Honey&Cinnamon babies in the making!!!

Hi girls

Sorry I have been absent... morning sickness and a bad cold struck me down:cry:... to be honest looking at the computer screen makes me feel ill too lol! Going to try and read down from where I last posted over tonight to catch up. Hope you are all still enjoying your honey and cinnamon... I have had to stop the honey for a while... but I still beleive h&c helped get my BFP. Goodluck to you all.

Hello to all newbies and :hugs: to all
Yesterday i was so busy i almost forgot to take my h&c again lol. I made sure i took it bright and early before i had the potential to forget again.

I tested this morning at 12dpo and got a BFN...2 more days until AF is supposed to arrive. We shall see what happens
Hi girls

Sorry I have been absent... morning sickness and a bad cold struck me down:cry:... to be honest looking at the computer screen makes me feel ill too lol! Going to try and read down from where I last posted over tonight to catch up. Hope you are all still enjoying your honey and cinnamon... I have had to stop the honey for a while... but I still beleive h&c helped get my BFP. Goodluck to you all.

Hello to all newbies and :hugs: to all

Hey lady! Welcome better! I hope you feel better soon! :)
Yesterday i was so busy i almost forgot to take my h&c again lol. I made sure i took it bright and early before i had the potential to forget again.

I tested this morning at 12dpo and got a BFN...2 more days until AF is supposed to arrive. We shall see what happens

Good luck! Fx'd you just Od a little later than normal! Hugs!!
Hi Ladies,
I have been absence for more than week. I had some bad news....my dad has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. Has been a shock since he has been in great health. Trying not to stress and worry as I really want to continue TTC'ing, in hope that my dad can get to see if grandchild before anything happens.

I am on day 10 and I have been having loads of Watery CF for the past 3 days. This is very early and didn't think that was possible....anyone else had that? I have been having H & C religiously for the past 2 weeks, I wonder if that has anything to do with it?


Im so sorry about your father, i read what you wrote how he is has been in good health and it was a shock, i went through the same thing, my father was FINE, NORMAL, he at 55 turning 56 started to forget stuff turned out he had brain cancer, 2 months later we lost him :( it was and still is a nightmare and a shock to life in every way. sending prayers your way and if you need someone to talk to you can talk to me. again im so very sorry. as for your watery cm that sounds very good :) thats how i was then i got a positive on the opk tests on cd 12. Good Luck

Thank you! Really appreciate everyone's support. So sorry to hear about your father, it is always surreal when it happens so suddenly. I think I am in denial, I guess there will be lots of emotional states I will go through. Taking my father on holiday next week. Thought as he is in good health he would like it.

Yep still having watery cm so defo be seducing my other half tonight! Negative OPK today but got my fingers crossed x
Hi Ladies,
I have been absence for more than week. I had some bad news....my dad has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. Has been a shock since he has been in great health. Trying not to stress and worry as I really want to continue TTC'ing, in hope that my dad can get to see if grandchild before anything happens.

I am on day 10 and I have been having loads of Watery CF for the past 3 days. This is very early and didn't think that was possible....anyone else had that? I have been having H & C religiously for the past 2 weeks, I wonder if that has anything to do with it?


ksp - im so sorry to hear about your news my thoughts are with you and your family hun x
AFM: 4dpo...i feel like a cow today, I'm so bloated! I am gassy and have AF like back cramps. I keep getting weird little pains in my abdomen as well. Could any of this be from the clomid? Did anyone have symptoms like this around this time and got a :bfp:?
AFM: 4dpo...i feel like a cow today, I'm so bloated! I am gassy and have AF like back cramps. I keep getting weird little pains in my abdomen as well. Could any of this be from the clomid? Did anyone have symptoms like this around this time and got a :bfp:?

when i was on clomid i was sooooooooo bloated, gassy, constipated, lower back pains, bad bad cramps, ovary pains, acne.. ughhh it sucked.. what dose are you on now?
AFM: 4dpo...i feel like a cow today, I'm so bloated! I am gassy and have AF like back cramps. I keep getting weird little pains in my abdomen as well. Could any of this be from the clomid? Did anyone have symptoms like this around this time and got a :bfp:?

when i was on clomid i was sooooooooo bloated, gassy, constipated, lower back pains, bad bad cramps, ovary pains, acne.. ughhh it sucked.. what dose are you on now?

im on 50mg days 3-7-2nd cycle
are you not on it anymore?
AFM: 4dpo...i feel like a cow today, I'm so bloated! I am gassy and have AF like back cramps. I keep getting weird little pains in my abdomen as well. Could any of this be from the clomid? Did anyone have symptoms like this around this time and got a :bfp:?

when i was on clomid i was sooooooooo bloated, gassy, constipated, lower back pains, bad bad cramps, ovary pains, acne.. ughhh it sucked.. what dose are you on now?

im on 50mg days 3-7-2nd cycle
are you not on it anymore?

why didnt they up you to 100mg? are you 100% sure you are Oing on 50 cause i wasnt at all. I am not taking it anymore, i hated all the side effects and it always screwed with my head cause it makes you think your preg. I was on it for 3 months and im giving it a break. I go to my gyno in dec. so ill talk to her then about things if still no positive yet.
AFM: 4dpo...i feel like a cow today, I'm so bloated! I am gassy and have AF like back cramps. I keep getting weird little pains in my abdomen as well. Could any of this be from the clomid? Did anyone have symptoms like this around this time and got a :bfp:?

when i was on clomid i was sooooooooo bloated, gassy, constipated, lower back pains, bad bad cramps, ovary pains, acne.. ughhh it sucked.. what dose are you on now?

im on 50mg days 3-7-2nd cycle
are you not on it anymore?

why didnt they up you to 100mg? are you 100% sure you are Oing on 50 cause i wasnt at all. I am not taking it anymore, i hated all the side effects and it always screwed with my head cause it makes you think your preg. I was on it for 3 months and im giving it a break. I go to my gyno in dec. so ill talk to her then about things if still no positive yet.

Ok, question here...if you have mature follicles when you go for your follicle check does that mean you're ovulating. I don't know why they didn't up it. The first time i took it, he said that dosage was working, but we didnt do anything but a follicle check...thats why i asked the question above. He never mentioned upping the dosage but if i dont get a bfp this cycle I'm going to ask about it. i know what you mean about the side effects. i was 100% sure i was pregnant last month...not to mention 6 days late
AFM: 4dpo...i feel like a cow today, I'm so bloated! I am gassy and have AF like back cramps. I keep getting weird little pains in my abdomen as well. Could any of this be from the clomid? Did anyone have symptoms like this around this time and got a :bfp:?

when i was on clomid i was sooooooooo bloated, gassy, constipated, lower back pains, bad bad cramps, ovary pains, acne.. ughhh it sucked.. what dose are you on now?

im on 50mg days 3-7-2nd cycle
are you not on it anymore?

why didnt they up you to 100mg? are you 100% sure you are Oing on 50 cause i wasnt at all. I am not taking it anymore, i hated all the side effects and it always screwed with my head cause it makes you think your preg. I was on it for 3 months and im giving it a break. I go to my gyno in dec. so ill talk to her then about things if still no positive yet.

Ok, question here...if you have mature follicles when you go for your follicle check does that mean you're ovulating. I don't know why they didn't up it. The first time i took it, he said that dosage was working, but we didnt do anything but a follicle check...thats why i asked the question above. He never mentioned upping the dosage but if i dont get a bfp this cycle I'm going to ask about it. i know what you mean about the side effects. i was 100% sure i was pregnant last month...not to mention 6 days late

From my understanding you can have mature follicles and they not release the egg, so you can not ovulate. I heard having mature follicles is great, but no proof you Oed (i could be wrong but thats what i was told) The dr. should do a blood test to see if you oed i think they do this on cd21 i had that once. My dr. upped my dose cause i never got a positive opk with 50mg so i went to 100mg then i had an ultrasound for a cyst and it showed follicles but i dont know if i Oed, so we did 100 for another cycle and i did get positive opk's that time. I would def try 100mg if it doesnt work this cycle. or switch meds i heard theres some better ones that arent so bad with side effects.
AAAAHHHHH I can't take this waiting. AF is due tomorrow and i can't help but feel that she is gonna show up. The only symptoms that i have are twinges and bloating since 7dpo. I'm scared that all this waiting is gonna be for nothing just like the last 7 months.
AAAAHHHHH I can't take this waiting. AF is due tomorrow and i can't help but feel that she is gonna show up. The only symptoms that i have are twinges and bloating since 7dpo. I'm scared that all this waiting is gonna be for nothing just like the last 7 months.

twinges and bloating are good signs, my fingers are crossed for you!
Good luck Mattsgirl!!!!! Sending you lots of my :dust:
AFM: 4dpo...i feel like a cow today, I'm so bloated! I am gassy and have AF like back cramps. I keep getting weird little pains in my abdomen as well. Could any of this be from the clomid? Did anyone have symptoms like this around this time and got a :bfp:?

when i was on clomid i was sooooooooo bloated, gassy, constipated, lower back pains, bad bad cramps, ovary pains, acne.. ughhh it sucked.. what dose are you on now?

im on 50mg days 3-7-2nd cycle
are you not on it anymore?

why didnt they up you to 100mg? are you 100% sure you are Oing on 50 cause i wasnt at all. I am not taking it anymore, i hated all the side effects and it always screwed with my head cause it makes you think your preg. I was on it for 3 months and im giving it a break. I go to my gyno in dec. so ill talk to her then about things if still no positive yet.

Ok, question here...if you have mature follicles when you go for your follicle check does that mean you're ovulating. I don't know why they didn't up it. The first time i took it, he said that dosage was working, but we didnt do anything but a follicle check...thats why i asked the question above. He never mentioned upping the dosage but if i dont get a bfp this cycle I'm going to ask about it. i know what you mean about the side effects. i was 100% sure i was pregnant last month...not to mention 6 days late

From my understanding you can have mature follicles and they not release the egg, so you can not ovulate. I heard having mature follicles is great, but no proof you Oed (i could be wrong but thats what i was told) The dr. should do a blood test to see if you oed i think they do this on cd21 i had that once. My dr. upped my dose cause i never got a positive opk with 50mg so i went to 100mg then i had an ultrasound for a cyst and it showed follicles but i dont know if i Oed, so we did 100 for another cycle and i did get positive opk's that time. I would def try 100mg if it doesnt work this cycle. or switch meds i heard theres some better ones that arent so bad with side effects.

Eeek! You're making me nervous im not even ovulating now :(
AFM: 4dpo...i feel like a cow today, I'm so bloated! I am gassy and have AF like back cramps. I keep getting weird little pains in my abdomen as well. Could any of this be from the clomid? Did anyone have symptoms like this around this time and got a :bfp:?

when i was on clomid i was sooooooooo bloated, gassy, constipated, lower back pains, bad bad cramps, ovary pains, acne.. ughhh it sucked.. what dose are you on now?

im on 50mg days 3-7-2nd cycle
are you not on it anymore?

why didnt they up you to 100mg? are you 100% sure you are Oing on 50 cause i wasnt at all. I am not taking it anymore, i hated all the side effects and it always screwed with my head cause it makes you think your preg. I was on it for 3 months and im giving it a break. I go to my gyno in dec. so ill talk to her then about things if still no positive yet.

Ok, question here...if you have mature follicles when you go for your follicle check does that mean you're ovulating. I don't know why they didn't up it. The first time i took it, he said that dosage was working, but we didnt do anything but a follicle check...thats why i asked the question above. He never mentioned upping the dosage but if i dont get a bfp this cycle I'm going to ask about it. i know what you mean about the side effects. i was 100% sure i was pregnant last month...not to mention 6 days late

From my understanding you can have mature follicles and they not release the egg, so you can not ovulate. I heard having mature follicles is great, but no proof you Oed (i could be wrong but thats what i was told) The dr. should do a blood test to see if you oed i think they do this on cd21 i had that once. My dr. upped my dose cause i never got a positive opk with 50mg so i went to 100mg then i had an ultrasound for a cyst and it showed follicles but i dont know if i Oed, so we did 100 for another cycle and i did get positive opk's that time. I would def try 100mg if it doesnt work this cycle. or switch meds i heard theres some better ones that arent so bad with side effects.

Eeek! You're making me nervous im not even ovulating now :(

Are you having day 21 blood tests? The blood test should confirm if you are ovulating on not, but to be honest some people ovulate after day 21. Also, if you ovulate your temperature will rise. Are you temping?
AFM: 4dpo...i feel like a cow today, I'm so bloated! I am gassy and have AF like back cramps. I keep getting weird little pains in my abdomen as well. Could any of this be from the clomid? Did anyone have symptoms like this around this time and got a :bfp:?

when i was on clomid i was sooooooooo bloated, gassy, constipated, lower back pains, bad bad cramps, ovary pains, acne.. ughhh it sucked.. what dose are you on now?

im on 50mg days 3-7-2nd cycle
are you not on it anymore?

why didnt they up you to 100mg? are you 100% sure you are Oing on 50 cause i wasnt at all. I am not taking it anymore, i hated all the side effects and it always screwed with my head cause it makes you think your preg. I was on it for 3 months and im giving it a break. I go to my gyno in dec. so ill talk to her then about things if still no positive yet.

Ok, question here...if you have mature follicles when you go for your follicle check does that mean you're ovulating. I don't know why they didn't up it. The first time i took it, he said that dosage was working, but we didnt do anything but a follicle check...thats why i asked the question above. He never mentioned upping the dosage but if i dont get a bfp this cycle I'm going to ask about it. i know what you mean about the side effects. i was 100% sure i was pregnant last month...not to mention 6 days late

From my understanding you can have mature follicles and they not release the egg, so you can not ovulate. I heard having mature follicles is great, but no proof you Oed (i could be wrong but thats what i was told) The dr. should do a blood test to see if you oed i think they do this on cd21 i had that once. My dr. upped my dose cause i never got a positive opk with 50mg so i went to 100mg then i had an ultrasound for a cyst and it showed follicles but i dont know if i Oed, so we did 100 for another cycle and i did get positive opk's that time. I would def try 100mg if it doesnt work this cycle. or switch meds i heard theres some better ones that arent so bad with side effects.

Eeek! You're making me nervous im not even ovulating now :(

Are you having day 21 blood tests? The blood test should confirm if you are ovulating on not, but to be honest some people ovulate after day 21. Also, if you ovulate your temperature will rise. Are you temping?

No I'm not having any blood test. I just started temping this month but I think I messed it up a little
I'm doing well this cycle- taking my H&C religiously (took it on holiday too lol), started CB ovulation tests on CD10, today (CD14) and got a lovely smiley face so I was straight back to bed with DH lol!

Fingers X'd xx
AFM: 4dpo...i feel like a cow today, I'm so bloated! I am gassy and have AF like back cramps. I keep getting weird little pains in my abdomen as well. Could any of this be from the clomid? Did anyone have symptoms like this around this time and got a :bfp:?

Hey hun, i have to agree with Jennifer, i was on 50g days 3 - 7 and had the same symptoms, i too have come off Clomid as it was playing with my mind as i was thinking i was PG and wasn't

I already ovulate on my own they prescribed me clomind just to try to nudge things along, but didn't work for me and i decided not to take any more.

Lots of :dust: for you x

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