Smiley - your lines look amazing! My last 3 have been very similar, the test is darker than the control. Fx that means good things are happening in there!
I am still not feeling a ton symptom-wise. I'm tired but functioning and my right boob is achy off and on, very little. The biggest difference I'm noticing is not much of an appetite and then feeling full or not wanting to eat after just a few bites. Nothing tastes good. I'm not really nauseous though, just don't want to eat. This from a girl who never knew what it was like not to feel hungry.
I am going to the Dr on Friday and I'm hoping they will do blood tests. I'll be 5 weeks exactly that day.
I keep thinking back to how I felt with my mc back in January/February. I remember a lot more cramping and feeling tired and mildly achy boobs. This time, no appetite, occasionally sore boobs, and tired. I also had a lot of spotting prior to me getting my BFP last time and so far nothing at all. I really want this bean to stick.