How do you manage to wait till 6 months before 'weaning'? lets give a little newborn a rusk, sounds like a great idea! NOT!! Seriously, you know this will get heated! I just can't wrap my head around this at all! My LO is 6 months and I gave him a piece of a rusk last week(still thought he was too young, but DH got him some), but he did fine. Would I give one to a 4 week old? NO FREAKING WAY! Give that poor baby milk, don't force unneccesary substances this early on in life, get a clue!
On a serious note OP who advised you to give rusks to such a young baby?
What's rusk?? I gave my LO solids at 5 months..she seemed ready before but I was content to give her milk only.....But Ive never encountered issues with a "big" baby..mines have always had "normal" appetites, whatever that is lol
Based on your prior threads, I don't believe this to be an April Fool's joke

Wow. I was really rooting for this to be an april fools joke. I mean honestly... I don't care how clueless you are, just hang about on BnB for a few hours and you read a million threads about growth spurts, wonder weeks and frequent feedings. I consider myself pretty clueless at times being a FTM, but even I have my gut instincts. If baby wakes up hungry, I give her boob. :shrug:
Seriously, the OP is not the major problem here. The attitudes on this thread are. I disagree with her choices, but those of you being nasty to a woman who asked a genuine question are the drama starters. I doubt she's trying to cause drama considering she hasn't responded to those of you who are being horrible. Seriously, ladies, enough with the mommy wars.

How about education instead of condemnation?

OP, babies have very small stomachs and it's normal for them to eat often. I definitely wouldn't give a baby solids before four months. I know some doctors still advise it, though, and that can be confusing. I would do some research, talk with a health care professional, and go with your gut.
I think some babies are just hungrier than others therefore needing more milk rather than food, mine was absolutely content on just breast milk till 6 months, even now his not much of a fan of food and would happily be on the breast all day. Xx
OP, babies have very small stomachs and it's normal for them to eat often. I definitely wouldn't give a baby solids before four months. I know some doctors still advise it, though, and that can be confusing. I would do some research, talk with a health care professional, and go with your gut.

I would consider this common sense... And I really knew nothing about babies when I had my lo
She is a pretty consistent poster- I dont think she is posting things to cause drama. I think it is just a case of she genuinely just didnt know. I dont think there is any cause to mean to her, she wasnt being rude or confrontational. and obviously what's done is done as far as feeding a 1 month old a rusk. Just kindly educate on why its not the best idea and carry on..

OP- my wee one is currently combi fed (one morning and night bottle, the rest are BF) and he eats CONSTANTLY... maybe 1-2 hours between feeds. When they get hungry no matter how short the time period, just give um' more lol
OP, babies have very small stomachs and it's normal for them to eat often. I definitely wouldn't give a baby solids before four months. I know some doctors still advise it, though, and that can be confusing. I would do some research, talk with a health care professional, and go with your gut.

I would consider this common sense... And I really knew nothing about babies when I had my lo

I don't necessarily agree. I'm fairly well educated and like to think I have common sense. I knew babies ate every 2-3 hours as newborns, but mine surprised me by wanting to eat hourly. I thought she was starving and that there was something wrong with my milk.
I think it was one of my first Baby Club posts. It didn't really help that LO's pediatrician - yes, a doctor - agreed and asked that I supplement with formula. My supply was fine, but even after taking a breastfeeding class I didn't quite "get it". Doctors have changed their recommendations over the years as well, so it can be confusing.
OP, babies have very small stomachs and it's normal for them to eat often. I definitely wouldn't give a baby solids before four months. I know some doctors still advise it, though, and that can be confusing. I would do some research, talk with a health care professional, and go with your gut.

I would consider this common sense... And I really knew nothing about babies when I had my lo

Common sense is only what sounds correct to someone based on their experiences. It's not a measure of intelligence. It's also wrong sometimes. You can't expect someone to know something just because you did.
On one hand I feel bad for the OP as I think she just genuinely doesn't know any better...but on the other hand, if you think your baby is feeding too much and always hungry, would you not ask your doctor about that?? :shrug:
I think that having your thread turned into a joke probably won't encourage anyone to come back and ask more questions. Being told your damaging your baby and have a lack of common sence isn't the support you'd be hoping to get.

I was told by my mil that I was starving my baby at 5 weeks due to the fact he was feeding every hour & I didn't introduce baby rice or rusks so yes, people do still think like that. In my babyclub you'd be surprised how many mums talk about baby rice being given around the 4-6 week mark because their babies are not satisfied. They have no idea on cluster feeding and not one of my ohs side has Bf for longer than a week as they all believe they didn't produce enough milk.

To the op, I found it easy to wait even though I had a big, hungry baby. He didn't know what food was or that it cured hunger and would have put anything in his mouth! If he was hungry then I nursed him more & often that was every hour but thats what he needed.
I was adamant i was going to keep her until 6 months, but in the end it was 5 as she was genuinely ready for food (showed all the signs, including grabbing sandwiches out of our hands!!). But we only started with a spoon or 2 of baby rice, which she hated so we never gave to her again, and I don't like baby jars, they're full of crap IMO, so we made/make our own food, including fruit pots. We do buy kids yoghurts for her but she will eat natural yoghurt as well. We do mostly BLW but she gets fed cereal/fruit puree/yoghurt.

Giving rusk at a month old?? Wow. I don't even know where to start with how bad that is. Current guidelines say they shouldn't have ANY solids until 17 weeks minimum as their digestive systems aren't developed enough and it can lead to problems (such as IBS) later in life. I agree with pp...if a 4 week old is give them more milk, you don't give them solid food. Some babies want milk every hour or 2, some can go several hours. My LO usually had 6 bottles a day (or more if she wanted!), but I have a friend whose baby had full bottles every 2 hours day and night...they're all different, you just have to roll with it!

My MIL visited when DD was 2 months and wanted to know why she wasn't on solids and said she gave my BIL custard at 5 weeks "because I thought he was hungry". This is a woman who gave DH COFFEE in his bottle at 9 months though "because he liked it", so she's probably not a great example!!!!


My daughter was still nursing around 20 times (yes, I said 20..) at a month old. There are lots of growth spurts during those early days. Now we are two weeks out from six months and still EBF. No solids at all. Granted, she is small but so are my husband and myself and she's following her own curve.

ETA: I don't mean to come off rude, either. You did what you thought was best for your child at the moment. Don't worry about what's already done. I would do some more research and then do what you feel is best for your LO.
TBH I'm not sure what you mean, if a 4 week old is still hungry an hour later, then give them more boob or another bottle. 3-4 hours is pretty good for that age, many 4 week olds will be waking for food hourly, 24/7. My 1st was 9lb 3oz but had reflux so a bad example, but my 5 month old (smaller, 8lb 7oz born) is on 100th percentile but just takes a lot of boob, so he's fine without solids. I don't see a big deal about 4-6 months at all but I don't see how anyone could say a 4 week old can't be full on milk alone without serious medical issue?

I'm with Aliss. My also 5 month old is off the charts (9kg/19.8lbs) and until a few days ago I satiated her appetite with boobie alone. Sure, some days that'd be every hour, but that's how it's suppose to be.
We've introduced solids at 5 months due to new immunology guidelines. Had they been unchanged, she would still be waiting until 6 months for solids.
Op sorry if my initial response seemed rude, I think like many others I was just genuinely shocked. 4 weeks is incredibly young, too young in fact for any kind of solids. I hope I haven't upset you. I think next time I personally would consult my hv or gp when it comes to early waning. They can go through what's normal behaviour in a newborn and what isn't to make sure you're making an informed choice. Sometimes what the previous generations did with their babies isn't always the right thing to do with your own iykwim.
Seriously, the OP is not the major problem here. The attitudes on this thread are. I disagree with her choices, but those of you being nasty to a woman who asked a genuine question are the drama starters. I doubt she's trying to cause drama considering she hasn't responded to those of you who are being horrible. Seriously, ladies, enough with the mommy wars.

How about education instead of condemnation?

OP, babies have very small stomachs and it's normal for them to eat often. I definitely wouldn't give a baby solids before four months. I know some doctors still advise it, though, and that can be confusing. I would do some research, talk with a health care professional, and go with your gut.

Otoh, she has been a member for nearly a year with 1500 posts, meaning she has clearly had opportunity to get around the Baby Club/Weaning & Nutrition blocks. This post wasn't asking advice on weaning, which would indicate wanting to learn, it seemed more to cause drama. Otherwise why go on about all the things you've fed your baby and ask how in the world is it possible to wait till six months? Doesn't add up to benefit of the doubt in this case, IMO.
TBH I'm not sure what you mean, if a 4 week old is still hungry an hour later, then give them more boob or another bottle. 3-4 hours is pretty good for that age, many 4 week olds will be waking for food hourly, 24/7. My 1st was 9lb 3oz but had reflux so a bad example, but my 5 month old (smaller, 8lb 7oz born) is on 100th percentile but just takes a lot of boob, so he's fine without solids. I don't see a big deal about 4-6 months at all but I don't see how anyone could say a 4 week old can't be full on milk alone without serious medical issue?

I'm with Aliss. My also 5 month old is off the charts (9kg/19.8lbs) and until a few days ago I satiated her appetite with boobie alone. Sure, some days that'd be every hour, but that's how it's suppose to be.
We've introduced solids at 5 months due to new immunology guidelines. Had they been unchanged, she would still be waiting until 6 months for solids.

Hi Emerald, I'm in Australia too. What are the new guidelines? Do you have a link?
Otoh, she has been a member for nearly a year with 1500 posts, meaning she has clearly had opportunity to get around the Baby Club/Weaning & Nutrition blocks. This post wasn't asking advice on weaning, which would indicate wanting to learn, it seemed more to cause drama. Otherwise why go on about all the things you've fed your baby and ask how in the world is it possible to wait till six months? Doesn't add up to benefit of the doubt in this case, IMO.

I disagree that the drama is the fault of the OP. Even if it's an unpopular opinion, she's entitled to it. The ones who should called be dramatic are the ones telling her to get a clue or some other childish response. She hasn't been mean or nasty. I don't think you should stop talking about certain topics because of your post count. IMO, it's ridiculous to censor someone because of the few who can't civilly discuss a topic.

I know a lot of people who have given some form of solids from birth. There are doctors who give this advice. The 'if they're eating every hour they're not eating enough' mindset is still very common. There was a study published recently that said something like 70% of mothers who wean early do so because they think their baby needs it. It's only uncommon to admit on BNB. Maybe she just thinks her real life experiences trump what she reads on the internet.

I think it was a legitimate question. Even if it wasn't, there's no reason for the nastiness. I would think if posters truly cared about the health of the baby, they would try to help the mother see a new point of view instead of being so awful to her that she never asks for advice again.

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