he was a kid. It was alright, but the more I though about it, having bedrooms so close to the living room and basement would mean we'd need to probably be fairly quite once the kids were asleep. Plus, I was raised in a townhouse with proper storeys and full staircases, so that's kind of what I'm used to and would like. And I'd like to do everything in my power to ensure each kid has their own room. There's no guarantee Alex and the newb would get along well enough to share bunk beds.
In other news, yesterday was fun. Gonna try to make this short. Saturday, Alex was a wee bit warm, so I gave him some Advil and a very late nap turned into sleeping til 7am the next day (13 hours). Sunday, he was fine, but had a bunch of tiny spots all over his torso. He's up to date on all his shots, so I highly doubted it was chicken pox or measles. Yesterday (Monday), took him to daycare and had to pick him up an hour later cuz they said if I didn't know what the spots were, they could be contagious and he can't be there. He saw a Dr at 1pm and she couldn't be sure what it was without bloodwork, but said it was probably just a viral thing or suspected parvo/fifth's disease/slapped face something or other. She gave me a req to get bloodwork done to see if I had any immunity to it cuz it could be bad for me to catch it while pg. After that, I had my GTT test at 2:30 and then just did some general running around with SO (who came home from work for the appt). While waiting at the MW's office, I was feeling a little achy and tired and I noticed some spots on my boobs, but didn't say anything. I actually am a wee bit worried, but I haven't made an appt for my bloodwork yet. So today, Alex stayed with my mom while I went to work. I dropped a Dr's note off at the daycare and the director said as long as he's acting like himself (which he totally has been), he can come back tomorrow.
As for baby, still feeling movements down low, especially as I type this. And SO is still working on gathering his paperwork for the mortgage broker. I have no idea how I'm gonna hide my belly when we meet with him or her. Hopefully they'll just assume I'm fat and approve us for a bunch of money. lol

PL I’d honestly bake it myself but by the time I buy everything I need, I may as well shell out for a grocery store cake :rofl: I also have bad social anxiety so I feel like people are judging me.

Hopefully you’ll have a close relationship to your niece!

Pretty so glad you’re not stressed! Party planning sucks. And man yeah wth why is it all so expensive?!

I forgot do you all have first time homebuyer programs? That’s the only way I got my condo. I only had to put 5% down.

Fxed you find something you both love. Don’t settle. I settled and regret it. Well what I regret most was not buying the 400k condo because of my ex that is now over a mil. But that’s a rant for another day.

Sorry about the spots. When will the bloods come back?

Hope everyone is well! I’m turning 30 tomorrow and have to work and everything hurts. A is breathing weird. Just over it.

Also Long Gone Wild is out! Less emotional than Blackfish but stay woke friends ;)
Dobby - Convenience usually comes at a price. lol

I'm not sure about what programs we have. I'm pretty sure that I can use my retirement savings $27K+ towards a down payment, as well as whatever profit SO makes when he sells his condo. And I think I get some kind of rebate at some point.

Ya, I really don't wanna settle. But all I really NEED is something with 4 bedrooms, around the area I'm in now, that is not apartment-isque.

The GTT bloods are supposed to take 2 business days, I think. and I literally just made an appt for the parvo test for this afternoon. My Dr wrote rush on the req.

When you say tomorrow, I'm assuming you're going by Cali time. It's 1:39am on the 17th here, so it's 10:39pm on the 16th there, right? So, Happy Birthday in my time zone(?)! lol
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Pl, yes, I'm also hoping for a close neice relationship that is even better than being a mom. I don't think I want to "risk" having a girl now...I think the all boy dynamic will be fun. I fear a girl would be ganged up on/picked on (maybe that just me projecting though since i had two older brothers).

Dobby yeah I feel ya on not wanting to bother with the cake...but WOW would it save money! Less than $10 for a sheet cake...just saying...

Pretty yikes I am sorry alex is under the weather and sounds like you're getting it too :/ Definitely mention it to the dr just in case. Glad he is himself again though!

Regarding SIL, thank God MIL stood up for me. We actually had a meeting all together to straighten things out. SIL tried to tell me that MIL was "her" sitter, so flat out asked MIL in front of SIL and MIL said, "No...SIL, remember? We had a conversation about this...I'm watching her kids too." I'm paraphrashing but SIL was silent :rofl: called out on her bs. It was great...she's the type of person who doesn't flex much and doesn't admit when she's wrong. So I enjoyed that lol

Afm sleep deprivation continues. Bump on back is nothing to worry about. I can get it removed but there's no point so maybe I'll just name it instead. Got anxiety drugs but haven't taken any...maybe today. Idk. I hate taking things!
Lol so true and I grew up in an area where things were are convenience and quality so adjusting to my broke lifestyle sucks. The $155 was all tricked out, gluten free, dairy free. But I decided more cost effective to get s small $40 allergy cake and a $30 grocery cake because my mom backed out of paying for the cake.

Maybe ask your broker or look into it? I almost qualified for 5k towards my down, the low down, and I get a mortgage credit. It gives me back like $700/month to help me not go house broke lol. No harm in asking. They usually have income maxes though based on family size and unborn babies don’t count (here anyway).

That’s crazy it takes two days. Like I get it but like come on now parvo is a big deal. You’d think they wanna know sooner than two damn days. Hopefully it’s just s viral thing and it passes.

Lol yeah I meant rn :). Ty!

Gigs I literally don’t have anything to bake the cake with though. Not the time nor energy. So buying the pans and the ingredients and decorations would put me over the cost for a grocery store cake. It’d be different if A could help and make it fun, but he’s still reacting to raw eggs. :(

Wait g2g finish later
Gigs - He was only a wee bit sick-ish on Saturday, so he's good now and the Dr appt was 2 days ago. I'll be seeing her again next Monday for Alex's 2 year check up and I'm sure blood results will be in by then.

Good to hear you got things figured out with your MIL and SIL and that you got your meds. :)

Dobby - No, the GTT test will take a couple days. The parvo test says "rush", so maybe that means it'll be processed immediately? I dunno. I have a bunch of spots on my torso now though. :/
Ooooo got it! Sorry about the spots. Are they bothering you or just there? Glad Alex is good now :)

Gigs YES so glad MIL is not letting her bully you out of help! It’s not just even about help. It’s time with her grandkids.

I know what you mean about meds. I probably need anxiety drugs (lost my s* because my friend tried to plan a pool party for me). But I don’t want to take anything. Hopefully they help! My friends on them swear by them.

Glad the bump is benign!
Gigs, so glad to hear mil isn't getting bullied into babysitting and stood up for you! She's a keeper ;) mine currently is driven by jealousy...(she saw how good of a relationship we have with fil and his wife)..

Dobs, wait what you get money back out of your mortgage?

Pretty, Canada does have a first time home buyers thing with 5% down. DH and I have used that in the past, it also means you have cmhc (mortgage insurance) that needs to approve your purchase.
I believe Canada now also has a new program that is for our area entirely useless. You only need 3% down I think, they help you a bunch but the house can't cost more then 400k and you can't make a lot of money either. Good luck finding a home for under 400k where the biggest housing issues are.

Afm: baby has started to attempt to rock on his knees... not long until crawling now!
I hear you gals on the anxiety meds...I know I need them, but I've just never taken that step. It would probably really help, though.

Dobs, I'm getting a fancy cake for my son's 5th birthday, but I'm probably going to cut corners and just do something cheap for Char's 2nd birthday in Nov. She won't give a crap, so it's all good. Lol

Tubals. I had one during my last c-section with C, but my right tube began to hemorrhage, so my doc just took the whole tube. In retrospect, I kinda wish she would have just removed my entire reproductive system. It would have saved me a lot of these nasty hormone perimenopausal funky symptoms I now experience every 3 weeks of my life.

Gigs...It should be entirely up to MIL who she babysits, for how long, etc. SIL shouldn't get to call dibs on MIL entirely. That's just lame! And obviously, MIL should be a decent grandmother, and do her best to devote herself to all grandkids equally. It's just the right thing to do. Hopefully SIL can see that soon enough.
Wookie I forgot (or didn't see?) That you had yours tied. Dang every 3 weeks sounds horrid.

Knowing I am done with babies, potentially 15 more years of periods, worry about getting pregnant and birth control is not something I look forward to.
(Ok, chances are DH is getting snipped in the next few years be honest,we are just holding off until the last doubt is gone)...
My midwife thinks it's the way to go for men to just get snipped since it's such an easy procedure.
I probably would have had my tubes tied if #2 had been a girl and a C-section.
I’m on anti depressants which also treats anxiety, I honestly think it helps loads! I would recommend it to anyone who needs it :shrug:

Gigs really glad mil set the record straight, hopefully you get a bit more help now!
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Respond to everyone later. I was up to midnight arguing with my mom again. She keeps going back and forth on babysitting Aiden today (my first day off since my birthday). It’s exhausting. So I thought she would pick him up from daycare so I could go to lunch, but no. So now I have to sit in traffic twice today instead of just once. Just overall annoyed and depressed (I only get depressed around my birthday plus my dad died when he was 30).

But yes I have a mortgage credit. 20% of my interest ongoing as long as I own my house and use it as my primary residence. I heard Trl got rid of this program in the states but I don’t actually know. So you can adjust your tax withholdings to get more money from each paycheck and a smaller refund or just get a big refund. When I just did the refund because I wanted to see how much it really was before changing my tax form for work, I got like 8k when I did my taxes. This year I decreased my withholdings a bit because I needed the cash more spread out so I got a few hundred more each more then only like 1-2k for tax refund.

But I do have to have an escrow account. Which I like lol. So I make one payment each month, and the escrow account pays anything related to my house (mortgage, insurance but they go through my company so it’s cheap, mortgage insurance, property taxes...). The only unnessary thing is the mortgage insurance. That’s unnecessary but required. It’s a small bit every month but yeah. Still dumb. I could probably apply to take over my account at this point but I’d really rather let them handle it lol
Dobby awesome to hear about As growth. I honestly vote for a cheaper cake. I think I'd die a little inside if I spent more than $100 on a birthday cake. Plus I think fondant is nasty. Taste before looks for me :) and if anyone judges they can buy it next time and kiss your butt.

CB yeah it's definitely hard hearing them cry as it goes against our base instinct. She's doing really well though. She only gets a max of 4 oz of formula, she drinks 8 to 9 oz of bottled breastmilk when at sitter. She's breastfed all other times. I enjoy the snuggles and it's easier than pumping, cleaning bottles, etc. I wish I could have her 100%bm but I'm just not an over producer.

Being back to work is good and bad. Miss my babies but I enjoy having some peace and quiet :rofl: getting paid again is really nice too. It sucks, I'm the breadwinner or else I'd go part time.

Gigs wow. Don't think if you are truly having money problems you should book a vacation to Orlando Studios. Sorey Myles isn't a good sleeper. Sleep deprivation sucks. I felt like poop yesterday.

I hope anxiety meds help. If you need them take them :) but I understand about not liking to take meds.

Pretty wish we could have done a more gentle sleep training method. Nothing calms her if I'm around, I just make her cry more. Thankfully CIO has gone well. I'm happy she's learned to soothe herself and I get some much needed time to do things.

Super cute cupcakes! I hope you have immunity. V got HFMD when I was pregnant with S. DH caught it, I had this mild reaction (slight fever, sore throat, only 2 spots) but never got more blisters. I think I was probably immune basically but pregnancy weakens it so I had a few symptoms. It's nerve wracking worrying about those things.

Hope you guys find the house you want. We currently have a room for each girl but if we add a 3rd, V and S will have to share until we decide to move.

AFM S is doing well after Saturday and Sunday night sleep training was a bit rough. She will only fuss or occasionally cry for 10 to 20 minutes in evening and none when I set her down after middle of the night feed(s). I'm exhausted still balancing work and middle of the night feedings. As crazy as it sounds I've been more excited about having a third. I will dread nb phase again. I think we will try once S turns 2 or V turns 4. So less than 2 years. We plan to have some debts paid by then. I hope to have a bit more saved next time so I have a bigger cushion but I managed with what I had this time.
Flueks i would have to say for me, baby no3 has been my easiest (not the pg though) they kinda just have to get on with it lol! Im happy your excited about baby no3 when it happens :hugs: Haydens now sleeping through again but im so tired from the short lived sleepless nights uhhh but nothing a bit of caffeine & Iron wont fix ;)

Dobby, i hope you had some Wine or a wee drinky in the evening for your 30th birthday! Thirty & Flirty hehe! Big hugs though re the memory of your Dad xx

Gigs im glad that bump was all ok, a sense of relief for you... i hate taking tablets at the best of times but if its going to take the edge of i would start them, maybe don’t do the full dose, maybe half? Until you start feeling you can come off them maybe?

Pretty those cupcakes look great & the cake you described i get will look fab, u must post a pic :)

SO always said he would still be getting the snip even though I’ve had my tubes done, i just laughed at him! He’ll never do that! But i had to laugh at my friend whos married, they debated a third baby but its a definite no no but her hubby wont get the snip he said ‘incase you leave me & i meet someone else who wants a baby’ hahaaa!! I think she threw some language at him :rofl:
Fluek im glad CIO worked. It is hard for sure. I think a big part depends on the temperament of the child. Like CIO will not work with A because he doesn’t have that level of security.

Lol at that husband. That’s a booooooold joke to make

Pretty I agree lose those cupcakes!!!

Wookie sorry about the hormones. :(. I hear you. I was even gonna do a party. Like it’s 2. We can just go to dinner as a fam and get dessert. But idk someone made me feel guilty lol

Thanks ladies! I’m just going to get a sheet cake and order some figures that can double as toppers. The cake I wanted wouldn’t have fondant, But I was told that amount if she would stain temporarily. It’s also totally allergy free. I remember never having this issue as a kid. But it was gonna be awesome. Too much lol but awesome.

Been mia celebrating my Flirty 30.
Wed (my actual birthday) had a cake at work, students brought me little trinkets. So cute! Took myself to sushi for lunch and way over ordered and got free deep fried tempura ice cream. Ran a few errands then met up with fam to hang and do dinner at chili’s. I wanted red lobster but my brother was coming and he always orders the most expensive thing. Plus I had a coupon for free desert and chili’s always has a deal. I know my parents don’t care but I do. Then went to bed early lol.

Yesterday was my day off so A went to daycare. His last day in that room! He is on to discovery preschool!!!! :cry: luckily no traffic in commute direction, so met up with my friend to see Lion King. Then my mom and I hashed out of differences and she agreed to pick up A so I could go to Fogo’s (all you can eat meat). We just lived it up eating and drinking. We were there for 3 hours. Everyone had literally left. Then I convinced her to watch Blackfish haha, and we just hung out until my mom came home with A.

We have gym and a speech re-eval today.
Gahhhh TTC is stressing me out, was so sure I ovulated after a massive temp rise yesterday but today it’s dropped back down again, it seems like the only time my temp stays up is when I immediately get my period after ovulation :cry:

Been reading along the past few days, just kept forgetting to comment or falling asleep halfway through.

CB wow that joke lol, I would’ve thrown some choice language at my SO if he said that too.

Dobs good luck with the speech re-eval. Glad your mom ended up taking A so you could have some adult celebration. Happy 30!

Kitty that really sucks, is fertility testing covered by the NHS? If the immediate period after ovulation continues you may want to get checked out.
It was ok. He’s still considered as having a speech delay. But she’s not overly concerned because he’s still young and he’s tripled his words since she last saw him in April. So she put me on a list to start a 3 month long speech class that’ll start in September. Hoping I can coordinate with my mom or get appointments on weekends because it could end up using all my sick leave. Sigh. But yeah she’s not worried. She thinks it’ll come. My only worry is that two kids have asked what is wrong with him this month. I don’t want kids to start ostracizing him.
Fertility hormone testing is covered by NHS but i think unless you have a very understanding Dr that will refer you straight away they always ask how long you been ttc & have u been monitoring cycles etc etc blah blah & needs to be 6m - 1yr of trying. Also i remember my older sister kept having MC’s when ttc with her new hubs years ago & they said they dont look into the reasons why as : A, it can take some couples upto 3yrs & B, you need to have like 20 recurring mc’s before they’ll check things out, pretty bad in my opinion! Kitty, maybe whenever u have a chat with your Dr hun say u been ttc for well over 6m :hugs: Fx though your temp does a rise today.

Dobby is A nearly 2? My friends son turned 2 in June & he’s only just started saying odd words here n there, hv has no concerns but all the words are gradually coming out :) Like u say def nothing to be concerned about :thumbup: Im glad you had some time on your birthday hehee!

Urhh SO came to bed early hrs from the sofa & woke Hayden up ffs!!! He was awake from 1:10 until nearly 4am until i gave in & gave him a bottle, he fell asleep & then he was awake at 6:15!! Ohhhh my god im frickin zzzzzzzz this mornin! Thing is, SO says he’ll sleep on sofa & then im sure he must sleep walk to the bedroom, its really pissing me off! Hes taking his time sorting the kitchen/lounge out, only then will that free up the other room for Haydens bedroom, thing is as he gets older & keeps waking im sure this will start getting worse & he will then wake when hes in his own bedroom!

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