Get Mrs Cameron using cloth!

Seriously? This is quite amusing, can't believe it's worth any kind of argument/disagreement....they will choose what they want. Though I don't know them/of them in any way since I'm in the US, I assume it's like any public figure. They probably get tons of mail, tons of people telling them what they should and shouldn't do, people bashing their choices no matter what they are. I really don't see what the big deal is about the FB page? Most likely they won't even know it exists and if it does it will just go into the pile of other stuff about them.

I have to say though, just because you've been a parent before doesn't mean you know what you're doing. I have changed tons since having Landon and I didn't know people still used cloth when he was a baby. I thought the only cloth there was is prefolds, no clue about all the modern diapers. Maybe she doesn't either and if she sees it maybe she will look into it more? I doubt that a page with 422 followers is going to make her feel like she HAS to or she will look horrible. I think people that make negative comments about cloth and the washing haven't actually tried's not nearly as much as it seems

eta: this is at henny & femmes comments, not your mummyof3.
Seriously? This is quite amusing, can't believe it's worth any kind of argument/disagreement....they will choose what they want. Though I don't know them/of them in any way since I'm in the US, I assume it's like any public figure. They probably get tons of mail, tons of people telling them what they should and shouldn't do, people bashing their choices no matter what they are. I really don't see what the big deal is about the FB page? Most likely they won't even know it exists and if it does it will just go into the pile of other stuff about them.

I have to say though, just because you've been a parent before doesn't mean you know what you're doing. I have changed tons since having Landon and I didn't know people still used cloth when he was a baby. I thought the only cloth there was is prefolds, no clue about all the modern diapers. Maybe she doesn't either and if she sees it maybe she will look into it more? I doubt that a page with 422 followers is going to make her feel like she HAS to or she will look horrible. I think people that make negative comments about cloth and the washing haven't actually tried's not nearly as much as it seems

It isn't just the FB page that is the issue - they planned to (whether they have or not I don't know ) go to the newspapers and copy cabinets ministers in on emails about getting her to use cloth!

It was not just simply a FB group saying 'wouldnt it be good if she used cloth', it was a full on pressure campaign against a soon to be mum based on the her husbands role.

Next thing would be the poor woman getting heckled in the streets for her choices :dohh:
I'm not going to argue I don't care what she does I just think it's out of order for someone to start a group to pressure a mum into doing something. That's just MY opinion something I am allowed to give on here. If you don't like it just ignore it.

If you practice what you preach then you'd have ignored this thread in the first place...

EXACTLY. On the money there Femme

Now I get why everyone moans about the mums in this section :shock:

Woah. THATS personal- you just crossed a line there :nope:
Seriously? This is quite amusing, can't believe it's worth any kind of argument/disagreement....they will choose what they want. Though I don't know them/of them in any way since I'm in the US, I assume it's like any public figure. They probably get tons of mail, tons of people telling them what they should and shouldn't do, people bashing their choices no matter what they are. I really don't see what the big deal is about the FB page? Most likely they won't even know it exists and if it does it will just go into the pile of other stuff about them.

I have to say though, just because you've been a parent before doesn't mean you know what you're doing. I have changed tons since having Landon and I didn't know people still used cloth when he was a baby. I thought the only cloth there was is prefolds, no clue about all the modern diapers. Maybe she doesn't either and if she sees it maybe she will look into it more? I doubt that a page with 422 followers is going to make her feel like she HAS to or she will look horrible. I think people that make negative comments about cloth and the washing haven't actually tried's not nearly as much as it seems

It isn't just the FB page that is the issue - they planned to (whether they have or not I don't know ) go to the newspapers and copy cabinets ministers in on emails about getting her to use cloth!

It was not just simply a FB group saying 'wouldnt it be good if she used cloth', it was a full on pressure campaign against a soon to be mum based on the her husbands role.

Next thing would be the poor woman getting heckled in the streets for her choices :dohh:

But Lisa do you honestly think she'll feel in any way pressured by something like that? She lives in the public eye and has done for a great number of years and I suspect she's a little more robust than that. The newspapers have and will write all sorts of things which those in the public eye at some point have to choose to ignore. I doubt her using cloth nappies or not will end up on the front page of a reputable paper! And again cabinet ministers see so many emails that something this minor isn't going to end up on their radar.

I think people are giving a little too much credit to what is an innocent group that is not going to make any real impact.
Seriously? This is quite amusing, can't believe it's worth any kind of argument/disagreement....they will choose what they want. Though I don't know them/of them in any way since I'm in the US, I assume it's like any public figure. They probably get tons of mail, tons of people telling them what they should and shouldn't do, people bashing their choices no matter what they are. I really don't see what the big deal is about the FB page? Most likely they won't even know it exists and if it does it will just go into the pile of other stuff about them.

I have to say though, just because you've been a parent before doesn't mean you know what you're doing. I have changed tons since having Landon and I didn't know people still used cloth when he was a baby. I thought the only cloth there was is prefolds, no clue about all the modern diapers. Maybe she doesn't either and if she sees it maybe she will look into it more? I doubt that a page with 422 followers is going to make her feel like she HAS to or she will look horrible. I think people that make negative comments about cloth and the washing haven't actually tried's not nearly as much as it seems

It isn't just the FB page that is the issue - they planned to (whether they have or not I don't know ) go to the newspapers and copy cabinets ministers in on emails about getting her to use cloth!

It was not just simply a FB group saying 'wouldnt it be good if she used cloth', it was a full on pressure campaign against a soon to be mum based on the her husbands role.

Next thing would be the poor woman getting heckled in the streets for her choices :dohh:

But Lisa do you honestly think she'll feel in any way pressured by something like that? She lives in the public eye and has done for a great number of years and I suspect she's a little more robust than that. The newspapers have and will write all sorts of things which those in the public eye at some point have to choose to ignore. I doubt her using cloth nappies or not will end up on the front page of a reputable paper! And again cabinet ministers see so many emails that something this minor isn't going to end up on their radar.

I think people are giving a little too much credit to what is an innocent group that is not going to make any real impact.

That doesn't mean that the crap she deals with already should be made worse by being made out to be *whatever the people on FB think she is for not using them*

I hope she doesn't feel bad about any decision she makes.
I really doubt she feels bad about any decisions she makes because of something as minor as a facebook group...
Actually, I think if her husband feels passionately about the environment then she should feel bad about using disposables if there's any conceivable way she could incorporate cloth into her life. She's in a position of responsibility and I don't think she's immune to responsibility just because she's a mother. Mother isn't a title you can hide behind and do as you wish without question just because you happened to give birth... you're as accountable for your choices and mistakes as much as the next person. I don't breeze through life expecting never to be challenged for my thoughts and opinons, if I did then I'd be constantly offended. I certainly didn't give birth and then think "phew, now I'm a mum nobody will dare question me ever again".

Yet, this seems to happen to so many other women :/
Actually, I think if her husband feels passionately about the environment then she should feel bad about using disposables if there's any conceivable way she could incorporate cloth into her life. She's in a position of responsibility and I don't think she's immune to responsibility just because she's a mother. Mother isn't a title you can hide behind and do as you wish without question just because you happened to give birth... you're as accountable for your choices and mistakes as much as the next person. I don't breeze through life expecting never to be challenged for my thoughts and opinons, if I did then I'd be constantly offended. I certainly didn't give birth and then think "phew, now I'm a mum nobody will dare question me ever again".

Yet, this seems to happen to so many other women :/

so everyone who uses sposies should feel bad?

how about the fact some people cant afford it , and no the washables are cheaper thing doesnt always apply, because some people live from one week to the next and do not have spare money to but washables so have to buy what they can each week which tends to be disposbales.
Why do SOME people seem intent on starting arguements.... :shrug:

I think its a fab idea to just let her know about cloth nappies, not force her to do anything.

But tbh would we even know what she did??? I mean when cherie Blair had Leo did we even know if she BF? What nappies she used?? and other parenting choices...
Why do SOME people seem intent on starting arguements.... :shrug:

I think its a fab idea to just let her know about cloth nappies, not force her to do anything.

But tbh would we even know what she did??? I mean when cherie Blair had Leo did we even know if she BF? What nappies she used?? and other parenting choices...

who has started an argument? its a discussion :dohh:
I really doubt any paper is going to pick up this story...really now. It's not something important. Even if those people do go to the news and papers it's doubtful anything would actually run...or that she would even see it. A lot of people in the public eye don't even read that stuff because there is always something about them and a lot of the time negative. I doubt she even cares what others think of what is on her baby's bum. I don't see the harm in sending her the info anyways, she's a grown woman she can make her own choices. As parents we are always bombarded with information, BF or FF, cloth or sposies, circ or not, cio or not, cosleep or in a crib....I don't see the problem in more information to make whatever choice you see fit for your family. IF the environment is something they really care about and want to help protect maybe if she were to see the information with how modern cloth diapers are she would want to do it....who knows. Heck I think it would be great if everyone used cloth diapers, they can be done much cheaper than sposies if you want, they have many benefits and aren't hard to use at all.
Actually, I think if her husband feels passionately about the environment then she should feel bad about using disposables if there's any conceivable way she could incorporate cloth into her life. She's in a position of responsibility and I don't think she's immune to responsibility just because she's a mother. Mother isn't a title you can hide behind and do as you wish without question just because you happened to give birth... you're as accountable for your choices and mistakes as much as the next person. I don't breeze through life expecting never to be challenged for my thoughts and opinons, if I did then I'd be constantly offended. I certainly didn't give birth and then think "phew, now I'm a mum nobody will dare question me ever again".

Yet, this seems to happen to so many other women :/

so everyone who uses sposies should feel bad?

how about the fact some people cant afford it , and no the washables are cheaper thing doesnt always apply, because some people live from one week to the next and do not have spare money to but washables so have to buy what they can each week which tends to be disposbales.

If they claim to be passionate about the environment they should, that was my point with reference to feeling bad. I'm aware that not everyone cares about the environment, that's a different matter.
Tbh she is in a position of responsibility and she is the wife of the man leading our country so I don't think there is an issue with her being asked about her parenting choices. As long as she makes an educated decision then fine. I don't have a problem with people using sposies at all but to me it seems like people jumped on this thread for arguments sake and just keeping using the same monotonous arguments. At the end of the day sposies are widely used, cloth is not and tbh you can buy terry squares for buttons so cost shouldn't really come in to it. If she wants to use them fine if she doesn't that's up to her but I don't think you can calla bunch of cloth users a pressure group as such. Lol chasing her along the streets yeilding BB's & WN's
I am in two minds about this. I don't think there is anything wrong with a courteous, properly-co-ordinated approach from a group. However, I don't think that a Facebook group is necessarily the best vessel - we know how Facebook groups can get and I suspect that there will be a lot of slagging-off done on the group if she doesn't do what is suggested. Mumsnet are pretty high profile and perhaps an approach from someone like that would be better.

I think I would be inclined to agree with those who are unhappy with this idea if this was her first baby. I can't imagine the pressure that would come with having your first child in the public eye - we all know how well-meaning advice can actually be very upsetting and stressful. In those circumstances I think I would be saying that she should be left well alone. However, she is an experienced mother and no doubt robust enough not to lose sleep over rejected advice and suggestions.

She did know what it would mean for her when her husband became prime minister and I am sure the implications for her and for the family have been discussed many times. She is, to a a great extent, part and parcel of what her husband is all about. The candidates use their wives as part of their campaign - they must expect their wives to be scrutinised on an ongoing basis. If they are willing to use their families to support whatever image they want to project, then it must surely be acceptable for the public to ask those families to support important issues. She shouldn't be harassed, but I think in her position, a polite approach would be entirely reasonable and appropriate.

I wonder if a group asking her to consider sing a sling would be criticised? I know it is a bit different as, beyond advertising the use of slings, it would have no wider benefits, but would it also be considered inappropriate?

She has a great opportunity as "first lady" to lead by example. She may have this information, she may not. There is no harm in giving it to her IF it is done properly. I don't know how much of an impact it would have on the wider public. I suspect it would be more effective if Angelina Jolie used "trendy" nappies! However, there is certainly an issue here of people hoping to see the prime minister's family living the values that the prime minister claims to stand for.

And Serina, what on earth was that comment for? Who moans about the NP section? All I have seen recently are a couple of slightly challenging threads about some of the practices discussed in this section. That comment is no more accurate or appropriate than me saying "Now I see why everyone moans about the posters in the Baby Club".

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