Here we go AGAIN... TTC #1 take 7or 1? Lesbian couple..

Thanks hun.. She is stressing about EVERYTHING!!:wacko: and she keeps telling me if I stress it will be a waste.. But that's the thing.. I'm fine. I haven't really stressed about the wedding.. Everyone has their dress everyone got fitted for tuxes we bought all the stuff everything is set and ready to go.. I'm just waiting.. She's freaking out mainly because her family is coming to town and she wants to do all these things with them and there's really no time and since we have been paying for the wedding we don't really have a whole lot of extra money and that's bothering her.. She did tell me that we could try today.. so HOPE I get in touch with the donor.. this is the OPK from yesterday.. I think it looks darker in person.. My temp didn't change from yesterday.. so guess that's a good thing that is didn't sky rocket.. will see what my OPK looks like today.. My calender says I should O on either the 16th or 17th.. So hope it's right and I still have a couple days..

How are you.. has the spotting stopped? How are you feeling?


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and that's that for this month :cry: :cry: Amber has pretty much put her foot down that she doesn't want to try :( that we have to much to worry about and going on that she can't deal with the stress of this too.. so all thats it.. because I dont want to beg her because i know I could but I want her to want this is much as me and i know right now if I beg she will be doing it to pretty much make me happy.. :( so maybe next month.. if she's ready :sigh:
:hugs: I'm so sorry Ash, it's really rough. But at least you are respecting that she's too stressed out. I can only imagine your sadness :( When DH said he wanted to wait longer while we were still waiting I was crushed. And although I'm not pregnant yet I am glad we weren't trying at wedding time.

Your wedding is going to be so beautiful and full of memories you'll love for the rest of your life :) Try to soak every minute in and enjoy it! I hope you'll share pictures :) I still have a crazy obsession of looking at wedding gowns and tuxes.

Lots of hugs my dear, after the wedding I'm sure Amber will have an easier time dealing with the stress ttc brings.
I'm feeling a bit better today. Thanks for the hugs. :) We talked about it yesterday and she told me we will try after the wedding so when we get back from our honeymoon ill have a week before O.. Amber said to still temp so that way I'll have an idea of when i'm going to O.. Guess I was just so upset because I got my self all excited for this month and getting my BFP on the 27th.. But i looked at Nov and I kinda laughed because my actual test date not early would be the 27th how crazy is that.. Oh and Amber said once we try next month she wont complain about how many times I want to AI and when i want to she said if I want to AI everyday we can.. So that made me happy to more chances

How are you feeling? Did you ever get a full flow going yet? I was really hoping you wouldn't.. but if you did maybe we still will be bump buddies :D So that's a plus too have little turkey babies :haha: Oh to answer your question from a few post ago. I'm 29 I turn 30 the day after we get married and Amber is 27. So you can understand why im so ready to try for a baby..

you know ill share pictures with you of our wedding! :)
I'm glad things got talked about with you and Amber, it definitely helps to be on the same page of it all :). How ironic is that?! Testing on the exact same date just a different month, maybe it's a sign! Once the wedding and any stress that comes with that is out of the picture I bet you'll get your bfp!

Well today was when af was originally due, I'm having mild cramping but no flow. And the spotting has stopped. Although the last two days I've had dreadful twinging and aching in both my ovaries - my left side hurt so bad when we were at Costco I thought a cyst had to be bursting in that moment. I had to hold my side and I leaned over the cart while we stood in line because it was awful :( There's a few ladies on here rooting for me to test again, but I don't want to get my hopes up. But turkey babies sound perfect!!

I've heard plenty of ladies say that 30 is the new 20:winkwink:

Can't wait to see wedding photo's! I'm working on wedding albums for our parents for Christmas, they get me giggling and sniffling at the same time haha. Being married is wonderful:cloud9:
ugh that pain sounds just awful.. I hope it has stopped.. I'm kinda in the boat with the other ladies and think you should test to.. but maybe wait a day or so since AF was actually do today.. oh I'm so hoping and keeping my FX that you get your BFP.. I would be so excited for you.. I'm not adding that little witch by your name until AF has really showed up.. But I'm really hoping she stays away.. How are you feeling today?

Yeah, I'm glad we talked to it made me feel a lot better. If it is a sign I test the same day I wanted to today then ill take all the signs I can get :haha: and I think its funny I test the day before thanksgiving.. If I get my BFP the day before turkey day I'll deff have something extra to be so thankful. I have to admit (this is kinda gross :haha: ) I was happy and a little sad when i saw EWCM for 2 days :haha: I was like aweee I'm fertile right now :rofl: . I was happy because i know my body was telling me I'm about to O.. I'm thinking I'll O today because my temp dipped some more I'm almost sure that it will sky rocket tomorrow.. Guess we shall see. I stopped taking the OPK's didn't want to waste them.

Yea that's what i'm told to.. To bad my biological clock doesn't feel that way :rofl:

That sounds like sweet an sentimental gift, i'm sure they will love it.. I know I'm going to cry like a huge baby that day. I really can't wait, can't believe its next Friday.. Future sis n law got in town yesterday shes here for the next 2 weeks so guess we will be running and going to show her around and do stuff with her and finish the last bit of wedding stuff we have to do. Should be fun.. I'm ready to be off work for 2 weeks :haha: ..
ugh that pain sounds just awful.. I hope it has stopped.. I'm kinda in the boat with the other ladies and think you should test to.. but maybe wait a day or so since AF was actually do today.. oh I'm so hoping and keeping my FX that you get your BFP.. I would be so excited for you.. I'm not adding that little witch by your name until AF has really showed up.. But I'm really hoping she stays away.. How are you feeling today?

Yeah, I'm glad we talked to it made me feel a lot better. If it is a sign I test the same day I wanted to today then ill take all the signs I can get :haha: and I think its funny I test the day before thanksgiving.. If I get my BFP the day before turkey day I'll deff have something extra to be so thankful. I have to admit (this is kinda gross :haha: ) I was happy and a little sad when i saw EWCM for 2 days :haha: I was like aweee I'm fertile right now :rofl: . I was happy because i know my body was telling me I'm about to O.. I'm thinking I'll O today because my temp dipped some more I'm almost sure that it will sky rocket tomorrow.. Guess we shall see. I stopped taking the OPK's didn't want to waste them.

Yea that's what i'm told to.. To bad my biological clock doesn't feel that way :rofl:

That sounds like sweet an sentimental gift, i'm sure they will love it.. I know I'm going to cry like a huge baby that day. I really can't wait, can't believe its next Friday.. Future sis n law got in town yesterday shes here for the next 2 weeks so guess we will be running and going to show her around and do stuff with her and finish the last bit of wedding stuff we have to do. Should be fun.. I'm ready to be off work for 2 weeks :haha: ..

The pain has let up, thankfully. I'm pretty convinced it was a cyst, which makes me nervous how it would affect my cycle this month. Although the last time I saw my doctor about a cyst that burst she said it shouldn't have any effect on ttc. Hope she's right. I tested this morning, and of course a bfn. I wasn't disappointed, which was a nice change lol. I expected it to be negative, I just wanted to be sure. I guess this af was just a light spotty one, maybe that's because of the cyst?:shrug: I have no idea. I would like to have called that af though so I can go onto this new cycle rather than waiting for a heavier flow, I wont tempt the :witch: haha.

That would be amazing to find out the day before Thanksgiving :) I love Thanksgiving, definitely one of my favorite holidays! My MIL makes the best turkey and stuffing, ever. Good thinking on saving your opks, just doing temping should tell you when you're O'ing this cycle. Hooray for ewcm! Haha, who knew that someday we would be so happy with weird things coming from our bodies?

Oh boy, crunch time for wedding!! Now the real fun begins:haha: Hope you have a fun time with your soon to be SIL and with the rest of the family that's here for the wedding :) I'm so surprised I didn't cry at my wedding, I was weepy and crying over EVERYTHING when DH would get sappy and talk about vows and stuff, but at the actual wedding I was a dry bone. Of course when we got our wedding video back and we watched it I cried the whole way through haha. I think the fear of being in front of so many people dried my tear ducts. I can't wait to see pictures of your wedding!! It's going to be such a perfect day!:hugs:

I feel like I've forgotten where you're going on honeymoon:dohh: I want to say it's Vegas though? I could be wrong. lol
Hmmm.. I'm not familiar with cyst. Maybe we should google it or ask other ladies if that would cause such an odd flow.. Have you ever had the problem before? Waiting and wondering does suck.. It's like ok if your going to show show already so I can move past you and move onto to the next try.. Did hubby make his appointment or better yet find a doctor to do his SA yet?

I think were still going to be bump buddies.. Its a must :D Were going to have us some little Turkey's :dance: :haha: I love Thanksgiving.. But I love to eat :haha: I'm not to big on the stuffing.. But a good Turkey and Ham mmmmm :dance: oh yeah and the pumpkin pie omg I need a drool smiley :rofl: Now im all good and hungry :haha:
My temp jumped a bit today so i'm wondering what day FF is going to say I O'd 2 apps say today 2 apps say yesterday :shrug: so it's up in the air for sure.. I think it's getting a little easier to temp now days iv kinda gotten use to it.. I just get worried about moving a bit to get the thermometer and getting in a position that I can do what i need to do :haha: .Oh yeah now we get excited over CM,little pains and even sometimes in this case AF to fully show so we can start all over on new cycles and I remember a time when i would I be like.. Oh My God!!!! I wish I never had AF im going to rip my ovaries out :rofl: .. But then you realize hey i need that to have a little one heh.. Now we pray for her to stay away and come at the same time..

Oh yeah.. Wedding stuff is well on its way.. have to bring my FSIL to try on her dress one more time to make sure it still fits her right and I think im going to go ahead and try my dress on sometime or another this week or this weekend.. Get all my stuff together with it that im going to ware under it.. I already know im going to blubber like an idiot I cry now when I hear the song that i'm walking to. i still need to figure out music. our first dance, my dance with my daddy and the wedding party.. I dont know all the other songs I need. And oh god im so nervous because were having a candy buffet and the candy should be here today I'm just hoping to god non of it melted because I will flip my lid if it did!! It would be nice to hold it together like you for my wedding.. i'm sure going to try.. But the girl doing my hair and make up made it clear to me that she will be near with touch up make up for when I do :haha:

and yep you are correct were going to Vegas!! Woohoo! Can't wait did yall go on a honeymoon? where did yall go?
A couple cycles ago I went into the doctors office with intense pains, they were bad to the point I couldn't lay down to go to bed - but by the time I got to the doctors in the morning the pain was totally gone. The doc said my left ovary was really swollen so she said with the pains I described and then being fine it was definitely a cyst. So I've had them before, but she did say that it shouldn't cause problems with ttc. :shrug:At least I have that gyno appointment coming up.

Nope, hubby has hit the brakes on doing the SA. He thinks that my gyno appointment will be "good enough" to tell us what's going on. I got a little miffed, but then realized it's probably a scary thought of getting that done. I plan on talking to him about it more tonight. We found a place that will do it, but he needs a referral... so getting him into a doctors office will be a pain in the butt lol.

Haha, a drool smiley is very much needed at this time of year!! I always get huge into baking and cooking during these few months. I made chicken pot pie the other day and it's already gone:haha: DH asked if I would bake another tonight so I guess I'll have my hands full this evening! Oh I'm praying for little turkey's for both of us, how lovely would that be!! MIL called last night just to chat and asked if there was any "news" - I was like "ummm, DH's at work and I learned how to make a pot pie?" When I told DH later he told me she's fishing to find out if we're pregnant yet. :cry: I wish I was already because I want to tell his parents they'll be grandparents. DH is also worried his grandparents wont make it to see our eventual baby, so that makes him feel gloomy.

I would trust the temping and ff more than the apps. Haha, my apps are all over the place, apparently my cycle confuses them as much as myself! I remember in high school wishing I didn't have periods and hating my woman parts, now I appreciate them and pray that they bring on regularity so we can make a baby!

Yay for the final dress fittings! What song are you walking to? :) I still cry to mine lol, DH likes to sing it to me so I get all gushy with tears lol. What music is left that you need?
For special songs I think all you would need are: first dance, father/daughter, bouquet toss & garter toss. I know a lot of people do cake songs, but we didn't and it was no big deal. And then of course you just need music to play the rest of the reception - the dancing is the best part!

If the candy melts, no biggie. It may be a bummer, but it's not that important :) I'm sure it's just fine on it's way there.

Makeup and hair stylists at weddings are saints, seriously.:haha:

Fun for Vegas!! I've never been, but I'm sure I'll make it out there sometime:haha: We went to Sequim for our honeymoon, it was just for the weekend because of DH's work schedule, but it was perfect. We stayed in an adorable caboose with a brass two person tub, yum. They had fresh made breakfast every morning that was to die for! And lots and lots of hiking. I used that tub religiously to soothe my aching muscles for our long ass hikes. Our last day there we a 10 mile hike on a beach:cloud9:
A couple cycles ago I went into the doctors office with intense pains, they were bad to the point I couldn't lay down to go to bed - but by the time I got to the doctors in the morning the pain was totally gone. The doc said my left ovary was really swollen so she said with the pains I described and then being fine it was definitely a cyst. So I've had them before, but she did say that it shouldn't cause problems with ttc. :shrug:At least I have that gyno appointment coming up.

Nope, hubby has hit the brakes on doing the SA. He thinks that my gyno appointment will be "good enough" to tell us what's going on. I got a little miffed, but then realized it's probably a scary thought of getting that done. I plan on talking to him about it more tonight. We found a place that will do it, but he needs a referral... so getting him into a doctors office will be a pain in the butt lol.

Haha, a drool smiley is very much needed at this time of year!! I always get huge into baking and cooking during these few months. I made chicken pot pie the other day and it's already gone:haha: DH asked if I would bake another tonight so I guess I'll have my hands full this evening! Oh I'm praying for little turkey's for both of us, how lovely would that be!! MIL called last night just to chat and asked if there was any "news" - I was like "ummm, DH's at work and I learned how to make a pot pie?" When I told DH later he told me she's fishing to find out if we're pregnant yet. :cry: I wish I was already because I want to tell his parents they'll be grandparents. DH is also worried his grandparents wont make it to see our eventual baby, so that makes him feel gloomy.

I would trust the temping and ff more than the apps. Haha, my apps are all over the place, apparently my cycle confuses them as much as myself! I remember in high school wishing I didn't have periods and hating my woman parts, now I appreciate them and pray that they bring on regularity so we can make a baby!

Yay for the final dress fittings! What song are you walking to? :) I still cry to mine lol, DH likes to sing it to me so I get all gushy with tears lol. What music is left that you need?
For special songs I think all you would need are: first dance, father/daughter, bouquet toss & garter toss. I know a lot of people do cake songs, but we didn't and it was no big deal. And then of course you just need music to play the rest of the reception - the dancing is the best part!

If the candy melts, no biggie. It may be a bummer, but it's not that important :) I'm sure it's just fine on it's way there.

Makeup and hair stylists at weddings are saints, seriously.:haha:

Fun for Vegas!! I've never been, but I'm sure I'll make it out there sometime:haha: We went to Sequim for our honeymoon, it was just for the weekend because of DH's work schedule, but it was perfect. We stayed in an adorable caboose with a brass two person tub, yum. They had fresh made breakfast every morning that was to die for! And lots and lots of hiking. I used that tub religiously to soothe my aching muscles for our long ass hikes. Our last day there we a 10 mile hike on a beach:cloud9:

That sounds painful just listening to you talk about it.. :( I'm glad that they don't cause problems with TTC.. I really hope you don't feel that pain anymore. I hope everything goes well with the gyno.. Maybe they can suggest things to make this go faster.. But were gonna have our BFP's for thanksgiving :winkwink:

Well dang Hubby that was short lived lol.. But working in the lab here and seeing those guys come in here all embarrassed I can understand why he would wanna wait.. but according to the techs it's one of the most non painful test there is :haha:

chicken pot pie... I don't think I have ever had a home made one of them.. I had the frozen ones when i was a kid :haha: But not much of a fan now.. You sound like Betty Crocker :rofl: I usually make pumpkin pie this time of year. thats about the end of what i make during the holidays. My mom and my aunts do all the cooking and I'll help a bit but mostly they like to handle that. I'v been really trying to watch what i eat right now since I wanna make sure I continue to fit my wedding dress.. although iv been pretty much watching food leave the plate to my mouth :rofl: . I love to eat and then I live in the south so everything is sooooooooo good but not usually good for you :haha: But I think all in all iv been doing quite well.. I'll be trying my dress on sometime this weekend seeing how I'll be getting married Friday :dance: Can't believe its right there

I think it's funny that your MIL was fishing for some info.. That's why I try not to let my mom know.. Because she would give tips and ask an everything else and yeah I just don't feel like dealing with that.. I told her the first month we tried that we were and it was kinda fun. when we went grocery shopping she wouldn't let me lift anything heavy and then I told her i think we would get some food you know you need to feed that baby :haha: she was like oh I can see how your going to be when you are pregnant :rofl:

I get a little confused with the temping as far as did I O on the drop or the rise :wacko: .. But I believe I O'd yesterday.. Just gotta wait a few days for FF to tell me what it thinks.. It's amazing how much we rely on these little things, how the hell woman got pregnant with out all this crap ill never know :shrug:

I'm walking to A Thousand Years from Breaking Dawn.. I like the twilight movies wasn't the biggest fan in the world.. i was more team Alice then Jacob or Edward :rofl: but when i heard the song at the end i just fell in love with it.. Now im such a gush i cry every time i hear it Just because i know im going to be walking to it :haha;. That's so sweet that hubby sings to you.. What song is it if you don't mind me asking?. I have no Idea what our song were going to dance to is going to be and Have no idea what im going to dance with my dad to ugh :wacko: .. Still so much to think about and decide on with not much time.. I still need to email my vows to my officiant. Lord don't want to think about all that needs to be done :wacko: . Do yall have money dances there? I know Amber never heard of that before. So i'm wondering if it's just a southern thing.

Oh and half the candy made it and it looks great thank the lord.. That's one thing I was stressing about and it was fine just like you said it would be. I really can't wait to go to Vegas. There will be no hiking :haha: But I can promise there will be lots and LOTS of walking. Sooo much to see and do there.. Just walking the strip alone will keep you busy. I'v never heard of Sequim.. Where is that? It sounds just beautiful and all romantic :cloud9: I love to do things like that.. We wouldn't even be going on a honeymoon if it wasn't for my parents paying for it. I was so shocked when they said they were sending us to Vegas.. So may not have a ton of money to go with but going to have a great time regardless..

How are you feeling now? did AF EVER fully show?

p.s think our post get longer and longer :)
That sounds painful just listening to you talk about it.. :( I'm glad that they don't cause problems with TTC.. I really hope you don't feel that pain anymore. I hope everything goes well with the gyno.. Maybe they can suggest things to make this go faster.. But were gonna have our BFP's for thanksgiving :winkwink:

Well dang Hubby that was short lived lol.. But working in the lab here and seeing those guys come in here all embarrassed I can understand why he would wanna wait.. but according to the techs it's one of the most non painful test there is :haha:

chicken pot pie... I don't think I have ever had a home made one of them.. I had the frozen ones when i was a kid :haha: But not much of a fan now.. You sound like Betty Crocker :rofl: I usually make pumpkin pie this time of year. thats about the end of what i make during the holidays. My mom and my aunts do all the cooking and I'll help a bit but mostly they like to handle that. I'v been really trying to watch what i eat right now since I wanna make sure I continue to fit my wedding dress.. although iv been pretty much watching food leave the plate to my mouth :rofl: . I love to eat and then I live in the south so everything is sooooooooo good but not usually good for you :haha: But I think all in all iv been doing quite well.. I'll be trying my dress on sometime this weekend seeing how I'll be getting married Friday :dance: Can't believe its right there

I think it's funny that your MIL was fishing for some info.. That's why I try not to let my mom know.. Because she would give tips and ask an everything else and yeah I just don't feel like dealing with that.. I told her the first month we tried that we were and it was kinda fun. when we went grocery shopping she wouldn't let me lift anything heavy and then I told her i think we would get some food you know you need to feed that baby :haha: she was like oh I can see how your going to be when you are pregnant :rofl:

I get a little confused with the temping as far as did I O on the drop or the rise :wacko: .. But I believe I O'd yesterday.. Just gotta wait a few days for FF to tell me what it thinks.. It's amazing how much we rely on these little things, how the hell woman got pregnant with out all this crap ill never know :shrug:

I'm walking to A Thousand Years from Breaking Dawn.. I like the twilight movies wasn't the biggest fan in the world.. i was more team Alice then Jacob or Edward :rofl: but when i heard the song at the end i just fell in love with it.. Now im such a gush i cry every time i hear it Just because i know im going to be walking to it :haha;. That's so sweet that hubby sings to you.. What song is it if you don't mind me asking?. I have no Idea what our song were going to dance to is going to be and Have no idea what im going to dance with my dad to ugh :wacko: .. Still so much to think about and decide on with not much time.. I still need to email my vows to my officiant. Lord don't want to think about all that needs to be done :wacko: . Do yall have money dances there? I know Amber never heard of that before. So i'm wondering if it's just a southern thing.

Oh and half the candy made it and it looks great thank the lord.. That's one thing I was stressing about and it was fine just like you said it would be. I really can't wait to go to Vegas. There will be no hiking :haha: But I can promise there will be lots and LOTS of walking. Sooo much to see and do there.. Just walking the strip alone will keep you busy. I'v never heard of Sequim.. Where is that? It sounds just beautiful and all romantic :cloud9: I love to do things like that.. We wouldn't even be going on a honeymoon if it wasn't for my parents paying for it. I was so shocked when they said they were sending us to Vegas.. So may not have a ton of money to go with but going to have a great time regardless..

How are you feeling now? did AF EVER fully show?

p.s think our post get longer and longer :)

It was really painful, I plan to bring it up to my gyno when I see her in November - but hopefully I don't get those pains again. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed we get bfp for little turkey's!

Haha, I know right? I think he's just getting nervous about it, like if there is an actual problem he's really scared it's him. But I don't think it is, I just want us to know for sure we're all working in the reproductive area. True, you think it would be a more fun of a test:haha:

I had never had chicken pot pie from scratch either lol, but I got determined and made one. My first attempt was tasty, but it could be better so I worked with the recipe and made it way better. Bahaha, thanks, I wish I could cook/be as creative as Betty! Haven't made a pumpkin pie yet, guess I'm holding off until closer to Thanksgiving. Although my MIL always buys them from Costco so it's hard to take goodies to her house. How exciting for trying on your dress this weekend! When you get back you'll have to tell me all about your honeymoon!!!

It's sweet that she's really wanting a grandbaby, last time we were there she pulled out all these kid plates saying she was saving them for future grandchildren, then stared at me until I gave her an awkward smile and was like "Yeah... someday." I wish DH hadn't mentioned to her that we were trying, but he likes to keep his mom in the loop. Men will always love their mothers lol. Hehe, secretly I hope DH caters to me when I'm pregnant:haha: Although he already does so I should get lucky!

I guess you'll have to wait and see was ff says about O... :shrug: I think women back in the day had an easier time making babies, so they didn't have to track their stuff as much. But I could be wrong lol. I just know now with all the birth control products out there I think it's sending a lot of girls, like me, out of wack.

I haven't heard the song, I'll have to youtube it :) Haha, of course you're team Alice:haha: Good choice on song if it gets the emotions going! I had so much fun picking the music out for our wedding, a dear friend of mine was our dj for free and he was amazing.
Walking in: When I fall in love - Nat King Cole
Walking out: (was cued as we kissed) In the summertime - Mungo Jerry
First dance: Can't help falling in love - Elvis
Father/daughter & mother/son dance: Never grow up - Taylor Swift (we danced at the same time with our parents)
Bouquet toss: All the single ladies - Beyonce
Garter toss: Sexy and I know it - LMFAO (huge hit lol)

I've seen one money dance, but a lot of people I know had never heard of it until recently so I think it's a south thing:haha:

Sequim is in Washington and it's a few hours away from Forks (speaking of Twilight haha). Lot's of hikes and scenery cute little shops and all the restaurants use local foods. I would definitely put it on a someday visit list because that place is the best place to be. If DH and I didn't want to stay close to family that's where I would want us to move in a heartbeat. That is so sweet your parents are paying for your honeymoon! Beyond a generous gift!!

No af, just that weird spotting:shrug: and pregnancy test says negative. So now I'm on CD8 and getting ready to start using opk's here in the next couple of days!

I have noticed out posts are getting longer:haha: but we're chatty ladies!!
It was really painful, I plan to bring it up to my gyno when I see her in November - but hopefully I don't get those pains again. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed we get bfp for little turkey's!

Haha, I know right? I think he's just getting nervous about it, like if there is an actual problem he's really scared it's him. But I don't think it is, I just want us to know for sure we're all working in the reproductive area. True, you think it would be a more fun of a test:haha:

I had never had chicken pot pie from scratch either lol, but I got determined and made one. My first attempt was tasty, but it could be better so I worked with the recipe and made it way better. Bahaha, thanks, I wish I could cook/be as creative as Betty! Haven't made a pumpkin pie yet, guess I'm holding off until closer to Thanksgiving. Although my MIL always buys them from Costco so it's hard to take goodies to her house. How exciting for trying on your dress this weekend! When you get back you'll have to tell me all about your honeymoon!!!

It's sweet that she's really wanting a grandbaby, last time we were there she pulled out all these kid plates saying she was saving them for future grandchildren, then stared at me until I gave her an awkward smile and was like "Yeah... someday." I wish DH hadn't mentioned to her that we were trying, but he likes to keep his mom in the loop. Men will always love their mothers lol. Hehe, secretly I hope DH caters to me when I'm pregnant:haha: Although he already does so I should get lucky!

I guess you'll have to wait and see was ff says about O... :shrug: I think women back in the day had an easier time making babies, so they didn't have to track their stuff as much. But I could be wrong lol. I just know now with all the birth control products out there I think it's sending a lot of girls, like me, out of wack.

I haven't heard the song, I'll have to youtube it :) Haha, of course you're team Alice:haha: Good choice on song if it gets the emotions going! I had so much fun picking the music out for our wedding, a dear friend of mine was our dj for free and he was amazing.
Walking in: When I fall in love - Nat King Cole
Walking out: (was cued as we kissed) In the summertime - Mungo Jerry
First dance: Can't help falling in love - Elvis
Father/daughter & mother/son dance: Never grow up - Taylor Swift (we danced at the same time with our parents)
Bouquet toss: All the single ladies - Beyonce
Garter toss: Sexy and I know it - LMFAO (huge hit lol)

I've seen one money dance, but a lot of people I know had never heard of it until recently so I think it's a south thing:haha:

Sequim is in Washington and it's a few hours away from Forks (speaking of Twilight haha). Lot's of hikes and scenery cute little shops and all the restaurants use local foods. I would definitely put it on a someday visit list because that place is the best place to be. If DH and I didn't want to stay close to family that's where I would want us to move in a heartbeat. That is so sweet your parents are paying for your honeymoon! Beyond a generous gift!!

No af, just that weird spotting:shrug: and pregnancy test says negative. So now I'm on CD8 and getting ready to start using opk's here in the next couple of days!

I have noticed out posts are getting longer:haha: but we're chatty ladies!!

I hope you don't get those pains again either.. And we will get our BFP's this go.. see I messed up the cycle when I didn't try this go so next cycle is all us!! :dance:

I'm sure even thoe the testing it self wouldn't hurt.. The nerve wrecking wait to find out if something is wrong with you is scary enough to make anyone not want to take any test.. I hate hate HATE going to the doctor.. Always afraid there going to tell me something is wrong with me.

Oh you should deff make a pumpkin pie to bring to MIL house.. Home made anything is so much better then store bought.. Well unless you really don't know how to cook then store bought would be the way to go :haha:

It's kinda crazy that she looks at you like your not trying you know what I mean.. Like don't look at me crazy you know were trying trust me I probably want to be a mommy more then you want to me a granny.. They shouldn't make you stressed.. Because then it's bad enough when it doesn't work you feel let down and hubby feels let down you don't need the extra guilt of anyone else feeling let down to ya know.. :hugs: But its ok because this time it's going to be it! :thumbup: And I hope your hubby waits on you hand and foot and goes get you ice cream with pickles are 3am :haha: I joke with Amber about this and she goes ohh no.. When i know what your craving i'm going to stock up on it so that way I just gotta go to the kitchen :rofl:

Well FF said I O'd on the 16th so that's about what most of my app's said 16th or 17th so think my body is pretty on point. Thank god.. I found out that my mom use to temp to.. she told me she didn't use a basal she just used a regular one.. So kinda glad i added this to my list of thing to do to TTC. I'm getting pretty normal with it.. my worst mornings are the mornings when I have to be at work an hour earlier then normal and I haven't been getting much sleep these last few days due to all the wedding stuff. I guess that's one advantage about being a lesbian.. I never took BC.. even when I was younger and did have BF's or anything I hated :sex: with them so :rofl: I rarely rarely ever did anything :haha:

Our DJ is awesome.. She sent our song list to us yesterday so now were doing the tweeking to it to add and take away songs we know we want.. I decided to dance with my daddy I loved her first.. started crying yesterday when I was listening to it so did my mom :haha: were cry babies.. Then we picked I think its you find out who your friends are for the first part of the bridal party dance then about half way through the song the harlem shake is going to start playing and I'm going to come out dancing an that's pretty much going to start the party :haha: .I'm glad someone has heard of a money dance :haha: Amber thought I was crazy :rofl: . Oh I tried on my dress yesterday still fits perfectly thank god. I love how royal I look in it.. Really can't wait to actually wear it.. My poor FSIL went try on her dress and it's to small around the bust area :dohh:..Talk about I freaked out :wacko:.. But thank god my brothers wife knows a great seamstress and she going to have it all fixed for me by Tuesday.

I love to travel will have to put that on my list of places to must visit.. Maybe even swing by forks just to say I been there :haha:

6 more days until the wedding bells ring!!

I tried so hard to get on yesterday but work was so damn busy and then yeah there was no getting on anything yesterday at home.. We was hard core getting into wedding stuff.. Amber, Me and My SIL (brothers wife) went got the last few things for the wedding and started putting alot of stuff together.. Were having a candy buffet so we made a really cute sign to hang above it that says "love is sweet have a treat" and added some cute pictures and stuff to it.. Then I came up with a cute I Spy game for the tables to people would take pics and I downloaded an app that will let people take pics and send them directly to me with out having to send it.. I wrapped all the brides maid gift and we made some really cute pics to go on the gift table and where the guest book is going to be.. I really can't wait to see how everything comes together

How are you? How are you feeling? AF has come and gone now are we just waiting around to O? done anything exciting this weekend so far?
I hope you don't get those pains again either.. And we will get our BFP's this go.. see I messed up the cycle when I didn't try this go so next cycle is all us!! :dance:

I'm sure even thoe the testing it self wouldn't hurt.. The nerve wrecking wait to find out if something is wrong with you is scary enough to make anyone not want to take any test.. I hate hate HATE going to the doctor.. Always afraid there going to tell me something is wrong with me.

Oh you should deff make a pumpkin pie to bring to MIL house.. Home made anything is so much better then store bought.. Well unless you really don't know how to cook then store bought would be the way to go :haha:

It's kinda crazy that she looks at you like your not trying you know what I mean.. Like don't look at me crazy you know were trying trust me I probably want to be a mommy more then you want to me a granny.. They shouldn't make you stressed.. Because then it's bad enough when it doesn't work you feel let down and hubby feels let down you don't need the extra guilt of anyone else feeling let down to ya know.. :hugs: But its ok because this time it's going to be it! :thumbup: And I hope your hubby waits on you hand and foot and goes get you ice cream with pickles are 3am :haha: I joke with Amber about this and she goes ohh no.. When i know what your craving i'm going to stock up on it so that way I just gotta go to the kitchen :rofl:

Well FF said I O'd on the 16th so that's about what most of my app's said 16th or 17th so think my body is pretty on point. Thank god.. I found out that my mom use to temp to.. she told me she didn't use a basal she just used a regular one.. So kinda glad i added this to my list of thing to do to TTC. I'm getting pretty normal with it.. my worst mornings are the mornings when I have to be at work an hour earlier then normal and I haven't been getting much sleep these last few days due to all the wedding stuff. I guess that's one advantage about being a lesbian.. I never took BC.. even when I was younger and did have BF's or anything I hated :sex: with them so :rofl: I rarely rarely ever did anything :haha:

Our DJ is awesome.. She sent our song list to us yesterday so now were doing the tweeking to it to add and take away songs we know we want.. I decided to dance with my daddy I loved her first.. started crying yesterday when I was listening to it so did my mom :haha: were cry babies.. Then we picked I think its you find out who your friends are for the first part of the bridal party dance then about half way through the song the harlem shake is going to start playing and I'm going to come out dancing an that's pretty much going to start the party :haha: .I'm glad someone has heard of a money dance :haha: Amber thought I was crazy :rofl: . Oh I tried on my dress yesterday still fits perfectly thank god. I love how royal I look in it.. Really can't wait to actually wear it.. My poor FSIL went try on her dress and it's to small around the bust area :dohh:..Talk about I freaked out :wacko:.. But thank god my brothers wife knows a great seamstress and she going to have it all fixed for me by Tuesday.

I love to travel will have to put that on my list of places to must visit.. Maybe even swing by forks just to say I been there :haha:

6 more days until the wedding bells ring!!

I tried so hard to get on yesterday but work was so damn busy and then yeah there was no getting on anything yesterday at home.. We was hard core getting into wedding stuff.. Amber, Me and My SIL (brothers wife) went got the last few things for the wedding and started putting alot of stuff together.. Were having a candy buffet so we made a really cute sign to hang above it that says "love is sweet have a treat" and added some cute pictures and stuff to it.. Then I came up with a cute I Spy game for the tables to people would take pics and I downloaded an app that will let people take pics and send them directly to me with out having to send it.. I wrapped all the brides maid gift and we made some really cute pics to go on the gift table and where the guest book is going to be.. I really can't wait to see how everything comes together

How are you? How are you feeling? AF has come and gone now are we just waiting around to O? done anything exciting this weekend so far?

I believe it! We're getting our BFP's this cycle for sure!

I'm so phobic of going to the doctor as well, ugh especially for the well woman visits. I literally have a panic attack when they put my legs on the stirrups to poke around. It's always so embarrassing because they're like, "Are you like this with your husband?" and I'm like "fuck no, he feels great down there, your fingers and metal clamps are painful." :rofl:

Good news though, I told him what doctor he could see for insurance to cover the referral visit and he said alright. Didn't give much of an answer, but the "alright" means he'll do it - I just have to set up the appointment lol.

Well that's what's strange, my MIL is amazing at cooking and baking. But lately she's resorted to the already made meals so she doesn't have to cook. Maybe that comes with age because DH's grandmother is definitely not willing to cook a thing anymore but apparently she was the best cook ever when FIL and MIL first got married. Maybe I will take a pie! I'll take something delicious though, that's for sure.

I don't think she means the look in a harsh way, but she's got odd mannerisms when it comes to those types of things. You got it exactly right why it's hard with her knowing we're trying, and if she knows I'm sure other people in his family know. Hahaha, I'm sure if I asked for it he would do it. I'm truly spoiled rotten thanks to DH. Amber's smart, but you never know, some craving may come out of no where and it wont be in the kitchen!!!

Excellent that your body is matching up with the app's! Makes it a lot easier for your next cycle :thumbup:. That's cool that your mom did temping, so crazy I had never heard of temping until BnB. My mom was lucky and just got knocked up super quick lol, where's my luck in that? Not needing bc is definitely a perk of being a lesbian, but I like the you know what too much:rofl:

Aw that is such a sweet song :) Wahhh I cried a lot when picking the special songs, I still get all sappy when I hear them play haha. I like your bridal party dance with you coming in to the Harlem Shake, that's going to be a lot of fun! Yay for your dress fitting perfect!! Such a good feeling, I got super butterflies when I went to my final fitting. Has Amber seen your dress yet or is it a surprise for the wedding? Are you doing a first look or having Amber see you first at the ceremony? Whew, thank goodness you were able to find a seamstress to fix FSIL's dress - oops on the bust lol

Go to Sequim someday! Haha, if you go to Forks go in July and hit up the festival they have that has lots of Native American dancing, salmon smoking and canoe racing!

Everything at your wedding is going to be fantastic, I love the thought of the I spy game!! That'll be a big hit :) Love all the details and can't wait to see pictures :) Now that it's crunch time I wont blame you for being away from BnB - this is where it gets super busy. I thought my head was going to explode the last week of the wedding prepping.

At the moment I'm just waiting to O, yesterday I had cm and jumped DH's bones as he was trying to leave for work :rofl: - he didn't complain though. So today I'll start my opk's, I meant to yesterday but never got the chance. Either way - we're going to work on our timing when I hit that positive opk and I'd say we're off to a good start on the bd'ing front:winkwink:
Omg!!!! I just wrote a freakin book on here and it didn't post!!! Wth!!! Ugh!!!
Happy wedding day to you and Amber, Ash :) Many wishes of happiness and love to you both!!
Welcome back!!!:drunk:


How was your lovely wedding and the honeymooning?

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