AHHHHH you get totomorrow!!! yay yay yay!!
Wow, I went almost 2 days without bnb! It was awful haha. Yesterday with the in laws was nice, we had a fire in their fire pit and roasted marshmallows and today was a wonderful visit with DH's grandparents. They are just too sweet! So tired this evening.
I hope things are going well for you Ash! Great that you were able to temp today, I'm sure you did it just fine too. How can you mess up taking a temperature in a certain area?Can't wait to see how the temping/charting goes for catching O!
Twomommies - I think that even though you O'd late you still have a chance of getting pregnant and testing positive when af is due. If you're uncertain of this GP's thoughts could you find another for a second opinion and better help with ttc? Fingers crossed for you, O can happen all over the place but I hope that regardless of when it did that this is your bfp.
It was bfn this morning, I'm really upset and disappointed. Sure, I could get a bfp between tomorrow and when af is due, but I'm feeling very discouraged and that this wont be our month - again.
That's funny that Amber didn't know you had temped already, sneaky ninja.
Thanks Ash, it's been a real gloomy day since getting that darn one liner. Even the weather outside agrees with me. Still having a little bit of creamy cm, but not as much as I was having last week. Cramping is mild and not bothersome, but I still notice it. Over the weekend I felt pains in both my sides, but it didn't feel like O pains. Well, I'll be 14dpo soon enough so we'll see how that turns out. I have two tests left so I'll use one then, then the last the day af is due. Considering af isn't due for another 7 days, maybe that's why I got a negative. Holding onto that gives me a little bit of hope.
How is your day going? I'm really excited that you have another chance this month, and I really think this will be it for you!![]()
AF isn't due for 7 days?? Yeah your deff still in this game.. Lift that head up! Chest out, shoulders back lolhope that made you at least smile.. We got this
we're gonna be bump buddies dammit!!
I've been trying to stay positive.. Although I'm still waiting around for O : coffee: I've been thinking about seeing that BFP on the 27th and how I will act once I see it.. And figuring out what to sleep in to make temping a little easier on me lol.. Can I ask a personal question.. I mean you don't have to tell me.. But what's your name?
AF isn't due for 7 days?? Yeah your deff still in this game.. Lift that head up! Chest out, shoulders back lolhope that made you at least smile.. We got this
we're gonna be bump buddies dammit!!
I've been trying to stay positive.. Although I'm still waiting around for O : coffee: I've been thinking about seeing that BFP on the 27th and how I will act once I see it.. And figuring out what to sleep in to make temping a little easier on me lol.. Can I ask a personal question.. I mean you don't have to tell me.. But what's your name?
Yes, it's a little surprising that I ovulated so early in my cycle as I usually have an average length of 37 days. Thank you for the smile, definitely was needed! How wonderful it would be for us to be bump buddies!![]()
Chin up for you too, girl! You get to chances in one month, I say that means something! I always have little day dreams of how I'll react seeing a bfp, and how I'll tell DH. Finding easier access clothing shouldn't be too hard, could always ask Amber what she thinks would work besthehe
My actual name is Ashley![]()
Omg! We share a name haha!! We have to be bump buddies!
I was so excited seeing your name was Ashley I looked at Amber and was like awe that's so awesome and she was like what I said my Dragonfly friends name is Ashley.. and Amber was like awe drangonfly has a name lol I know im a dork
I'm sure Amber would be more then happy if I slept in the buff![]()
I think im doing ok with it.. i keep hoping I'm doing it right because I know some night i sleep so restlessly and wake up off and on But I think that only really matters for oral temps.. not sure.. It looks like im going to O on the 17th I was really hoping that it would be before the 15th because that's when future sis in law will be in town.. So can't wait to see how this actually plays out
Omg! We share a name haha!! We have to be bump buddies!
I was so excited seeing your name was Ashley I looked at Amber and was like awe that's so awesome and she was like what I said my Dragonfly friends name is Ashley.. and Amber was like awe drangonfly has a name lol I know im a dork
I'm sure Amber would be more then happy if I slept in the buff![]()
I think im doing ok with it.. i keep hoping I'm doing it right because I know some night i sleep so restlessly and wake up off and on But I think that only really matters for oral temps.. not sure.. It looks like im going to O on the 17th I was really hoping that it would be before the 15th because that's when future sis in law will be in town.. So can't wait to see how this actually plays out
Hahaha I have a name!But yes, I think it's awesome we have the same name. It must mean we'll be bump buddies!!
Oh my word, it is far too cold to sleep in the buff! At least in my opinion, haha. I think it's alright that you are restless during the night and still take your temp in the morning, I don't know too many people that sleep the full night through without stirring. Although your soon to be sister in law will be in town, I think it'll be possible to still AI around your O timeSomehow things will work out
Eeek I can't wait to find out how October holds for both of us!!I'm actually getting nervous to test tomorrow, I wonder if I should just hold off until af is due... I had cramps this morning but they didn't last long.
Ahh cute! I have footie pjs that are two prices with rubber ducks and bubbles, my husband thinks they're adorable hahaha.
Oh my gosh if it's possible to implant now and if I am, I would be so happy! I pray af stays away. Oh gosh, now I'm going to be chronically checking for spotting, I'm a nut!last cycle I cramped a little far out, so it could be normal
I'll have to wait it out I guess.
Yay for starting cm!! It would be nice if your body managed to give you a +opk before family got there so Amber wouldn't stress. Although it seems our bodies always have different plans for us lol
Is there room for another stalker? I saw you on lauras thread amd thought itnwould be rude to read your journal and not say hi