Got the Christmas BFP, now waiting on the baby..August 2015 :)

Hi ladies!! so quick update.....cervix is starting to soften, but nothing on the dilation meter at this point. Baby is doing great, dr said just keep moving along as is until at least 39 weeks if all stays the same. Possibly induce around 39 weeks due to my pre-pregnancy high has been great and under control the whole pregnancy, thus why she isn't inducing this week or next. hubby and I so want it to just happen on it's own and not be induced:cry: obviously if it's for health reasons that's different, but since all is going well, hopefully we can make it to 40 weeks at least.....

how is everyone else doing??????

Fingers crossed for you hun!:flower:
Doctor appointment yesterday went well. I've gained 2lbs and belly measured a week behind for once at 36. Lil man was tucked in his usual spot all the way over along my right side. No dilation or effacement still, he's happy as can be in there! Fine with me, as I'm still doing things at home. Cleaned and sanitized my pump parts, one of the bottles we got (just in case), scrubbed all the gunk off the bathroom exhaust fan cover, finished painting bifold doors, had my DS help to nail down a few final pieces of trim in the house and I was able to make the oatmeal chocolate chip lactation cookie recipe I found... which is DELICIOUS! OH even tried some and liked it :thumbup: I still need to pack my hospital bag, which I plan to do after work today, along with some laundry. Dying to clean the floors too. Guess official "nesting" mode has kicked in :winkwink:
38 week appointment today went well - nothing much to report as the midwives don't really assess much (no pelvic exams, no estimation of head engagement, etc.). No weight gain since last week :happydance: and blood pressure still doing good. I was measuring somewhat large (40cm at a bit over 38 weeks), but it does seem like all the midwives in my practice have their own way of doing the measurements so not too worrisome. The midwife helped me to feel baby's head, which was exciting. She seems to have settled into a good position - head down with back on my left side.

I had some serious-seeming contractions earlier in the week (crampy and fairly frequent) but they didn't progress and nothing like it since then. Been doing more pelvic tilts and circles on the birth ball to make sure baby has the opportunity to get or stay in a good position, but otherwise assuming I am in for a wait as this is my first baby and all my mom's labors started around 41 weeks.

Did you get the hospital bag packed, mamma? I have that pretty much done, but still waiting for my "nesting" instincts to kick in. I currently have very little urge to clean the floors or anything else (except washing adorable baby laundry) :shrug:
41wekks today and still here! This wee guy is just too comfy!

Tightenings are still hit or miss and not always painful I'm just hoping they are doing something!
Hey ladies, sorry I haven't been posting but I was a little busy because...

Kieran Finley Richard
Born August 8th, 2015 weighing in at 8 lbs 5 oz and 21 inches long!

So totally in love with this little man. If anyone would like to know my labour and delivery story just let me know haha. :)


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Just another picture. :)


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Awwwwww!! Congratulations! Don't be shy with that labour story, the stage is yours!!
Somehow I unsubscribed to this thread but I finally found it again! I'm all caught up and glad to hear everyone is doing well. It looks like we're all on labor watch now!

Congrats J, he's beautiful! I too would love to hear the birth story :)

Afm, I'm 38 weeks on the dot today! At my appt last week the midwife checked me and said my cervix is right there and she can feel the baby's head but I'm still not dilated at all. I've been drinking red raspberry leaf tea the past couple of weeks per her instructions but she said it won't induce labor, only make contractions more productive when the time comes. I've been having a lot of period type pains and random sharp pains in my lady bits this past week, I have an appt tomorrow so we shall see if anything has changed! Personally, I think I'll probably end up overdue since this is my first!

Hope everyone is well!
Well on Wednesday after my doctors appointment and the membrane sweep I was cramping and losing tonnes of bloody mucus. Thursday I was still cramping and losing lots of mucus so I went to the hospital in the afternoon to check on things because I knew I would have to get sent somewhere else to labour and deliver due to being a VBAC and there being no anesthesiologist at the hospital at the time. After monitoring me and baby and checking my cervix they told me that I was contracting but they weren't consistent so to go home and come back if they got consistent. I was contracting on and off all night Thursday and by 5 Friday morning they were every 5 minutes so I called my mom to come stay with my son and I called my husband home from work. I got monitored again and checked again and barely anything had changed so they kept me in the hospital for a while then they sent me out around twin to try to see some progress. At like 3 Friday afternoon after walking around town for a while the contractions were starting to get stronger so we went back to get checked again before heading home. Everything was still the same so they sent me home. I was having steady contractions every 3-5 minutes for the rest of the day and evening and by 10 pm they were starting to get to the point where I couldn't even talk or think through them and they were coming every 2-3 minutes so we called my mom yet again, grabbed everything we needed and got in the car. Once we got in the car we called the hospital nursing desk to tell them we were coming and they told us to go to the hospital in my town instead of driving the 1/2 an hour to them because they thought I might be too far along to make it there. Problem with that being that I live in a really tiny town and they don't even deliver babies at our hospital anymore but I figured it shouldn't matter because I had to be sent somewhere else anyway. Once we got there we told the nurses what was going on (it was like 1 am at this point) and they called the doc in to come check me. He checked me and determined that I was only about one cm dilated which was the same as earlier in the day but I also had 1 cm of bulging membranes. That's where stuff got serious haha. He started frantically calling trying to figure out where they were sending me because he was worried that if the membranes burst everything would just take off really fast. They finally found somewhere to send me and called an ambulance in from about 45 minutes away. When I first got there they had taken a urine sample and I was super dehydrated so at first they thought my labour would stop once they hydrated me. They hooked me up to an iv and had the contraction monitor on me as well. Once the ambulance finally got there they explained everything to the EMTs and they loaded me up. I almost had a mental breakdown because I had to go by myself so that justin could drive our car. The place that we were going to was a little over an hour away but we were driving with the lights on so it definitely didn't take that long. The whole ride I was still contracting every 2-3 minutes despite being much more hydrated. We got to the hospital at just before 5 in the morning and they checked me in and got me hooked up to machines and what not and then the doctor came to check me. I was 4 cm dilated with 4 cm of bulging membranes! After that I was labouring all day making steady progress by 8 I was between 6 and 7 cm. it kind of stalled a little after that and I was exhausted from being in labour for over 2 days already so they gave me an epidural at around 11 am so I could relax and hopefully sleep. The worst part about that was the catheter. My body tried to reject it so I freaked out because it was so uncomfortable so finally they had to come in and take it out and insert a new one covered in lidocaine gel. When they put the new one in they used a non latex one because the nurse was brilliant and figured out I might be allergic to latex catheters due to the sensitive skin in my urethra. After that I was much more calm and actually did manage to nap a little. I got checked periodically and wasn't making a tonne of progress so they decided that they would break my water and see if the contractions increased. The contractions did pick up a bit but not as much as they were hoping so around 4 they started me on the lowest dose of artificial oxytocin and that really got things going. By 5 I was telling them I needed to push and I was right I was fully dilated! I pushed for just over an hour and then my beautiful boy came into the world. :)
For those of you who haven't done it I'm warning you now, your babies head coming out of your vagina will be one of the worst things you have ever felt lol. But you won't care at all because you will know you are so close to meeting your baby so it's okay. :)
Thanks for sharing, JandJ! Glad your beautiful boy finally arrived after a long labor. As a FTM, it's very helpful hearing about other people's birth experiences :hugs:
Omigosh congrats JandJ!!! He's perfect! How far along in your pregnancy were you when you had him? I'm totally not anticipating feeling LO's head stretch through my vagina... I'm pretty set on getting an epi if possible :thumbup:

I'm nearly 38 weeks and caught a lovely sinus infection/cold from a coworker :growlmad: Have still not packed my hospital bag as I spent a majority of the weekend in bed miserable. We have finished all the reno on our house and I wanted to deep clean, pack my bag and keep things tidy but of course that hasn't happened quite yet... Going to call my doctor today just to be safe. I've been resting, sipping warm broth, eating tons of oatmeal and drinking fluids. I Googled "sinus infection while pregnant" and apparently a sinus infection isn't contagious... but since the coworker had/has this exact thing I'm convinced it's something viral and want to be sure the baby isn't at risk.
MamaB- I have a ton of experience with sinus infections unfortunately and they can be contagious. There are viral and bacterial si, the viral one is the contagious one. Or you may be like me where you picked up a viral cold or some other yuck and it turned into a si. Hope you feel better soon.

Thanks for sharing J. I enjoyed reading the birth story!
congrats J and J!! beautiful pics!

mamabunny-hope you feel better soon!

I am anxiously awaiting our dr apt this week to see if we will be scheduled for induction next week and secretly praying labor happens on its own before then!

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