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Geritol!! :)

Reynolds you HAVE to keep hope! You gave me hope :) And we are in the same boat almost, I am 20, OH is 20. But I will be 21 soon <3 anyway, I sure hope you hurry and get your BFP soon. I am waiting to log in one day soon and see it !!
Reynolds you HAVE to keep hope! You gave me hope :) And we are in the same boat almost, I am 20, OH is 20. But I will be 21 soon <3 anyway, I sure hope you hurry and get your BFP soon. I am waiting to log in one day soon and see it !!

Thanks so much razorbacks! I am going to take another test today at lunch. My DH goes out of town for work every Tuesday and Thursday so I will be having lunch alone today. I hope I get a :bfp: at lunch! I could surprise him when he gets home. He sent me flowers to my office today :) It was wonderful. Ill post a picture :)
My husband makes all oh money so I stay at home though I'd work if I could find a job but I don't need one so I'll admit I dont look that hard lol

Well that's good. I don't need to work either, but I choose to cause my DH and I like having nice things. Plus we pay quite a bit for rent. Anyway, what does your DH do? Mine is a computer/internet technician. I am the receptionist at the office. I handle the billing and talking to customers and all of that. My boss is real sweet. Hes like 75 years old, and we talked about the possibility of me being pregnant, and he told me that is wonderful! My job doesn't require me to do much so I will work up until I am due and then my sister will take my spot when I am on maternity leave. :happydance: so having a baby is all worked out for me. :cloud9:

He is a support manager at walmart. We have to pay alot for rent to lol its ridiculous just to live somewhere that you don't get to keep (duplex). I think id like to get a job just for the extra money and to get my mind of ttc some but ive never worked before so i cant seem to get one lol and i cant work at walmart since my husbands a manager or else he could get me a job. :dohh:

That's too bad. Well hopefully you are prego soon so that you can be a stay at home momma and have something to do :)

Hopefully !!! I'll be waiting for your lunch time test ! Finger crossed for youuuu :)))
Thanks ladies...Well, took another one. NEGATIVE. Ugh, I am beginning to think I am out this month...:cry:
Sorry :( your not out yet though ! Don't loose hope. I'm also thinking I'm out because it just seems impossible for me to get a bfp after so long but lets keep put heads held high because until further notice from the witch we are IN :)
Sorry :( your not out yet though ! Don't loose hope. I'm also thinking I'm out because it just seems impossible for me to get a bfp after so long but lets keep put heads held high because until further notice from the witch we are IN :)

I know! I will! Its really hard somedays, but I will keep going because I have you wonderful ladies that keep me goin! :)
idk if you aleady know about this site but id go on it twoweekwait.com im seeing alot of women on there taking test on 10,11,12,13 dpo and not getting a bfo until they are actually late :) anyways its a fun website to compare symtoms to people who were pregnant that cycle and keep up hope :)
AF is due today, and there is no sign of her anywhere. Also, I was up since 3 a.m. with nausea. It was horrible. It wouldn't go away unless I was on my side, and then it would only subside for a little bit. Does it sound like pregnancy nausea? I think I may have O'd later that I had predicted. I am not really sure. If so, then I am only like 8 or 9DPO. I am currently on CD32, so I guess time will tell. I can't explain this nausea. What do you ladies think?
8 or 9 dpo is still early, u could get your bfp yet :) stay positive x
I dont know but i hope its good :))))) if the nasuea is from nothing you know of then id say it is a sign in my opinion :) how long are you waiting to test again ? FXD
I dont know but i hope its good :))))) if the nasuea is from nothing you know of then id say it is a sign in my opinion :) how long are you waiting to test again ? FXD

I'm thinking about testing today again. It is the day I am due to test so I don't know. I could always buy more tests, but I just know I am going to get the negative...I am thinking I should test like Saturday or so if the :witch: still hasn't shown...
Yeah I'd my af doesn't show I'm not testing until the 30th Maybe the 1st lol I'm so scared to test I ht negatives
I hate them too. Thats all I seem to get. I always feel like I wont ever get a positive.
I know that's why I'm even being negative this cycle because it jut seems for me after so long it's just no going I ever be positive
As I was taking my pregnancy test, I got AF. Worst way to get a negative huh? I am going to immerse myself in ice-cream and cleaning my house. I am done trying...
As I was taking my pregnancy test, I got AF. Worst way to get a negative huh? I am going to immerse myself in ice-cream and cleaning my house. I am done trying...

I'm so so sorry hun.:hugs:Cheer up doll!

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