Horrified .. drinking and smoking

I'm leaving this thread now as, and maybe this is stupid I feel a bit upset to be honest.
I tried so hard to express my opinion in a way that I wouldn't offend and I really do honestly feel like I'm being picked on here.
The last thing I wanted was an arguement and booom, what happens!
sorry girlies but even voicing my opinion was a big mistake on such a topic.
:hugs: for what it's worth, I didn't find your posts offensive or judgmental.

Just a heated topic I guess

This is a heated topic and hopefully it can end with adults sorting their differing opinions between them and not admin locking yet another thread unless the OP requests closure.
I'm just naturally an oversensitive, hormonal person that was made worse by a violent relationship, and that's without being pregnant, and i've also come off antidepressants so yes I'm emotional and maybe taking this too much to heart and I know that. I was even scared to comment in the first place.
Look ladies at the end of the day, everyone is different, just don't make people feel like shit. I tried not to. And i'm sorry if I did.!
good luck in all of your pregnancies if I don't see you outside this thread, but I'm on here a lot so you'll probably see me somewhere. xxx:flow:xx
Im sorry if i came across as being judgmental, i feel so strongly that i wouldnt do it and makes it hard for me to understand why others would, but i dont think anyone is horrible or a bad parent for it. Each individuals situation is different, i just dont agree with it, for me personally x
Smoking and drinking during pregnancy is just another form of child abuse, in my opinion.
Sooo.... I just read the original post and was going to reply but I see that this has turned into yet another, "you're wrong and I'm right" in some cases. Ah well... that's what happens when a groups of overly-hormonal women have differing opinions on the same topic :shrug:

Regarding the OP, I was going to say that I have heard in some countries where a certain amount of alchohol is considered "safe" during pregnancy. What I was told is that it's best to avoid it entirely in the first trimester (during brain development) and that it's safest in the third. Although I don't usually drink even when not pregnant (I don't like the taste of wine/beer) I don't think the occasional glass would hurt anything. But that's just my opinion, not based on any medical evidence :)

I agree with another poster who said that there are lots of things (i.e. runny eggs, soft cheeses, caffeine, etc) that we are advised to stay away from (all of which I DO eat/drink) and I don't think I'm abusing my child because I chose to have some brie and a coke. But everyone needs to do what they feel comfortable with, and if you're not comfortable eating runny eggs or drinking coffee then you shouldn't, and I won't judge you either.

As for the smoking, I also agree with what someone else said that maybe what the friend of the OP meant was that she shouldn't have more than 5 per day (maybe she was previously smoking a pack per day?) I've never smoked so I can't comment on how difficult it is to stop, but I know plenty of people who smoked their whole pregnancy and had healthy babies :shrug: Again, I wouldn't do it myself but I also won't judge someone who tries to stop but just can't seem to.

Just my opinion!
I think that when people do not look up things for themselves, blindly follow advice the read randomly on the web or in a baby book without really thinking about it, and keep parroting the same line over and over again- yeah, that's unintelligent.

I have NO problem with people cutting out alcohol. Of course not! You do what makes YOU comfortable. It is your body, and you control what goes into it. If giving up alcohol makes you more comfortable and happy, THEN DO IT.

I DO have a problem with snotty people saying crap like "I'd never risk my baby!" As if women who have an occasional glass of wine are risking the well-being of their fetus. It's condescending, it's rude, and it's wrong.

I DO have a problem with people saying that researchers have found that NO amount of alcohol is safe. It's wrong. And if they spent five minutes of effort trying to ascertain if that were correct, they would see they were wrong.

I'm not going to pretend I don't miss my daily glass of wine, I do. And I've done my research. Some doctors say it's ok to have one, others say the amount causing Fetal Alcohol syndrome is undetermined. I'm well aware that some ladies like to have a few drinks, enough to get a buzz, and their babies end up being perfectly healthy. On the other hand... well you get my point.

It's your choice, but it's a choice you make for two.
Smoking and drinking during pregnancy is just another form of child abuse, in my opinion.

And you know what, sometimes its best to keep your opinions to yourselves. I think this is an uncalled for and highly offensive comment.
Smoking and drinking during pregnancy is just another form of child abuse, in my opinion.

Aaaaand I'm done.

I think this comment highlights very nicely why I get so upset about this.

Yep, me too! People should think twice before they speak (or write). How to upset a millions of pregnant women in a few words!!

Yep, That is me done.

I think that posting this 'opinion' is completely unnecessary.

It's lovely to know that someone actually thinks I am abusing my unborn son.

Absolutley ridiculous!!
Smoking and drinking during pregnancy is just another form of child abuse, in my opinion.

Excuse me, if you'd care to check back on your previous posts, you actually state you had half a glass of wine on your birthday....you friggin hypocrite!
The last thing I'm going to say is that... It took me 14 weeks to quit smoking and a had a small sip of wine the other day. But my baby is and is going to be SO loved and well taken care of. I'm going to be a terrific mommy.
Smoking and drinking during pregnancy is just another form of child abuse, in my opinion.

Excuse me, if you'd care to check back on your previous posts, you actually state you had half a glass of wine on your birthday....you friggin hypocrite!

Excuse my ignorance but, how is a half a glass of wine on a rare occasion comparable to smoking like 10 cigarettes a day while pregnant? Sounds like we're comparing apples and oranges...

Everyone is entitled to do whatever they think is best for them at any point in time, however you must understand that a topic like smoking while pregnant is extremely frowned upon and that's just the way it is! If a pregnant woman is seen smoking in public she will get rude comments and stares, (I've seen this happen) it doesn't make it right but I think you get the point. There should not be a debate as to whether or not smoking in pregnancy is okay because it clearly isn't. We're not perfect, I for one have quit smoking the second I knew I was pregnant so I know what I'm talking about and NO I don't think its offensive to say that I wouldn't risk the health of MY baby over it and that's that.
I think a lot of women on this board forget that everyone is different. Just because someone feels comfortable doing something while they're pregnant and you don't doesn't mean you have to jump their case for it OR state your opinion in a hateful way to make the others feel like they're doing something wrong. Just because you would do something to harm your baby, I wouldn't do anything to harm mine, ect. EVERYONE has different perspectives on everything. We're human for pete's sake!

I do not smoke nor drink (as I didn't smoke at all pre-pregnancy and drank rarely) Everyone has a right to their own feelings - but it is NO ONE's place to make another person feel bad for their choices. If you go from smoking 20+ a day and cut down to 4 a day, be HAPPY for that person! Calling someone a bad parent or saying they're abusing their child is absurd! They should be congratulated as I'm sure it's hard to cut down that much. I'm sure you ladies will be all over me saying 'well, I quit, It was hard but I did it.' Congratulations! Back to the original point that not everyone is the same.

Same with drinking. Don't jump down someones throat because they have a glass or two of WINE a week. It's not like they're drinking Jack Daniels and getting carried away. Congratulations if you don't drink, but do not look down on a woman that does! There are so many worries, concerns, and hormones through pregnancy anyway. I wouldn't want someone in my family telling me what to do let alone a woman on a forum that I've never met! I don't know why so many people are so judgmental as this is suppose to be a supportive board.

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