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~> GypsyPunk in Hospital <~ (New Update page 48 from Jo)

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aw hun. its hard isnt it? just turn your phone off hun if you want some peace and ask the nurses not to tell you if people call......you are allowed. xx
This is not my fault according to the docs but I'm sure the stress of work, being elbowed on the bus, commuting, falling in the snow, battling to continue to work to prove to OH's mates that I am NOT a hypochondriac, stress with landlord, stress with OH, trying to sort out moving, council house list, work fucking up my wage, sorting out sick pay and benefits...its been too much.

Now I'm facing SHIT from people if the worst happens ie "oh its just one of those things" and my grandma will now have to go and tell all the people she told at 8 weeks pregnant, bragging with the scan pics in the hairdressers. She shouldn't have fucking told them in the first place. Its not hers or their business.

People giving me STUPID advice about how I wouldn't have fallen if I had my wellies on, I fucking DID have them on and yes maybe I should have given up work months ago but those telling me to weren't offering me help with paying bills.

I've had people stressing me re "How you gonna get them home from the hospital when they are born?" When I was just 6 weeks.

People telling me rather rudely "You are the hardest person to get hold of" when they have text and called me at 11.30 at night and I am ASLEEP.

My brother messaging me on Monday when I was first in hospital saying he doesn't like my OH and my family trying to drag me away from him and move...I was stressed this weekend moving stuff out the house in a rush and the snake bit me.

My brother even said when I was 7 weeks or so he thought my OH was a loser and maybe I should get rid of the babies so they didn't have him as a dad.

Can you understand why I want to blame everyone in my life? Nobody has let me enjoy my pregnancy and I want them all to fuck off and leave me alone.
Oh Jo.................You are doing the best you can in the circustamces!! Ignore those who think they know what is best for you............only you know what is best and what you can and can't handle.
I really hope that you and your boys get through this. You are a strong lady and don't let ANYONE tell you other wise!! You are creating 3 new lives.............now if that isn't bloody increadible then i don't know what is!!!

Turn your phone off for the rest of the morning, if it helps and then just check messages and turn it off again!!

Lots of hugs to you xxx
I've been offline for the weekend and haven't seen this.
I don't even know what to say.. Jo, I'm praying for you and your boys. Try and stay positive sweetheart :hugs: xxxxx
Oh poor girl she really has been having a horrible time of it lately. Sending huge hugs and super sticky vibes for the babies. I hope they can all hang in there until at least 24 weeks. Hope things get better very soon for her and the babies.
listen hun i am sitting here crying listening to your worry story, i cant believe everything your friends family oh and landlord have put you through, i am sitting here panicing about my 1 baby i cant imagine the worry you have regarding your little babies....... right that said........ listen to me ..... NO ONE I MEAN NO ONE MATTERS APART FROM YOU, YOUR LITTLE ONES AND THE DOCTORS AROUND YOU WHO I GUESS ARE TRYING THEIR VERY HARDEST TOGET YOU TO VIABILIITY ATLEAST......f*** everyone else even your oh, you are doing well so far and your body is trying its hardest to keep them in, you need to concern yourself with being on your back, turn your phone off, dont read your facebook or hotmail messages if you dont want to, start knitting or get a DS brought in for you thats how i am getting through bed rest.i really really really mean this, i am thinking of you, put your faith in your docs, i know its hard as every doc seems to say something different, they all work differently but i do know that the ones you will be seeing at this stage will be very well trained and they all want a good outcome for you and your babies. my number is 07724 793684 and i am on bed rest too, give us a text if you want to. hugsxx
The babies are fine they are all happy and healthy its not them wanting to come early its my body not being able to cope for whatever reason. I had 3 injections yesterday and waiting for the doctors to come and do their rounds so don't have any more news until they do.

One thing for sure is I'm fast getting sick of the texts, calls, fb messages and what id like to call stupid advice from people ie "rest" and "eat" and "go to sleep"

I'm not a 5 year old child and not fucking stupid.

Ignore me, this isn't a dig at any of you lot. I've obviously woken up in a foul mood and feel stressed that yet again I am being "hounded" and if I don't reply asap it requires people to call the hospital to check on me. How can I follow the stupid advice to "rest" when my fone goes off every 2 mins


listen hun i am sitting here crying listening to your worry story, i cant believe everything your friends family oh and landlord have put you through, i am sitting here panicing about my 1 baby i cant imagine the worry you have regarding your little babies....... right that said........ listen to me ..... NO ONE I MEAN NO ONE MATTERS APART FROM YOU, YOUR LITTLE ONES AND THE DOCTORS AROUND YOU WHO I GUESS ARE TRYING THEIR VERY HARDEST TOGET YOU TO VIABILIITY ATLEAST......f*** everyone else even your oh, you are doing well so far and your body is trying its hardest to keep them in, you need to concern yourself with being on your back, turn your phone off, dont read your facebook or hotmail messages if you dont want to, start knitting or get a DS brought in for you thats how i am getting through bed rest.i really really really mean this, i am thinking of you, put your faith in your docs, i know its hard as every doc seems to say something different, they all work differently but i do know that the ones you will be seeing at this stage will be very well trained and they all want a good outcome for you and your babies. my number is 07724 793684 and i am on bed rest too, give us a text if you want to. hugsxx

Thank you hun :) I'm just laid here waiting for them to listen in to check how they are. I've been able to have a shower and now laid back in bed. I hope you are ok xx
Hey sweetie, sorry you're having such a shit time, fingers are crossed for you, take care xxx
Oh hunny, you have been through so much that i'm not surprised you feel this way. It was hard work being pregnant with 1 baby, now i know how hard it is with 2 so i can only imagine what you are feeling with 3 little babies.
Stay strong hun xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Big hugs to u and your babies jo and i hope u get well soon. xxxxxxxxx
You need to put yourself first and bollocks to the rest of them hun, concentrate on hitting that 24 week mark. I know its easy to say and not much help but all this stuff will be sorted out in time - you and the boys are the most important priority right now :hugs: :hugs:
Doctors have been to see me to take more blood. I also have protein in my urine.

Just been scanned and babies are all ok.

Midwives have had a bollocking from the doctor for letting me get up and get my breakfast, it should have been brought to me. I'm not allowed out of bed at all. Wouldn't mind but they forgot about me last night, meant to see me at 7 and it was midnight before I got my tablets and this morning I buzzed 4 times in half hour before I was seen.

Thta's terrible treatment!! How are you today? Is there any improvement yet? I hope so, we are all thinking of you all xxx
hey gypsypunk

only just seen this post - just want to say wish you and your babies well. i work in a hospital and we had a lady who was in a similar situation to you - and she made it to 25 weeks and her baby (albeit she was expecting just the one) was healthy and well - although very tiny and she had all the stuff you're having injections, stitch etc

i really wish you all well - life throws crap at us sometimes but i'm sure your babies know you love them and the fact that you are managing to be so strong (even if you dont feel like it) shows just what a wonderful mum your going to be.

it really is true isn't it - from the moment they are conceived is when us women become parents!!

keeping you all in my thoughts
Morning hun, sorry your not feeling too good today. I was probably one of those daft bints, as I put a message here yesterday about having something to eat. I think Im still in nurse mode..( You can take the nurse out of the ward, but....:haha:) I agree with all the advice given, I would put all the idiots that are calling and giving you grief on block for now hun, you dont need anymore stress x x x
Morning hun, sorry your not feeling too good today. I was probably one of those daft bints, as I put a message here yesterday about having something to eat. I think Im still in nurse mode..( You can take the nurse out of the ward, but....:haha:) I agree with all the advice given, I would put all the idiots that are calling and giving you grief on block for now hun, you dont need anymore stress x x x

No at at all. Just messages being passed on ie "your grandma says keep warm" etc. I think its cos people don't know what to say but if I wasn't hormonal before, I am now with having these injections of progesterone. Its making me more cranky. People telling me to eat, you try eating this awful crap food! Lol xx
Morning hun, sorry your not feeling too good today. I was probably one of those daft bints, as I put a message here yesterday about having something to eat. I think Im still in nurse mode..( You can take the nurse out of the ward, but....:haha:) I agree with all the advice given, I would put all the idiots that are calling and giving you grief on block for now hun, you dont need anymore stress x x x

No at at all. Just messages being passed on ie "your grandma says keep warm" etc. I think its cos people don't know what to say but if I wasn't hormonal before, I am now with having these injections of progesterone. Its making me more cranky. People telling me to eat, you try eating this awful crap food! Lol xx

Yes hospital food is not the best is it, so are you up on the antenatal ward yet? x x
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