People are allowed their own opinions, and I don't think it's fair for someone to have a go at someone else for admitting that they take a buggy on an escalator. I personally think that it's more dangerous
taking the baby out of the buggy to go on the escalator, because you should hold them with both hands in case they make any jerky movements (e.g. arching their back). If you are holding onto LO with both hands, then how are you holding onto the handrail? And there's no way I'm going up an escalator only holding her with one hand. And if you then fall, I doubt the baby would get away unscathed, whereas in the buggy at least there is more chance of the frame protecting it from hitting the floor. I would never take LO up an escalator without her being in her buggy, but that's my choice and I don't criticise those that do
I can understand that some of you think it's lazy, but if someone is confident they know how to do it and can protect their LO adequately while doing it, I don't see it as being lazy. I have
had to perfect it, because we have about 5 lifts in the whole of Gibraltar, aside from housing blocks, which I don't use. If you have to do it, you find ways of making it safe. My HV, paediatrician, GP etc is all located on the second floor. If the lift is broken, do I just not take her? What if it takes weeks to fix it (which it sometimes can do, here), you would be waiting
ages. I think escalators are safer than stairs anyway, because once on you don't need to move, and on stairs you have to negotiate every second of it.
And besides, you can take precautions; you either have someone else holding the buggy up, you take out LO and hold them (as some people have suggested), you put the brakes on, you hold it level so that the baby is not tipped up, you wedge whe wheel right into the back of the step and you wedge your foot and leg at the other end simultaneously...
I'm perfectly confident when taking my LO up and down escalators, because I had to learn to be so.