General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Flueks ah, gotcha. Considering I’m a cardiac nurse, I am obligated to say PLEASE make an appointment with your PCP or cardiologist if you have one. Not much to lose except a co-pay and some time, so if they find nothing you haven’t lost much. If they find something, you’ll be glad you did. A nurse on my unit felt funny and hooked herself up to one of our tele boxes to make sure her rhythm was okay since she thinks she sometimes goes into SVT. She was fine at the time, just a few scattered PVCs with NSR. Conversely, an LNA on our unit went to a cardiologist for heart palpitations and discovered she was having chronic episodes of sustained tachycardia in like the 160s, which definitely needs to be addressed.

AFM currently an emotional wreck cuz SO said no BD yesterday cuz he was tired but he’d do it today as long as his day wasn’t too crappy, and his day was extra crappy so he said no, and today should be O day so I’m very emotional about this situation lol, my hormones are angry and I cried a bit, that is all.
Playing catch up, give me some grace lol

Shae I’m so glad the herbs potentially did the trick and you are finally ovulating! Sending the biggest hugs. I know those hormones hit so hard when O comes around and how tough it is to want that baby, especially now that you two are moving into that next chapter of your lives. <3 ya Glad things have gotten better with the time management! Huge kudos to you for really seeking feedback and applying it.

Fluek I immediately thought stress, but I second Shae. Definitely get that checked out. Hope it’s nothing major. Yay for stepdad doing better!

Pretty sorry not hcg test. Always nice to know just to know, but I agree that the scan with a heartbeat is very good. I know it’s hard though. We’re always looking for that extra piece of info or reassurance. Hoping Matthew is feeling much better by now and everyone else in the house avoided it. Glad it wasn’t covid. I'm just on pins and needles waiting on you to do that sneak peek! Inquiring minds wanna knoooow!

Winter I’m sorry you didn’t connect more on a personal level to the doctor. I so get that wanting to feel cared for vs a paycheck. And I’m sorry about the test results. It’s nice to know, and it’s reassuring that you can go on to have a healthy pregnancy. I’m also in the wanting all the nitty gritty details category. I also agree that in this day women and with the care and knowledge we know now, it’s so much more common to see women having healthy babies later. I know my mom had her eggs harvested (that’s sounds like maybe not the right word LOL) when she met my stepdad. She had to be around 35ish. Her eggs were amazing. Her uterus was in great shape, too. Easily could have conceived naturally if she hadn’t been sterilized without her consent/ my stepdad had better sperm.

AFM work is still nuts. Had to go momma bear again for A’s services. I’m much better now, thanks for all the well wishes! I was still feverish on Sunday and then warm Monday. I feel much better now. :) I was definitely regretting getting both over the weekend, but I'm glad now. Nice to have it out of the way versus being incapacitated twice. Not much new in my life. Guess no news is good news? Lol.
Selfish post/crazy Shae doing crazy things;

So I ovulated yesterday, I got my temp rise today. An egg can only live 12-24 hours and it takes sperm ~6 hours to travel to the Fallopian tubes (according to Google). If I had ovulated at 11:59 PM yesterday night, I still would’ve had to have sex within 18 hours to realistically have a chance of pregnancy. I know this is all true and factual, and yet I feel guilty about getting SO to have unprotected sex with me based on these facts (being outside that range of possibility, mind you). I think it’s because I hope so badly that I could get pregnant anyway this far out from ovulation, that despite the facts I feel like there’s a chance and I’m therefore tricking him or lying to him. I know O+1 BD can totally result in pregnancy, but not more than 24 hours after O. Anyone know of instances more than 24 hours/like 11:59 PM on O+1 BD resulting in pregnancy? I’m guessing probs not but never know.
Obviously I’d be thrilled if it happened but I’d feel super shitty cuz I wanted the factual info to be wrong when I told him said info. I’m sure I’ll be reporting the arrival of AF in 2 weeks.
shae - The Babydust Method recommends BDing 24 and 48 hours after an OPK peak to conceive a boy. If the egg doesn't live longer than 24 hours, I dunno why you'd have that 2nd session, but women do get pg in that time frame. If sperm can live for several days, I'm sure there's the odd egg that can last longer too. Either way, sorry SO was having such a crappy day and your sex drives were way outta sync. :/

Dobby - Really glad that your life seems to be fairly chill at the moment. May it stay that way for as long as it can. FX.

Re: SneakPeek. Ugh, I know. I wanna know ASAP too. I've thought a few times that I'm totally far enough along to do the test, but still not getting anything on the doppler. So, at the very least, I would want to wait til I found the HB on my own.

AFM, still getting a wee bit of boob pain and uterus tightness/stretching. So, all good stuff, I hope. Really looking forward to chilling as much as possible for this Canadian long weekend. Though there's definitely some laundry and cleaning that needs to be done. Always something. lol
Shae I don't have personal Experience with that far out. I had sex day after O but it was at 5 a.m. so it wasn't too far out from O. I do think the farther put from O even if sperm does meet egg, the chance of the pregnancy being viable decreases as the egg quality breaks down. But you are young and healthy so, I would say still possible I with 24 hours.

Pretty yay for heartbeat and prego symptoms! Don't beat yourself up if you can't find the heartbeat every time, there were times that I couldn't during this time frame and next 3 or 4 weeks.

AFM appt scheduled for Wednesday with my Dr. Oh anyone else know what the little(s) dressing up for Halloween? V is Elsa, S is Anna, and E is Olaf. Not sure DH and I will dress up and even so not much character wise for me dress up as, well that you could find a costume for.

Hope everyone has a good weekend.
The boys are dressing up as a couple characters from this (now canceled) kids show called Top Wing. I got the costumes on clearance, so they cost $15, total. SO never dresses up and I'll probably do something half-assed. Last year, I just wore this pair of light up Tinkerbell wings I got at Disney World.

Here's last year. Baby Yoda and a porg. lol

Shae I have def heard of O+1, I second all that Fluek said.

Pretty so glad that you found the hb! Sooooo sneak peek time?! :) Lol. Enjoy the long weekend!

Fluek oooo how cute! I love family costumes. A was almost Olaf, and I was gonna go as "Sven"/generic reindeer. Basically just get a cute brown dress, some antlers, and wear this brown boots I already have. But then I switched last minute to black Captain America and I'm going as a generic black widow sans wig. Idk when we're gonna do pumpkin patch. His school is still doing their parade/patch. My school cancelled the parade but is doing dress up. Usually we don't allow kids to stay in costume all day though in case anybody messes up their costumes/ it makes the kid extra silly. So we'll see what happens.

AFM still tracking O but got some mixed results. I decided to use two holders this month in case I jump back to a later O. I started one on CD 8 and the other on CD 10. The CD 8 holder was taking forever to read, so I ended up re-dipping the stick. It read low. The CD 10 holder was business as usual, but it read high. I accidentally dumped fmu before I could retest 1, but I would have thought either they'd both be high or the first holder would be high first. I am definitely in the mood the last couple days and it's revved up today/last night. They're only meant for fmu testing or a 4 hour hold. Trying to decide if I want to go for smu or just do it tomorrow as planned.
Pretty you normally ovulate 12-36 hours after the OPK peak, so the second session could very well be within the 24 hour time frame after ovulation. But idk. We’ll see.

Congrats on finding the heartbeat with the Doppler!!!
Also the Star Wars costumes are sooo cute omg

Flueks yeah it was almost certainly a full 24 hours at the least. I don’t think I have special long lasting eggs so I doubt anything will come of it.

I’m glad you’re seeing your doctor this week!

Dobs oh yeah I’ve heard of O+1 too, but I think around midnight on O+1 leading into O+2 is just not gonna happen. I’d be thrilled if I had a super special egg, but I highly doubt that.

Are you talking about those clear blue fertility predictor tests? I don’t really know how those work aside from showing high prior to the LH surge. The second one being high makes sense to me if you’re gonna get your surge in a few days, but I’m not well versed in those things.
Oh I somehow missed the picture, super cute!!!!!

Yeah, the CB advanced ones. Basically, it detects your estrogen surge. The day you start using them sets your baseline estrogen for that cycle, which is why the day you start is really important. It's usually tied to how long your cycles are. Once it detects a rise in estrogen, it starts displaying high readings. I have had issues in the past where I've had started too early and gotten a week's worth of high readings because I Oed late. Or last cycle I started at CD 10 and never detected my estrogen rise because it already happened and I ended up Oing on CD 13. But long story short, just naturally I would expect my estrogen on CD 8 to be lower than CD 10. So for the 10 holder to be high while the 8 reads low is odd.

eta LOL so I did smu about 2-2.5 hour hold no liquids... I have a peak reading and positive Wondfo. I’m cd 11. Wtaf is happening with my cycles?! :cry:
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Shae are you still using the diaphragm or semi ttc semi ntnp? I know you have waited a long time to ttc.

Dobby, I didn't like the cb advanced digi opks. To be fair I used them when my cycle waa crazy long and irregular after stopping bcp. Way to expensive when you go 2.5 months between AF. I did like using a wondfo opk and if it looked positive, then used a plain CB digi to confirm.

Pretty so cute!! I wouldn't mind star wars theme but V is definitely at the age of wanting to choose what she wears. I don't mind Frozen though.
Oh I forgot, I had a dream we had a 4th and it was a boy. I think it's cause I'm going to O soon and it does bring those baby fever feeling even though logic says no. I wonder if I will always get those feelings.
Oh man have our O’s synchronized?! The broody in this thread is so real rn lol ;)

well I just tested again and back down to a 0.29. I’ll probably test after nap just to be sure. Wouldn’t be the first failed surge in my life. I definitely tested yesterday fmu, when I got home from work, and in the evening and all neg. So if the next test is neg I’m counting it as a weird pcos one off. We’ll see when I really surge now
Flueks we’re still using the diaphragm when I’m supposed to be fertile, we didn’t use it this time cuz I figured it had been over 24 hours so it was safe not to use it. Definitely part of me hoping that I was wrong but I highly doubt that. Considering my cycles sometimes are long, I end up using the diaphragm starting CD11 and until O+2 (except this time when I didn’t use it O+1 but it was super late at night so essentially O+2). I’ve tried to convince SO to NTNP but thus far it has been fruitless lol

Dobs it feels like it’s not helpful to use the CB predictor if you don’t already know when your estrogen rise is going to be… but maybe I’m not understanding it terribly well.
Aww but also let’s get real lol ntnp with someone as knowledgeable and with your drive is gonna be baby land. How is he doing on his end with everything adulting wise? I know he wants to do ring before baby but he’s worried about giving you the ring you deserve in his mind

It’s definitely annoying but I’ve never missed my estrogen surge. I don’t usually O ever before CD 14. It’s usually 17-19. The problem is for a 25 day cycle (my O at 13), you’re supposed to start at like CD 5. I’ve also never had two short cycles in a row. Maybe this is just my new norm? My wondfos are hanging around 0.6 so I expect a proper surge tomorrow or my pcos to flare up and not surge for a week lol. But I’m super in da mood so probably tomorrow :rofl:
Dobby lol, yeah my O was like CD 14 last cycle which is a bit early for me, I was CD 18/19 after V, and I only had one AF after S was born. I think my body is still trying to regulate. I've noticed more cm and I've definitely been in the mood, so I know it's going to happen soon lol.

It is definitely hard to ntnp when you have so much knowledge about fertility. We kinda ntnp for a bit after V but I still liked tracking, it wasn't really one or the other. Need a name for it lol

Shae ah well, I hope that he will be okay before too long about ttc, or even "low key ttc". You are aware of your cycle, etc but don't share knowledge of a positive opk, etc. Just initiate and have fun lol. It's what happened with S. When we ttc V he sometimes had issues knowing I was ovulating, put pressure on him, ya know.

Anyways enough of my ramblings. I'm fixing to make dinner. Since I've been busy with work, I'm fixing DH one of his favorite meals (his birthday was Thursday). Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and rolls. I also bought him a chocolate pie so we will have that as well. So I better get started
Haha the telltale signs. Did you eventually want a fourth? I feel like we’ve talked about this but my memory is so bad.

There definitely needs to be a name for it. So hard not to track when you know you can. But yeah does seem like most ntnp on forums like these is more about not stressing out the partner with the nitty gritty details.

that sounds yummy! If you want to make dinner for me, just lmk ;)

afm all day yesterday stayed at 0.5/0.6, fmu was back down to 0.3, and smu was up to 1.44 :rofl: what a wild ride. I do think today is the day. My temp did dip and I’m honestly having a hard time not having some DIY time. Already “crafted” four times this morning for the tmi win lol. ETA woohoo looks like my body got it together lol third morning urine also had a very dark positive 1.38
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Dobby, no never wanted a 4th. Before DH had has vasectomy, he was worried I'd change my mind. I told him that logically, physically, mentally I didn't want a 4th. There would most likely be times I grieved certain experiences like seeing a bfp, hearing the heartbeat, finding out gender, etc. but that I truly didn't want a 4th. I still feel that way, but there is that crazy part of me, particularly around O that I get that broody feeling. I hate to think how bad my pelvic floor would get from another pregnancy. I'm able to do light jumps without any leaks and hope to do jumping jacks or trampoline again. Sorry for the rambling.

Lol if you were closer, you'd be welcome. It was pretty good.

Yay for O! Good for you girl relieving some of that tension!

Started Christmas shopping and birthday shopping today. I can hardly believe E will be 12 months in 1 month.
FFFFFFFFFFF so I’m at my moms and I left my HELLA DARK opk in the bathroom by mistake! It’s been there for like hours and people for sure have been in the bathroom. Omg. I don’t even know what to say lol Nobody has said anything. Pray for me LOL
Dobs lol you’re not wrong, he knows that if we stop preventing I will be getting pregnant. He wants to be married first, which is fair. His grandmother is apparently fervently praying for us for our sin of living together before marriage, I think she’d have a heart attack if we got pregnant before marriage. Living together doesn’t 100% mean sex (and he thinks she’s so pious she can’t fathom that we’d be having sex), but pregnancy does :rofl: Anyway, we actually just had a fight yesterday about where tf is my ring lol. SO just started getting paid at his new job as of this past Friday. He has a big car repair coming up, he’s nearing 100k miles and expects to replace his camshafts (and no, I don’t know what those are lol), which he says will run him around $3k. He doesn’t have that much right now. So he’s saving up for that first. He also says he doesn’t want to propose with nothing left in his bank account post-ring purchase, he wants to have some saved up for the wedding first. So yeah, I’m still waiting for that ring.

Omgggg I’m feeling the terror and embarrassment for you, I hope nobody thought it was a pregnancy test!

Flueks sorry about the broodiness, I suppose it’s good that he had a vasectomy so no impulsive O hormones resulted in baby #4 (or 5, or 6…). I’m pretty sure if I was allowed free reign while ovulating I would be newly pregnant once a year, though we’ll see how I deal with one baby in the (hopefully not too far) future.

Also omg I can’t believe E is nearly one year old!

SO and I went to an early Halloween party in MA on Saturday night and slept on a couch so I didn’t get the best sleep, so we got up, drove the hour back up to NH, went to church, and then I promptly went to bed until dinner time. We ended up going on a date night because neither of us wanted to cook. SO stayed up, so he went to bed at 10 pm since he has work in the morning. I am awake and trying to convince myself to make the diy frozen breakfast burritos I keep saying I’m going to make and then not making. We have a giant bag of corn in the freezer because I went to BJ’s (like Costco) and our freezer is tiny, so no clue where these burritos are gonna go unless I use a good chunk of that corn lol.

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