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*Gobble Gobble*-November 2013 Testing 5BFPs

Look at my charts they are Picture perfect but I'm still not PG!!!!

Makes No since either!!!

We just got Put On Our BIG Girl Panties and take one day at a Time!!!! :)
True, true.
So how did things go at the school? I hope everything was ok. Working late tonight, unfortunately, but at least tomorrow is Friday! Happy dance.
Everything went well I was just Afraid his Grumpy English teacher would be there but it was his Coach/History teacher so no Big whoop!!!!

He's failing English again..... No surprise since he has Dyslexia and other reading issues!!

But he's doing Awesome in Auto Tech and is being considered for a Internship at the Ford Dealer :thumbup:

He's such a smart kid he's Just Flippin Lazy!! Might just be all teenagers ;)

Oh and my BOYS are countin down the Days Friday will be the last day then they are off for a whole week!!!
I'm kinda excited too get to sleep in and Eat lots of Food and Go Shopping W my Teens!! :happydance:
So sorry the :witch: has showed her face to some of you. I hope the next couple of weeks go by fast for you! FX for a Christmas surprise!

So here are my tests from the last three days.....trying not to get too excited yet. I'll use a FRER tomorrow morning and then follow up with a test with the weeks estimators. I'm hoping this is the start of our :bfp: I'm just too scared to get my hopes up. I think my DH and I are still in shock, tbh!

I'm back from the doc!

I ovulated! And nothing is wrong! And I've lost six pounds in the month since my last visit! She just wanted to see me, talk about all the options and let me know I'm driving, and get our ducks in a row so that I have what I need over the holidays because their office is closed so much. She wrote out the RX for three cycles of Clomid because I want to continue the Clomid + Metformin route for now.

Also... she kept telling me I might be pregnant. I had some red blood today and a negative test this morning so I thought it was CD1, but she said that it's spotting and doesn't count. I'm to go in for a blood test on Monday if I still don't have a heavy flow. I'm optimistic!

She also gave me permission to eat a dessert on Thanksgiving day. Yea! Oh, how I miss carbs!

So, ladies, I can't believe it, but I'm still in!
So here are my tests from the last three days.....trying not to get too excited yet. I'll use a FRER tomorrow morning and then follow up with a test with the weeks estimators. I'm hoping this is the start of our :bfp: I'm just too scared to get my hopes up. I think my DH and I are still in shock, tbh!

I sure hope that's it! Awesome!!!
Everything went well I was just Afraid his Grumpy English teacher would be there but it was his Coach/History teacher so no Big whoop!!!!

He's failing English again..... No surprise since he has Dyslexia and other reading issues!!

But he's doing Awesome in Auto Tech and is being considered for a Internship at the Ford Dealer :thumbup:

He's such a smart kid he's Just Flippin Lazy!! Might just be all teenagers ;)

Oh and my BOYS are countin down the Days Friday will be the last day then they are off for a whole week!!!
I'm kinda excited too get to sleep in and Eat lots of Food and Go Shopping W my Teens!! :happydance:

I'm glad the conference went well! Have you read The Myth of Laziness by Dr. Mel Levine? I think it should be required reading for teachers. It really opened my eyes to some of the struggles our kids have. I highly recommend it!

Your charts DO look good! I hope your turn comes soon!!!
Wow VJean, that's amazing! I definitely see a positive or two there! Yay for you!!!! I understand your caution, but I think this is it ! !!!

Mischief, you're not out till...you know. Seems promising to me...! Best of luck ladies!
Forgot to add--I'm sorry to the ladies who had an unwelcome visitor--violent intruder, more like. Just think how great it will be to get a BFP next month. DH and I told our families I was PG on Christmas and it was really special. Fingers crossed for you!
That's Awesome Mischief!!!! FX

FX for u too VJean!!!

I havent heard of that book Mischief ... I'll have to check it out all though I'm just as bad at reading as my son I just don't have Dyslexia just a NON-Passion for reading :haha:
I'm a visual and Audio learner I was in advance classes and just listened and Doodled passed Easy Peezy!!!
Makes it all the harder to understand what he goes through to just do Homework :nope:
I've tried to read Books about how to Help w Dyslexia but I think everyone w it really needs to find what works best for them I can't Teach him that he has to find that on his own!!
I think he's figured hat out he just still struggles w doing things he doesn't Enjoy(Reading)
Don't we All :haha:

I was afraid DS2 was going to have issues too ..... When i was 1st teaching him letters and Nmbers he would flip some But now he's in 1st and reads on a 4th grade Level! :thumbup:
Boop boop!!
I'm so excited for you VJean and you too Mischief. See..you were freaking out for nothing. So happy the doctor's appt. was just a friendly appt.

VJean-I am so bad at seeing whatever I'm supposed to see on those strips, but yours I see a progression in color next to the dark line, so I'm super excited for you. When you make the big announcement, I'll update you, so if you remain cautious, I will too.

What great news all around. :)
:hugs: to those who are out this month. I agree with the others, hopefully a nice Christmas surprise will be in your future.

Mischief ~ Glad you had a good appt, and AFSA! FX for you.

Vjean ~ Your pic looks promising, especially the one on the bottom. GL with tomorrow's test!

Sis ~ I'm glad the school meeting went well. :thumbup:

AFM ~ 8 dpo today, and DH thinks my chart looks triphasic. He's a little more optimistic than me. I told him implantation doesn't happen at 4 dpo. Too early from what I understand. I think my chart is the way it is bc of the progesterone suppositories. I'm just not "feeling successful" this month for some reason. I'll probably be joining the Christmas surprise hopefuls. LP is usually 9 or 10 days, so af should arrive Saturday or Sunday. . .under normal circumstances with no prog. And if not pg, it'll be interesting to see if this new progesterone they put me on lengthens it some!

Also, RE wanted me to get an OB in mind so I know who I want to go with once I am pg. But this time around, I want to go to a birth center and have a water birth! We didn't live in our current location when I had my 3 girls, and birth centers weren't an option before. Now, I have a choice of THREE places! Get to visit them all and take a free tour and meet the midwives. Visited one last Monday, have an appt for another for tomorrow afternoon, and visiting the last one next Tuesday afternoon. I enjoyed visiting the first one, and looking forward to tomorrow's visit.
Sorry, Babyhopes! :(

I'm really out now too. I'm just too excited about that perfect 14 day luteal phase to be all that upset. I feel like we have a real chance now!
Sorry Mischief :hugs: but your right your body is Willing and Ready Now! :)
So sorry to those who are out! :hugs:

Mischief ~ I can appreciate the awesome feeling getting a 14 day LP would bring. Lots of luck this next cycle! :flower:
Ugh!!Sorry Mischief and Babyhopes. I'm not feeling so hot today either, and it's supposed to be the day AF arrives in real life, so my status update is probably right behind yours.

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