Hi everyone,Hope to hear from u soon,
Hi everyone,well am 44 today and 4 weeks and three days pregnant,Am a mother of four and have had nine losses,am over the moon to be pregnant and it was the best present ever ,feel a bit lost moving from the ttc forum and hope all you lovely ladies can join me here,So far things are going wellAs I have sticky blood syndrome (which was diagnosed last year),I have to inject myself with clexane every morning in the tum,had been kind of worried about doing it but have found it fine and dandy,am attending the hospital weekly to check my hcg levels are rising and my first scan is the 16th of June ,am still very nervous as I know it's early days and am a poas addict and have so far done nine tests to make sure I am still pregnant,Hope to hear from u soon,
Desperado, do they think that 'sticky blood' was the cause of all of your losses? I'm yet to see my FS for the results of all my bloods, but if it was some kind of clotting disorder he has also told me that I will need clexane injections.
Hi Ladies.....can I join you all....I am 4+2 today. 40 years young and this will be my 3rd...2 DD's 15 & 13. This will be my OH's first he is 32
Hope you are all keeping well. I have been fine but cramping which is bugging me a bit. Sore boobs and frequent weeing but that's about it. I did this test yesterday at 4+1 as got my BFP on a Digi at 10dpo which said 1-2 so nice to see hormone levels rising!
Another bump buddy here! I'm two days behing you hun!
Happy birthday!!!
Hi Glowstar, Mellybelle
It is lovely to see all these names I recognise from the TTC boards
Ha ha desperado!!! yes I consider myself very lucky because he is super gorgeous...but then I am biased
Great to see so many ladies here....it's surprising me actually how many of us are getting/have got BFP's relatively quickly!!
TMI!! had a BD for the first time this morning.....mega worried now but don't want to completely ruin our sex life so thought it was better to try and carry on as normal.
Just wanted to add Desperado that my first scan date is 16th too....im terrified and very, very exited!! Wish you all the best, Mrs!! xxx
Thanks Desperado,
The only thing is that everyone knows me in the doctors surgery ( even if I don't know them) due to me being a teacher in the local school. The last time I was pregnant one of the doctors in the surgery (not mine) congratulated my mum before I had told her! She was really upset- so was I!. So I think I will leave it for a while yet even though I am desperate to see beany
Omi I love your sticky bean animation in your avatar. Can I use it?
Thanks Desperado,
The only thing is that everyone knows me in the doctors surgery ( even if I don't know them) due to me being a teacher in the local school. The last time I was pregnant one of the doctors in the surgery (not mine) congratulated my mum before I had told her! She was really upset- so was I!. So I think I will leave it for a while yet even though I am desperate to see beany
Omi I love your sticky bean animation in your avatar. Can I use it?
That is awful,am sure u were angry,I totally see your point thenWell sure give it a few more weeks till it has sunk in and u are feeling more comfortable with things,u have all of us on here to cum and talk to whenever u need us ,