How do you survive? anyone??

So I'm pretty sure she's coming.. I'm still cramping. Took a test BFN.. Can't believe iui didn't work. I'm so crushed. Deep down i still wonder "is it possible"... But idk, I'm so hurt... I don't know what else to do. Yesterday, i got some good cries in.

I totally understand where you are coming from. My last three pregnancies just happened. It was so easy... they weren't sticky but it was so easy to get pregnant. Now month after month I'm heartbroken. I feel deep down that it just isn't going to happen for us again. A year of testing at 10DPO with hopes so high and then it became routine. I think I don't cry as much anymore because I'm so numb. I'm not excited anymore. There must be some hope left in me or I wouldn't test but there isn't much.

Sometimes a good cry is good for the soul. :hugs:
I've given up on the symptoms. I've had everything from sore boobs to exhaustion, to constipation to missing AF and it means NOTHING. I like what was said above - if you're pregnant than you already are and if we aren't we wait to try again. We are doing everything we can ladies.
My hubby said that if we are still trying in November than he will go and get checked out. He's terrified after watching me go through the pain of losing the last two sometimes I'm not sure if he wants to go through that again. By this I mean he is avoiding :sex:.... I'm in a little bit of a pickle. :shrug:
I don't think it's him though. I think there may be something wrong with me. I've had some tests done but not very detailed. When AF arrives as scheduled it is very light and only lasts a day or two. Dr. said no big deal but I'm worried... For 2 months she didn't show at all.... imagine my excitement when she didn't arrive only to be so disappointed when test after test showed -'ve.

O this weekend and then officially in the TWW. I'm going to have to pin hubby down to have my way with hime. Was going to try SMEP but no luck this month.

Chin up! My advice is go out with hubby and have a romantic night- no talk of babies. Just relax and enjoy it. Have a nice dinner and a cocktail. Spoon on the couch and watch a movie. Whatever you think is relaxing but kinda sexy.

How long have you been trying? Definitely get hubby checked out. I was convinced it was all me, but we have a sperm issue too. Better to know what you're working with so you can arrange the best chance possible for your BFP.
So I'm pretty sure she's coming.. I'm still cramping. Took a test BFN.. Can't believe iui didn't work. I'm so crushed. Deep down i still wonder "is it possible"... But idk, I'm so hurt... I don't know what else to do. Yesterday, i got some good cries in.

I totally understand where you are coming from. My last three pregnancies just happened. It was so easy... they weren't sticky but it was so easy to get pregnant. Now month after month I'm heartbroken. I feel deep down that it just isn't going to happen for us again. A year of testing at 10DPO with hopes so high and then it became routine. I think I don't cry as much anymore because I'm so numb. I'm not excited anymore. There must be some hope left in me or I wouldn't test but there isn't much.

Sometimes a good cry is good for the soul. :hugs:

My first 3 were crazy easy. My 4th was hard but I lost it. I go up and down- some months I have high hopes, other I barely test. Sometimes I go through every emotion each cycle. Fx for all of us. And no matter what, lets stick together. If we all fail- on to next month!:hugs:
So I'm pretty sure she's coming.. I'm still cramping. Took a test BFN.. Can't believe iui didn't work. I'm so crushed. Deep down i still wonder "is it possible"... But idk, I'm so hurt... I don't know what else to do. Yesterday, i got some good cries in.

I totally understand where you are coming from. My last three pregnancies just happened. It was so easy... they weren't sticky but it was so easy to get pregnant. Now month after month I'm heartbroken. I feel deep down that it just isn't going to happen for us again. A year of testing at 10DPO with hopes so high and then it became routine. I think I don't cry as much anymore because I'm so numb. I'm not excited anymore. There must be some hope left in me or I wouldn't test but there isn't much.

Sometimes a good cry is good for the soul. :hugs:

I know my last 2 pregnancies (a set of twins and my singleton) were "easy" i wasn't trying, never was counting down the days. The twins were born off the BCP and right after sex and we realize he just let his swimmers really swim we went to plan parent hood and bought the day after pill. I was 17 and scared. I thought i had prevented... i missed my period, took a test BFN my mother in law told me to wait a week, took the test BFP.. Right away.. into my third month we found out it was twins. I feel so blessed having them because they were preemie. My singleton, was born off the pill too. i found out at 6 weeks with him. :shrug:
What funny-- is when i found out with our two miscarriages the bfp came up the day before my missed period. (out of the other pregnancies i wasn't getting a bfp until 1-2 weeks AFTER missed af)
So looking back, I am trying to think that maybe this could be a good pregnancy if i still haven't got af and bfn.. wait a week and see what happens.
I"m just going to "wipe and check" everytime i go to the bathroom and that will be my reassurance that she's NOT here. DH held me while i cried and told me "what do you want me to do", i felt so bad... DH's sperm is great, i ovulate, my only thing is i don't know what side i ovulate from. my good side with the tube, or my bad side without the tube.. :cry:

I just want to thank you ladies for being there.. it's nice to come and drink coffee:coffee: and just VENT and let out all my emotions. Thank you so much! :hugs:
So doctor called, of course BFN on blood test ( i knew that before they did) but anywho they said it's too early because i haven't missed my period. I have to wait a week and see what my body does. I threw up this morning, after i ate a chocolate doughnut, could be af on her way.. I checked cervix it's high and nowhere to be found.. I'm cramping on and off. There are some things that are still just triggering me to stay positive!:happydance:
BFN is not good... BUT not bad. Wait and see is a good plan. I am still waiting for my trigger to go away. Yesterday was a light but clear +, today is quite faint, but I took it mid day after drinking a lot of water at work. I am looking forward to a negative so I can start testing for real, but I'm dreading it too- because that's the start of all the BFNs. I mean its been 6 1/2 days since my trigger/IUI. I had already ovulated when they gave it to me- meaning potentially up to 7 days since I Oed. If this thing doesn't go negative in the next couple days, how do I know if I'm pregnant?!? I don't want to wait for the witch to be late and bloodwork- I want to test!

In other news, I have decided that while waiting for my BFP I'm going to be going ahead and doing bad things. If I want a glass of wine- I'm drinking it. Coffee? :coffee: yes please.

So hang in there and keep posting. :)
I've given up on the symptoms. I've had everything from sore boobs to exhaustion, to constipation to missing AF and it means NOTHING. I like what was said above - if you're pregnant than you already are and if we aren't we wait to try again. We are doing everything we can ladies.
My hubby said that if we are still trying in November than he will go and get checked out. He's terrified after watching me go through the pain of losing the last two sometimes I'm not sure if he wants to go through that again. By this I mean he is avoiding :sex:.... I'm in a little bit of a pickle. :shrug:
I don't think it's him though. I think there may be something wrong with me. I've had some tests done but not very detailed. When AF arrives as scheduled it is very light and only lasts a day or two. Dr. said no big deal but I'm worried... For 2 months she didn't show at all.... imagine my excitement when she didn't arrive only to be so disappointed when test after test showed -'ve.

O this weekend and then officially in the TWW. I'm going to have to pin hubby down to have my way with hime. Was going to try SMEP but no luck this month.

Chin up! My advice is go out with hubby and have a romantic night- no talk of babies. Just relax and enjoy it. Have a nice dinner and a cocktail. Spoon on the couch and watch a movie. Whatever you think is relaxing but kinda sexy.

How long have you been trying? Definitely get hubby checked out. I was convinced it was all me, but we have a sperm issue too. Better to know what you're working with so you can arrange the best chance possible for your BFP.

We have been pregnant 3 times over the course of 6 years (and both of us once with other people), the last time they told me twins at 6 weeks then told me mmc at 12 week scan. All of my pregnancies were surprises ("oh $*!&") He badly wants more children and his father is close to passing so he wants it to be soon. He just gets stressed and can't get in to it (if you know what I mean). We have a great love life, don't get me wrong it just never seems to be at the right time :dohh:
I've given up on the symptoms. I've had everything from sore boobs to exhaustion, to constipation to missing AF and it means NOTHING. I like what was said above - if you're pregnant than you already are and if we aren't we wait to try again. We are doing everything we can ladies.
My hubby said that if we are still trying in November than he will go and get checked out. He's terrified after watching me go through the pain of losing the last two sometimes I'm not sure if he wants to go through that again. By this I mean he is avoiding :sex:.... I'm in a little bit of a pickle. :shrug:
I don't think it's him though. I think there may be something wrong with me. I've had some tests done but not very detailed. When AF arrives as scheduled it is very light and only lasts a day or two. Dr. said no big deal but I'm worried... For 2 months she didn't show at all.... imagine my excitement when she didn't arrive only to be so disappointed when test after test showed -'ve.

O this weekend and then officially in the TWW. I'm going to have to pin hubby down to have my way with hime. Was going to try SMEP but no luck this month.

Chin up! My advice is go out with hubby and have a romantic night- no talk of babies. Just relax and enjoy it. Have a nice dinner and a cocktail. Spoon on the couch and watch a movie. Whatever you think is relaxing but kinda sexy.

How long have you been trying? Definitely get hubby checked out. I was convinced it was all me, but we have a sperm issue too. Better to know what you're working with so you can arrange the best chance possible for your BFP.

We have been pregnant 3 times over the course of 6 years (and both of us once with other people), the last time they told me twins at 6 weeks then told me mmc at 12 week scan. All of my pregnancies were surprises ("oh $*!&") He badly wants more children and his father is close to passing so he wants it to be soon. He just gets stressed and can't get in to it (if you know what I mean). We have a great love life, don't get me wrong it just never seems to be at the right time :dohh:

Yeah... I think ttc is physically harder on women, but we don't have so much pressure. Men have their own unique stressors in all this- and they're less likely to talk about it too. Getting checked out might actually reduce his stress? :shrug:
I posted on a different thread hoping for reassurance and a couple women basically said I had no chance at my BFP. Said at their doctors wouldn't have even allowed an IUI with my situation. Whereas I don't really want to be lied to, it kinda bothers me that they didn't even soften it at all! No "miracles happen" not even a "good luck" :nope:

Sometimes this board makes my day worse, not better. :growlmad:
I posted on a different thread hoping for reassurance and a couple women basically said I had no chance at my BFP. Said at their doctors wouldn't have even allowed an IUI with my situation. Whereas I don't really want to be lied to, it kinda bothers me that they didn't even soften it at all! No "miracles happen" not even a "good luck" :nope:

Sometimes this board makes my day worse, not better. :growlmad:

Don't listen to them!!! Miracles do happen!!! Stay strong hun.. And stick to this thread.. :hugs:
I posted on a different thread hoping for reassurance and a couple women basically said I had no chance at my BFP. Said at their doctors wouldn't have even allowed an IUI with my situation. Whereas I don't really want to be lied to, it kinda bothers me that they didn't even soften it at all! No "miracles happen" not even a "good luck" :nope:

Sometimes this board makes my day worse, not better. :growlmad:

Don't listen to them!!! Miracles do happen!!! Stay strong hun.. And stick to this thread.. :hugs:

Thank you. I KNOW it's ridiculous- I obviously have a chance- but it fed my doubts for a bit... Then I just got a bit angry. Hopefully I can go back and post a picture of a BFP... But even if I get one, it probably not even worth it. I'm letting it go.
Today's test is still positive. It's been over 7 days since trigger/iui. How the heck do I know if I actually get a BFP?!? I know it's still early, but it's possible at this point.
maybe wait until 12 dpo??? Well i'm out this cycle AF Showed up.. looking back 14 days.. my LONG stringy CM that I never get was ovulation day and we DTD.. everything seems so right. I just dont know why my body wont hold a pregnancy/baby/conceive.... :cry:
maybe wait until 12 dpo??? Well i'm out this cycle AF Showed up.. looking back 14 days.. my LONG stringy CM that I never get was ovulation day and we DTD.. everything seems so right. I just dont know why my body wont hold a pregnancy/baby/conceive.... :cry:

I'm sorry.... :hugs: It's always a crappy day when AF comes. But you are now CD 1. Which is a new beginning. Do you take progesterone? If not, maybe that would help?

I wish I could talk more, but I'm on a short break in the class I'm in- ill be back on soon. :hugs:
Hope you don't mind me joining in. I'm 5 days in to the 2ww and absolutely going crazy!! I pretty much spend all day long over analyzing every abdominal twinge and "funny feeling."

It doesn't help that I'm the infertile myrtle among my group of friends (they all have little ones or are preggers) so no one really understands how this feels. My hubby and have been ttc our first for about 2 years!

Any tips to help get me through the 2ww agony?!?
I posted on a different thread hoping for reassurance and a couple women basically said I had no chance at my BFP. Said at their doctors wouldn't have even allowed an IUI with my situation. Whereas I don't really want to be lied to, it kinda bothers me that they didn't even soften it at all! No "miracles happen" not even a "good luck" :nope:

Sometimes this board makes my day worse, not better. :growlmad:

Don't listen to them!!! Miracles do happen!!! Stay strong hun.. And stick to this thread.. :hugs:

Yeah! What do they know! Of course miracles happen. My husband was born when his dad was in his 60's and his mom was 45.....

Best of luck to you!:flower:
maybe wait until 12 dpo??? Well i'm out this cycle AF Showed up.. looking back 14 days.. my LONG stringy CM that I never get was ovulation day and we DTD.. everything seems so right. I just dont know why my body wont hold a pregnancy/baby/conceive.... :cry:

I feel that. It's why I was so addicted to the symptom spotting and POAS. Everything just lined up and I still can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. What will be will be, I guess. If and when I do get my sticky BFP it will feel like a miracle.
maybe wait until 12 dpo??? Well i'm out this cycle AF Showed up.. looking back 14 days.. my LONG stringy CM that I never get was ovulation day and we DTD.. everything seems so right. I just dont know why my body wont hold a pregnancy/baby/conceive.... :cry:

I'm sorry.... :hugs: It's always a crappy day when AF comes. But you are now CD 1. Which is a new beginning. Do you take progesterone? If not, maybe that would help?

I wish I could talk more, but I'm on a short break in the class I'm in- ill be back on soon. :hugs:

I have decided to start taking it this cycle. Going to the store for that and soy isoflavones. :) I"m SO DETERMINED! :happydance:
My brother said "maybe having more isn't for you".... OOOOOHHHHH boy should NOT have said that to someone who has been ttc for so long. and lost two babies. I'm MORE DETERMINED
Hope you don't mind me joining in. I'm 5 days in to the 2ww and absolutely going crazy!! I pretty much spend all day long over analyzing every abdominal twinge and "funny feeling."

It doesn't help that I'm the infertile myrtle among my group of friends (they all have little ones or are preggers) so no one really understands how this feels. My hubby and have been ttc our first for about 2 years!

Any tips to help get me through the 2ww agony?!?

stay on this thread :)

us girls have been supporting eachother and let me tell you through the tears and heartache to the happy dance, we have stuck together through the TWW. And i get to start over since af arrived today and having these girls all of us together has been so helpful!!
Weve been ttc for 2 years and 5 months i FEEL your PAIN!!
Vent here!!! :hugs:

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