It was really painful, I plan to bring it up to my gyno when I see her in November - but hopefully I don't get those pains again. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed we get bfp for little turkey's!
Haha, I know right? I think he's just getting nervous about it, like if there is an actual problem he's really scared it's him. But I don't think it is, I just want us to know for sure we're all working in the reproductive area. True, you think it would be a more fun of a test
I had never had chicken pot pie from scratch either lol, but I got determined and made one. My first attempt was tasty, but it could be better so I worked with the recipe and made it way better. Bahaha, thanks, I wish I could cook/be as creative as Betty! Haven't made a pumpkin pie yet, guess I'm holding off until closer to Thanksgiving. Although my MIL always buys them from Costco so it's hard to take goodies to her house. How exciting for trying on your dress this weekend! When you get back you'll have to tell me all about your honeymoon!!!
It's sweet that she's really wanting a grandbaby, last time we were there she pulled out all these kid plates saying she was saving them for future grandchildren, then stared at me until I gave her an awkward smile and was like "Yeah... someday." I wish DH hadn't mentioned to her that we were trying, but he likes to keep his mom in the loop. Men will always love their mothers lol. Hehe, secretly I hope DH caters to me when I'm pregnant

Although he already does so I should get lucky!
I guess you'll have to wait and see was ff says about O...

I think women back in the day had an easier time making babies, so they didn't have to track their stuff as much. But I could be wrong lol. I just know now with all the birth control products out there I think it's sending a lot of girls, like me, out of wack.
I haven't heard the song, I'll have to youtube it

Haha, of course you're team Alice

Good choice on song if it gets the emotions going! I had so much fun picking the music out for our wedding, a dear friend of mine was our dj for free and he was amazing.
Walking in: When I fall in love - Nat King Cole
Walking out: (was cued as we kissed) In the summertime - Mungo Jerry
First dance: Can't help falling in love - Elvis
Father/daughter & mother/son dance: Never grow up - Taylor Swift (we danced at the same time with our parents)
Bouquet toss: All the single ladies - Beyonce
Garter toss: Sexy and I know it - LMFAO (huge hit lol)
I've seen one money dance, but a lot of people I know had never heard of it until recently so I think it's a south thing
Sequim is in Washington and it's a few hours away from Forks (speaking of Twilight haha). Lot's of hikes and scenery cute little shops and all the restaurants use local foods. I would definitely put it on a someday visit list because that place is the best place to be. If DH and I didn't want to stay close to family that's where I would want us to move in a heartbeat. That is so sweet your parents are paying for your honeymoon! Beyond a generous gift!!
No af, just that weird spotting

and pregnancy test says negative. So now I'm on CD8 and getting ready to start using opk's here in the next couple of days!
I have noticed out posts are getting longer

but we're chatty ladies!!