Horrified .. drinking and smoking

I find it quite laughable at the fact there's a few people saying how judgementle and bitchy people are being when at the start this was everyones own opinions and then those people saying how bitchy the comments are say "I smoke" " I drink" and then say things like "the perfect brigade" lol so ur judging and being bitchy towards others who decide to take care of themselves lol hmmm I think it's the same thing.I knew this thread would cause an argument bcoz people can't just give their opinions and move on without being horrid to others.I gave my opinion that I PERSONALLY didn't like it,I didn't try to force anyone to feel my way as it's my opinion,as is the likes of bf or not,swine flu injection or not,c section or not,dummy or not...all of which always start arguments on here,personal opinions should stay that way And not be forced upon others xx
Well i was a smoker and as soon as i knew i was pregnant i just gave up. Couldnt bare to light one up in case it affected my bubba. I do look forward to my weeklly glass of red wine though. :) well we cant be perfect :p
I don't think anyone who has never smoked should judge women who do and are trying to quit. It's not as easy as just saying you'll stop. It's an addiction, not a hobby. Same as alcoholism. I've read before that smoking is as addictive as heroin, so unless you've smoked before, you can't possibly know how difficult it is to stop.

ANYONE who has cut down in their pregnancy to the lowest they can deserves praise, it's a great effort. I myself managed to stop, I'm one of the lucky ones. I don't get all preachy to those who still smoke just because I managed to stop.

Some ladies here are just downright rude, and I certainly hope they don't fall off that high horse.
Definitely,I agree if someone is cutting back and trying to quit then their doing their best and shouldn't feel guilty about that xx
My doctor and midwife both said 2 glasses of wine a week was fine, but i wouldn't do it, just not worth the risk! I don't usually smoke anyway, so not sure about that...but again...i wouldnt risk it!!
I think put your baby first, its not impossible to quit smoking, and i know my sisters who are both heavy smokers gave up for each one of their pregnancies then started again after.

Cigarette smoke starves your baby of oxygen, harsh but true.

If having a life growing inside of you doesnt make you selfless, nothing will.

And as for alcohol, NO amount had been PROVEN safe, and anything you have does reach the baby as it crosses the placenta. One glass might not seem like much to you, but even a small amount of that is alot for your unborn baby.... why would u risk it?

I dont and never will undestand those who gamble with their unborn childs health when they can choose not to
I would also like to add that smoking which deprives baby of oxygen isn't the same as not eating organic food. There's a big difference in what's worse for you and baby. I don't think anyone has directly said anything cruel on here, maybe i'm wrong. It just looks like to me everyones being honest and expressing facts about the damage it does. It'll always be a sore subject. But i congratulate those who have given their all and quit or severly cut down. It is hard, i just urge you to turn those two a day to 0 a day x
ok my midwife asked me at my 16 week appointment what i was craving i said becks (i've never liked it before!!) she said to me 'you do know you are allowed 1-2 units a week now?' i had no idea she said its not going to do u or baby any harm!! just dont go out drinking exxcessivly or getting drunk
and in regards to smoking, i was a heavy smoker before finding out i always said as soon as i thought or found out i was preg i would stop! i found out at 6 weeks and i have to admit i have had a couple of silk cut ultras (the lightest u can get!!) i dont regret it cos the way i saw it was i was getting seriously stressed and it was only thing that calmed me down what is worse high blood pressure or the tiniest bit of nicotine?! thats my opinion anyway a lot of people will see it as wrong but im not doing drugs, drinking excessively, or smoking every day ( i have smoked 2 since finding out!!!)
Dont take everything a MW says as gospel, the general consensus is that no amount had been proven safe. That has not changed.

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can affect the unborn baby by damaging the development of the baby’s brain and slowing down physical growth. Babies affected by alcohol tend to have low birth weights. They may also have physical and behavioural problems at birth and throughout childhood.

It is not currently known what level of alcohol is safe to drink during pregnancy. Therefore, it is best to avoid drinking alcohol during pregnancy as much as possible.

Why is it so important to have a few drinks, whats the point? Isnt it worth just abstaining for the wellbeing of your child, its only 9 months!!
The more and more i read this thread the more it pisses me off!
I wish this topic of conversation could just be eliminated from the boards! Some of us feel comfortable drinking, others do not. Same with smoking. Lets live and let live! All of us are good mommies in our own way. We're all different and unique, what works for one doesn't work for everyone.

I'm sure everyone here would be horrified if they saw someone smoking 20 a day and getting pissed when they were pregnant :dohh:
My opinion, not wanting to offend at all. In fact I hope this helps people. Sadly I feel like I will get shit for this even though I'm not being nasty, but i can't sit here and read some things and not say anything at all.

So please realise this is my opinion, really not wanting to anger / or upset, and I hope it helps people try harder to stop.

I used to smoke, probably 15 a day, every day. NEVER thought I could quit smoking, tried and failed before.

The moment I found out I was pregnant I stopped completely.
I had 3 in the space of 18 weeks, so yes I caved, and yes it's SO hard, SO stressful. But I quit again, and again until I became smoke free. Now my other half leaves the room to smoke as I don't want to even breathe it in. And i'm sorry but I really don't understand the people who don't even give it a good go. Yes it's hard but your poor baby is breathing it in too.
Those three cigarettes, I felt so guilty about smoking them, I never finished them because the guilt would hit me and I put them out. I stillllll feeel guilty about those cigarettes.
So the people who say I smoke x ammount a day and thats fine, i'm not ashamed... It's not fine.? I felt so damned awful and ashamed about the few I smoked. How could you not?
And I KNOW it's hard, stressful, etc, I also came off antidepressants and oh god that was hard too.

I have Polycystic ovary syndrome, and doctors told me it's the main cause of infertility in women. So I feel blessed to have fallen pregnant naturally after a year, without any help.

My mum smoked during both her pregnancies on me and my brother. We were both in the 5lb range, and my brother was admitted to hospital with bronchitis when he was just a few months old. She will never admit that low birth weight and / breathing problems was to do with her smoking. Even though there's a good chance it was.

I haven't had one drink since I found out. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome exists, and if one glass of wine, or twenty could cause it, I'm not risking ANY. "Experts" Don't even know how much you can drink so that worries me.

I'm not saying anyone who drinks/ smokes during pregnancy is a bad person, at all. I'm just saying it's hard but you should try with all of your might, and people who think it doesn't do ANY harm, .. you only have to google "smoking/drinking during pregnancy" It's been researched etc.

People sadly lose babies all the time, I had one very early miscarriage myself, and a lot of those people do everything by the book, so smoking and drinking just increases risks that don't need to be taken. 9months, seems like a long time but in realitiy, isn't and my little one is worth the short ammount of time.

This is a contreversial topic, and seems to be getting heated, and do NOT want to argue with anyone if anything I hope someone is reading this wanting to stop, seek more support, try harder.

People who say "i smoked/ had a few drinks weekly during all pregnancies and my children are fine" Doesn't mean the next womans children will be, and sorry but reading that is a bad influence.
Your mother could have smoked whilst pregnant with you and you're fine, but my mother smoked during both with me and my brother, and he wasn't fine!

I wish anyone trying to stop drinking and / smoking the best of luck, and urge you to do it for your baby.
To those who have stopped, well done, it's a difficult thing to do.


Not every smoker can quit. I have just gone through the worst 4 days of my life trying to quit smoking and ended up being one of the unlucky ones who gets sleep insomnia.

Even my midwife told me to back on the cigarettes and just try to cut back. She said that I was doing more harm to him with the stress of not sleeping!

Even an unborn baby may not give you the willpower you need to stop smoking. And you should only quit if you want too. Not because people say you should.
Not every smoker can quit. I have just gone through the worst 4 days of my life trying to quit smoking and ended up being one of the unlucky ones who gets sleep insomnia.

Even my midwife told me to back on the cigarettes and just try to cut back. She said that I was doing more harm to him with the stress of not sleeping!

Even an unborn baby may not give you the willpower you need to stop smoking. And you should only quit if you want too. Not because people say you should.

I'm not going to argue with you at all because at least you have tried to quit, I just get annoyed when people don't even try, or try hard, (or even say that they're proud and not bothered that they're smoking,) but i'm sure it sounds like you have given it a lot of effort.

And if medical advice is that you're doing more harm not smoking than smoking, then that's medical advice which beats my advice.

I do not look down on anyone for still smoking at all. We all know it's not good for you, or baby. I'm good friends with a lot of girls on here who do still smoke, I just hoped that it would be words of encouragement, etc and I was just voicing how I feel about it, my experience with quitting, and what thoughts led me to quit. Not trying to annoy anyone at all. x
wow and so should the ones that say one drink is ok hey?? Where are u questioning them?

Here in Australia he National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) have made the following recommendations:, its recommended to abstain, as like i said no amount has been proven safe, they simply do not know if low alcohol consumption is harmless. That is all that has been proven. This is all i have said, no need to be rude and condescending!!





World Health Organization. Framework for Alcohol Policy in the WHO European Region Copenhagen : WHO, 2006; 15 - "In addition, the World Health Organization (WHO) also advises women to abstain from drinking alcohol during pregnancy: “It is not known whether or not there is any safe level of alcohol consumption during pregnancy. Nor is it certain if any particular stage of pregnancy is the most vulnerable to the effects of drinking. In the absence of demonstrated safe limits, abstinence from alcohol during pregnancy is recommended and should be encouraged”


At the end of the day to me , its also just common sense and i personally chose not to drink.

I stated my opinion just as everyone else has and has the right to :)
I don't think anyone is claiming they're a doctor, but even the "experts" Don't seem to know what the hell they're on about, which is worrying, and is why I've just cut out drink. It's an opinion, and this all looks like it's getting a little too personal! Calling people unintelligent just because they're cutting out drink which eliminates the risk completely is so unecessary. I don't call people who continue to smoke or drink unintelligent for doing so?
If you drink heavily when you are pregnant you could be putting the development of your baby at risk. In the first three months of pregnancy, heavy drinking can damage the developing organs and nervous system of the foetus.

If you continue to drink heavily when you are pregnant you put your baby at risk of developing foetal alcohol spectrum disorder. The condition is a life long one, and children can have a range of symptoms, including low birth weight, facial abnormalities and learning and behavioural difficulties.

The severity of the condition depends how much alcohol was consumed during pregnancy.

Just wanted to quote that from drinkaware. Notice how it says drinking heavily. Nowhere does it say that one glass of wine will destroy your babies health.
Dont take everything a MW says as gospel, the general consensus is that no amount had been proven safe. That has not changed.

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can affect the unborn baby by damaging the development of the baby’s brain and slowing down physical growth. Babies affected by alcohol tend to have low birth weights. They may also have physical and behavioural problems at birth and throughout childhood.

It is not currently known what level of alcohol is safe to drink during pregnancy. Therefore, it is best to avoid drinking alcohol during pregnancy as much as possible.

Why is it so important to have a few drinks, whats the point? Isnt it worth just abstaining for the wellbeing of your child, its only 9 months!!

I understand that there are strong opinions out there on alcohol and pregnancy, but I do think we have to remember that there a broad difference from someone abusing alcohol (dependent on alcohol) and someone who is sticking within the government guidelines for drinking during pregnancy.

Do you drink tea, coffee, coke, diet coke? eat chocolate? we have been told by the gov't to avoid drinking/eating too much caffeine during pregnancy as it can be harmful (and we still don't know the full effects of caffeine on a fetus) but we have no problems drinking tea on a daily basis and we don't ever frown on one-another for doing that. I've never seen a thread stating 'I'm disgusted that my pregnant friend drinks 2 cups of tea a day'. Do you eat fast food, crisps, biscuits? these are not good for the baby either BUT in small amounts they will absolutely do no harm to the baby and we all eat these things, everyday.

Have you given all these things up for 9 months for the sake of your baby? you might have if your super-human, but I think most of us can say that we indulge in treats now and again.

There are guidelines for this very reason- no-one is perfect and we can only do our very best to follow these guidelines for ourselves and our babies! We should be supporting one another- not getting on at each other for making different decisions and choices. We have enough other crap to deal with from everyone else!

I don't think anyone is claiming they're a doctor, but even the "experts" Don't seem to know what the hell they're on about, which is worrying, and is why I've just cut out drink. It's an opinion, and this all looks like it's getting a little too personal! Calling people unintelligent just because they're cutting out drink which eliminates the risk completely is so unecessary. I don't call people who continue to smoke or drink unintelligent for doing so?

Well said hun x
If you drink heavily when you are pregnant you could be putting the development of your baby at risk. In the first three months of pregnancy, heavy drinking can damage the developing organs and nervous system of the foetus.

If you continue to drink heavily when you are pregnant you put your baby at risk of developing foetal alcohol spectrum disorder. The condition is a life long one, and children can have a range of symptoms, including low birth weight, facial abnormalities and learning and behavioural difficulties.

The severity of the condition depends how much alcohol was consumed during pregnancy.

Just wanted to quote that from drinkaware. Notice how it says drinking heavily. Nowhere does it say that one glass of wine will destroy your babies health.

But nowhere does it say that it wont. They simply dont know, that is the whole point x

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