Here we go AGAIN... TTC #1 take 7or 1? Lesbian couple..

Glad to hear that your family loves Amber, and even more great that your family is so supportive and everyone wants to help with the wedding :)

We haven't been able to bd since but I got another positive this afternoon so I think we'll squeeze in some bding tonight *hopefully*. I'm having a lot of side pains so I think I haven't actually O'd yet, we'll see! I plan on taking another opk this evening.

I think what you're noticing sounds promising :) I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you Ash!!

DH wants to keep it a surprise, but I already told him I can't haha. I have to know! How will I know what name or colors to go for? Or a nursery theme? The suspense would be too awful:haha:

ok so how was the OPK? still positive? It sounds like to me your getting the dance in on time :dance: I'm so excited im ready for you to be in the TWW :D

I just really realized yesterday that IF AF does come on time ill get a second shot at trying in October because AF is due on the 1st or 2nd an O is due on 15 then AF comes back the 28th i think it said.. I'll be on my honeymoon by then blah dont wanna be broken on my honeymoon :dohh: lol
But its going to be this time.. ;) I'm proud of myself lol I held back and didnt test this morning and it was hard not to i had to push myself in the bathroom because I know ill only test with FMU.. 4 more days trying to hold on.. I have 1 FRER test and 3 Answers test.. lol must hold on..

oh your so right I wanna know lol so if she doesnt want anyone else to know i'm fine with that as long as I know haha.. now if our baby is anything like ME I would not let them see until I was born I kept my legs so tightly closed and butt in the air haha so they could never tell what I was.. I can't wait to start buying things for the nursery.. do you have a theme picked out yet? or ideas?
Yesterdays was definitely positive, I haven't taken one for today yet though, that will be later this afternoon. I'm so bummed we still haven't bd'd! DH just hasn't felt up to it with his work schedule. But when he left this morning he said he wanted to shower when he got home so I think I'll surprise him by joining :winkwink:

You can do it!! You're almost done with the tww, hold onto your tests! My fingers are definitely crossed super hard for you, I hope this is our month.

DH promised once we get a bfp I can go nuts and buy gender neutral goodies!:happydance: I cannot wait haha. I can't decide on a girl nursery, but for a boy I would love a nautical theme - so cute!


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How are we doing Ash? Still holding off the sticks?:haha:

We haven't heard from Kelx in a while, I hope she's doing well with her little bean!
Ughhhh I cracked!!!! I'm so mad at myself lol.. But I kept having dreams last night that it would come up ll... Of course it wasn't but it wasn't FMU and it was only 3 hours from the time I did FMU... Last night my 5 yr old god child ask me why I don't have a baby.. Told her I don't know she said well I'm going to wish you a baby I said ok you do that.. When we got to my house she hopped out he car and an I said looks stars she goes ohh and she says I wish my nonnie and amber have a baby.. It was so sweet.. Taking her to the pumpkin patch today...

Did you get to dance again? Did you O yet. My wait almost over and your is about to start.. Ill be there with you :) help keep you sane :)

I know it's been awhile since anyone else has talked in this thread.. I was wondering that the other day.. If after other ladies get there BFP do they just stop talking on here.
Oh don't be mad!! You may be early in testing but you held out way longer than I ever do!:haha:

Awww on your god child, that is so adorable! Hope her wish comes true and you get your bfp in a few days.

We finally danced last night, so I'm hoping we caught the fertile window! My last opk yesterday was still pretty dark but it was a faint bit lighter than the previous days, so I think today is 1dpo. I'll know for sure when I test again this afternoon. Yes, please do stick with me! Haha, I don't want to go crazy:haha:

I'm not sure, maybe they have more fun over in First Tri. But we'll be there as soon as we can!
Oh don't be mad!! You may be early in testing but you held out way longer than I ever do!:haha:

Awww on your god child, that is so adorable! Hope her wish comes true and you get your bfp in a few days.

We finally danced last night, so I'm hoping we caught the fertile window! My last opk yesterday was still pretty dark but it was a faint bit lighter than the previous days, so I think today is 1dpo. I'll know for sure when I test again this afternoon. Yes, please do stick with me! Haha, I don't want to go crazy:haha:

I'm not sure, maybe they have more fun over in First Tri. But we'll be there as soon as we can!

Sounds like your all covered woohoo :dance: welcome to the TWW!! You know ill be here.. So what's the plan to get you through this? Ohh lets talk movies lol I watched Now You See Me last night was really good there was a girl on it named Henley I'm not sure why but I loved the name told amber Henley or Hinleigh Makinzie lol can't watch a movie with out thinking of a baby name lol.. But hey she liked it.. I like it because its different..

Yes we will FX within the next few weeks :) lol my fortune cookie last night said something about your struggle is over happier times are on the way.. Hoping that's a good sign :). AF due in just a few days haven't really had any cramping yet boobs are little soar now and still having some lotion like cm... Thinking about testing in the am but may just hold out till Tuesday or Wednesday when AF is do..

Couldnt hold out.. tested and still negative.. 1 test left will take it if Af is 2 days late.. starting to get down
Hey hun.. hope your doing well :)

I'm starting to think im out.. yesterday had some pink and brown spotting.. didn't see anything when I woke up for work today.. AF is due so now will be makin frequent trip to the BR to check and see what i get.. REALLY trying to hope and pray it was maybe IB but I always spot the day guess we will know soon..

I hope the start of your TWW has been a good one.
Oh my gosh, I can't believe I've managed to stay away from BnB for two days!:haha: Even more surprised that I didn't go through withdrawals hahaha. Hubby and I bought me a car finally, wooo!:happydance: The payments will be a bit steep at first but we'll manage, I'm just thankful to have a car of my own so I can quit getting stranded... lol

I really like the name Henley, that's very unique. That's awesome that she liked the name as wel :) Sorry that you got a negative with your first testing, but you're not out of the ralley yet!

How are we doing today? Hopefully af has stayed away and that your spotting was just IB.

Today is 5dpo I believe, and it's gone by really quick! Maybe because I've been car shopping most of it:coffee:
Oh my gosh, I can't believe I've managed to stay away from BnB for two days!:haha: Even more surprised that I didn't go through withdrawals hahaha. Hubby and I bought me a car finally, wooo!:happydance: The payments will be a bit steep at first but we'll manage, I'm just thankful to have a car of my own so I can quit getting stranded... lol

I really like the name Henley, that's very unique. That's awesome that she liked the name as wel :) Sorry that you got a negative with your first testing, but you're not out of the ralley yet!

How are we doing today? Hopefully af has stayed away and that your spotting was just IB.

Today is 5dpo I believe, and it's gone by really quick! Maybe because I've been car shopping most of it:coffee:

Ohhhh new car how exciting! Can I be nosy and ask what you get?? I got my new car in January :) I got a Nissan juke I love that little thing amber isn't very fond of it.. Well get her something after the wedding madness..

I'm so happy your TWW is going on quickly :)
I'm getting nervous, cramps are very very mild feels more like pressure I went back and read some of my older stuff to see what my body was doing around this time and I had already started after my first day of spotting well today is second day of spotting on and off really light light pink then the last time I went to the BR it was just brown.. So I'm really hoping its good signs but not keeping my hopes up... I remember kelx saying she had brown dc and mild cramps with her bfp. So if I don't start tomorrow ill take my last test Wednesday morning..
Ohhhh new car how exciting! Can I be nosy and ask what you get?? I got my new car in January :) I got a Nissan juke I love that little thing amber isn't very fond of it.. Well get her something after the wedding madness..

I'm so happy your TWW is going on quickly :)
I'm getting nervous, cramps are very very mild feels more like pressure I went back and read some of my older stuff to see what my body was doing around this time and I had already started after my first day of spotting well today is second day of spotting on and off really light light pink then the last time I went to the BR it was just brown.. So I'm really hoping its good signs but not keeping my hopes up... I remember kelx saying she had brown dc and mild cramps with her bfp. So if I don't start tomorrow ill take my last test Wednesday morning..

Please do be nosey!! haha. We got a turquoise subaru outback!! She's a beauty and I can't wait to pick her up at the dealership! My step dad was beyond picky when it came to buying it so they're giving double checking all her internals and putting new goodies under the hood so she purrs like a kitten:happydance: man it's handy having a mechanic family member! Nissan Juke - what an interestingly shapped car, however I will say that from what I see from pictures on Google it will carry babies quite nicely:winkwink:

I'm hoping that this are alright things and not af. Kelx has lots of spotting but still got her bfp and I'm sure she and her little bean are growing happily :) Fingers crossed for you super hard, would tomorrow make you 2 days late for af?
Ohhhh new car how exciting! Can I be nosy and ask what you get?? I got my new car in January :) I got a Nissan juke I love that little thing amber isn't very fond of it.. Well get her something after the wedding madness..

I'm so happy your TWW is going on quickly :)
I'm getting nervous, cramps are very very mild feels more like pressure I went back and read some of my older stuff to see what my body was doing around this time and I had already started after my first day of spotting well today is second day of spotting on and off really light light pink then the last time I went to the BR it was just brown.. So I'm really hoping its good signs but not keeping my hopes up... I remember kelx saying she had brown dc and mild cramps with her bfp. So if I don't start tomorrow ill take my last test Wednesday morning..

Please do be nosey!! haha. We got a turquoise subaru outback!! She's a beauty and I can't wait to pick her up at the dealership! My step dad was beyond picky when it came to buying it so they're giving double checking all her internals and putting new goodies under the hood so she purrs like a kitten:happydance: man it's handy having a mechanic family member! Nissan Juke - what an interestingly shapped car, however I will say that from what I see from pictures on Google it will carry babies quite nicely:winkwink:

I'm hoping that this are alright things and not af. Kelx has lots of spotting but still got her bfp and I'm sure she and her little bean are growing happily :) Fingers crossed for you super hard, would tomorrow make you 2 days late for af?

That's really nice!!! :thumbup: you will deff be a soccer mom for sure :)
That's what I LOVE about the juke.. It's shaped so crazy looking lol.. Yea I fit my 5 yr old god child in there perfectly and had some practice with her booster seat lol

That's what I keep telling myself kelx had brown and so did mangoes soo I'm just praying.. As of right now tonight still some brownish no af cramps feel slight twings on my right but doesn't feel like AF.. Hmmm it depends on what app I use 2 of them say I should start tomorrow and 2 say I should have started today so either day of AF or 1 day late not sure what to go with.. I really figured I would of started today because the last couple months i spotted the day before then wala witch but nope yesterday was brown and light pink today same thing and actually less then yesterday and the last time I went to BR it seems to be getting less and less.. I want to take my last test but trying to hold out till at least Wednesday then if no AF I would be either 1 or 2 days late... God I want this to be it so bad...
Haha thank you!! I definitely want to raise some sport players hehe. Goodness, thinking of practicing with booster seats - I worry that when we have a kid I'm going to be totally dumb with car seat and booster seat hookups into cars:wacko: DH says I'll be a natural so fingers crossed on that for sure:haha:

Yes, sounds like spotting is quite common to happen early in pregnancy so don't count yourself out just yet!! I'm still feeling hopeful for you :) I really hope this is your bfp Ash, let me know if you test tomorrow!:hugs:
Haha thank you!! I definitely want to raise some sport players hehe. Goodness, thinking of practicing with booster seats - I worry that when we have a kid I'm going to be totally dumb with car seat and booster seat hookups into cars:wacko: DH says I'll be a natural so fingers crossed on that for sure:haha:

Yes, sounds like spotting is quite common to happen early in pregnancy so don't count yourself out just yet!! I'm still feeling hopeful for you :) I really hope this is your bfp Ash, let me know if you test tomorrow!:hugs:

Oh I'm so clueless when it comes to those things.. Thank god amber seems to know just what to do with them lol then makes me do it lol.. I think I agree with your hubby you will be a natural!! :thumbup:

I soooo can't wait for you to start testing!! Because I know it's your month!! :happydance::happydance: I'm already excited for you.. So now that you got your new car what's the plan to stay busy lol
Do you think I should test in the am if no BRB??
Oh I'm so clueless when it comes to those things.. Thank god amber seems to know just what to do with them lol then makes me do it lol.. I think I agree with your hubby you will be a natural!! :thumbup:

I soooo can't wait for you to start testing!! Because I know it's your month!! :happydance::happydance: I'm already excited for you.. So now that you got your new car what's the plan to stay busy lol
Do you think I should test in the am if no BRB??

Thanks, I had a dream when we first started ttc that we were leaving from the hospital and I was struggling with the car seat holding our little one so DH took over. I didn't see the baby in my dream but the car seat was green with blue and brown polka dots! So I'm thinking our first will be a boy :winkwink: BUT, I could be totally wrong haha

I'm looking forward to testing, although I'm trying not to get my hopes up like I have been in previous cycles. I'm having weird creamy/clumpy looking cm which I've never had before - so I'm hoping that's a good sign. Or maybe it's something I've never noticed:shrug:

Well tomorrow would be your 14dpo so you should show positive - although some ladies don't until way later in the wait.. hmm. I say go by your gut feeling. When you wake up in the morning and feel like testing do it, but if you feel like waiting then I would wait until Thursday. What day were you originally planning to test if not tomorrow?
Thanks, I had a dream when we first started ttc that we were leaving from the hospital and I was struggling with the car seat holding our little one so DH took over. I didn't see the baby in my dream but the car seat was green with blue and brown polka dots! So I'm thinking our first will be a boy :winkwink: BUT, I could be totally wrong haha

I'm looking forward to testing, although I'm trying not to get my hopes up like I have been in previous cycles. I'm having weird creamy/clumpy looking cm which I've never had before - so I'm hoping that's a good sign. Or maybe it's something I've never noticed:shrug:

Well tomorrow would be your 14dpo so you should show positive - although some ladies don't until way later in the wait.. hmm. I say go by your gut feeling. When you wake up in the morning and feel like testing do it, but if you feel like waiting then I would wait until Thursday. What day were you originally planning to test if not tomorrow?

I have yet to have a dream with a baby or anything in it.. amber had that one about our son that I told you about and that's about it.. Now i have dreams about taking a HPT and they all coming out positive. then I wake up and it usually 10DPO and I take one and get the BFN and feel a little sad heh

:happydance: hoping your new found CM is good signs!!! keepin my FX for you hard hard!!!

I woke up late for work today so didn't really have time to test so will wait till tomorrow.. Tomorrow was the original testing day 15DPO and 1 or 2 days late depending on the damn app i use lol they are confusing me lol Woke up with no cramping now have some feels more like gas (lmao sorry) then AF cramps and i constantly feel like something is there but when I go to the BR nothing but a little bit of brown when I wipe.. its never been enough to even be on my undies (yep some more tmi :blush:.. im on a roll this morning lol:haha: ) so i dont know guess I'll wait and see what today brings.. This waiting is for the birds lol but ill wait if it means a BFP
I have yet to have a dream with a baby or anything in it.. amber had that one about our son that I told you about and that's about it.. Now i have dreams about taking a HPT and they all coming out positive. then I wake up and it usually 10DPO and I take one and get the BFN and feel a little sad heh

:happydance: hoping your new found CM is good signs!!! keepin my FX for you hard hard!!!

I woke up late for work today so didn't really have time to test so will wait till tomorrow.. Tomorrow was the original testing day 15DPO and 1 or 2 days late depending on the damn app i use lol they are confusing me lol Woke up with no cramping now have some feels more like gas (lmao sorry) then AF cramps and i constantly feel like something is there but when I go to the BR nothing but a little bit of brown when I wipe.. its never been enough to even be on my undies (yep some more tmi :blush:.. im on a roll this morning lol:haha: ) so i dont know guess I'll wait and see what today brings.. This waiting is for the birds lol but ill wait if it means a BFP

I think it's rough dreaming of babies you don't have yet :( I had one dream where I was laying in bed rubbing my bump then when I woke up I was crying because it wasn't there - it was so weird. Last night I dreamed we had a baby boy and DH was trying to feed him cat food.... :rofl: DH was like "So that's how you think my parenting skills will be?"

I like your positive hpt dreams! I hope they do come true soon. Maybe it's better that you didn't have time to test this morning :) I really hope tomorrow brings your bfp Ash!

Apps are really confusing, I have 3 of them and they all have different dates for O and af:dohh: They're more like a general guide than anything for me lol. A little bit of brown is alright, Kelx had brown and is pregnant so it's possible!!

Today I'm having lots of creamy cm, enough to where I'm wearing a liner because it's just errr... lack of a better word, soaking. 8 more days until 14dpo, but I know I'll end up testing early haha
Newsflash lol, I just realized that Sunday will be 10dpo. I can't believe I'm going through the tww so fast... now I'm tempted to test on Sunday:dohh: But that's probably too early...

Dang, here I thought I was doing so good!
I'm so happy your TWW is going by so quickly!! I'm ready or you to test lol so don't ask me if you should haha.. It's your month!

As for me I'm so confused I believe AF has come I had the worst cramps ever bad enough I came home took 2 Advil then took a nap for 2 hours thank god he pains gone .. I've been able to wear tampons the last few hours but when I change them it's all brownish red last BR trip was brownish pink and lighting up like as if I was almost done with AF.. I went got something to eat and now I feel so nauseated thank god I'm on the iPad so I can lay down and type this... amber not sure if she wants to try again this month because looks like O would be on the 16th and AF AGAIN on the 29th yay 2AF 1 month blah lol.. But I because this AF is do damn crazy I was thinking about using my last test n the Morning just for kicks depending on tonight goes and what it looks like in the AM.. But I did go ahead and said this was AF on all my apps.. Not sure what to do.. Ugh
Hahaha I know, it's impossible to hold off on testing I swear! But I'm worried about disappointment so maybe I should wait... but it's just one test, right?:rofl: Sign me up for poas anonymous!!!

Those pains sound awful, I'm sorry that they're causing such problem. How strange that it's not a full blown flow though, is it still just spottish? I think waiting until Monday to see how things turn out before using up your last test would be a good idea. Wow, two af's in a month that's a bummer - although if you tried again for that one it wouldn't be so bad. Why doesn't Amber want to try again this month if af does show? Still holding onto hope for you and my fingers wont uncross until it's full red:hugs:
Hahaha I know, it's impossible to hold off on testing I swear! But I'm worried about disappointment so maybe I should wait... but it's just one test, right?:rofl: Sign me up for poas anonymous!!!

Those pains sound awful, I'm sorry that they're causing such problem. How strange that it's not a full blown flow though, is it still just spottish? I think waiting until Monday to see how things turn out before using up your last test would be a good idea. Wow, two af's in a month that's a bummer - although if you tried again for that one it wouldn't be so bad. Why doesn't Amber want to try again this month if af does show? Still holding onto hope for you and my fingers wont uncross until it's full red:hugs:

*ring ring* POAS anonymous how may I help you.. Lol

Ill try to wait till Monday, my best friend didn't help me she told me she had what looked like a full blown AF and was prag with her last one.. Umm as for it being just spottish.. When I didn't have a tampon in it never was enough to be on my undies but I was afraid it would so I put a tampon in at work, when I got home that one was full but it was mostly brownish looking with some red.. When I wiped it was bright red so figured ok AF.. Now last trip to BR took it out was half full all brown with little bit of red then wiped it was just brown but almost nothing there I put another tampon so wait and see what it looks like.. Amber isn't sure she wants to try because her family will be in town.. Wedding is coming up her sister will be here on the 15 and isn't leaving until the 29th so depending how I O she may be here for some AI and she not sure she wants that.. Do I want to?? Of course I do lol.. But waiting on her..

I'm excited for all your CM lol that sounds gross but if its good signs I'm happy for them if I can't have my BFP this month you have to have it for both of us! :)

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