Getting summer ready. PART 2 - June

I've not used the 5:2 diet before so i don't know much about it, but i just don't see it as being a long term thing iykwim. I'm trying to just slowly change my eating habits permanently to be healthier, so eventually eating better choices and less crap will become second nature. How does that 5:2 diet fair in the long term? Or do you just stop it and then have to struggle to maintain? I don't get it really.

I had a pretty good day calorie wise yesterday, but i haven't started up my RI30. I need to get heavier weights. I have some 1kg ones, but she says you need heavy ones too, so what's that? 3kg? 5kg? I don't think i could manage with 5kg!! lol! I just don't know how much heavier they should be.
Sausages, why don't you just see if you could get a cheapish set of weights, rather than just buying one weight. You might only manage 3kg for now but in a few weeks time you'll want to increase again.

Weigh in tonight! Excited and nerous as I had a stomach bug last week so whatever I weighed was based on a week of an empty stomach as everything I ate cane back up. So not sure what tonight will bring!
2.5 off this week.

For some reason im a week behind you all and counted last week as my week 5 from the original post. But scrap that and use last week as the first week of June as it should be. So so far its...

June week 1: -3
June week 2: -2.5

My BMI is now 25.7 :) so almost back in the healthy range! Still got 1stone 12.5 to go though lol
Thanks! It feels so good getting it off! 32.5lbs gone!

Where does it actually go lol??
I bet it would be cool to fill a rucksack with 32.5lbs of weight and see what it was like to carry that round with you again!!

And yeah... where does it go? It must be poo'd, pee'd and sweated out!!
I bet it would be cool to fill a rucksack with 32.5lbs of weight and see what it was like to carry that round with you again!!

And yeah... where does it go? It must be poo'd, pee'd and sweated out!!

Funny you say that, I've just got a connecta baby carrier and I was looking at the photos of me wearing my 2 stone 11 month old thinking just a few months ago I was a bit heavier than this! It was a strange realisation haha x
Yay well done Beth!! I weighed myself a minute ago and I've lost another pound yaaayy!! I know it doesn't sound like much and Helen_Bee sorry I've lost track of what week we're on but please can you add it to my weight loss :-D That means I've lost 4lbs so far and I'm now only 4lbs off my starting weight. I'm so please I'm finally getting somewhere. I've had to work really hard at it though last week and this week. Whenever I have a sugar craving in the evenings I've been making myself a banana milkshake with just a banana and milk and its working a treat :0)
Is today a weigh in day? I think i was missing some weeks before cause i usually weigh on a Sunday, so i was either early or late. lol! I don't mind weighing in every Wednesday though if that's what is the day. :)
Lol no I don't think today is weigh in day- I just got excited and weighed anyway lol oops :0) x
Ha ha ha! I actually weigh myself almost every day. Maybe a bit over the top, but it helps me to keep it at the forefront of my mind.
Me too! I know I shouldn't because my weight fluctuates and I tend to only lose the weight after Saturday in the week!

My weigh in day is Tuesdays.
Hi everyone,

Beth_terri - well done! And Twinks too.

Had my weigh in today, have dropped 1 lb (to 122lbs) but it was in fairness a crap diet week as didn't stick to 5:2 and made a very full fat but lovely chocolate cake as an early father's day treat and at 3/4 myself (over a few days). Inadvertently did a fast day today (but more because I was too busy to eat) - but still not totally motivated to control my eating. How is everyone else doing?
Congrats on the 1lb loss swissie! :)

I surprised myself this morning cause i weighed 139.8lbs!!!! :D I was completely shocked! I do wonder if it's partly to do with the fact that i've not been doing my exercise DVD for almost three weeks now. Any muscle that i did build up is obviously wasting away! I do hope i don't ache tomorrow after i start RI30 tonight!! :/

I bought some new scales too and they're ones that measure fat and water and BMI as well as weight. I'm not happy with them though cause i weigh a couple of lbs more on there!! :( So i have kept my old ones for now. Maybe when i am lighter i will make the switch. When it won't bother me so much. Right now every lost lb is a battle, i don't want to be giving none of those up for technology!!!
Sorry ladies I need to make a massive apology to you all, and to myself. I didn't just fall of the wagon, I dived off head first and ran away screaming!

My diet completely fell apart after my weekend away about a month ago and I couldn't get back on track. I stopped exercising for a week and a half and my stomach started turning back into jelly. I need to get back on it, I will have the body I deserve. I don't know how much weight I've put on but I will be weighing myself on Friday so that I know what I'm up against.

Yesterday I had a fast day just to prove to myself I could get in control of my eating again, but it was hard not to gorge on all the food. This morning I did level 1 of the 30 day shred and I was happy to be able to complete it and find it easier than first time round. I'm going to do this for the rest of the week before resuming 6-week six pack on Monday. I WILL log everything I eat, I WILL get in control of my eating and I WILL resume my exercise.

I feel terrible for letting you all down and I will update the front page ASAP. But most of all I feel terrible for letting myself down, I was on track to achieve all my goals and I was feeling great about myself for the first time in years. I have a first date on Friday with a really nice guy but I'm feeling so not confident about myself it's turning me into a nervous wreck, it doesn't help that I've been single for an awfully long time and haven't been on a date for the about 6 years.

Time to sort myself out
Hi everyone, bit quiet here.

Helen_beee, don't be so hard on yourself, it's normal to fall off the bandwagon every now and then (I've typically been more off than on!) but feel good, you're working on it again and you'll get to your target. I also really hope your date went well!

Sausages - well done on the weight loss, but your new scales sound terrifying, I'd stick to the old ones too!

A good week for me, weigh in today and 2 lbs dropped this week. Did 2 fast days, which were surprisingly easy (warm weather helps), now I tend to skip breakfast and lunch, have a bit of fruit and a normalish dinner. Did have a really blow out weekend (hubby's birthday, so cakes, pancakes, burgers - you name it) but luckily not too much effect. Am now going to try to get to 112lbs - still off my pre-baby weight but is plenty slim for me!

Come on girls, let's hear your news...
Well last week I couldn't make weigh in (Tuesday night slimming world), but all that week id been super strict, really really good, but didn't lose any weight according to my scales. So I just blew it from Tuesday-Friday on crap. Turned things around on Saturday so Ive only gained 1lb. Which considering what I ate is pretty good going. Not too upset about that x
Sorry girls I've been really quiet in here lately. Been busy with so much going on with work and house move etc. Anyways I'm jumping back on the bandwagon and really must keep trying to lose this final 4lbs to get to ore pregnancy! Why I'm finding the last 4lbs impossible is beyond me! I did however have a cheeky lil blow out at the weekend and bought myself two new pairs of jeans! My goodness they make me feel so much better with no muffin top ha ha!
I'm up for a challenge week so if anyone had a suggestions for a challenge week we could do one starting on Monday? :0)

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