Got the Christmas BFP, now waiting on the baby..August 2015 :)

Oh... just remembered not only will we be hearing the baby's heartbeat at the next appointment but the doctor will be performing a full pelvic exam. And his mom want's to be there... Can we say awkward? I hate being in this position. I'm just going to have to sit down and talk to him about my feelings and hopefully he will understand. It's so easy for him to just say yes without thinking... and then leave it to me to be the one that decides otherwise. Because now if he tells her she can't come it falls on ME since he's already given her the OK. I wish he wouldn't have said anything to begin with.

Ok, that is so awkward. My own mother, who I am ridiculously close with, came to my last appointment because my boyfriend was working and all they did was a trans-vag ultrasound and even that was weird. My mom wanted to see the screen, but I did not want her getting a view of the goods down below.

I'd pick my battles because at the end of the day, she is just excited I'm sure and wants to be a part of it. BUT she should realize it is an exciting couple moment too, as you watch your baby develop and grow. Maybe just have her come in for the heartbeat part? Or have her come in after you two have heard it alone?

I am SO glad my boyfriend's family live in another state far far away! They are bad enough as it is and they're thousands of miles away! You all have my sympathies!
And wanted to add that it sounds like maybe you should really sit boyfriend down and explain that you don't want her at all the appointments. Maybe pick and choose the ones you don't mind her coming too?
We could ask her to step out but I mean first off I wanted it to be just me and him to begin with when we hear OUR baby's heartbeat for the first time... and now she has to be shooed out because I'm uncomfortable as well? What if they send me to the exam room and ask me to undress upon entering while I wait for the doctor (as they always have for pelvic exam appointments)? Then it's going to be super awkward and inconvenient. I just want to enjoy this special visit with my SO. In my opinion, it makes more sense for her to patiently wait until our third appointment where the doctor will listen to the heart and measure my belly, no undressing, no pelvic exam. And if she wants to come to any other non invasive appointments that's fine as well.
We could ask her to step out but I mean first off I wanted it to be just me and him to begin with when we hear OUR baby's heartbeat for the first time... and now she has to be shooed out because I'm uncomfortable as well? What if they send me to the exam room and ask me to undress upon entering while I wait for the doctor (as they always have for pelvic exam appointments)? Then it's going to be super awkward and inconvenient. I just want to enjoy this special visit with my SO. In my opinion, it makes more sense for her to patiently wait until our third appointment where the doctor will listen to the heart and measure my belly, no undressing, no pelvic exam. And if she wants to come to any other non invasive appointments that's fine as well.

I totally get it. Maybe explain to her or your boyfriend that you want this to be just the two of you and getting a medical procedure (pelvic exam), you want privacy. There's no way to get around it, IMO, other than just saying something. Otherwise you will be miserable with her in the room with you and it will set a precedent that she can come to a lot of the dr visits. I'm slowly learning that men are idiots and do not think over half of the time when it comes to certain things. Would he want his mom watching him get a prostate exam? Or if he had to give a sperm specimen? Maybe if you lay it out like that, he will understand.
That made me laugh :rofl: Better yet... would he want my dad (if he was still around) accompanying him to a prostate exam? I think not!
I would freak out if I had to be naked under a gown around anyone but DH. If I can't be happy naked around you, I don't want to be in a gown with you.
I would freak out if I had to be naked under a gown around anyone but DH. If I can't be happy naked around you, I don't want to be in a gown with you.

Happy Naked :haha:

I get it. I do feel very comfortable having my mom in the room, but she doesn't look and turns away before I even need to ask. At my last appointment, we were sitting in waiting room and she asked if I wanted her to go in with me....umm, yeah that was the whole point in you coming, mom!
My SO actually just left from bringing and having lunch with me at my workplace. I was unsure whether to just tell him or wait until this evening but ended up explaining that I'd prefer it to be just him and I for this very first appointment. For one, because I wanted the first time we hear our baby to be shared between the two of us... and two, because I would be getting the full exam and although I love his mom am just not comfortable with her being there for that. I also don't want to have to shoo her away or ask the nurse/doctor to accommodate her being there because of my pelvic exam when she can just come to any other non-invasive appointment and stay for the entire thing. I told him it sucked I was in the position I am because his mom and him just went ahead and made the plans for the next appointment and now since he said it was OK if any changes are made it's obvious I was the one against it.... but hopefully she'll understand.

He didn't seem mad or upset... or maybe he was just hiding it :shrug: When I get my ultrasound anyone that wants to join us (I think it's 8-10 people total) would be fine with me.
Hi ladies! Just checking in to see how everyone is doing this week?

And I totally get the wanting it to be just you and him for the first big's a special moment for the two of you to share:flower:

I am feeling okay-nausea off and on this week. I did end up getting another ultrasound this week due to the cramping and my fear of a repeat MMC. I should have been 7wks 6 days but measured closer to 7wks 2days, so hopefully it's nothing to worry about. Heartbeat was 162-so that's good. They did find a subchorionic hematoma-she said it was small and should go away on it's own or cause some spotting. The doctor explained it was basically like a bruise inside so pelvic rest til it heals:cry: Hopefully it will heal on it's own and not cause any other problems. Not sure if any of you have ever had this before? Of course I was an idiot and googled it-bad idea. Lots of horror stories...along with a few positive outcomes.
Is that like a pocket of blood? If so, I had that at 7 weeks. I was cramping and spotting. They found it on an ultrasound. I had to pass it so I spotted for 2/3 days. It was scary but I'm good!
Sass-yes that's pretty much what it is. I have had the cramping, but haven't had any spotting. The dr said I may have a little spotting with it or sometimes nothing because it absorbs into the body. I am hoping it's gone by our next visit in 3 weeks.
Hello Ladies,
How is everyone feeling?
HI ladies! I'm still here just so exhausted and nauseated a lot so if I come on I've just been lurking! Hope everyone is doing great!
Good! So that's exactly what I had nori, and I even had a private scan Tuesday and saw LO jumping around so I'm sure everything is ok. My blood was usually all brown and I'd just see it when I wiped but sometimes it was substantial, so don't be too wigged if that happens to you.
I've been feeling ok. Still at risk of throwing up every morning because I'm still Flemmy from the respitory infection, which is so gross. Otherwise ok though. My appetite has really starting picking up and I've switched to maternity jeans. Not because I felt like I had to, but because I saw a photo of myself and was like, eek! I look huge!
How are you girls doing?
Hey ladies. Sorry I haven't posted I've been super busy chasing after my 14 month old. I'm glad everyone is doing okay and AFM I'm fine now. I finally found my babies heartbeat at exactly 10 weeks yesterday and my uterus also just barely started popping up above my pelvic bone so that I can actually feel it. I'm sorry I don't remember who asked me about my sons heartbeat but I didn't have a Doppler with my son so I didn't hear his heartbeat until my first appointment with my now doctor which was at 15 weeks. The babies heartbeat yesterday was at 164 so that was exciting. My next appointment is February 11th and we are saving the public announcement until after then. Now on to the really exciting news! I can feel my baby fluttering all over the place! It's so exciting, it's right on track with when I felt it with my son. 6 more weeks and I'll hopefully be feeling real movement! I felt kicks and flips and movement at 15-16 weeks with my son and my husband could feel it on the outside between 18-19 weeks. So far it seems like this baby will be the same which is totally fine with me!
Sounds like everyone is doing pretty well - just the expected tired, nervous, nauseated symptoms! I thought my nausea had almost moved on, but then the past week or so it had a resurgence (much more manageable than last time, though, since I had something I could take if needed). I'm hoping this is the peak, since that would be right around on time. Been managing to eat more and have stopped losing weight, maybe even starting to get back up to pre-conception weight. I am somewhat overweight anyway, though, so not too worried about that.

First real prenatal care appointment this Friday with the midwife, so excited about that of course! Was able to find baby's heartbeat again with the doppler at 9.5 weeks this past Friday (same spot as before) so I am optimistic the midwife will find it too this week. We are planning to start telling people after my appointment, although our nearest and dearest have already known for a while.

Starting to feel really optimistic that this pregnancy will be a success. I have even allowed myself to start looking at baby things online and sign up for free samples and think about buying baby books and maternity clothes. Here's hoping everyone else is feeling positive these days :hugs:
Now on to the really exciting news! I can feel my baby fluttering all over the place! It's so exciting, it's right on track with when I felt it with my son. 6 more weeks and I'll hopefully be feeling real movement! I felt kicks and flips and movement at 15-16 weeks with my son and my husband could feel it on the outside between 18-19 weeks.

JandJ, since this is my first I really have no idea what to expect in terms of feeling the baby move, but I was wondering if you could share what it feels like to you? Looks like you and I are about equally far along, but I know there's a good chance I won't be able to distinguish the baby moving from other sensations as early as you because I've never felt anything like it before. So far, other than feeling all bloaty and gassy, I haven't felt much of any sensations in my abdomen since I got my BFP!
Happy 10 weeks deductive! Happy 11 weeks Sass and Smiley!

I always have a lot to catch up on when I'm off BnB for the weekend. I had a maaaajor meltdown on my SO Saturday.

We have needed to grocery shop and planned on doing so over the weekend. Woke up Saturday morning and was discussing that and finances with my SO. He was unable to help pay the bills this week nor buy groceries (we split everything accordingly) and I was aware of this... but he made the comment that his dog (that is living with his dad now, see this thread for the rundown on all that - needed food and he had to go buy it and take it to his dad. I replied with "Well WE need food" to which he responded with "Well my dog needs food and I'm not going to let him starve. I know how you feel about the whole situation so I'm not going to get into it". I said that his dad would not let the dog starve and that the main concern should be what's needed for US right now. If he can go buy dog food he sure as heck can help me with bills or the groceries instead. Anything helps, at least put forth some effort instead of relying on me once again to handle it all or expect me to when he falls short or because he chooses to make other things priority. He could have very well called his dad and said he cannot do anything for the dog because he has responsibilities at home for his family. I was livid, annoyed, hurt and sobbing I want to be able to rely on HIM more... not the other way around After a big ordeal, he (according to him) called his dad and said he couldn't get food this week. I didn't care, he already said what he did. I get so much anxiety wondering how things will be when the baby is here. And he isn't in much of a hurry or motivated to work on our bedroom remodel. Didn't touch it all weekend. I'm really thinking I'm going to have to dish out the money and hire someone to do the work. So much anxiety and stress!!! My son ended up leaving for the weekend and my daughter went with my ex husband's gf... who was nice enough to invite me over to get away, which I gladly accepted. This have cooled off now but I'm just wondering when something else will arise... I wish he would just let his dad handle the dog and that my SO would focus on responsibilities at home and things we need to do to prepare for baby.
Hi Ladies,

I hope it is OK for me to join this thread at this late stage, it was confirmed by my Dr that we are now expecting our first little minion :D I get my scan in 2 weeks and we are so happy. I am pleased to find that we are all in the same boat and very close dates for expecting. I feel anxious sometimes as I am not being effected by many symptoms yet and it makes me a little scared thinking if anything is wrong but I was advised that not every woman experiences all symptoms and It doesn't feel real yet as I can't feel anything and I keep thinking when I go for my scan maybe nothing will be there, Despite taking numerous pregnancy tests.

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