Got the Christmas BFP, now waiting on the baby..August 2015 :)

Ok ladies I'm pretty nervous I NEED to tell my mom the news. My 8 week appointment is Wednesday and my SO is anxiously awaiting to plaster our surprise all over Facebook and tell everyone he sees. I don't feel it's right to do so without first telling my mom. I texted my sister this morning to call me when she got a chance but have yet to hear from her. I was going to tell her and ask her opinion or suggestion on how to drop the news on our mom. I'm not so much worried that she will react badly to it or not talk to me really still (we haven't really been talking much but aren't on terrible terms. She was last over on New Years Eve visiting with me and my kids) I'm more concerned how it will affect her health, like mentally and whatnot. She is older at 74 (I was a "happy surprise" as she calls it, when she was 43) and after losing my dad in 2009 and most recently her son (my half brother) last year, she has been dealing with a whirlwind of emotions, depression, etc. I don't want to cause her added stress but at this point there's nothing I can do aside from either telling her myself or letting her find out on her own :shrug: I try to look at it as either things can stay as they are and there's the distance between her and I OR it can hopefully give her new life to focus on and perhaps come around more often. I'm just not sure HOW to go about this... should I make arrangements to visit her? Invite her out to dinner? Call her? I don't think texting her is appropriate :nope: I'd prefer to do it in person. And my SO would like to be there but my mom hasn't shown any desire to get to know him and that's why her and I have lost touch over the months. Help! :help:
Hi ladies,

I haven't been on here for a while but I was in the Hoping for a Christmas bfp tww group and had asked about my levels being a little high. Not sure if anyone remembers me but I wanted to update that I am having TWINS! They are fraternal and I am beyond excited and nervous at the same time.
Twins! How incredible, you must be thrilled! Congratulations :D
Hi ladies,

I haven't been on here for a while but I was in the Hoping for a Christmas bfp tww group and had asked about my levels being a little high. Not sure if anyone remembers me but I wanted to update that I am having TWINS! They are fraternal and I am beyond excited and nervous at the same time.

congrats! double the fun and love!
Mamabunny, I'm not really sure but good luck!

Deluna, I do remember you from that thread and congrats on the twins. It's so exciting!
Hi ladies,

I haven't been on here for a while but I was in the Hoping for a Christmas bfp tww group and had asked about my levels being a little high. Not sure if anyone remembers me but I wanted to update that I am having TWINS! They are fraternal and I am beyond excited and nervous at the same time.

Welcome back deluna and congrats on the two healthy beans! Two ladies in my life have recently become the mommas of twins so I really had twins on the brain when I got my bfp (so far all signs point to just one!) and I must admit my main feeling about it was anxiety. So I just wanted to say as much as it's undoubtedly a huge blessing, please don't feel bad if stress/worry sometimes overwhelms your happy emotions. Feel free to share if you want support :hugs:
Yeah, it freaks me out. If I can't find it by 11 weeks I might ask for another ultrasound. I think my doctor will accommodate only because he knows I'm having troubles calming down during this pregnancy after the last time.

Sorry to hear about the doppler troubles ladies! DH and I agreed to only use ours once a week so I won't know until Friday if finding it the first time was just a fluke. I have heard it can be pretty hit or miss this early. Jandj when were you first able to hear the hb with your son? It could just be too early for you. Also I will say I found the heartbheartbeat a bit higher up than expected. I thought it would be right at the pubic bone like sass said, but for me it was an inch or more above that (still below belly button). So I definitely wasted some time looking in the wrong spot. Hope you hear something soon!
Can y'all plzs tell me where i can get a good Doppler at. I'm going to get one with my next check. I've had three MCs so I'm nervous BC the docs won't check me for anything to be sure the only thing they did was give me hormones and stop them at 10 weeks , which seems early. They did test me for blood clotting disorder but I haven't gotten those results, havent come back for about three weeks!! I've tried and tried to get them! They kept treating me today like have faith and I'm like OK I do but god made docs for a reason to work with him , he put docs there to check on us and fix what's wrong!!!
I also want to know if its bad to use a Doppler a lot BC I'm gonna be tempted!!
amanda Google "Sonoline B fetal doppler" that's what I've seen BnB ladies talk about :thumbup:
Mama bunny- tgats tough. I say go talk to her alone. Try to angle at the positive and make plans for you, her and your so to get together later.
Super congrats on the twins deluna! So cute.
I went for my private tonight and all was great. What was funny was she had a hard time getting and keeping the heartbeat because it kept running from the ultrasound. It was moving soooooo much. It was crazy.


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Hi ladies! It's about 9:30 in the morning here. Was super cold and snowy out while taking my kiddos to school and myself into work. So I got the telling my mom part done and over with! :happydance: It wasn't as terrible as I thought it would be. She wasn't thrilled, but she stayed at my house and her and I got to talk for awhile and then my SO brought my kids home and we all went out to dinner at Olive Garden (I can't wait to dig into my leftovers for lunch today). My mom really included my SO into conversation and it made me feel so much better. She even apologized to him after dinner for being so negative and judgmental and treating him how she did before, congratulated me and hugged us both. I told her we will have to get together more often and told my partner that I will be making sure to call her at least once a week and regularly keep in touch/check on her via text :thumbup: So excited for my 8 week appointment today, even though it will be uneventful I'm anxious to get to my next appointment and hear our baby's heartbeat! And we are going to make our big news public this evening. I'm cooking a pasta dinner and him and I are doing the "We're Prego" photo announcement on Facebook.
I also want to know if its bad to use a Doppler a lot BC I'm gonna be tempted!!

The one I have is the Sonoline B fetal doppler with 3Mhz probe (as others have suggested). It was a gift, but they can be fairly pricey. It seems like the best deal is to buy one on eBay - you can get one for around $40 that's been used minimally.

Regarding safety of use, I looked into this a lot. My MIL is a nurse and she was worried about home use, so DH and I did a fair bit of research. There is currently no evidence that ultrasounds or dopplers are unsafe, but there are a couple of legitimate reasons to be concerned about using one all the time.

I suggest looking into it yourself if you are worried, but basically the main concerns are (1) concentrated sound waves can caused localized heating of body tissue and (2) the possibility of creating air bubbles in fetal tissue (such as the lungs). Overheating can be a concern, as an unborn baby is pretty sensitive to changes in temperature, but the Sonoline B doppler is evaluated as having a thermal index of less than 1, which means that however you use it it isn't expected to increase the temperature of the tissue more than 1 degree Celsius (and anything less than 1.5 degrees is generally considered to be completely safe). This may actually be more of a concern with some kinds of advanced ultrasound machines that taking very detailed images of the baby. Not so much with a simple home doppler. As for the air bubble problem (official term is cavitation), there isn't currently any evidence that this actually ever occurs in human fetuses, but there is a theoretical risk. Again, the rating for the Sonoline B doppler for this kind of physiological effect is low.

After looking into it, I decided it was no more dangerous for me to use a doppler at home than to have a few ultrasounds and to let the doctor or midwife listen to baby's heartbeat at regular checkups. However, given the slight potential for harm and the unknowns about how frequently and for how long it's okay to use the doppler, DH and I decided we felt best only using it about once a week. Probably there is no reason to worry about using it even daily, as long as it isn't for more than a few minutes at a time (the longer you use it, the more potential for heating up tissue).

Hope that gives you some answers and some peace of mind, amanda! I am very happy to have my doppler. Even getting to hear my baby's heartbeat once a week will be a huge blessing and comfort :thumbup:
Congrats mama bunny!
I have the same Doppler and I think I used it maybe 4-5 times a week from week 10- week 17ish. I really slowed down my use once we felt kicks, then used it maybe a few times a month. I totally agree with deductive. It's really safe, we just never used it for more than a few minutes at a time. The fun for us was really finding it, then listening a minute or two at the most. I do think we paid $40 for a new one, but that was a few years ago, so I guess prices have gone up?
Shew, I have a lot of catching up to do! You will have to forgive me, I wound up in the hospital for a week. Luckily, I got a PICC line so I can receive the nourishment and meds I need right at home now! I had a sono at the hospital and we saw the heartbeat which the tech remarked looked very strong and high for how early I was! It blew my mind that baby was so perfect and unaffected by all my craziness! The docs all reassured me that the silver lining of hyperemesis is that the more miserable I am the better baby is <3

Also, re the Doppler talk. I had an appt with my midwife yesterday at 8+2 and she tried using the Doppler with no luck. She said to absolutely not worry about it because it is soooo early and she wasn't expecting anything til my next appt in 4wks. So hopefully that eases some of your minds :flower:
After my appointment yesterday we announced our big news via Facebook:

He posted this one from his account...

I posted this one from mine...

The caption said "We are proud to announce the upcoming arrival of our lil meatball on or around September 2nd!" :laugh2:

We got a lot of congratulations :thumbup:
Love your announcement photos! I can't wait to be able to spill the beans!
Now of course I have to vent. My hormones must've had me super easily irritated yesterday. It was a good day, I was excited for my 8 week appointment. We are at the office and the nurse is going over everything and then schedules my next appointment. I could choose February 4th or 11th and of course I wanted ASAP so chose the 4th... to which my SO replied "Oh but that's the day Switchez (that big slobbery dog of his I don't care for) gets his nuts chopped off". To which I replied "Well then you go be with the dog and I'll come listen to our baby's heart". He was like "Don't start or you're gonna piss me off...". Uh, I'm already there dude :growlmad: And once the appointment was set his mom said "Oooh can I come to the heartbeat appointment?!" and he immediately replied "Well yes". :saywhat: Um what? I was going to talk to him about the appointment where we we first hear our baby's heartbeat and that I would like it to be special for just me and him that time. I didn't realize the nurse would schedule my next appointment right then and there with his mom sitting next to me. So great... I'll be the b*tch pregnant girlfriend if I say she can't come. So then I was sent to the lab for a blood draw :wacko: I hate needles and was super nervous. I signed in and he just haaaad to go smoke and get on Facebook. His mom had left after the nurse consult so of course as soon as he walks out to go do that I get called back and had to call him on his phone to come back in and I had to carry my sweater, coat, purse, bag with pee sample, bag of papers and books I received and our drinks we got from the vending machine into the back room where they would stab me with the needle. Then I had to go let him in when he made it in. I had met him at the office separately for the appointment because we were both at work and on my drive home I started to cry. I was so pissed and upset mainly about the stupid dog comment. At home, he could sense my mood and asked if I wanted him to leave me alone and asked what was wrong and what did he do. I told him and he said "Well I don't have to pick up the dog until 6:30 that day. It has nothing to do with anything anyways". I replied with "OK? Then what was the need to even mention it in the first place? Exactly. It has NOTHING to do with our baby and who the f*ck cares about it?!?!" We had to run to the store to get food for dinner. When we got home, I asked him if he would like to go nap while I cook dinner because he has been getting to bed a lot later than usual the past couple days and I knew he was very tired. So I'm fixing homemade marinara sauce, cooking spaghetti and homemade breaded chicken with parmesan, parsley and cheese for the Facebook reveal photo. I was trying to hurry because it was getting late, he had to get to bed and also his mom was really anxious to make her own Facebook announcement but waiting until we shared the news first. I ran upstairs to find my camera while dinner was cooking and find him laying in bed with his nose in his phone, on Facebook. I said "If I knew you were just gonna come up here and be on your phone then I would've had you help me with dinner". UGH!!! Thankfully, I'm having a better day today... so far. I swear it takes all I have not to go completely insanely full-on b*tch mode sometimes.
Oh... just remembered not only will we be hearing the baby's heartbeat at the next appointment but the doctor will be performing a full pelvic exam. And his mom want's to be there... Can we say awkward? I hate being in this position. I'm just going to have to sit down and talk to him about my feelings and hopefully he will understand. It's so easy for him to just say yes without thinking... and then leave it to me to be the one that decides otherwise. Because now if he tells her she can't come it falls on ME since he's already given her the OK. I wish he wouldn't have said anything to begin with.

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