I know, it's so hard to not obsess. What helps me is running. I've been doing couch to 5k and I finish it tomorrow. I wasn't able to run for a bus before! I've signed up to do a 10k in memory of Max on June 1st. I have this little voice in my head that says that in one way it would be better to not get pregnant till after that so I can really focus on training. It's a pretty quiet voice in comparison to the one that screams to be pregnant but at least it's something to focus on!
Feeling really hopeful going into this cycle- the dates would be special and I feel like I'm having a proper period this time where last month was so light and symptom free I just felt that things weren't right yet.
I got fancy opks this month and a new bbt thermometer. I'm conscious of putting too much store by dates because I found out that I was pregnant with Max 2 days before my Dad died. At the time I thought it was a sign and proof that everything would be ok, but obviously not.
Apart from all the ov prediction I just take pregnacare conception vitimans. I also have some conceive plus lube though I guess if we have to use that it's unlikely to be a fertile time anyway.
I'm also running- trying to get to a healthy weight (currently 12 pound lighter than I was when I conceived Max but would need to lose about another 10-14 pound to be ideal weight) drinking lots of water- going to yoga and a mindfullness course and the one I hold most hope in- going to accupuncture with a fertility accupuncture soecialist. I'm proactive!