Here we go AGAIN... TTC #1 take 7or 1? Lesbian couple..

lol!! It was awesome.. Our wedding turned out more beautiful then I could ever expect.. I wanted to pull my hair out at my rehearsal and it took 2 days of decorating to get it all done but omg was it worth it. I had so many compliments on everything especially my dress everyone kept asking if I had it made for me or where did i specially order it from.. Ill post some pics in a bit I never got my pics back yet from my photographer so these will just be cell phone shots from other people.. I had a wonderful time I did what everyone said i took a moment to take it all in and I danced my butt off!! oh yeah haha.. I didn't eat until it was all over or drink anything lol but I had a wonderful time and I could have KILLED Amber haha for the garter toss she gets under my dress all the guys are waiting for her to pull the garter and she reached under my dress and pulled out these huge huge huge pair of pink panties and lifted them up for the whole room to see EVERYONE hooted and hollered and bust out laughing I know I turned 6 shades of red haha and wanted to kill her but it was funny :rofl:

Honeymoon was great we lost of course lol but Amber bought a bunch of souvenirs and we went to the Mt. Charleston and saw snow and had hotcoco and desert at this little cafe in the mountains it was yummy and so fun we had a snowball fight lol, we went to the Valley of Fire stat park saw mountains and just beautiful scenery and we went to the Grand Canyon and that was just so beautiful and cold oh god was it cold haha.. We saw a show and relaxed alot to so all in all our honeymoon was awesome had a wonderful time.. I was not not ready to come back to work lol

Now of course I never temped, took vitamins or watched what I ate the whole damn time I was there I'm sure I gained 10lbs from all the yummy foods we had.. I'v been having a hard time getting back on track with temping but I'm trying. :witch: came right on time in Vegas and stuck around for 3 days but funny thing about her is I felt nothing like I have my last few cycles no cramps , no soar bb's nothing.. crazy. I'm do to O on the 14th so we will start AI tonight.. I'll take my OPK today when I get home.. havn't really saw any CM yet maybe today..

How are you!?!? What have I missed since I was gone?!?!
Ash! So glad to hear from you again! :)

Your wedding sounds so amazing! I love all the compliments you got about your dress, I cannot wait to see pictures even if they're just cell phone pics :) They'll still be beautiful! Bahahaha the garter toss sounds so funny! I hope someone caught it with their camera! Your honeymoon sounds perfect, ahh so relaxing! I bet it was hard to come back:haha:

Oh whatever, weddings and honeymoons are supposed to be fun not busy with temping and watching what you eat:haha: I totally pigged out on our honeymoon, ate so much left over wedding cake:blush:

Your O date is coming up! Fingers crossed you'll opks show up quick :) So excited for you this cycle now that you're all married:cloud9:

My cycle has been crazy! I got a lot positive opks in a row, it was annoying. Then I saw a new gyno who was able to see me early and had me get an ultrasound which showed I hadn't O'd but that the follicles she saw were close to release so to bd as much as possible, and we did bd every other day! The night of the ultrasound I had some bad side pains in my left and it felt like O but a little bit more painful. Then the next day I had serious O pains in my right side. So both were hurting! Since about 5dpo I've had weird twinges in my sides. At 7dpo I had a serious yanking sharp pain surge through my lower right side of my pelvic area, it was just sharp and sudden then went away. 8dpo I had the same thing happen but on my right, and now today at 9 dpo I'm having weird sensations going on in my right side.

DH is worried that I'm getting my hopes up too high, and I am too... but last night I had a dream so vivid we had a little boy that it took all my willpower not to test this morning. I stood in the bathroom for at least 5 minutes having to pee while I decided whether or not to poas. So this cycle's been pretty exciting and I'm hoping it ends well because if not, I'm leading myself to major disappointment:wacko:
That is true, I ate like a baby piglet :haha:.. But back to watching what I eat and drinking lots of water..

I'm thinking temping this month is a bust lol i slept so bad last night with all the tossing an turning I'm still doing it but not really paying much attention to it.. We didn't get to AI last night.. Amber wasn't feeling well and my donor had something to do so we should get it done today.. Hopefully. I took my first OPK yesterday was - but looks like it should be darker today but my temp went up so I really hope im not catching the end of something. But so far my O days have been pretty dead on so will see what the OPK looks like today.. Still havnt seen much CM and not really having any O pains either so who knows :shrug:

OMG!!! You have me all hyped up for you now!! Oh I so want this to be it for you!! I'm glad you finally saw a dr and now KNOW when you O'd pretty much!! :dance: that makes me so happy and excited for you.. I know your ready to test just hold out you can do it.. when are you trying to wait till? I'm so excited.. lol your about to test and im just getting started :haha: keep me sane!! haha

Here is a pic from the wedding :) this is obviously Me and Amber but that is Amber's Mom n Dad


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yesterday's OPK


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Eh, may as well not temp this month. Especially after a restless night. If O has been pretty consistent I would just count on that this cycle and opk's :) definitely a negative opk but looking forward to them getting darker! Hope Amber feels better soon, good luck AI'ing tonight! :thumbup: Strange on no cramps or cm, maybe you'll O a little late? Either way my fingers are crossed for you!!

I am so hyped over testing. No chance to do it today though, last night I had a bout of nausea and then at 5am I woke up from a dead sleep feeling really nauseous again. Right now I'm feeling okay though, just tired and a little bit of heartburn. I want to drink water but since last night when I would take a drink of water I wanted to gag :( Trying not to read too far into it, but I'll be truthful I'm hoping its a bfp around the corner. I'm holding out as long as possible, the 15th is due date but I doubt I'll make it to then haha:haha:

Oh my goodness such a beautiful picture!! You're such a stunning bride :hugs: gorgeous dress! Amber looks very sharp too :) I can only imagine how beautiful your wedding was!
Well I'm really hoping this is your month your symptoms sound so promising :) :dance: I'll think happy thoughts enough for you hehe.. Today's the 13th you can hold out 2 more days lol unless you already tested by the time you read this then omg I wanna know what it says :haha: lets go BFP!!! :bfp:

As for me I'm not feelin very hopeful for this month :nope:.. I'm kinda tired of getting all excited then let down.. Yesterday got home from work completely wasn't thinking went to the BR and didn't do an OPK after holding it for 6 hours and drinking little to no water :dohh: yeah then by the time I realized it ugh I was so annoyed but I was happy because FINALLY (TMI and GROSS) a crap load of EWCM was there :happydance:.. I waited 3 hours and I'm guessing wasn't long enough to do an OPK it came back very much neg but then with the EWCM I was all excited anyway then finally I had my first feel of dull O pain on my left side so I was now all excited to get the AI done :happydance:.. I txt my donor and waited and waited and waited some more :coffee: and NEVER heard from him :growlmad:.. So another day shot :sad2:
Today's O pains are a bit stronger than yesterday and on top of I jumped out of bed like a bat out of hell so guess what I didn't do today :dohh:... I don't know I'm guessing if and that's a big IF were going to even have a shot today will be the last day to try.. I'll be trying to get in touch with the donor around my lunch time today.. Hope i hear from him.. Thought about getting i new donor but damn it was hard as hell trying to find him and for the most part he is there when I need. Guess we shall see..
Today's test was a bfn :( I'm not sure what to think since af is due in two days, I though I'd hit positive by now if I was pregnant. If af doesn't show on the 15th I'll go out and buy more tests, but for now I think I'll just sulk.

I'm so sorry you keep getting excited and ready then things just don't work out. Maybe your donor had a good reason for not getting back, something could have come up and he didn't have a chance to let you know yet.:shrug: At least that's what I'm hoping. I hope that you wont have to find a new donor, but if he starts to be flakey I'd rather find a new donor now than wait until he's flakey again. Screw the opk's this cycle :) They're no fun anyways! I think listening to your body will be fine, it's how women did it for years and they got pregnant! I really hope you can reach your donor today:hugs:
Ugh.. :hugs: but you know that doesn't mean anything.. 11 DPO can still be early for anything to show so I'm going to still have hope for you :). I know BFN sucks.. How are you feeling today?

Well last night we finally got to AI.. Donor said he wasn't feeling well the other day that's why I didn't hear from him and last night when I saw him to get the goods he told me he was actually really busy last night to but he couldn't not help me out :haha: so it made me feel better to know he wasn't flaking out on me.. So other than that I took an OPK yesterday and cant lie it wasn't dark :( but I took my temp and it did dip a bit this morning so If it shoots up tomorrow then I'll know that I O'd today. I'm have some sharp O pains in my left side been having them since yesterday not bad just enough to let me know it was there :haha: . So I know my chances are slim if I got it the night before O but guess we will have to wait and see.. I'm thinkin about seeing if we can AI tonight even if I am Oing already and know it wouldn't help I don't know :shrug:

Now that i'm married the question at work is when are we going to try for a baby of course.. Then I think i mini snapped on a co worker not meaning to. Because she was all like yeah because you have to do it AI I'm sure you will get it on the first try and I just laughed at her then she kept going on n on so finally I looked at her and was like i know im not going to get it on the first try because iv been trying I said on people who dont want kids, dont need kids or teenagers get preg on the first try and she was like oh and I turned around.. Opps.. Then of course the next thing to be said.. Have you thought about actually just sleeping with the donor.. ugh :brat:

ok off subject but I was looking at the smiles and umm
:holly: <~~:wacko: :shrug: :haha: what on earth!!
You're right, 11dpo is still early. I haven't tested again yet today but I might with smu after holding it for a few more hours lol. My fmu was way too early to run to the store and get more tests. I'm having mild cramps that go into my legs though, that always happens right before af so it's really discouraging.

Glad you got to AI! That's nice that he wasn't flaking out and had a reason. And even more nice that even though he was really busy he still wanted to help out:thumbup: At least with temping you know more of what's going on no matter what the opk's say. I'm not really trusting opk's anymore after my wonky cycle so if af shows I'm joining the temping train. All it takes is just once to get pregnant! So I'm going to stay hopeful for you Ash! I would AI again tonight, just in case:winkwink: Even if you do O there are plenty of methods that call for swimmers the day after O so I think there's still a chance.

Haha of course. The classic question EVERYONE asked us as soon as we were engaged and married. I don't blame you for snapping, she was out of line and I would have snapped too :( It's frustrating having it take so long. Ugh, that's so maddening she said that to you. Doesn't matter how they get in there, as long as they're in there.:dohh: That bitch.

Uh wow.. there are some funky smileys on here :flasher: :rofl:
WHAT!! you mean you couldn't wake up and hold it until you ran to the store :haha: Lets try not to get discouraged.. Not out till that damn :witch: shows up.. But im holding on for you.. Did you take another test? It's crazy how we notice everything our bodies do around that time.. Whats crazy is i had no symptoms when I was in Vegas.. I knew I was going to start because well duh you know i have 15 apps on my phone that told me so.. I spotted the day before like always and poof there she was, no pains no boob tenderness nothing was crazy considering since we have starts TTC I seem to get every possible pain there is to get :wacko: That's so crazy to me..

Well I really hope it only takes once because that's all I got.. I just went ahead and figured I was out this month so did't even bother with it yesterday I figured my temp would be shot up today so was like no use in doing it well was i wrong my temp hit the ground today :dohh: oh well at least i know I did it late the other night so hopefully those little :spermy: really do last a few days.. because it gave them a day to be ready for when that little eggy pops out.. So now im guessing my temp should SHOULD jump tomorrow :shrug: We shall see.. Temping isn't bad it's just a pain more or less on the days i don't work because I have to set my alarm for 4am and do it. I hope you get your BFP so you don't have to start.. But if by some chance you do. i hope you get to do it by mouth :haha:

Yeah she was a bitch. That's not the first time she has acted that way to me.. She tried talking me out of getting married because I make more money then Amber.. I was like um didn't realize that she was suppose to make more then me and she went on and on about how her husband makes all this money and how they have 5 cars they paid for in cash and blah blah blah.. Well i found out yesterday that she is cheating on her husband :nope: I told my friend I said see all the money in the world doesn't mean your happy.. so she has deff crossed that line with me before..

Hows the weather up there? It has mood swings here.. Yesterday 50's today 60's day before 30-40's yeah It doesn't know what it wants to be here.. Have any plans for the weekend? I have the best plans.. I have to work :dohh: blah lol

:rofl: that was great!!
Haha no, I managed to hold off until this morning. But I was up all night praying to the porcelain gods to just let me vomit because I felt sick ALL DAMN NIGHT. I was literally hanging over the toilet bowl for 3 flipping hours straight. I didn't get to sleep until 6am, it was a bitch.

Tested at 11:30 so that's at least... 5 hours after I finally passed out but it was a bfn. DH reminded me that I was sipping at water and peeing all night so how could my pee be concentrated enough. And he said af always starts first thing in the morning so I'm not out yet because she hasn't shown. Knock on wood she stays away and maybe I'll get a better result with the next test. I can't decide whether to hold off until tomorrow morning or test tonight, DH votes I hold my pee the next 6 hours and test again. Bless his heart, he wants this so badly with me.

That's really crazy that you had no symptoms, thank goodness for apps though :haha: I use those to cheat all the time! I still think you've got a chance! :) If I have to start temping I thought that doing it in the vag was more "accurate"? What do you think?

Sounds like she has far too much time on her hands, especially if she has time to cheat on her husband. Money can't buy happiness, and apparently a penis who makes a ton of money can't either:rofl:

It's cold and wet, always haha. Now that it's November we can kiss any hope of warm weather or sunshine goodbye. It's been rain rain rain. Hella depressing but I like the holidays. Boo for working over the weekend :( I was going to hang out at my best friends and do some writing but with last nights near vomit fiasco I'd rather stay home and just chill.
Tested this evening and got another bfn. I'm feeling very beside myself and am unsure. :cry:
Oh hun :hugs: I know its frustrating.. But you know it's not over yet.. Not over till that damn ole witch shows up.. So im still going to hold on to hope for you.. don't take any more test until your actually late now.. you don't need to see any more BFN's :( . Just in case to answer your temping question.. Yeah everything i have read said it's more accurate.. Just so weird to me :haha:

Speaking of I was of course late for work my alarm didn't go off :doh: so guess who jumped out of bed and didn't freaking temp.. :doh: so now i have to wait till tomorrow and yay now im going to throw my FF off.. i'll prob just put I O'd yesterday unless my temp is still way down for some crazy reason. This month has just been stupid. It's like ok i know its not going to be this month so lets just get it over with.. Next month I hope is better.

How are you feeling today.. I know you was upset last night.. Hurts my feelings when I know my friends are upset and there is nothing i can really do to make it better :(.. But it's going to be ok we got this and your hubby I know is your biggest supporter.So i know he was there for you as well. It sad when i read on here how some women are like "I want this but my husband doesn't im going to do it anyway or he just doesn't get it or console me.." I hope your feeling better too. I know you said you kept feeling sick.
I'm still in the race, woke up with awful cramps but still no af. Really praying she stays away, but with how bad the cramps are I'm worried she's right around the corner! She's one day late, but I plan on not testing until Monday. I'm having my emotions run wild. Last night I had a total melt down about not getting a bfp and I feel like I can't get pregnant. I've already got DH a referral for an SA and I'm looking into where to buy a thermometer because I really thought this was our month and I'm having a hard time dealing with all the bfn's I'm getting.

I still hope that this month will be your month so you don't have to temp again next :) :hugs: I'm doing a little better today, had a small cry when I got up but now I'm just hungry lol. Gosh I am so thankful that my husband is so supportive, I don't know what I would do! There are so many ladies on here that have husbands that either don't care or get really pissy about ttc and their hardships.

How's your day going today? Hopefully better, especially with that crab of a coworker you have.
I'm sure your emotions are :hugs: . I sure hope she stays away too.. If she does Monday would be a good day i think.. Are you normally late? I know you said your cycle is so crazy... I know you talked about your hubby going to have a SA done before but then he said no, so he is going to go now.. I really hope you don't need to do all that, I'm still keeping my FX for a a BFP!!! How are you feeling today?? Just encase so you don't think you have to find any where special I got my basil thermometer from walmart it was like 7$ or something like that..

I think i'v decided im not going to test (how long you think that's going to last :haha:) I mean I really don't feel like this is our month like last month i had allll this hope and was all ready then we didn't even try and this month because of all the crazy stuff I'v just got it in my head just get back in the groove for next month and maybe we will have wonderful Christmas gift to share with the family.. I think even if it did take this month I wouldn't say anything till then anyway so that way I would hope it's a sticky one.. Because honestly I think I'd rather all these BFN's then to have a BFP then have it taken away.. I honestly think that would make me not wanna do it again.. I'm entirely too soft hearted for that.

Yesterday work wise wasn't a bad day.. I don't mind working some weekends it's only 4 hours and i get to be alone for the most part so it's nice.. After I got home had a good day didn't do much of anything, played my video game for the good part of the day then we had some family time and watched a movie with my mom n sis n law and one of my friends so yesterday was a good day.. Will more then likely just relax today as well..

Are you still feeling sick?
AF showed this morning, I'm totally gutted and defeated. I'll be picking up a thermometer this afternoon if my cramps let up. If not, it'll have to be tomorrow.

That's a good point about a sticky one... I've been thinking with this next cycle I'm not going to test until I'm late because the testing itself is just making me crazy. I see a lot of ladies on here once they get a bfp then get af a few days later they grasp at straws harder and it makes me sad, and I know if that were to happen to me I wouldn't handle it very well either.

Sounds like a good day to me :) So fun to see family
Ugh!!! :hugs: well now you can start temping and know exactly what's going on.. Unless your like me and miss every other day.. I hate to keep saying we got this next month but have to try and keep positive... When does your hubby go for his SA??

Yep that's exactly what I think.. So yeah prob not going to test especially this month when I know there's no shot.. On top of that I think I'm getting sick my damn ear has been itching and my throat feels like its on fire.. This damn weather ugh!!

I hope your ok.. I know your upset.. You know if you need to cent or scream I'm right here
I never went to buy the thermometer today, the cramps travel all the way through my legs so I decided to stay home today and take it easy. Especially with all the bawling I did yesterday I didn't feel quite sociable yet.:roll: When do you start temping? From CD1 or CD10?

Sorry you feel like you're getting sick, lots of well wishes to you. I hate being sick, thank goodness whatever was wrong with me a few nights ago is gone, that was straight out of hell. Get some vitamin C! And echinacea! (I had to google how to spell that flipping word.)

Thanks for the support Ash:hugs: I'm grateful for it. Emotionally, I'm doing a lot better today. At least I got all my tears out yesterday. I did get angry at DH this morning though :( He's suddenly against the SA because he thinks its a waste of money and that it's harder to get it done than the tests I could do. I told him to shut up, I'd rather shoot a load into a cup than get probes shoved up my vag and needles pokes for blood draws. I was fuming over breakfast this morning. Called the place and asked about scheduling, so now he just needs to pick the time/day and the appointment will be made.

I'm nervous that my next test date is Christmas Eve...
The first time I started temping I actually started on CD6 I tried to start on 5 but I didn't wake up early enough lol.. It good you just stayed home and relaxed today, you need that.. I hope your cramps go away soon.. I get it bad enough n my stomach would hate to see how I would feel if it went own my legs ugh..

Thanks I just took my prenatal vitamins and I'm about to take my Vitamin C as well.. Lol I don't even know what that other stuff is and ha I can barely pronounce it :haha: I'm glad whatever you had is gone as well something must be going around.. Amber woke up nauseated and vomiting lasted a few hours now she's fine so no idea :shrug:

I can't believe he is being that way really.. I mean he is so excited to get you to test and be there when you need him.. you would think he would want to know if its him.. Do you think maybe he is scared that it is him?? Yea guys have it so easy on everything I swear lol us women nothing comes easy..they don't get to feel the emotional let down of BFN after BFN or the pain that comes with a BFP they just get to enjoy all the rewards of being a parent and from what I understand the upped sex drive you get in first trimester.. Craziness

You don't have to thank me Hun.. That's what friends do.. :hugs:
Good to know I don't have to start asap so I can wait until af is over before having to worry about it. Walking the dog is quite tiring when you can feel cramps crawling through your legs :( No idea why they're always like that for me but they are:shrug:

Glad that Amber is feeling better already. Ugh, the crap is seriously going around. Hope you manage to stay away from it!!

I think maybe DH is just scared of how the SA will go. He's nervous about the pressure of actually doing it and then what the results may hold for us. After the first few cycles he mentioned he was scared it was him, and now he thinks maybe our timing is just bad. Which it has been up until this cycle, we did the best timing this round.

In other news! We've finally agreed on a girl name! LOL. We were watching some movie last night and a chicks name was Penelope, and I told him it was a sweet name that had adorable nicknames. He likes it!

:hugs:It's close to Thanksgiving and I can say I'm thankful to have you as a dear friend though this ttc insanity:hugs:

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