General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Happy Mother's day everyone!!

Kitty you never know dear, I think you will make it! Good luck sweetie!
Oh Kit!!! I didn’t want to jinx it but I was having strong Mother’s Day vibes all week! I hope you make it. Safe driving and safe maybe delivery! *high pitched squealing and clapping*
I will say though in virtual church today the pastor was talking about how one of the members had her baby in the car because they didn’t make it in time.
Dobby that's definitely a concern of mine. My last labor was just under 3 hours, hospital 35 to 40 minutes away, and have to get someone to watch the girls.
Yeah that’s such an unnerving thought. ESP when they push for you to wait so long before giving you a green light to go in. I’m sure it will all work out. Just have to listen to your body and trust your judgement. Is anybody planning to be on standby when you get close?
That’s definitely a scary thought. With my younger sister my mom got to the birth center at like 1 am and they tried to tell her to go home, her contractions weren’t close enough together. The birth center was at least an hour away from our house. She refused to leave and demanded a cervical check, and she was like 5 cm. My sister was born at 5 am. Clearly she was supposed to be there :haha:

ETA: Flueks I hope someone is close by and able to watch the girls, do you have nearby relatives?
Well it all went wrong. Labour stopped completely at 4cm (I went to the hospital 4cm, and left the hospital 4cm) and they sent me home. Lady last night was very grumpy and now I’m bleeding but don’t want to call and waste anyone’s time again.

I feel stupid, really stupid, I was so sure this was it. Contractions were right where they were supposed to be and hurt a hell of a lot. But no. It’s shit.

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Kit no you call them and demand answers fts no guilt. You trust your instincts
Kitty I'd definitely call with bleeding. Need to make sure everything is okay. I'm sorry they were rude but with contractions those long and close together you should have went in.
Dobby and Shae I'm hoping my MIL who is 15 min away will come up if it happens between 4p.m. and 3 a.m. and my sitter will hopefully let us drop off between 3a.m. to 4p.m. if it happens during those hours. Sitter is 10 min away and on our way to hospital. Once I get a little closer I will ask. We dropped V off at sitter's at 6 a.m. last time.

I'm also hoping that my water will break first so I'll know that once contractions start it's game time. Would actually probably get ready once waters break. Not sure if I'll get lucky a third time with waters breaking first.
I’m glad you have backup. Fxed you get that heads up. Idk how it works with probabilities or genetics. They broke mine. I don’t think anybody in my family had theirs break naturally.

kit thinking of you :hugs:
Dobby my mom had waters break 1st one time but not the other. So not sure. Her labors were fast but not as fast as mine. So I seem to be similar. I know they say it's not common to have waters break first but.... I've done that twice so hopefully.
Definitely wishing my waters would just break now. I’m more than fed up. I’ve vomited twice, bleeding has turned brown (they didn’t want to see me unless I filled a pad, I didn’t) contractions are sporadic and not very many of them. It’s just stopped. Completely stopped, and now I’ve dropped off Evie we won’t be seeing her until baby is born. I just hurt right now, I have really bad spot on my back that just hurts so much, I’m ready to not be in pain anymore. I’m done over.

I’m really sorry about the rant. I feel absolutely shit and down.
Kit :hugs: I'm so sorry baby girl isn't making her entrance right now and you feel so terrible. I hope she cooperates soon so you can start to feel better.
Kit I’m sorry :( have you talked to them about the vomiting and the back pain?
Just dawned on me.... could the back pain be back labor??? I've heard it's very painful, it's just a thought
Kit big hugs. Rant! It’s good for the soul. I know it’s hard to be away from E, but try to rest. I ban you from housework! Go relax and have DH take care of you. I do agree with Shae though I’m not loving this throwing up and back pain and bleeding combo. I’m not sure what advice to give but that just seems irresponsible on their end to not see you. Is it because of covid maybe? I know they really push to keep people who aren’t literally dying out of clinic here. I just had my PT online

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