Getting To Know You ...getting to know all about yoooooou

Name: Emma
Age: 17
Relationship status: In a relationship, been with my boyfriend for 2 years although we've had a break recently

How long until TTC: 19 months
Reasons for WTT: I want to finish College first and wait until the little one is a bit older and more accepting :lol:
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Finish College and possibly get our own flat/house.
How many children would you like: 3-4

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? I would prefer a girl but I'm really not bothered.
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Definitely find out the gender!
Any names you like? Albie Robert and Grace Hollybeth
Name: Charlotte
Age: 18
Relationship status: In Love

How long until TTC: 2011
Reasons for WTT: Just had a miscarriage and OH wants to wait until we have our own place and he leaves uni and i qualify too.
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Get our own house, and finish my accounting qualification Only 18 months left :D
How many children would you like: 2

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? Girl - but right now don't care aslong as its healthy and sticky
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Find out - Too impatient ;)
Any names you like? Lily, Alexis, Scarlett, Autumn, Isaac, Noah, Aston, Jenson
Name: Cazza
Age: 27
Relationship status: Married

How long until TTC: 2 months
Reasons for WTT: Have to take Folic Acid on prescription for at least 2 months before I TTC.
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Make sure I am as healthy as poss and also taking my Folic Acid.
How many children would you like: Just 1 more as I already have 1 cheeky monkey!

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? I really don't mind!
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Definitely finding out the gender....I need to go shopping!
Any names you like? Girl - Millie or Mia Boy - Joshua or Matthew
Name: Ellie
Age: 24
Relationship status: Married

How long until TTC: Unknown - poss 3-4 years
Reasons for WTT: Live with parents and wanna be in our own place first
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: In own place with plenty of money behind us
How many children would you like: Definatley 1 more poss 2

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? Would be nice to have a girl this time
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Find out - deffo!
Any names you like? Girl - Rosie Aileen Marie Boy - Thomas Michael Keith
Hello All!

Name:A. Miller
Relationship status:Married

How long until TTC: 2-3 years... stupid grad school
Reasons for WTT: Hell Graduate School (MA and PhD)
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: To be financially stable. (Even if we are renting, at least saving money instead of going into student debt)
How many children would you like: 2 (maybe 3)

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference?nope, but hopefully a boy and a girl
Finding out the gender or team yellow? We'll see, depends on other circumstances in my life. If things are really busy and required tremendous planning, finding out the gender would relieve some stress.
Any names you like? um... we have a few in mind, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

I am so glad I found this forum! Since I'm in graduate school and there's no one else in my program in the same position as I am, it would be nice to talk to others who are waiting, what seems like forever and ever. I really want children, but my program is jammed packed with research, lab work, courses, and internship, and we don't have much cash, so waiting is forced...

Looking forward to chatting!

Relationship status:engaged

How long until TTC:not sure now
Reasons for WTT:waiting until my fiance is ready
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC:
How many children would you like:4

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference?wanting a girl next
Finding out the gender or team yellow?not sure yet
Any names you like?kaidy kyra(girl) addy cassidy kai(boy)
Name: Becca
Age: 22
Relationship status: Married for 2.5 years

How long until TTC: Mid-late 2010
Reasons for WTT: Hubby wants to save some money, also I don't have health insurance at the moment.
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: I'd like to lose some weight. I had lost about 30 pounds at the beginning of 2009 and have gained quite a bit of it back just due to reverting back to making bad choices about food and such. I would like to lose those 30 pounds and possibly more before getting pregnant.
How many children would you like: 2-3

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? I'd love to have a little girl first, but as long as the baby is happy and healthy I don't really care.
Finding out the gender or team yellow? I'd like to find out...I think I would feel more prepared that way.
Any names you like? For boys I like Aiden, Noah, and Isaiah; and for girls I like Isla, Tegan, and Darcy.
Name: Sarah
Relationship status: Taken by my amazing boyfriend

How long until TTC: one year
Reasons for WTT: Im type 1 diabetic and making sure im in perfect health
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: perfect blood sugars, lose a few pounds
How many children would you like: 2

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? nope
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Gender!
Any names you like? not yet
Best fill this in again..change of circumstances :(

Name: Danielle
Age: 20
Relationship status: Single :cry:

How long until TTC: I imagine a hell of a long time..
Reasons for WTT: Recently broke up with OH, need to find mr right :(
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Finish College, get a job and hopefully find mr right.
How many children would you like: It wouldn't be very good if i said none would it?.:rofl:..Errrm maybe 2/3

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? I want a boy first but eithers fine as long as their healthy =]
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Definitely finding out the gender, i like to plan ahead with decorations and clothes hehe.
Any names you like? Quite like James and Aidan, girls i quite like Crystal, Alexandra..All sorts but names and stuff are a long way off yet :)
Name: KT
Age: 25, nearly 26
Relationship status: Living with OH, have been together nearly 5 years now

How long until TTC: Hopefully 6-7 months
Reasons for WTT: Not sure OH is quite ready yet. Plus I'm being a bridesmaid twice this year & would prefer not to be pregnant! We'll have been together 5 years in June & I like that number. It sounds like we've been together for ages & seeing as he's not the marrying type, the next step must be lots of fat babies!
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: I want to lose some weight & hopefully get fit
How many children would you like: 2, but OH would like 3. We'll see...

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? I have the most gorgeous nephew so I'd quite like one like that, but I'd love a beautiful girl. Really not fussy!
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Team Yellow all the way baby!
Any names you like? Violet or Edith for a girl. Really don't know for a boy.
Name: Jen
Age: 26
Relationship status: Married 2.5 years (together 6.5 years)

How long until TTC: 10 long months (October 2010)
Reasons for WTT: Holiday planned for husband's birthday in October and I wouldn't want to do the long flight when pregnant
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Save some money and get healthy
How many children would you like: 1 for now

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? We'd both love a girl, but just want a healthy baby
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Undecided!
Any names you like? Long list of girls names, no boys names yet :-(

I'd love to talk to others in a similar situation, especially those looking to start TTC around the end of 2010.
Name: Cupcake! (Or not)
Age: 21
Relationship status: Living together over 2 years

How long until TTC: until 2014 or 2015
Reasons for WTT: Graduate uni 2010, want to get a job and some security first. Oh and get married at some point (2-3 years)
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Lose some weight, get a good job, get a house (non rented)
How many children would you like: 2

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? One of each?!
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Finding out gender def!
Any names you like? Ooh too difficult, I prefer traditional or slightly unusual names, nothing too starnge though...
Name: minnie
Age: 21
Relationship status: very happily in one

How long until TTC: 2yrs+
Reasons for WTT: university, job (for me), house, generally oh being ready lol. Men.
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: all of the above.
How many children would you like: 2, maybe 3

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? Girl first please! But obviously it's not THAT important
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Team yellow!
Any names you like? A few I kind of like but not sure of
Name: Jessica
Age: 21, will be 22 when TTC, OH is 31.
Relationship status: Engaged to my OH.

How long until TTC: Hopefully this July 2010.
Reasons for WTT: Want to get settled into our house first, get organized, put new floors down, get walls painted, etc. Saving some money and getting caught up from moving/holidays. And we're getting married in April!!
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Planting this crazy big garden we're planning for (I'm a vegetarian and a big garden will make my life 100x's easier!) I'd also like to get my Etsy account back in action so I can start making a little extra money again, but with all the stuff to do around the house I'm not so sure that will happen before baby.
How many children would you like: 4, unless I don't have a girl within that 4, I'll keep trying until I get at least one girl! (Boys run in OH's family big time, he is 1 of 5 boys!)

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? Pink Pink Pink, but of course I'll be happy either way.
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Finding out, only because our house came with a pretty pink room and we'll need to repaint it if it's a boy!
Any names you like? If we have a boy I already agreed to the whole Junior thing :) but if we have a second boy I love the names Noah and Spencer. Girls are going to be hard, I have way too many names. OH and I both love the name Isabella Lucia, and Sophia Elisabeth, but I also like Mia, Noella, Olivia, Rosalia, Sienna, Mina, Delilah, Adrianna, and Arabella.
Any names you like? If we have a boy I already agreed to the whole Junior thing :) but if we have a second boy I love the names Noah and Spencer. Girls are going to be hard, I have way too many names. OH and I both love the name Isabella Lucia, and Sophia Elisabeth, but I also like Mia, Noella, Olivia, Rosalia, Sienna, Mina, Delilah, Adrianna, and Arabella.

I get a theme going on there, you like names that end with an 'a'?! lol! :haha:
Name: Tamela
Age: 26
Relationship status: Married almost 4 years (together 10 years)

How long until TTC: Have no idea yet!
Reasons for WTT: Finances, child care situation, and maternity leave. Would ideally like to TTC by the time my DD turns 2.
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Be certain of the decisions we make as a family and for our family.
How many children would you like: 2 total.

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? Not really, already got my girl. I have a feeling we would have another girl but one of each would truly be a blessing!
Finding out the gender or team yellow? find out gender :)
Any names you like? Yes for a girl (I am not telling).

I am back to BNB. Been super busy but have been having TTC on my mind a lot lately. I hope I can get some time to come on here to chat with anyone in a similar position or having similar thoughts. Please feel free to contact me. Best wishes to all of you and your WTT journey.
Name: Ash
Age: 22, 23 in February 2010!
Relationship status: In loving relationship <3 :)

How long until TTC: About 6 months after I move city... no set date, hopefully in the summer though
Reasons for WTT: Relocating, new job... I need to settle into my new job and new home first before starting a family!
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: A higher paying job, which will come with relocating :D
How many children would you like: Two please :D of similar ages

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? A boy and a girl, but would be very happy with any gender!
Finding out the gender or team yellow? No way, surprises are the best :D The second I'd like to know, but the first I'd want a surprise
Any names you like? Not thought about any yet! Saving that for when I become pregnant
Name: Faye
Age: 21
Relationship status: Engaged :)

How long until TTC: aug/sept 2010
Reasons for WTT: baby boy only 7 months
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: moving, saving money
How many children would you like:3

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? would like a girl :)
Finding out the gender or team yellow? would like team yellow but am too impatient!
Any names you like? chloe for a girl maby
Name: laura
Age: 21
Relationship status: engaged

How long until TTC: 1 to 2 years
Reasons for WTT: waiting for my fiance and i to be married and in a home (not one bedroom apartment)
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: get married, finish up university and buy a house!
How many children would you like: up to 3!

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? hoping for all boys, but girls are welcome. hoping for first born to be a boy.
Finding out the gender or team yellow? finding out!
Any names you like? ethan, jackson, peter and james.
Name: Jen
Age: 28
Relationship status: Married

How long until TTC: Last week of August 2010
Reasons for WTT: Financial - OH in lots of debt and couldn't afford baby right now. Personal - holiday to Lanzarote in March 2011 to celebrate my 30th and will need to TTC between last week of August and last week of October 2010 in order to be 'safe' whilst on holiday. If this doesn't happen for us, will need to stop TTC and wait until last week of February before TTC again.
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Lose the stone I put on due to steroids. Get my colitis/Crohn's into remission before TTC. Start charting my cycles and understand them.
How many children would you like: 3

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? A boy
Finding out the gender or team yellow? We would like to find out for our first
Any names you like? Too many to mention!

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