Hows everyone doing?.... fx'd foxmummy I was so looking forward to big boobs iin my last pregnancy but they didn't come until my milk came in a day after he was born!! :doh:
My boobs are so sore atm! They have been since a couple of days after O. Not sure what dpo I'm on, maybe around 7-10dpo? So it's a bit weird for me to get sore boobs this early before af! I hope this is my month!
We're having a hard time atm with money boo! We're both paye and OH has no work till after xmas and I will have hardly any during dec! It's so depressing!
Crikey my nips are sore! They keep tingling and putting me off all day! Good sign I hope!
Tmi but we dtd this morning and I was a bit nervous about it just incase' I am pg. ESP after lastmonths chemical and the bleeding starting straight after dtd!
We are ALWAYS dtd... I have a short cervix so once im preg they will stitch it to prevent funneling and that means no hanky panky during that time (from about 12weeks on!) so yup getting it all out now!
Hey girls! So I guess I am back here! We never ended up getting or using any sort of protection so I am really not trying not preventing. It feels better this month knowing that I am really okay either way. The super good news is that I have already lost 8 pounds! I have been busting my butt doing p90x and watching what I am eating!! I can honestly say I am okay with whatever happens for the next mfew months
I was convinced it was my month as I've had no usual af cramping which I get about 2 days before. I've had really sore boobs though. All of a sudden today my inside thighs started to ache and I got that heavy feeling in my bits (tmi, sorry)... I went to the loo and there she was
oh no sorry hun, stupid witch! i swear by preseed if you wanted a helping hand? both times i've used it i've fallen pregnant. With alex 1st month after trying for 6mths, and this one was 2nd month using preseed but 1st month where we actually tried to bd around the right time and only 3mths ttc in all!
Hey, how's everyone doing? You must be getting close to O date Fox mummy?
I know I'm supposed to be ntnp but feel like I need a bit of help so I've just bought some opks of ebay Although we won't have a chance of concieving until end of Jan now I thought it'd be good to see when I am actually ovulating. I think it's happening a bit sooner than I think x
Yeah, I'm at cd 12... But we are definitely not freaking out like last month. Taking it easier for sure. Bd when we feel like it ( which is often) not just BC we have too.
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