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~> GypsyPunk in Hospital <~ (New Update page 48 from Jo)

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hey Gypsy Punk.

Just read thread just now. I so hope your babies stay in as long as possible. Power of mind can do amazing things ...

Regarding your flat, I can't believe your heating is still off, but at least you'll be warm in hospital. The suggestion of knitting from someone is a good one. I find it really relaxing. Stops me getting stressed (sort of).

But yeah viability isn't too far off.

Hope things get better

Lots of love

Surprisebaby x
i could always try and smuggle you in a pizza :D :D
Every day that passes is a day closer to the big V day!! :D Someone said it before and I agree, your boys have your fighting spirit. xxx
Hey Jo hang in there hun, Im sure them injections they are giving you are making you more cranky, although it could just be cause you so worried now....Fancy the midwives getting a bollocking though for letting you out of bed, but then they should have known better, they know why your there.....Hope your feeling a little better now....Wonder if someone can smuggle in some decent food lol.....
Morning hun, sorry your not feeling too good today. I was probably one of those daft bints, as I put a message here yesterday about having something to eat. I think Im still in nurse mode..( You can take the nurse out of the ward, but....:haha:) I agree with all the advice given, I would put all the idiots that are calling and giving you grief on block for now hun, you dont need anymore stress x x x

No at at all. Just messages being passed on ie "your grandma says keep warm" etc. I think its cos people don't know what to say but if I wasn't hormonal before, I am now with having these injections of progesterone. Its making me more cranky. People telling me to eat, you try eating this awful crap food! Lol xx

Yes hospital food is not the best is it, so are you up on the antenatal ward yet? x x

Came over last night. Delivery suite were more on the ball. I've had to buzz to remind these lot about my tablets that are an hour late.
Morning hun, sorry your not feeling too good today. I was probably one of those daft bints, as I put a message here yesterday about having something to eat. I think Im still in nurse mode..( You can take the nurse out of the ward, but....:haha:) I agree with all the advice given, I would put all the idiots that are calling and giving you grief on block for now hun, you dont need anymore stress x x x

No at at all. Just messages being passed on ie "your grandma says keep warm" etc. I think its cos people don't know what to say but if I wasn't hormonal before, I am now with having these injections of progesterone. Its making me more cranky. People telling me to eat, you try eating this awful crap food! Lol xx

Yes hospital food is not the best is it, so are you up on the antenatal ward yet? x x

Came over last night. Delivery suite were more on the ball. I've had to buzz to remind these lot about my tablets that are an hour late.

I just noticed that bit your wrote about the midwives letting you up to get breakfast, are they daft or what? What do they think your in for? A holiday break..:dohh:
Ha ha im a trained nurse as well so its hard to get out of the nurse mode like Mon says!!

I used to like hospital food, but now its euuurrrgggghhhhh!
I'm still waiting for my suppositry, should have had it an hour ago. They are slack on this ward.

They'd no idea what id had and what I hadn't and they were naming stuff like night. Drug names. I was like I dunno, I've had two injections already, two diff antibiotics, cocodamol and paracetamol and a suppositry.
That just doesnt sound right at all ...... can you ask to speak to a doctor to clarify what they are supposed to be doing ?? I would have hit the roof by now, but that isnt going to help you. Try to stay calm (easier said than done).

Hope they get their act together !!!!
They have a load of trainee midwives who they are having to drag round with them. I understand they have other people to see but don't they write it on the board so they know who needs what at what time? I can't relax cos I'm waiting for them to bring my stuff xx
Aaargh sorry to hear you're getting such crappy care. Got everything crossed for you anyway :hugs:
Hun, ask to speak to the sister on the ward about the slackness, and you have every right to decline a student midwife present at any time. I wouldnt feel like participating in a " show & tell " right now either. :hugs: x x x
I know how hormonal I am at the moment... can't believe how easy I am to get wound up and I have nothing to worry about..... I don't know how you're managing with everything you're going through right now. Hope someone can get in to see you with some pink waffers!!!!
Mmmmm, pink wafers, great taste - I hope someone could smuggle some in for you!!!

Hold on tight little babies!!!!!!!!!!!! Thinking of you hun.

if we werent snowed in here hun i would drop you some pink wafers down, im sorry but cant get the car off the drive. you need to have a word with someone about it all. if you are on complete bed rest you cant be getting stressed out by them missing your meds. maybe the doc would be best as he seems to like telling them off lol. xxxx
Only just seen your post, just have everything crossed that babies will be ok.

I suppose if you have bad snow up there anyway, bed rest is just an added bonus! lol

In all seriousness, hope you and babies are ok xxxx
I just moved over and read this post!! I am so praying for you and they babies!!! I can't believe the treatment you are getting!! I agree with the others who have said to turn off your phone!! All you need to worry about right now is YOU and those babies...no one else!!! Stay strong as we know you are!!! ((((HUGS))))
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