girls hope your all enjoying the weekend afm been food shopping came back my son had gone his nans staying for the night i have just changed the bedroom round now just chilling waiting for the oh come back from a run so i can start on tea starving weather is lovely wooppp hope it keeps up x x x
im poorly unless i keep tking paracetamol every 4 hours my temp shoots up, was 39.4 last night!! and took 3 hours with a cool bath and laying naked with fans blowing on me for it to come down,
girls well i have woke up in a foul mood need to shake it off so going to do dinner and then chill in the sun all day with some tunes blasting hope you get better jo x x x
Caz hope the sunshine shook off your foul mood lol bless you.
Nothing much to report here, just whiling away the days taking it easy and waiting for otd. Finished my ds game in like a day and half, how sad is that. Going on amazon to look for some more games now (might throw in some ic's while I'm at it hee hee don't tell hubby though)
Jo glad your feeling bit better hunny you too Caz x
I've just had a big greasy fry up naughty I know but needs must. You gotta be naughty once in a while lol. Just finishing off with snickers ice cream yum yum!!!
Lol yeah I know naughty isn't it. Hubby's been cooking bless him and looking after me so have to find easy meal's for him to cook lol. Spag Bol tonight.
hey ladies hope u are all well doodar have everything crossed for you for the test day and jo hope u feel better sooon ohh and nik dylan has got sooo big such a cutey loved the bouncing vid on fb lol
not much going on for me finished my deutch a1 with the tests yesterday and today next exam is in sept and then the next after that end of oct
fs tomoz hoping il get some awnsers from this guy!
girls well we didnt have sex last night gutted but it was only ones so back to it tonight been the gym feel really bloated again hope i get a + opk at weekend or tomorrow x x x
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