Got the Christmas BFP, now waiting on the baby..August 2015 :)

He was born at 38 weeks exactly. And I had an epidural, you can still feel it lol.
Wow! I'll be 38 weeks tomorrow but I don't see this baby making an appearance anytime soon :nope: I'd like to fully recover from this stupid sinus cold I caught before dealing with birthing a child. Hoping my kids don't get sick as they start school next week and def don't want OH sick either. Ugh...
Ladies who have done this before, what do you think about the following:

Last night I had sudden nausea after dinner that persisted throughout the evening (I did not get sick, however, and was able to eat a snack before bed). During the night, I had a bad stomach ache off and on that woke me up numerous times and that I thought could have been tied to contractions (but I did not want to wake up enough to time them). By morning, the stomach ache was mostly gone (more like mild gas pain) but I've continued to have fairly regular contractions (about every 15 minutes). They are a bit more noticeable than my typical Braxton Hicks but not especially painful or crampy. I am not really feeling them in my back either. I'm monitoring them, but they don't seem to be getting closer together or more intense.

Should I be thinking this is just a progression in my Braxton Hicks, or some kind of pre-labor, or could it be just a slow start to early labor? I thought something similar was happening last week around this time, but it didn't go on quite as long. Insights appreciated!
It's been so long for me all I can remember with DS1 is my contractions started very mild and I only felt them up front, like little period cramps but nothing bad at all. Didn't feel ill or anything. With DD my water broke and contractions started immediately but nothing severe, again, I don't think I felt them in my back. :shrug:
I had my appt yesterday and I'm 80% effaced and 1 cm dilated. Bump measurement went from 38 last week (a week ahead) to 37 this week and the midwife said that means he has dropped! She felt his head when she checked me and said he's right there...freaky! A lot of progress from one week ago when my cervix was still firm and closed :)

I was up til 3am with period like cramps in my belly and back, it kind of felt like I needed to poo but when I would go to the potty I realized I didn't need to. Finally fell asleep but when I woke up I'm still having them! I don't think they are bad enough to be labor pains but hopefully it means I'm dilating more...or something? Hopefully all the pain isn't for nothing.
Ahhhh macy that's exciting! :happydance: FX the pains are a good sign labor will be starting soon! When I went for my visit last week I recall my doctor saying I was measuring 36 when I was at 37 weeks. I was a bit alarmed, but I guess I shouldn't be :shrug: I'll be 38 weeks tomorrow and have another visit. OH is able to go and he's super excited so hoping there's been a bit of change from the last time...
Thanks MamaB! Yeah I was alarmed too the my bump had "shrank" since last week but she assured me it was ok, actually a good thing! Maybe your babe has dropped too!
I hope so! OH is super anxious for his son to arrive. I was wanting him here sooner rather than later, but now that I'm battling a nasty sinus cold I would rather wait. The kids start school next week though so I'm torn. I'd prefer to give birth before they start school but also don't want to while sick. Ugh!
Exciting stuff, macy! I would love to hear that baby is dropping - I think she is pretty low overall (I can breathe and eat okay these days, and almost no heartburn) but she doesn't seem to be getting lower as time goes on. Hoping if I make it to my appointment this Thursday that my bump measurement will have gone down :happydance:

Let us know how you get on with your labor symptoms - it shouldn't be long now!

AFM, contractions have slowed back down and are now more irregular and only happening a couple of times an hour (back to "usual" if you will). Doesn't look like we'll be hurrying to the hospital tonight at least.
38 weeks today!
:shock: :shock: :shock:


Doctor appointment this afternoon. Feeling like there won't be any change from the last two weeks but that's OK as I'm still feeling under the weather.
Any updates, Macy? Still with us in the land of the pregnant ladies? Any more indicators of progress? I had the period-like cramping you mentioned for overnight last week and am hoping it means my cervix is doing stuff, but my practice doesn't do internal exams during pregnancy so I have no way of knowing :shrug:

Looks like I'm definitely not in labor yet (maybe having that start and stop kind you hear about, but not the progressive kind at least). Just have to keep waiting for baby girl to be ready :thumbup:
Hey deductive. That awful period pain continued into the next day. I took a bath and it stopped for a bit then turned into sharp pains all over my bump and back. The pains would intensify really bad then go back to a dull stabbing feeling. I also noticed Noah wasn't doing his usual kicks and flips so I called the midwife. She had me come in since I live close by and she was still there.

Of course, as soon as she pulls out her doppler Noah does his usual Kung fu tricks :dohh: little stink. She said I'm just having mild contrax, it could turn into active labor, I may be back in 3 hours or 3 days but there is no way to tell. She also checked my cervix and it's only about .5cm more dilated than it was on Monday at my appt. So still 80% effaced and sitting at 1.5cm. I slept horribly last night and woke up this morning in pain again.

Sorry, that probably isn't the answer you want to hear :nope: hopefully both our babies don't keep is waiting too much longer!
Hang in there, macy :hugs: I'm sure we'll both have our little ones in our arms before we know it! Just hoping the time leading up to that moment isn't too hectic. It seems my new normal is to have Braxton Hicks every 20-30 minutes, but not particularly painful and without any progression. Hopefully that means I'll be all primed and ready whenever true labor decides to kick in.
Congrats on your successful vbac jnj!
I'm officially overdue. 40+2 today. Still hoping for a vbac too. My induction date is set at 41+1. I'm having bh every 30 minutes too but it don't feel like it's getting he anything but discomfort. Very disheartening. I had hoped that since my first was early that this one would be earlier, but No dice for sure.
So exciting-everyone is getting so close:happydance:

Nothing new to report after my dr visit yest...barely dilated to 1 cm, she decided not to induce next week (at this point) and continue with the nst and ultrasound next week to make sure all is okay and see if I have progressed at all.
Doctor appointment yesterday and nothing to report still :nope: I measured spot on at 38. Posterior cervix and no dilation or effacement. The wait continues... :coffee:
Had my 39 week appointment today - nothing much interesting to report. Last week baby measured at 40 and this week measuring at 38, so maybe that means she's moving down. But I did see different people those two times, so could just be differences in how they measure. They scheduled me for an ultrasound next week if baby still hasn't made her appearance. Hoping I won't really need to keep that appointment (scheduled for the day after my due date) but if I do then DH plus both grandmothers will be able to attend which would be special :thumbup:
Oh yeah, and in the land of TMI, I think I've been losing my mucus plug over the last couple of days. It hasn't had any blood in it so far, but sometimes when I wipe I see a glob of white stuff that looks just like rubber cement glue. Anyone else experienced this lovely sign yet?
Oh yeah, and in the land of TMI, I think I've been losing my mucus plug over the last couple of days. It hasn't had any blood in it so far, but sometimes when I wipe I see a glob of white stuff that looks just like rubber cement glue. Anyone else experienced this lovely sign yet?

Hi jumping threads here but wanted to say I've been losing plug mucus for over a week. Today was exactly as u described it. But no blood. I feel like a walking time bomb. I'm rli anxious about going out on my own. Today I've felt so tired and dizzy no energy at all. Just hate not knowing
Hi ladies!

Sorry I haven't been on for a while but I've been a bit busy having a baby!

I went to bed on Tuesday night and my waters went with a gush completely soaking my bed! This was at 11:30pm! Called the delivery unit and decided to go in there and then instead of waiting til 6am, By the time we waited on MIL coming round to look after ds1 it was 12:30am before we set of for the hospital. Started having painful contractions on route and got to delivery unit just before 1am. Was checked and assessed at 1:05am and was told I wasn't in established labour yet although I was contracting every three minutes and that my waters hadn't broken, they bloody well had and that I was barely a cm dilated! Before I knew it it was 4:16am and all he'll was let loose as LO got stuck at the shoulders, I had a consultant and a midwife with their hands inside me trying to dislodge baby which they finally did and baby Ryan made his way into the world without injury, weighing 10lbs 6oz! Only pain relief I had was gas and air! I ended up with a third degree tear and was in theatre for over an hour getting stitched !
Ryan arrived on the 19th August the day before my induction was booked and on the first day of school !!

He is gorgeous and worth every ounce of pain!

I'm sending all you ladies still waiting on your babies lots of labour :dust: xxx

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