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*Gobble Gobble*-November 2013 Testing 5BFPs

Ladies, so sorry if the witch got you. :hugs: And congratulations on BFPs!!! keep them coming!!! :happydance:

Question: do you take CoQ10? It is supposed to support energy production in cells and increase your chances to conceive by improving a woman's eggs quality. At least, this is what I read online. What other supplements do you take, if you do not mind me asking? Thanks and good luck! :flower:
Ladies, so sorry if the witch got you. :hugs: And congratulations on BFPs!!! keep them coming!!! :happydance:

Question: do you take CoQ10? It is supposed to support energy production in cells and increase your chances to conceive by improving a woman's eggs quality. At least, this is what I read online. What other supplements do you take, if you do not mind me asking? Thanks and good luck! :flower:

DHEA- 50mg/day
Vit D- 3000IU
iron- 65mg
folic acid-2400mcg
One a day prenatal multivitamin
baby aspirin
Fish oil (DHA)
I am also thinking about starting CoQ10.
Oldermom, thanks for replying! That is a lot. :thumbup: I take baby aspirin too, hoping it is not harmful in the long run.
Oldermom, thanks for replying! That is a lot. :thumbup: I take baby aspirin too, hoping it is not harmful in the long run.

I think it is only harmful if you have a clotting disorder or take the full-strength version.
I'm confused had one brown spot yesterday and then a red spot tonite when I checked my Cervix

Not sure what's up!!!

Any news today Sis? I'm feeling the same as you were. But at least your temps are still up, that's good!! My temp spiked so beautifully yesterday, lol. But then took a MEGA dive below coverline today. It's 5-6 days too early for AF, which is odd since my temp usually drops RIGHT before, or the day of. ugh! I also had the tiniest bit of really light pink in my CM this morning, which has just been creamy. Any possibilities of implantation at 13dpo?! LOL!! :wacko:
12 dpo today for me. I don't normally make it past 10 dpo, but RE has me on a new progesterone supplement. Yesterday my temp went below coverline, so I thought I was out and expected af to arrive. Well, she didn't arrive, and my temp went back above coverline this am. I know I'm down for testing tomorrow, but I couldn't help myself and had to test this am out of curiuosity. I've tested bfp at 11 and 12 dpo in the past, so figured it could work if I did get pg. Well, I got :bfn: :cry: And still no af. Not sure if I just tested too early, or if the new P is super awesome and keeping af away even though P hasn't done that in the past when not pg. AF was due Sat or Sun, so I'm officially late now. I guess I will wait until I'm 14 dpo if I make it there, while continuing to take the P. Then test again. If neg again, I'll stop the P and wait for af. I just want to make sure I am indeed not pg before stopping it. If I'm pg and stop it, I'll loose it.
Ahh, so your temp went right back up the next day, that's good to hear! Guess I'll see what happens tomorrow... although this was quite a huge dip. :wacko:

Sorry about the BFN today. :( I have to admit, I ended up testing today as well. I figured at 13dpo it was possible to get a result, although I wasn't very hopeful with such a low temp. I got a BFN as well. Not even a faint line. :dohh:

Fingers crossed for both of us, and for everyone else out there testing soon!!! Tomorrow is 14dpo for me. It's my official test day that I gave Terri. But Clomid made me have a 31-day cycle last month, so I'm assuming I wont know about AF for another few days.
GL mom and Erose!!!!

Tested this AM BFN also sent a email to my nurse about the spot she is talking to my DR might have to do bloods!!
I really think my O day is wrong cuz I had a super dark OPK that day so I think I'm prob 10Dpo today not 12!!! :shrug:
My cervix is High and closed again so.....Guess I will see what the AM Brings ;)
Sorry to hear about you guys' bfn's this am too. Guess this just wasn't a good day for testing! Hopefully things somehow turn around for us in a few days.
Ugh-ERose, Sis and Momof3Girls!!! I hate that you all got BFNs.
ERose-I saw your temperature drop and I felt sad. Maybe it'll go back up again in the morning. I hate seeing such a drastic jump. It's SOOOOOO dramatic, like a slap in the face. F-you, temperature drop. hee hee.

Momof3, keep taking that progesterone. Until you get the a-ok to stop, I'd keep doing it.

Sis-hopefully everything will be ok when you go to the doctors. *hugs* to all.

I'm definitely remaining positive for everyone.
ERose-I saw your temperature drop and I felt sad. Maybe it'll go back up again in the morning. I hate seeing such a drastic jump. It's SOOOOOO dramatic, like a slap in the face. F-you, temperature drop. hee hee.

Lol, terri, you put it the exact way I was feeling when I saw it! F-you temp drop and Ffoe! :haha: I was going cross eyed this morning watching it while it was in my mouth. I knew when I saw it going up so slow, urg.
ERose-I saw your temperature drop and I felt sad. Maybe it'll go back up again in the morning. I hate seeing such a drastic jump. It's SOOOOOO dramatic, like a slap in the face. F-you, temperature drop. hee hee.

Lol, terri, you put it the exact way I was feeling when I saw it! F-you temp drop and Ffoe! :haha: I was going cross eyed this morning watching it while it was in my mouth. I knew when I saw it going up so slow, urg.

You guys are hilarious! I definitely feel like that sometimes! If only I could slap my body silly!
(maybe that is what exercise is???) :haha:
Ladies, remember if your temp goes down, you aren't necessarily out- not until :witch: shows up. And even if she does this month, she doesn't necessarily get next month. There is always a little hope. I am pulling for you!
My temperatures have been off the past couple days..hubs fell asleep downstairs on Sunday night, and I woke up at 4am and realized that he wasn't there. I tried to remain still and sleep for another hour and a half only to have him come in the room at 5:30. My alarm clock goes off at 5:45. Grrr...
Today I had to come in to work early so I took my temperature at 5:00.

Hopefully it'll settle out the rest of the week. I'm usually pretty steady eddy pre-O.
I don't even temp the week of AF anymore Terri I wouldn't worry about it!!! :)

AFM I should be giving u an update early since I Supposedly Od early will update when I know!! ;)
Good luck sis! I hope you have :bfp: this month.

Terri ~ I'm with sis. Don't worry about af temps. I also don't bother. My af temps are all over the place even when taken the same time each day. Plus, gives me a week break from temping.
I don't even temp the week of AF anymore Terri I wouldn't worry about it!!! :)

AFM I should be giving u an update early since I Supposedly Od early will update when I know!! ;)

Oooohhh, now I am excited!
I am sorry to those who had AF show. You'd think she would know by now that she is not welcome. I wish you better luck next month.

As for me, I guess I can now officially say that I got a :bfp: I was uncertain at first (I posted here about a very, very faint line at 8 DPO), but I've been testing daily and the line is getting darker so I suppose it is fact real!

I felt torn about announcing this. I don't want to make anyone feel badly, but then I thought my news might inspire some of you to keep trying. It WILL happen, one way or another. I hope each and every one of you has a BFP of your own to celebrate in the very near future!!!!!
Today was my test date at 14dpo, and I got a BFN. If my cycle is 31 days again like it was last month from the Clomid, then I still have a few days before AF shows. But I'm not really getting my hopes up. It just doesnt really feel like a successful cycle. :cry: Oh well, terri, I'll letcha know if/when AF shows so you can put that darn witch beside my name on the list, lol!

Tryfor2, I am SO excited for you!! Do NOT feel bad for posting on here about your BFP! Thats what this thread was all about, and the positive news does make me feel good to see. :) Congrats again on it being official! :happydance:
Yeah tryfor2!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why do you feel bad? I saw you mention it in other threads, but I was waiting for you to announce it on our "official.testing.thread" before I put it up there. So excited for you.

Sis-I'm excited for you too. Your chart looks great! Keep those temps up, babe! How do you feel?

ERose-Don't lose hope. I'll be watching your chart from work tomorrow, as I have one more day before my two day vacation begins.

Oldermom-nice job putting your signature info in. :winkwink:

BoobsMcGee-If you're still reading, I didn't want to put that waving smileyface. Why is she smiling? I guess it's the same as the witch. *shrug* So as long as you got a BFP, you're staying BFP on my thread. Hope you don't mind.

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