General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Quick post and go cuz at work

Temp dropped this AM and just discovered decent spotting when I got to the bathroom just now. So yeah, it’s a no for this cycle. But that’s okay, more time to prepare financially.
Winterbub forgive me. You said test line but in my brain, I processed that as control line. Ugh so sorry. Yes it can be very normal to have nearly nonexistent lines. Opks were not q gradual darkening. Mine could go to very negative to somewhat darker to very negative and then boom positive. So please forgive me for misspeaking earlier.

Dobby,so hard not to test. With dd3, I joined a testing thread and one of the girls that ovulated same day as me got a super faint bfp at 8dpo so like a kid in a candy store I took a frer at 8dpo but it was bfn. I just had a feeling from day of conception that I would be pregnant so I was kind of itching to test. My nipples got sore from breastfeeding all of a sudden too so it was a big tip off.

Yes our coffee place is awesome. The owner has talked to us in the store, she remembers us and everything. I actually stopped there yesterday because V asked for ice cream and the owner was running the register.

Shae so sorry for negative and spotting starting.
Sorry for the BFN, Shae. :hugs:it is so hard to want something, and be so close, yet so far from it. I wish babydust was a real thing, and I could send you some in the mail.

So odd that they couldn't make your frap, Flueky! :shrug: I thought there was a whole secret Starbucks menu, and they could do all kinds of weird things. My FIL has terrible luck with restaurants being out of whatever meal he wants. Famously, once he wanted a vanilla milkshake at a shake shop and they were all out of vanilla :rofl: your frap story made me think of that. Starbucks is overpriced and overhyped. The only plus is that you more or less know what you're getting. Like when you're travelling, and you go to McDonalds- you know what you'll get at least! Glad that your surveys went well :D And I hope that the lowered stress levels help with your heart issue.

So weird that your ex married someone who looks like you, Dobby. My high school boyfriend married someone who looks like him :lol: if you said they were brother and sister, nobody would bat an eye. I quit FB years ago, but last i saw, they seemed very happy! I'm terrible for reality tv trash. I watched Teen Mom last night. It isn't the same show it once was, though as they're all MTV rich now. Have you watched Young and Pregnant? That's more of what Teen Mom was at the start. I loved Chelsea and her daughter when she was little.

Oh, good to hear that OPKs can be all over the place. I have seen people's charts where it clearly builds up when you look at the tests over time. And funnily enough had a clear positive this afternoon out of nowhere \\:D/ glad to feel like things are getting back to normal! No chance of pregnancy this month, though. Have legit pulled out, so would be a true pull out failure if I am. My OH doesn't really offer that many names... He's more about theatrically vetoing. Ie. Me: I like the name Olive. Him: Olive her clothes off?! Har har :lol: (although he later regretted that as it turns out he likes the name Olive!) The names he's offered I can remember are Paul, Calvin, and Jill. I like old man names like Jasper, but he won't entertain those :| I may come back and edit it out, but our LO is Charlie. I don't even remember how we agreed on it in the end!
Winter yay for a positive OPK this afternoon! Mine are very light though totally visible until my surge starts, it’s not like a gradual build up over several days.

Flueks I’m glad to hear the survey went well! I agree, Starbucks is definitely overpriced and overhyped. I need to see if there are any good local coffee places here.

Dobs sorry about BFN, but of course you’re 8dpo so fx’d for you in the next few days!

AFM spotting is increasing, still pink/light red but I’m sure it’ll be bright red at some point tomorrow, the next day at the latest.
Hey ladies. Another super late night post from me, so I'll do my best to remember what I read.

Dobby - Glad you ended up having a good time at the pumpkin patch and that it wasn't too pricy. That pic is really cute. He's getting so big. :)
To answer you question from days ago, I highly doubt we'll decide to have a 4th some years down the line. As it stands, I'll be 34 when this LO is born. I know that's not too old, but I really don't wanna be pushing 40 and starting all over with a newborn. I'm looking forward to the days when they're all potty trained and when they finally sleep in. Don't wanna get used to that and then have to deal with diapers and sleepless nights again. lol

Flueky - Glad to hear all you surveys went well and you can de-stress now. :)

shae - Sorry for your BFN, but more time to prepare financially is always a good thing. :)

Winter - Yay for your positive OPK. Sounds like your body got back into the swing of things quick.
Shortly after our first son was born, SO volunteered the info that he kind of liked the name Wynter for a girl. And when we were discussing names for our first, he said he liked Liam. He know says he has no memory of making either of those comments, so I dunno. Men. lol

Re: Coffee. I don't drink coffee cuz yuck! lol. I tried a sip of my friend's Egg Nog Late back in the day. I love Egg Nog, but as soon as the "latte" flavouring hit me, I literally spit it into the garbage. lol

So, I have 2 pics for my announcement and I was hoping you ladies could help me decided. I'll post them below. So, the debate is do I use the one with my sleeves up or down?
Also, Dobby, I was gonna keep a gender announcement separate anyway. Dont wanna say anything with only the SneakPeek results, so I'll definitely be waiting til I have my 20 week scan. I never announced the gender of my boys on social media. I like to keep people guessing. But this time, I feel there's gonna be a lot riding on it being a girl. If it is, I'll have to say something so my friend can throw me a sprinkle. If not, then I might as well pull the bandaid off. I know of a few other people that are gonna be hoping it's a girl this time and I don't wanna keep them in the dark this time.

Well, I have my first MW call tomorrow, so hopefully that goes alright. Also, slightly over 25% of this pregnancy is already done. :)

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Pretty I like the one with sleeves, not because of the sleeves themselves but because it fills the frame more completely and I like the angles/positioning better.
Pretty I prefer sleeves up but both are good.

We are so bad we announced gender with all 3 on social media. With E we actually revealed pregnancy/gender at the same time on social media. I feel like the post was obvious but a few people didn't get it lol. I suppose they didn't really read or listen and just thought I was shooting off a pink glittery firework just cause lol
Quick reply cuz you know me, I love any chance to give my opinion LOL

I like both, but I agree that I like the sleeves better. It's a bit more matchy matchy and formal and like Shae said fills the frame. It does lose that more personal touch because you can't see your tattoos though but you get that from the boys. It's cute! Love it!

AFM busy day. A has a hearing test after school. Got nothing but indents this morning, LH is back up from 0.1 to 0.4, but it did the exact same thing last cycle at 9dpo. I just don't feel pregnant. And I don't feel like I deserve to be pregnant. So I'm just over here throwing myself a pity party and being a debbie downer because I need a vacation. This school year is destroying my soul.
I like without sleeves! Sorry to complicate the votes!! :rofl: Either way, the pics are lovely. I can't believe you're 1/4 of the way done. Other people's pregnancies fly by! I like
Wynter. Do you have a favorite girl name? We knew what we were having, so never had a girl name picked out. I liked Eve/Evie but it was a moot point by 12 weeks after we did the genetic tests and found out gender. Do you have any boy names in mind? You could consider William/Liam as NN.

Big hugs, Dobby. You're either pregnant or not at this stage, and just waiting to find out. And it isn't about being deserving or not deserving :hugs:im sure you will have another baby when things fall into this place. If not this month, then in the future. (Keeping fingers crossed for you for this month!)

Flueky- lol at people not getting your announcement. My friend bought her son a "big brother" t-shirt and had him wear it at a family gathering. After a couple of hours, they had to point it out as nobody realized :rofl:
Omg so I just got home from my never ending day LOL and I can’t with these tests. I thought I had seen everything. Wtaf is this indent? How? Why? Like what?! :rofl: I feel like a magnet for weird a** tests

It is super crooked!! Lol I never did get around to using a pink CB. You deserve it. I *think* I understand you may feel that way but you still deserve it. Sorry school year is such a sh*tshow.

Winter omg that is hilarious. It really amazes me sometimes.

AFM didn't mention it as I thought it was just from caffeine yesterday but getting those damn palpitations back. No caffeine today and I don't really feel stressed. I am wondering if it could be hormonal related? I should be getting my period this weekend or early next week. Last cycle my luteal phase was only 10 days. I've heard that some women get them about a week before their period, hormonal changes, perimenopause. Just wondering if my cycles being a bit wonky while breastfeeding could be contributing. Going to see if they stop once I get my period or not.
Thanks for all the input, everyone. I've still got a little more time to decide though. :)

Winter - A name that I've loved since high school (and is also on the name list) is Emma, but SO is not a fan. He said the closest he'd be ok with would be Emily, but he'd want to call her Lee. I'm not not a fan of that though. Some other names I kinda like off the top of my head are Layla, Zoey, Katherine, and Charlotte. The only boy name I have in mind right now is Zachery.

Dobby - Ya, that's a weird indent line. Sorry that you keep having to deal with all these messed up tests.

Flueky - Hmm, hormones is an interesting theory. Kinda makes sense. Hopefully your theory is right and they ease up soon.

AFM, had my first MW appt on the phone today. I have the same team that I had last time, so that's nice. I found out that cuz of Covid, they're seeing women every 6 weeks and then 3 weeks instead of 4 and then 2, so that's fine with me. My first in person appt will be November 29 and I got my reqs for genetic screening, so need to book those ASAP.
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Shae :hugs:

Winter lol we just joke about him having a type because right after me he dated SE Asian girl then he dated this black girl, who looks very similar to me. I have so many friends like that! Their partners look like their siblings or parents! Honestly, the majority of my married friends look like they could be related. And seriously Teen Mom OG like the amount of money Chey must have to be throwing these parties in SoCal. Macy had something the other day. I forget what it was. It was some accessory or material item that I know is expensive. Crazy how much wealth they’ve made. Idk that I could do it though. Like one and done episode maybe. But ten years of putting my life and kids out there in the world like that, idk. More power to them.

I forgot how many opk patterns there are, but most people I see honestly get the spike pattern. Glad you got your positive and things are on the way to regulating! Not gonna lie… read that Olive joke four times because that cracked me up. Those are all lovely names!

Pretty I so feel that. I think that’s why I have baby itch now. Once he’s out of daycare, I’m not going to want another kid in daycare paying 2k a month lol. We’re still up at 5am so T-T I agree Wynter is super cute! I’ll take all the coffee and you keep all the egg nog lol. Still feed for your baby girl and a fun sprinkle! Crazy that you’re a quarter through already! Time flies. Glad you’re good with the MW schedule and those are also great names!

Fluek if I didn’t say it already, yay for the good survey notes! And LOL sometimes it’s funny how things just go over people’s heads. I’m with Winter, my cousin did the big bro shirt and people took forever. I think her parents were intentionally avoiding it though because I definitely saw her dad see it and then he didn’t say anything. They were not thrilled but at least they were pretend nice about it vs yelling and cursing land insulting ike mine. I’m so sorry the palpitations are back. Hopefully they’ve already cleared up. But that’s annoying when you don’t know what’s causing them.

I think the guilt is because I believe in manifesting, and on Sunday there was a moment when A was having a hard time because my mom miscounted and so we literally just missed being let into the petting zoo. It’s a 5 minute wait between rotations, so not long enough to go do anything else. He was crying and throwing a fit because he hates sitting still, and I was thinking for that five minutes how much this would suck with a baby and I hope I’m not pregnant. I immediately felt bad for putting that out to the universe, and I know it has nothing to do with anything. But I wished it for a moment. And I’m having one sharp stabbing pain in my lower left pelvic area but that’s not abnormal for me just paranoid a bit

It’s just the combination of work, ABA, the daycare, and not having any time to myself. The house is a wreck, I’m a wreck. I just cannot wait until Thanksgiving when I can get two and a half days to myself. I’m not booking any conferences on the Friday before either so I can just be done at 1:20. Get 3 hours to myself.

Tests are still BFN and my chart looks ugly. I know every chart is different, but my two bfp charts could overlay and looked nearly identical. This chart just looks gross. It could be environmental to a small degree as I haven't been consistent with my fan, and evenings have ranged from 65 to 80 lol. I just really don't think I'm pregnant. Last cycle, I felt pregnant. Anyway, like life will go on either way. Today is pouring and it's picture day for A so I'm worried he'll wreck his outfit. I don't even know where my umbrella is T-T

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Pretty I'm glad you aren't upset with farther spaced appointments. I think having a doppler myself would help with the longer gap, which I know you have :)

Are you having many symptoms??

Dobby, we did big sister shirt(s) with family when announcing S and E but qt least one of our parents got it almost immediately lol E was such a shock to all of them though and I was really frightened to announce my pregnancy to family, friends, and work.

Sorry for bfn and feeling like you aren't pregnant. I know you have a lot on your plate. Somehow you manage to find the time and do what you have to when raising children. There are definitely times when I feel as though I just scrape by. I think what I learned from 1 to 2 was what I could let go of as far as responsibility. My house will not be as neat and organized and I won't be able to clean as often as I did prior to kids. Not that we live in filth, it's just a mess of toys and such.

I do feel guilty sometimes as they don't get as much outside time as they should, etc. but it becomes difficult to manage 3 outside age 4 to less than 1. Anyways, enough about that.

I hope rain doesn't ruin picture day.
I will write a proper reply later. Just had a question:
So, today I have even more pronounced ovulation pain.... And OPKs are even more positive (the other day, lines were exactly equal, now test line is much darker). Is this normal?! Googling suggests it can be, but just wondering what you think from all of your experience. Wondering if I ovulated already, or only now, or multiple times, or if the opks are not accurate for me because I have PCOS etc. :-k
Winter I find that my false positives don’t last long and they are barely positive. I’ve never had positives for more than a day/when it’s that dark and not ovulated. But that’s just my experience. I usually O 1-2 days after my darkest positive.
Winter for me I'd get a positive 2 days in a row and usually darkest the 2nd day accompanied by O pains and loads of EWCM. When I did bbt the 2nd day of my positive opk was my O day and the following day/day after O my opk would be negative. Sometimes the negative was close to positive.
Fluek I love that! And I think I remember you mentioning being a bit worried about the third announcement. I feel you on the being kind and picking battles. Things here are just cluttered in tucked away spaces vs anything too catastophic. Just UGH I cried at work. Had an admin level crisis with a kid. Just exhausted.

But my boss had to recycle a bunch of old and essentially useless for school iPads, so he conveniently lost one in my hands since I joked about how A wanted one for christmas and all we need is freaking YT for Kids. And then a fam came up to me after pick up to tell me how sweet A is to their kid and how he's helping her with her speech/he's the only kid she talks to and plays with at school. And then his pictures. I was so worried because he was pissed I took the umbrella with me, so he was a pill all morning until nap. But the director goes with him and he loves her, so he just turned on the charm. They're so cute. Can't wait to be able to order them.

And I know I KNOW I shouldn't read into an evap. But I do hang on to my tests for 1-2 days before I toss them. And I had to do two fmu tests because one the urine was moving too slowly for my tastes LOL. I did check them in the frame and I don't think I saw anything. But one has developed an evap haha. So naturally I'm like hmmmm plus I have a ton of white sticky feta cheese like discharge that I had with A. But I've also just had it and gotten my period so LOL
Just for funsies this was the two tests after 8 minutes. I don’t have any after this because ten min rule/I have my phone to A lol. The bottom was the slow moving test. I’m not sure which ended up with the evap line because I didn’t label them.

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Dobby I feel like something might be catching my eye on the morning tests at 8 min mark. FX for you.

I'm glad that you had some very good moments today :)

I have big news. My SIL is pregnant and is due middle of June. I should be happy theoretically, but I'm not. Her mom and step-dad raise her son. Her son only stays at his actual house 1xmonth. I really get having time do your own thing, but my FIL and stepMIL raised their grandchild as their own child. They have both said they will not be raising another child so I'm really hoping she steps up her game. In any case, will love my niece or nephew <3

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