Giving birth in a hotel room

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Viola Payne

I have to travel 2 hours to give birth. We really don't want to spend a lot of money so we're planning on just renting a hotel room. Basically we'll choose the hotel ahead of time and when labour starts we'll book the room for that night online (we're pretty sure which hotel already and can book online the same day). Then we'll be driving in the car for 2 hours while im in labour. Obviously this isn't ideal but since my last labour took 38 hours i'm pretty sure that i'm not one of those people who could ever do it in less than 2 hours. But, i do have some issues i was hoping maybe some of you could weigh in on (or give ideas):

1) how do i sneak past front desk?
2) noise?
3) how many nights should i stay?
4) bacteria before/during birth and cleanup after

What is/are the biggest issues you can think of with this plan and how would you deal with it if this was the situation you were in?

Also, i've read other threads on this online (i guess it's more common than you'd think) and one of the suggestions was to rent a nicer hotel room as these have better soundproofing. The one we're looking at is an upscale 1 bedroom suite with jacuzzi tub, seems pretty posh. Maybe too posh? Are they more likely to monitor you in nicer places? Then again i don't want to give birth in a crack motel.

Thank you so much for your thoughts :flower:
Is the hotel room for use before going to the hospital?
I don't quite understand either. If you're planning to give birth at the hotel, why do you have to travel two hours? Couldn't you just have a home birth or travel to a hospital?

Personally, I'd be very weary of the hotel idea, partly for emotional and partly for hygiene reasons. Relocating when in labour is disruptive enough. But relocating to a place I don't know, where I might feel watched/listened to and I might have issues with cleanliness (imagine arriving and finding stains or hair on the bed or that the room had been smoked in), would be much too stressful for my liking. Plus you just never know how well they clean.

Who's going to be attending your birth? Are they happy to attend you at a hotel? And couldn't they come to you instead?
The hotel is across from the hospital. I will give birth in the hotel, hopefully. If something goes wrong then i need to be close to a hospital.
"relocating to a place I don't know, where I might feel watched/listened to and I might have issues with cleanliness..."

Same issues as with hospitals, particularly exposure to illness.

I'd feel much safer in a hotel than in a hospital after what happened with ds' birth. I'd probably feel safer in the woods outside than in a hospital after what happened last time. But, i still want to be close in case there is a medical emergency.

The midwives who are attending me have a resource list of places to birth. Many of their clients come from remote places to birth there, this is one of the recommended hotels.
*Leaves thread, confused about what she just read* :wacko:
Hm, wouldn't be my cup of tea at all but I'm guessing you have your reasons. Just some food for thought though: Could you plan to give birth at a feiend's or relative's house who lives closer to a hospital? Or could you go to a hotel further afield that is close to a hospital or birthing centre you'd be comfortable with and labour there but give birth at the hospital/birthing centre?
The whole having to sneak past the front desk and having to hope no-one interrupts you would make me feel way too on edge to have a good birth experience. What if you make noises? What if staff barge in half way through to see what's going on? What if they spot you coming in in labour and tell you you can't have a room? Surely there must be better options.
Like many of the previous posters I really do not understand why you would make this choice.
Do you think you could explain a little better for us so we can help you make the best decision?

Why do you want to give birth in a hotel??

Is there no other place you can do this at that will be close to the hospital?

Will you have anyone with you at the hotel?

Is this a common thing to do in some places? (because where I am from this idea seems CRAZY.) No offense, I think most of us are just not used to this idea.

How will you clean up / handle the mess of delivery at the hotel? Aren't you worried about leaving behind a crime scene of blood and gross stuff? (this one is just my pure curiosity!)

Please give us some detailed explanation on your reasoning for wanting this as your birth location, and what your full birth plan is! I am so fascinated and a little bewildered by your choice.
If this is one of the recommended hotels then why would you have to 'sneak past the front desk'? I really don't think the hotel would be very pleased if they knew this was happening, plus all the noise could disturb other guests, who is going to clean up the mess etc. Not trying to be negative, just realistic
:wacko: Wouldn't that be against hotel policy? I mean I'm sure if it was accidental they wouldn't mind, but I don't think that a hotel staff is qualified for dealing with matter(blood placenta etc) all the stuff that comes with giving birth.
I would think it would be considered bio hazardous or something..
Is there no birthing centers near you?
I just re-read you original post. Are you planning on using the jacuzzi? Or did you just mention it to show how posh the place was? Please don't use the hospital bath or jacuzzi. Certainly not after your waters have gone but even before, it's a major infection risk. Birthing pools at birthing centres or hospitals are meticulously cleaned and the openings for the water jets in a jacuzzi mean that it is difficult to keep clean at the best of times, let alone hygienic enough to be used in labour.
I don want to give birth in a hospital and I have to travel to be close to the hospital. I'm guessing you all live in big cities!! In more remote places people sometimes have to travel to give birth. There was an article recently about women in the arctic who have to travel 5 hours to get to the nearest hospital and give birth. For remote women who don't want to birth in a hospital a hotel is a common choice.
I don want to give birth in a hospital and I have to travel to be close to a hospital. I'm guessing you all live in big cities!! In more remote places people sometimes have to travel to give birth. There was an article recently about women in the arctic who have to travel 5 hours to get to the nearest hospital and give birth. For remote women who don't want to birth in a hospital a hotel is a common choice.

I do not live in a big city, the hospital is about an hour away from me.
I just did not know this was a thing! So please do not be offended, it is just different from what I know. Honestly, most of us are probably completely ignorant to this happening.

If this is common practice I would think the staff at the hotel would be aware of it? I would let them know incase there is an accident or need for emergencies.

Again, I'm REALLY curious about your birth plan.

Who will be at the hotel with you?
How you will manage the mess and clean up?
What do you plan to do after delivery? ect.

I agree that you should NOT use the jacuzzi or hotel bath. These two things are literally riddled with bacteria. I would suggest using a kiddie pool for a water birth and for easy clean up if it's something you really want to do.
I live quite far from our nearest hospital but I wouldn't ever consider giving birth in a hotel room. I'd be worried about the noise i'd make, the potential for disruption for both me and the other gusests, as well as the mess that others might be left to clean up!! And others have said, if you are worried about sneaking past reception, that would imply that the hotel would not be pleased about you using their facilities in this way, feeling like I was going about it in a sneaky way would be enough to put me off tbh :shrug:
I mentioned the article about the Inuit women because when I read It I felt grateful that I only had to travel 2 hours. I think maybe i should have posted this in the natural birth section. Thanks anyway!
Well, since I still don't know what your process is for this and what the full plan is it sounds like the best bet for you would be a natural birth section.

Read up on HOME BIRTH information!! Since it will be the same experience, just at a hotel. Just google stuff for that...

Either way GOOD LUCK with your birthing adventures, and stay safe momma. :thumbup:
I have read before some midwives suggest it, but I'm sure it's not exactly the nicest thing to do to a hotel. Having been on the front desk and housekeeping side of things, and my mother being a head housekeeper all her life, I think it's very unfair to subject them to this.
I also think it could cause potential issues for the hotel. And if there are complications it would cause a real fuss.
There is nothing wrong with giving birth somewhere other than a hospital, but I do think it's wrong that you are going to be lying to the hotel. They're obviously not aware of what's going on if you're feeling like you have to sneak past the front desk. This is where people are concerned, as this hotel isn't expecting someone to purposely give birth in the room, so there are health concerns for you since they won't have set the place up in the most beneficial way for you to give birth, and I don't think it's fair to deceive the hotel.

I thought this was a pretty good article for home birth.
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