Home education/schooling

I think theres a few blogs I saved I can get more off. Heres my pre school board https://pinterest.com/ladydragonflyt/pre-school-activities/
, its not over flowing yet only started it.

add me on pintrest my i follow a few home-ed bloggers/pinners
Hi girls, in the end, my eldest went back because DH insisted my middle son at least try school. My middle son LOVES school and can't wait to go every day. So I said I would see how things went with the eldest, we would talk to the teacher etc I told DH that I needed to see an immediate improvement for me to leave him in school any longer than my middle sons 1st week, and that if I saw enough of an improvement to leave him past that 1st week I would need to see a gradual improvement over the term. If I didn't get results I was pulling him out. I have the letter all drafted ready to go, just needs dating. I spoke to his teacher and I have seen enough of an improvement to give him the term.
Bed wetting is becoming less frequent (though its only been 3 weeks) his giving more of his time to a different circle of friends, the boy who was bullying him is a year above him and so isn't in his class any more and so doesn't bother with him as much and now he is playing with different children his more confident.
We are working on improving his confidence and self esteem. DH seems to be more understanding and I'm still giving him little snippets of information now and again, just letting the seed grow. I think rather than forcing him into the decision, by letting him become accustomed to the idea it will still be an option for the future. He has said that as our school is currently helping another school which is failing, if it started to affect our school and impact on our childrens education he would agree to removing them. And that if the situation with our eldest started to slide again then we could remove him.
I'm still not totally happy, but I want my kids to be happy, and want to be sure we are making the right decision. So this is the last chance.
its so hard to know if we are doing the right thing for our kids, Nate is thriving at school other than bed wetting which i know is tiredness not anxiety and its not a worry since hes only 4 yrs 3 months old its not considered a problem till they are 7 yrs old apparently. they have so much energy that having them home 24-7 over the summer was hard work to stop them getting bored and destructive so if i did home school it would be a fulltime job even more than being mother to 3 under 5's already is
Sorry not on the subject but WOW another Nate! Is he just Nate, or Nathaniel? My son is Nathaniel but called Nate. I don't know of any other Nates and only one other Nathaniel.
hes a Nathaniel i hardly every call him Nate in real life but thats what hes known as online,
Same here, Nate online, I usually call him Nathaniel but his brothers have started shortening it to Nate.
Hello :flower: :wave: I haven't been on bnb for quite a while since our 3rd dd was born but I found this thread and wondered if I could join please? :smile:

We (myself and dh) had thought about home ed for a couple of years before our eldest dd started school but for one reason or other, she began reception last September (2011). We made the decision to take her out in January of this year and haven't looked back! All is going great!

I look forward to cyber-meeting you all, we live in very rural Suffolk and have a good home ed group nearby.

I have a query someone maybe able to help me with? In January of this year, we had applied for our middle daughter's school place before we made the decision to home ed all our girls. When she was accepted, we obviously declined it, but does that mean she is still on the register? I.e. come compulsory school age, do we need to inform the LEA that we are home-edding her? She was previously attending the pre-school there. The LEA are aware that eldest dd is home educated due to her short spell being in reception.

The simplified question is - does having applied, accepted and declined a school place mean that that child is on the register even if they never actually attended??

Many thanks :flower: xxxx
My son is only two and a half so I generally only lurk on this thread but I have to jump in and say I love Pintrest and am always looking for new home-schooling ideas to build up. Here is mine;
Hi lilvixen, nice to have you on the thread! :)

You won't need to deregister your DD2, but the LEA will be aware of her. However, that won't make any difference to you as they are aware of your DD1 anyway.
My son is only two and a half so I generally only lurk on this thread but I have to jump in and say I love Pintrest and am always looking for new home-schooling ideas to build up. Here is mine;

Thats a great board I pinned some from you there. Since I havnt start to home school yet just building up stuff do you people get any negativity? I am feeling optimistic and some of my friends are really chuffed about it, even some family members. I have bought two John Holt books also this week, waiting on them to come.
Hey girls :hi: our families are aware of our decision to home ed poppy and so far we've had no negative comments although I do have an idea my parents think its a bit 'hippyish' :haha: anyway my dad said the other day he'd heard of home eding parents being prosecuted for not sending their children to school? :shrug: does anyone know anything about this? X
Hey girls :hi: our families are aware of our decision to home ed poppy and so far we've had no negative comments although I do have an idea my parents think its a bit 'hippyish' :haha: anyway my dad said the other day he'd heard of home eding parents being prosecuted for not sending their children to school? :shrug: does anyone know anything about this? X

Yeah, there's been a couple of families that have lost their kids etc, but it's mainly been through not following the correct procedures for withdrawing their child from school or from engaging with the LEA and letting them get away with a lot. Have a look on forums such as home-education.biz for advice on getting the balance right between fulfilling your legal obligations and letting the local authority get away with murder.

I've had the odd negative comment here and there, but as the girls are still quite young it's not become an issue yet. I am preparing myself for more though lol
who is LEA and does that apply to me in NI? I am a bit nervous about how they go on I dont want to get in trouble.
LEA is the local education authority. The best thing you can do is to find an NI specific home ed organisation and not rely on Education Otherwise for correct advice. Find out what the laws are regarding home ed - both the council obligations and your obligations. Don't rely on council websites for accurate info either, many of them are wrong and give bad info, go on the govt website and read the laws for yourself
I am in an NI group on facebook and did see a site but didnt seem to have to tell any one?https://homeeducationni.tripod.com/
My mum dosnt think I will be able to do it. I am to stupid apparently. Nice eh. Funny enough she actually is the rather ignorant one that dosnt know to much as I am always explaiming things to her. But thats just her usual fashion to put me down. She said the same when I wanted to drive a car , yet hasnt caught on I can drive the car I have just cant afford to get test. Her new name is "Cant do" or Mrs No.
So far I have had mostly positive comments. Of course my son is still too young or school yet anyway. I was surprised that my mum is very sportive of the idea. Interesting since she would not consider it when I asked to be home schooled, lol.

I am a mature student in my last year at University and a girl I often sit with asked about schools and when I said we would home-school said she does not agree with it and has tried convincing me otherwise. The funny part is that I am doing better at Uni than a lot of teachers would have done so I find it odd she would say that I am somehow 'unqualified'. Firstly teachers learned to teach by reading books about teaching...I can books too. Secondly my argument is that teachers and schools can not do as good of a job at educating my son as I will be able to...leaving her point irrelevant in the first place. :shrug:
Have any home ed people done nursery? I hadn't expected to, but we have a Montessori nursery up the road, and I'm considering Alice doing an afternoon or two.
Have any home ed people done nursery? I hadn't expected to, but we have a Montessori nursery up the road, and I'm considering Alice doing an afternoon or two.
I would consider a montessori nursery in fact I am thinking of it but I think it privateso I don't think we would be able to afford (especially if we have another child)
We'll not be sending poppy to nursery otherwise.

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