How do you survive? anyone??

maybe wait until 12 dpo??? Well i'm out this cycle AF Showed up.. looking back 14 days.. my LONG stringy CM that I never get was ovulation day and we DTD.. everything seems so right. I just dont know why my body wont hold a pregnancy/baby/conceive.... :cry:

I feel that. It's why I was so addicted to the symptom spotting and POAS. Everything just lined up and I still can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. What will be will be, I guess. If and when I do get my sticky BFP it will feel like a miracle.

I HEAR YOU! but i'm so determined now!!! we can do this-- we are going to all get our BFP's one way or another!!! :winkwink:
For the record this is what i'm taking this cycle:

Maca Root-- cd 1-15- powder
Soy Isoflavones- cd 1-5 130mg
Evening Primrose Oil-- Af to O ( 3 pills)
Mucinex-- 1 pill 5 days before O
Pregnancy Prep- 2 pills 2 X Day
Anti- Stress drops-- 10 drops every 3 hours for 6 weeks

I'M ON IT GIRLS NOT giving up!!!!
For the record this is what i'm taking this cycle:

Maca Root-- cd 1-15- powder
Soy Isoflavones- cd 1-5 130mg
Evening Primrose Oil-- Af to O ( 3 pills)
Mucinex-- 1 pill 5 days before O
Pregnancy Prep- 2 pills 2 X Day
Anti- Stress drops-- 10 drops every 3 hours for 6 weeks

I'M ON IT GIRLS NOT giving up!!!!

You shouldn't give up. That's quite the plan!
Oh my... I missed a lot! Was going to address each post individually, but the. I realized I'd be posting a LOT.

So to sum up:

HateTheWait: WELCOME! You have found the best read on this board :winkwink::haha: you are in good company.

And I'm LOVING the positivity! We will ALL get our BFP :D
Oh my... I missed a lot! Was going to address each post individually, but the. I realized I'd be posting a LOT.

So to sum up:

HateTheWait: WELCOME! You have found the best read on this board :winkwink::haha: you are in good company.

And I'm LOVING the positivity! We will ALL get our BFP :D

Yes we've got this-- I'm excited what this next month brings everyone!!!! :happydance:

I have high hopes and there is nothing or anyone who will stand in my way!

I will take all the natural remedies
:sex: like crazy
make sure everything is less stressed, and Add some progesterone cream in my life.
I"m excited to see what this month is all about!
Thanks for the welcome wantjust1more and Laurana! It’s good to know I’m not alone!

Wantjust1more- sorry to here about AF. It sounded like everything looked really promising this month!

It still amazes me when I read these stories and how perfect everything looks and it still doesn’t seem to work!! It’s so frustrating sometimes! Fx the next cycle is even more perfect wantjust1more!!!
Thanks for the welcome wantjust1more and Laurana! It’s good to know I’m not alone!

Wantjust1more- sorry to here about AF. It sounded like everything looked really promising this month!

It still amazes me when I read these stories and how perfect everything looks and it still doesn’t seem to work!! It’s so frustrating sometimes! Fx the next cycle is even more perfect wantjust1more!!!

Thank you so much! I pray for everyone here! Knowing how long it takes, I'm trying not to think "this IS it" by taking all natural supplements hearing good reviews, trying to stay neutral.. it could be it!! Trying for so long i guess you just go numb.

But we have to keep moving!!! Keep pushing, and FIGHT for what we want!!
I don't even know how I'm surviving. I believe I O'ed a day after I was supposed to so now I'm a little thrown off on when AF is going to show up, but today is one of the days she could have possibly shown up. I really felt like she's coming because of that tell tale wet, sticky feeling. However, she isn't here and from time to time I feel a bit queasy.

And even my mind is going into overdrive after I had a dream in which I had my BFP after taking two tests.
I don't even know how I'm surviving. I believe I O'ed a day after I was supposed to so now I'm a little thrown off on when AF is going to show up, but today is one of the days she could have possibly shown up. I really felt like she's coming because of that tell tale wet, sticky feeling. However, she isn't here and from time to time I feel a bit queasy.

And even my mind is going into overdrive after I had a dream in which I had my BFP after taking two tests.

leading up to the tww week is not so bad.. actually flies by. the day after O-- My gosh!!! why so stickin long and all the symptom spotting we have caused ourselves.

Praying for your BFP!!!

I'll be in the TWW in no time :) and i'm not testing until af doesn't show.
Good Morning Ladies, :coffee:
Hope you're all doing well. How's everyone doing with symptoms spotting :wacko: ? I am on CD 2 and let me tell you, I am bleeding SO Much I've NEVER bleed this much, I have to wear a pad and a tampon. It's crazy. DH said "maybe this is good".. I think it's all the natural remedies. :shrug: Pregnancy Prep has ALL the herbs you can think of.

Hoping this is a good sign! :happydance:

Hope you all have a wonderful sunday!

Quote of the day

" The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results" - James 5:16
Good Morning Ladies, :coffee:
Hope you're all doing well. How's everyone doing with symptoms spotting :wacko: ? I am on CD 2 and let me tell you, I am bleeding SO Much I've NEVER bleed this much, I have to wear a pad and a tampon. It's crazy. DH said "maybe this is good".. I think it's all the natural remedies. :shrug: Pregnancy Prep has ALL the herbs you can think of.

Hoping this is a good sign! :happydance:

Hope you all have a wonderful sunday!

Quote of the day

" The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results" - James 5:16

Ooooh! I hope it is as well!!

Before I went to bed last night, I felt some cramping and surely thought that AF was here, but I woke up and there was no blood. I even went to wipe and check - nope. I feel some cramping on and off, the moistness, but nothing. However, I feel nauseous and while talking to one of my in laws I thought I was going to throw up but it quickly passed. :nope:

I'm possibly a day late, I'm giving it until Monday and if she isn't here I'm definitely going to test.
Getting caught up on responses today- forgive me for multiple posts :winkwink:

For the record this is what i'm taking this cycle:

Maca Root-- cd 1-15- powder
Soy Isoflavones- cd 1-5 130mg
Evening Primrose Oil-- Af to O ( 3 pills)
Mucinex-- 1 pill 5 days before O
Pregnancy Prep- 2 pills 2 X Day
Anti- Stress drops-- 10 drops every 3 hours for 6 weeks

I'M ON IT GIRLS NOT giving up!!!!

Ill share my plan too- it's all mostly prescribed- nothing natural- should I be considering natural stuff?

CD 1: Big Glass of Wine (not required by dr but helps to stop the :cry:) :winkwink:
CD 3-7: Clomid 50mg
CD 8-14: Estradiol 1mg twice daily (estrogen)
CD 12: HCG trigger shot 10,000 units
CD 15-24: Crinone Gel 8% at bedtime (progesterone)
CD 25: hopefully a BFP
Thanks for the welcome wantjust1more and Laurana! It’s good to know I’m not alone!

Wantjust1more- sorry to here about AF. It sounded like everything looked really promising this month!

It still amazes me when I read these stories and how perfect everything looks and it still doesn’t seem to work!! It’s so frustrating sometimes! Fx the next cycle is even more perfect wantjust1more!!!

Exactly! It also amazes me how pregnancy can happen against all odds- like on BC pills while using a condom- but then we actually TRY and get nothing:shrug:

It's nearly impossible to wrap my brain around and seems so very unfair. :growlmad:
Good Morning Ladies, :coffee:
Hope you're all doing well. How's everyone doing with symptoms spotting :wacko: ? I am on CD 2 and let me tell you, I am bleeding SO Much I've NEVER bleed this much, I have to wear a pad and a tampon. It's crazy. DH said "maybe this is good".. I think it's all the natural remedies. :shrug: Pregnancy Prep has ALL the herbs you can think of.

Hoping this is a good sign! :happydance:

Hope you all have a wonderful sunday!

Quote of the day

" The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results" - James 5:16

This is VERY good actually- means that your remedies are working- to bleed a lot you HAVE to have a nice thick lining - meaning a good spot for a little sticky bean to snuggle in :thumbup:

Today I got a positive digital test, very faint positive line test- meaning the HCG trigger is ALMOST out of my system. The line test has a sensitivity of 25 so I imagine I can't have more than MAYBE 50 in my system. On the bright side, I'll most likely be able to tell if I get my BFP without blood work because it will darken up even if it doesn't go away :happydance:

Today is 8dpo/IUI. Limited symptoms- bloated- oh my am I bloated- I'm in my fat jeans. My breasts aren't overly sore, but I'm getting shooting pains in them? Not sure what that's about. Sensitive nipples, but once again, over all I don't feel full or sore. And that's about it. No real signs of AF or baby. I suppose time (and the 10 pregnancy tests I have left) will tell.
Thanks for the welcome wantjust1more and Laurana! It’s good to know I’m not alone!

Wantjust1more- sorry to here about AF. It sounded like everything looked really promising this month!

It still amazes me when I read these stories and how perfect everything looks and it still doesn’t seem to work!! It’s so frustrating sometimes! Fx the next cycle is even more perfect wantjust1more!!!

Exactly! It also amazes me how pregnancy can happen against all odds- like on BC pills while using a condom- but then we actually TRY and get nothing:shrug:

It's nearly impossible to wrap my brain around and seems so very unfair. :growlmad:

Definitely agree. And as much as I hate the 2ww... my least favorite part of this whole ttc journey is listening to my friends talk about how EASY it was and they thought for sure it would take a few months. They just can't believe it happened on the first try!!! It as at this point I realize how strong I truly am for not bursting into to tears and/or punching them in the face!!! In all fairness to them, they don't know about my struggles.

Anyways, sorry for the venting! I think they say something about the power of positive thinking... I promise to work on that the rest of my wait!
Thanks for the welcome wantjust1more and Laurana! It’s good to know I’m not alone!

Wantjust1more- sorry to here about AF. It sounded like everything looked really promising this month!

It still amazes me when I read these stories and how perfect everything looks and it still doesn’t seem to work!! It’s so frustrating sometimes! Fx the next cycle is even more perfect wantjust1more!!!

Exactly! It also amazes me how pregnancy can happen against all odds- like on BC pills while using a condom- but then we actually TRY and get nothing:shrug:

It's nearly impossible to wrap my brain around and seems so very unfair. :growlmad:

Definitely agree. And as much as I hate the 2ww... my least favorite part of this whole ttc journey is listening to my friends talk about how EASY it was and they thought for sure it would take a few months. They just can't believe it happened on the first try!!! It as at this point I realize how strong I truly am for not bursting into to tears and/or punching them in the face!!! In all fairness to them, they don't know about my struggles.

Anyways, sorry for the venting! I think they say something about the power of positive thinking... I promise to work on that the rest of my wait!

I think the bragging is the equivalent of men talking about the size of their... "Equipment". It sometimes is true, but often exaggerated. These same women will often talk about how long and hard or exceptionally easy their labor & delivery was. They are never just NORMAL. Ya know?
Good Morning Ladies, :coffee:
Hope you're all doing well. How's everyone doing with symptoms spotting :wacko: ? I am on CD 2 and let me tell you, I am bleeding SO Much I've NEVER bleed this much, I have to wear a pad and a tampon. It's crazy. DH said "maybe this is good".. I think it's all the natural remedies. :shrug: Pregnancy Prep has ALL the herbs you can think of.

Hoping this is a good sign! :happydance:

Hope you all have a wonderful sunday!

Quote of the day

" The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results" - James 5:16

I think the heavy bleeding is sign of a good lining so that means the natural remedies must be doing something right!! How did you learn about what you should be taking?? Did you talk with your doc before starting them?
Fx Mangoes! I hope you get your BFP when you test tomorrow!!

And for what I keep hearing, Laurana, most people who do get their BFP don't notice any symptoms for a few weeks AFTER that! Do you test every day?

AFM - I feel the same. No major symptoms either way. I'm 6dpo/iui today and itching to know one way or the other. The last 2 days I had some back pain and lower abdominal cramping but I'm not really sure I should make anything of it. I think I'll only make it a handful of days before I cave and poas!
Thanks for the welcome wantjust1more and Laurana! It’s good to know I’m not alone!

Wantjust1more- sorry to here about AF. It sounded like everything looked really promising this month!

It still amazes me when I read these stories and how perfect everything looks and it still doesn’t seem to work!! It’s so frustrating sometimes! Fx the next cycle is even more perfect wantjust1more!!!

Exactly! It also amazes me how pregnancy can happen against all odds- like on BC pills while using a condom- but then we actually TRY and get nothing:shrug:

It's nearly impossible to wrap my brain around and seems so very unfair. :growlmad:

Definitely agree. And as much as I hate the 2ww... my least favorite part of this whole ttc journey is listening to my friends talk about how EASY it was and they thought for sure it would take a few months. They just can't believe it happened on the first try!!! It as at this point I realize how strong I truly am for not bursting into to tears and/or punching them in the face!!! In all fairness to them, they don't know about my struggles.

Anyways, sorry for the venting! I think they say something about the power of positive thinking... I promise to work on that the rest of my wait!

I think the bragging is the equivalent of men talking about the size of their... "Equipment". It sometimes is true, but often exaggerated. These same women will often talk about how long and hard or exceptionally easy their labor & delivery was. They are never just NORMAL. Ya know?

Good point. I never thought about it that way!
so I had myself a good cry last night and I think my hubby officially thinks I'm crazy.

short version...

Hubby's best friend and his bestfriend's wife are not very good parents (and it's more than me being judgemental). I remember being there and while both parents are stuck in the digital age their child beat a hole in their television, neither of them even blinked while he was doing it but screamed at him after the fact (um... how about you step away from the comp/phone to entertain the kid?!). Their kid doesn't leave the house. If they need to go somewhere they get a sitter, this includes simple things like grocery shopping. I mean 360 days a year this kid is stuck in a basement, a filthy basement. No natural light. I have put my foot down and I will not go over there any more as it makes me uncomfortable. She is a SAHM and does NOTHING with this kid, she sits on FB all day long. This makes me mad. I live for my son....
moral of the story is she is pregnant. To begin with this does not make me happy. Yesterday they found out they were having a girl (I'll I've ever wanted was a little girl... I sobbed when I found out my son was a boy... love him to pieces don't get me wrong). They posted a video online of the gender reveal and when they revealed it was a girl and how happy they were I LOST it.....

Why does life seem so unfair ladies... She doesn't deserve a beautiful gift. She doesn't care for the one she has now.

I'm sorry kinda turned into the long version. Now ya'll think I'm crazy too?!

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