hi all, im new to the site


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2006
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hi im new to this site still trying to work it out!!!
im 24 and ttc i have a 3 year old son and i ahd a m/c 3 months ago but ttc again now so fingers crossed.
i heard about this site on bounty im guessing it a new site??

baby dust to us all
Hi Shell,

Welcome to the forums :)

Sorry to hear about your misscarriage, hope you are your BFP soon!

Hi Shell, I'm new-ish too & also a bounty addict- I'm Unbelieving over there,as when I got pg the first time I was 'unbelieving' until I was about 22wks!! LOL! :D
thanks irishmum this site seemsa to be very friendly.
i was worried about it at 1st as sont like signing into new sites as u never know what they like. but people are friendly and talk a bit more then on bounty!.
Hi Shell

Glad you joined - Can be hard sometimes getting involved in forums best way I found was to dive right in! :lol:

Hope you enjoy it here & best of luck TTC x
Hi Shell,
Welcome to BabyandBump!
Glad you came over for a peek!!!
Hope we all make you feel right at home!

Sorry to hear about your miscarriage **hugs**
Hope you get your BFP soon.
Love & Babydust for you

Hello :hi:

Welcome to the forum!

Sorry to hear of your loss :hugs:

Wishing you a speedy BFP!!! xx
Hi Shell,

Welcome :howdy:

Look forward to chatting to you.

Charm X
Hey Shell! :hi:

Glad you found us! :D

Sorry to hear about your m/c :hugs:

Wishing you and all the other girls on here a BFP!! :sperm:

Nat and Bump x x
hi shell, lovely to meet you.
(((cuggles))) for you loss and best wishes on your bfp....
thanks everyone you have made me feel really welcome.
hi shell welcome to baby n bump i had a miscarriage aug 14th and im ttc hopefully i will get a bfp soon good luck hun baby dust to all xxx
Hi, I'm new too. Just found out about BandB.com from Bounty. Great being able to talk to people in the same situation!
Hello Lily5 :hi:

Welcome to the forum!

Wishing you a speedy BFP!! xx

Thanks Tam! If I'm reading correctly - Congratulations to you!
I ov'd early this week so got about week and half to go :roll:
Thank you hun!! Yeah you are reading correctly :D

I just come in here to interfere and give my support :lol:

:hugs: xx
Tam's staying in TTC 4 eva :-$ don't tell Paul.

We all love ya Tam :hugs:

I'm feeling all soppy, must be the ickle drinkie poos, I love all you girls :hugs: you keep me going with your great advice and you all cheer me up with your hugs.

I'll be crying in a minute :cry:

Aww Tam been many time I've sat at the PC over a glass of Bacardi & sobbed.

*luvs* x

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