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*Gobble Gobble*-November 2013 Testing 5BFPs

Sorry Babyhopes1974 and Mischief. We all know how that feels. A 14-day LP is something to celebrate though! (I'm jealous!)

I broke down and tested this morning. BFN. I'm only 8 DPO though. If I squinted I thought I could maybe see the faintest beginnings of something but I think it's just wishful thinking (another thing we can all relate to!)...
Actually, I think I do see the faintest line. It's so faint I keep thinking I'm just imagining it, though having just looked at a bunch of faint BFPs on FF, mine's looking a bit more "positive." I don't know. Does any hint of a line really mean positive?
It needs to have Color to it Try if it's Grey or white it's a Evap!!!

FX it gets darker Tom!!!
Allright! I bought my OPKs; the smiley faced ones and the first response. I'm saving my receipt in case I only end up using one set. Wishful thinking on my part! Let's start this process over again, shall we? I will enjoy drinking a glass of wine and reading the directions. hee hee. Fun Friday for this newlywed! My stomach is hurting/crampy anyway, so I might as well just chill out. *groan*
Sorry the :witch: got U Terri !!!! :hugs:

On word and Upward!!! :)

AFM.... Had one spot this am them Brown spotting Hope I'll have something to report in a few days!!! ;)
Thanks Sis.
It's ok…If I really ovulated 4-5 days ago, like ff said, I wouldn't have a period at all in NOV, and that's just crazy for such a random chart/non high temp chart. I knew something was up! hee hee.

My fingers and toes are so crossed for you. Can't wait to hear your report. Your chart is amazing!

I started reading the Clearblue Easy and it seems easy enough. I like that i only have to do it once a day with my morning pee and it'll either flash a smile or have a solid smile. I can do this!
GL w those but if it gives u More flashings then Norm u might need to switch I had Problems w those but my Hormones are Crazy !!! :haha:
Thanks for all the congrats ladies! I got a :bfp: on my FRER this am, and pregnant 1-2 weeks on a CB digi. I think it's finally starting to sink in! Holy crap! We are flying to Idaho Sunday morning with the inlaws, so I think we'll share the news with them in person because it'll be to hard to get out of drinking and using hot tub otherwise. Everyone else will have to wait until 12+ weeks to find out.

So sorry the :witch: keeps popping up. I love the positive attitudes thou! Stay strong and I'll continue watching this thread, cheering you on and praying for your :bfp:!
I'm so sorry Terri. :hugs: I love the smiley face opk's! Takes the guess work out of trying to figure out if it's + or - with the line ones.

Vjean ~ Congrats again, officially! :happydance: So excited for you.
Vjean Congratulations!!!!

I still have a few more days before I test, but I don't know. I don't think I will get a BFP. I know I shouldn't be disappointed because this is only my first month TTC, but I know I will be.
VJean - Congrats Hun :happydance::happydance:

Terri - sorry she got you - the bitch got me to:cry: cycle buddy - so are you setting up a December thread yet - cos their will be no more testing for me in November:haha:

Bring on the Christmas Crackers BFPs:happydance:


VJEAN!! I'm so happy for you babe! I'm also glad you get to tell someone. I can't imagine trying to hold it in once you finally get a BFP. woop whoop!! I'll update your status.

Garfie-Hugs…sorry GF. We can do a december thread closer to the end of November. still a lot of BFPs to report in Nov. :)

Blueshoney-If you're going to be disappointed, then just wait and don't test. To this day, I have never bought a pregnancy test in my lifetime. I thought about buying one yesterday when I bought those OPKs, but I didn't. Of course, I don't want to get completely set back, and continually testing would be too much for me. My body (and my charts) will let me know.

Ps. I'm glad I can afford those smiley opks. Maybe that's one good thing about being older. ha!
Wow, Missed too much activity, so probably won't catch everyone, but so sorry to all who got AF-attacked. I hope she doesn't come visit me for Thanksgiving. :growlmad:

Vjean, congrats on it being official, woohoo! I love that happy news!

Terri, kudos to you for never buying HPTs! My DH has suggested many times that I just wait and see whether AF arrives. He hates seeing me heartbroken when I test for days leading up to it. That's why I'm waiting until 14dpo this time, but I should just do like you, because I'll know when AF arrives or not! Btw, I LOVE the CB digital. :) It's what I've always used, although this cycle I also got the FR with lines too, to back it up. The CB has never failed me until this month. I got flashing smileys for a week, and no solid, for the first time ever in a year. I must've just missed the surge though, because there is a pattern on my chart, right?? So not sure what's up with that, ugh.

Blueshoney, GL Hun! I think I'm testing around the same time as you, so fingers crossed.

AFM, I've been having strong AF-type cramping on and off for a couple days now, my boobs hurt like a son-of-a-b, and my face is broken out like I'm 13. This is just venting, not symptom-spotting, as the sore boobs are typical for me in the TWW, the cramping has happened in other cycles, and I think the breakout can be attributed to the clomid. None of that stuff holds any weight for me. Although I can't lie....the cramping is stronger...it's usually just super dull if AF isn't about to start, but this time it feels almost as strong as when I'm on AF. Wonder if that means it's coming early. :growlmad:
E rose I had strong af type cramps 11dpo-14dpo! Good luck.
congrats vjean.
E rose I had strong af type cramps 11dpo-14dpo! Good luck.
congrats vjean.

Omg, seriously? Oh boy... Lol! I'm not trying to get my hopes up, but I've been really praying for a BFP this cycle, as it would be lovely to get it just before hitting the one-year mark of TTC#1 (it'll be exactly a year if I'm not prego this cycle!). I'm not much of a symptom spotter since the symptoms were constantly tricking me before, but these cramps haven't been my usual dull cramps. They've felt exactly like AF, almost just as bad at times. They're not constant... Maybe twice a day. They'll arrive pretty hard for an hour or so, and then go away completely. But during that hour, I feel just like I do when on AF. It started on Thurs, but those were the mild ones... Fri and today have been the heavier ones, which I just thought...hmm, how odd for me.

I'm going to a friend's house for some girl time and champagne today, but now I'm all nervous about drinking! :wacko:
Wow, good luck to all of you ladies who are near the end of your TWW! You guys have way more self-control than I do. I just bought 45 FRER tests online. So much for my calm, cool and collected detachment from TTC!:blush:
Wow, good luck to all of you ladies who are near the end of your TWW! You guys have way more self-control than I do. I just bought 45 FRER tests online. So much for my calm, cool and collected detachment from TTC!:blush:

OMG!! 45?!! hee hee. I hope you don't need to use more than 30! Just kidding. I hope you don't need many more than 5. I think my jaw seriously dropped.

ERose-I hope that weird cramping is something good. My fingers are crossed for your Thanksgiving stuffing (ha!). Based on what everyone else feels/says about testing all the time, I just couldn't do it. I'm too cheap, and I enjoy being happy. Enjoy the party, and drink a glass of champagne. It may be your last!!!
OMG!! 45?!! hee hee. I hope you don't need to use more than 30! Just kidding. I hope you don't need many more than 5. I think my jaw seriously dropped.

ERose-I hope that weird cramping is something good. My fingers are crossed for your Thanksgiving stuffing (ha!). Based on what everyone else feels/says about testing all the time, I just couldn't do it. I'm too cheap, and I enjoy being happy. Enjoy the party, and drink a glass of champagne. It may be your last!!!

That is a great way to look at it! I should be better about that kind of stuff...but I just get too excited. Plus it doesn't help that DH and I live outside the country half the year, and they don't sell FRER's here. The best I can find are basically equivalent to the First Signal WalMart tests (and those are few and far between). We are going to be here for at least another four months, so I was stocking up. Still...:blush:

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