Getting To Know You ...getting to know all about yoooooou

Don't know if we have one of these yet (apologies if we do!) but thought it could be fun

Feel free to answer as much, as as little as you like!

Name: Sarah
Relationship status: Engaged to my wonderful Fiance' of 4 years

How long until TTC: Not sure yet......
Reasons for WTT: Loose weight and save some pennies
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Loose weight and clear my debts :O)
How many children would you like: 2

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? I would like a boy first
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Maybe
Any names you like? Lillie, Mya, Ava, Evie, Oliver, Archie, George, Alfie :O) xx
Name: would rather just keep it as my login name, I hope that's ok!!! :blush:
Age: 25
Relationship status: Married for almost a year!!!

How long until TTC: Only a couple of months now!!
Reasons for WTT: Job situation, holiday, money
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Start saving some money
How many children would you like: 2

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? Would like one of each
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Find out!
Any names you like? Not really sure yet......
Name: Netty.
Age: 18.
Relationship status: Engaged.=)

How long until TTC: Not sure yet.
Reasons for WTT: Trying to get financially stable and such.
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: I want to get a good nest egg saved up for my little one.
How many children would you like: My fiance' and I have talked about having a few.Maybe 5 or so..

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? No preference.I'll be happy with a boy or girl.
Finding out the gender or team yellow? I wanna know the gender and so does the Fiance'.
Any names you like? A few names I like.But not set in stone.​
Age: 23
Relationship status: In relationship with lovely OH

How long until TTC: 4-5 months
Reasons for WTT: Job situation
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Save more money
How many children would you like: 2

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? Would like one of each
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Team Yellow
Any names you like? Alexa, Grace, Eloise, Christopher
Name: Kayleigh
Age: 22
Relationship status: Engaged

How long until TTC: May/June/July 2009!
Reasons for WTT: Got a small holiday first.
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC:
How many children would you like: 4

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? Girly but i don't mind as long as my LO is healthy!
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Finding out (I'd want to be able to buy pinks or blues!)
Any names you like? Girl = Brooke ~ Boy = Hayden
Name: Would rather not give my real name out on a public forum :)
Relationship status:Married for 16 months

How long until TTC: Hopefully 7/8 months
Reasons for WTT: Hubby finishing uni, hoping to start when he's nearly finished
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC:To eat more healthily, exercise more and generally get my body ready for babies! :D
How many children would you like:Ideally 2.

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference?Nope
Finding out the gender or team yellow?Team yellow, there's not many real surprises in life!
Any names you like?A few, but would rather not say.
Name: Sarah
Age: 21
Relationship status: De facto (hoping to be engaged soon!)

How long until TTC: Once we have a house and are financially able to rely on one income
Reasons for WTT: As above, lol
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Hopefully eat better, otherwise get a house and a promotion
How many children would you like: 2 or 3

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? Either, I like the name I have for a girl but a boy would be nice too
Finding out the gender or team yellow? team yellow this time
Any names you like? Sierra or Sienna. I also like Zachary
Name: Zoe
Age: 22
Relationship status: Engaged and living together, been together 4 years

How long until TTC: 2 months
Reasons for WTT: Already have one lovely little girl and would like at least an 18 month gap between them
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Nope, possibly book the wedding but its not urgent!
How many children would you like: 3

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? I would love another little girl if shes anything like my Lucy but I would also like a boy so we would have one of each so no, no preference!
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Find out, definitely!
Any names you like? Loads of boys names, but the two girls names we liked we used for Lucy so could get stuck there!
Name: Sarah
Age: 20
Relationship status: Engaged been together nearly 6 yrs (wedding next year)

How long until TTC: not sure it keeps changing..
Reasons for WTT: OH wants me to organise wedding, but also have to work out uni and Tabitha... complicated
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Nope
How many children would you like: 3 or 4 i hope, but if i find at 2 that we wont be able to put them through school then we'll stop.

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? so nice but i dont really mind. :cloud9:
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Team yellow i hope
Any names you like? Yup we know all our names but its secret!!
Name: Carla =]
Relationship status:In love. . . :cloud9:

How long until TTC: 6 or 7 months hopefully! =D
Reasons for WTT: Educational comittments.
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Finish uni, get our own place && save a little. Although we've already started =]
How many children would you like: Eventually I would like 4 or 5. . def more than 2 but OH is slighlty unsure . . . he normally says 3

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? I would love a little girl but would want my younger children to have a big brother. . . so basically it really does not matter =] I'd love twins too!
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Oh I'd def find out! Need to buy all the stuff in the riite colour =]
Any names you like? I like LOADS OH likes one, a girls name.

=] xx
Name: Monique
Age: 21
Relationship status: Married to the man of my dreams.

How long until TTC: 2010

Reasons for WTT: Enjoying my first, waiting until he is closer to being out of diapers, need to get my cycles back on track and would like to tone up a bit.

Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: lose 10 pounds

How many children would you like: I think 2 will be a good number for us, I enjoy my sleep.

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? I wouldn't mind either way

Finding out the gender or team yellow? I would love to be team yellow if I have the patience.

Any names you like? It will be a little Natalie or Caleb.
Name: Anna
Age: 32
Relationship status: Married (10 year wedding anniversary in September!)

How long until TTC: Just over a year (will start Summer 2010, most likely)
Reasons for WTT: Give my body the chance to recover and enjoy Alyssa.
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Lose weight :blush:
How many children would you like: 3

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? Not at all
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Team Yellow once again!
Any names you like? Freya, Imogen, Matthew
Name: Vicky
Relationship status: Living with OH

How long until TTC:Dunno still trying to work on OH - couple of years prob!
Reasons for WTT: Have a 3 month old son and OH says no!
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Not really.
How many children would you like:3 or 4

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? No
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Find out!
Any names you like? Loads but me and OH have very different taste in names.
Name: Shanelle
Age: 19
Relationship status: engaged.... hopefully married July 2 the day my baby brother deploys!!!

How long until TTC: end of summer at the latest
Reasons for WTT: Get a better housing situation and have one last summer to ourselfs.
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: finish my degree in business entreprenuership and open wedding boutique... in a perfect world :rofl:
How many children would you like: I want six my man wants 2 so we agreed on four woo hoo

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? the oldest a boy.. then idc
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Team Yellow
Any names you like? dominic and kaleena
Relationship status: engaged..married in 48 days.

How long until TTC:48 days
Reasons for WTT:the wedding, not wanting a bump in my dress and would like to drink and have a good time on the big day.
How many children would you like: 2

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? a boy
Finding out the gender or team yellow? yellow
Any names you like?[/quote] hayden,anya,jessica,eva,zac.
Name: Broody21 (Jen)
Age: 22
Relationship status: Long term r.ship, soon to be engaged.

How long until TTC: 2 years
Reasons for WTT: Money, studies.
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Teacher training, marriage.
How many children would you like: 2-3

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? No
Finding out the gender or team yellow? find out :)
Any names you like? Mia, Belle, Ellie. Matthew!
Name: Jen
Age: 27 (28 in 3 weeks)
Live - Rotherham South Yorkshire
Relationship status: Engaged been together 10yrs

How long until TTC:12 weeks (roll on end July 09)
Reasons for WTT: Ive wanted to be a mummy for a looooooooooong time.
We are both 28 and are fiancially stable. Its just time.

How many children would you like: 2
So excited xx :happydance:
Name: Bianca
Age: 23(24 as of june 21)
Relationship status:in a relationship

How long until TTC: probably till the end of my uni time
Reasons for WTT:uni, getting organised, also maybe a bit negative pressure (being the youngest of my siblings)
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC:probably finsihing uni, getting everything neat :D
How many children would you like: 1 max 2

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? I'd like a boy
Finding out the gender or team yellow? dunno, I think I would be intriguided to know ^^
Any names you like? I like names such as Ian, Euan, Aidan, If I ever had twins I probably would call them Ian and Aidan, or Ian and euan ^^
as second name i would pick a north German name though such as Hauke or Eike.
Only females name I 'd like would be Mara, or maybe Charlene
Name: Carla
Age: 26
Relationship status: Living with DP

How long until TTC:Summer 2010
Reasons for WTT: waiting to pay off most of my debt before having baby
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: be as fit & healthy as possible to start TTC, lose weight and learn to sew my own cloth diapers!
How many children would you like: 4

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? nope but DP's family seems to only produce boys!
Finding out the gender or team yellow? team yellow!
Any names you like? yup but keeping quiet :)
Age: 33
Relationship status: Married....3 years in June.

How long until TTC: June
Reasons for WTT: Holiday booked and want to enjoy what may be our last baby-free holiday by being able to have a few drinks!
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Not really
How many children would you like: Just the 3 and I already have 2, so this will be the last one.

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? A girl, but not that fussed
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Never found out the gender before so will do it this time!
Any names you like? Mia, Erin and Tyler

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