*Gobble Gobble*-November 2013 Testing 5BFPs

Terri - Do you have to book in at your docs? - if so I would book soon (you can always cancel) she may want to do a 21CD test and a CD 1-3 Blood test for starters:hugs:

ER - I know nothing about clomid but have heard it does cause erratic temperatures and some terrible symptoms - good luck hun:hugs:

Sis - When does hubby get his SA results back:hugs:

AFM - Went for my CD21 blood test - so let's see what is found tomorrow hopefully I will get my results:happydance:

It will say Im pregnant and I ovulated - yeah right:haha: but one can dream right:happydance:


Dreaming is All we got some days Garfie!!! :hugs:

They told him Wed but I emailed my nurse cuz usually they get it in a HR w IUI that seems like forever especially when I feel O fastly approaching early this month!!!
garfie-my appt. is in half an hour.

I wanted to go mid cycle because a) I didn't think I was ovulating properly and b) if she wanted me to start something when my next cycle starts, I want to have time to get to the store, get a prescription, etc.., so I'm ready. I'm a planner so it's just odd that today I get the crosshairs and today is my appt.

We're all dreaming, like Sis said, so I'm dreaming that after this visit, I will be returning in a few weeks with a pos. pregancy test to report! HA!
I'm back, and feeling good.
My doctor is so nice. She said that she thinks I ovulated on CD11, not CD14 like FF says. She advised that FF is helpful, but after all it is still a computer and our bodies are not machines so you can't always believe it. I told her the thing about my happiness being judged by a machine and she kind of shrugged. I, of course, have other things that make me happy, but today, it was FF. HA!!HA!!

Long story short, she said to start using OPKs (so expensive), and go back to see her on my next CD 10-12 (if there is one-wink), and also bd within 2 hours of the appt., so they can check out hubs' sperm at the same time. I'm glad this will all be done under my regular insurance and I don't have to go see a specialist (just yet). It's kind of weird thinking about collecting sperm once it's on its way to find an egg, but if that's what I have to do, so be it. ha. It won't be a very romantic BD. hee hee.
No Terri it gets very Robotic believe me that's why we R taking a break this month and just HAVIN Fun again!!! :haha:

That's interesting that they can check like that I wish my FS would cuz I have a feeling His guys and my VJ just aren't in Sync!! Lol

She didn't say anything about doing CD3 Bloods??

No she didn't, Sis, but maybe she's being systematic and ruling things in or out one step at a time. I've only been trying for four months, so we're just starting this journey. I actually don't mind what she asked this time. One of my girlfriends (over 30) did test after test, and after all that, the reason she couldn't get prego was because of her husband's count (not sure of all the specifics but he was the issue).

If that's the case after next month, then we will think about other things, but for now, I'll do the OPKs, and go in for the test on day 10-12. No biggie.
Hi ladies! So I got a second LH surge last night with a +OPK last night and a super dark line today. We were able to BD last night and will again tonight...I'm hoping this works!
No she didn't, Sis, but maybe she's being systematic and ruling things in or out one step at a time. I've only been trying for four months, so we're just starting this journey. I actually don't mind what she asked this time. One of my girlfriends (over 30) did test after test, and after all that, the reason she couldn't get prego was because of her husband's count (not sure of all the specifics but he was the issue).

If that's the case after next month, then we will think about other things, but for now, I'll do the OPKs, and go in for the test on day 10-12. No biggie.

I'm glad your appt went well! I love my doc too. It helps sooo much when you love your doc. :) I haven't seen an RE yet either. My OB is the one who looked at my charts and asked about OPKs, so I had a lot of data when I went to see him. He stays positive and jokes w/ me about how I'm still young (who's he really kidding, right? Lol). He's the one who gave me the clomid as a start. But he wouldn't do anything until my DH got tested. So we scheduled his appt for the next week, and ruled that out before starting the clomid. He tested out just fine, but it gave me peace of mind to know! Well girl, good luck this cycle! This could end up being it for you!! Fingers crossed for us all!! :flower:
Terri ~ So happy to hear you had a good appt. :thumbup: Hopefully this will be your month anyway, and you won't need any more testing.

Hope ~ Yay! GL hun. :happydance:

So, the progesterone didn't lengthen my LP last cycle, but it's looking like I will o by cd 15. :happydance: I don't normally o this early, day 17 or after is typical. This is my 3rd cycle ever to follow a cycle I used progesterone. The other two, I O'ed on day 15. Today is day 13, and I got a + opk this afternoon. So tomorrow or cd15 should be it!
Hopethisyear-woot woot! Get to it, chica!

ERose-I'm happy you have a good doctor. I think it's so unfair that we have to go through all these invasive tests when it's so easy to get a sperm sample. Oh well…I guess it is the way it is.

Momof3girls-I say the same thing to you as I said to hope. Get busy!! heehee. Have fun, most importantly. :)
Yay for Hope and MomOf3! Wuhu! Like Terri said, get busy, lol!!!

I'm a bit disappointed myself at the moment.... I was expecting to see a pos opk on my CB digital with the smileys, but still getting a flashing smiley only (its considered High instead of Peak). In my first cycle on clomid, I O'd on cd14, which would be tomorrow, so I'm confused why still no LH surge. I was using the FR opk with the lines too, just for backup (I know, crazy obsessive), and this came out pretty dark Sun and Mon, but I don't THINK they were darker than the control line, its hard to tell. But the CB digital is more sensitive, so I've ALWAYS relied mostly on that one with no issues. So I'm completely thrown off this morning. My temps are no help, as they're all over the board from the clomid. :(
You shouldn't be disappointed in yourself. You have no control over your body. Today is only day 13, so maybe tomorrow you will get the Peak reading. I'm not sure how the OPks work, although I'll be finding out soon, but high is still good. Get busy!! hee hee.

I'm also not sure when the LH surge occurs. I guess I'll read up on it. I have a semi-easy work day today so it's too the Googleweb.

Don't get discouraged.

In other news, we're waiting to hear back from di226 and BoobsMcGee. I know Boobs posts on another board too so I might try stalking her. Updates please, ladies!!
Terri~ I had the postcoital test done at CD10-11 2 months ago. We had to wake up and BD at like 5:30 in the morning because my appointment was at like 8am. They just take a little swab - this was the first indication that hubby had issues - she said normally you would see 20 active sperm - and for me she only saw 1. The doctor put the sample in a microscope in the room and even allowed me to look! so that was neat.

Hubby then went in for the full SA and we learned he has borderline low count, morphology and mortility. We started seeing the specialist 2 weeks ago and already have the first IUI done.

The doctor said to test 2 weeks after the IUI - so you can change my date to the 21st.

Good luck with the rest of your testing and hope that everything comes back positive!
Those Digitals are Notoriuos for giving false adding while medicated!!!

I got 8 HIGHS and only got a peak after O on that darn thing save your money and go IC!!! GL

AFM got a +OPK on CD10 w no meds I was afraid of that!!! :(
moni77-your date has been changed, and now it's the same as mine. yay!! Thanks for the insight on the other test too. I am going to ask her how many sperm are swimming around afterwards.

Sis-what does that mean that you were afraid of a positive on CD10? i guess I haven't been on here long enough to know what's going on. And what is IC?

So I got my CD21/22 blood test result back and it was 10 - I was fairly happy with that score (pos 3DPO) see chart.

My dr (or should I say the receptionist) said 10 sorry no ovulation - :growlmad: and now I can't speak to my Dr until Thursday:growlmad: to see what all this means.

From what I know a 10 is okay right? showing I have Od - once again it is the stupid Drs thinking every woman Ovulates day 14 and has a period day 28.

So in theory if she thinks I have not Od what will she do?

I will try and catch up later - but I have had a crap day at work and now I can't even speak to my Dr:growlmad:


I need to get off this computer. HA!!HA!

Sorry garfie. I was excited when I saw your chart and the crosshairs, but your doctor should have detected ovulation on CD 21 or 22 then if FF is right. What does 10 mean, and what are you supposed to have?

We've waited this long, I guess we'll just have to wait until Thursday to see what the doctor said. So irritating.

Well, love, your day can only get better from here, right?
garfie, do not be discouraged. one of my best friends was doing that test each cycle, and her doc kept telling her she was not O'ing either. She started Clomid, and doc still said she wasn't O'ing. She tried that for three months, and then switched to Femara, but once AGAIN, doc told her no ovulation. She was SO discouraged and upset wondering next steps. THAT is the month she got her BFP. :) She was literally told flat-out, that she was not O'ing according to the blood test, and she got her BFP on the day she missed AF that cycle. :)
Moni, how exciting you had IUI! This could be it for you! :)

Terri and Sis, thanks for the encouraging words. I've used the CB digital for about 6-7 months, although last month was my first clomid cycle. I was told to wait three days after the last pill before using it though, as it can give false results like you said. But I still got my positive as expected, and got a temp spike the day after O. So I guess I just had my hopes up that it would work okay this cycle too... and I guess it still could! I may be jumping the gun here... just because I O'd on cd14 in my first clomid cycle, doesnt necessarily mean it will be exactly the same this cycle, so I dont know what i'm freaking out over! LOL

Looking forward to the results of the ones who are doing their HPTs!!!
Garfie I would say UR P is on the rise they just detected it too early and 10 isn't bad mine was 7.5 and my OLD FS said it was fine!!!

That's why she's my OLD Dr she was wrong my P was on the low end but I do ovulate just a LIl early on my own as u can tell!!!

WOW sharp pains on the left Ovary today guessing O will be tonite or Tom!!! ;)

UPDATE just talked to my nurse and got SA resluts they are way better at 41mil and motility amd Morph are right at the good mark so FX!!!

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