How Many 40 + TTC Au Natural, No meds, IVF etc?


:witch: just came for me this morning. This month felt really, really different, and I wonder if I've had a chemical. That doesn't stop the huge feelings of despair and anguish though.

I really need to move on from this. I can just about accept a childless future but it's damn hard. Does anyone know of any boards for the childless not by choice?

I too am feeling, i think CRAZY would be a good word for me today. I am at day 26 of my cycle normally have 28 day cycles. For the last week I have convinced myself I am, then 30 minutes later I am convinced I am not. I have had PMS type cramps for about 6 days now on and off, Is it isn't it. I have a lot of other symptoms, but each one can be explained away. I have constant heartburn, I am not eating as much and I could sleep for the street. Well heartburn hits the appetite, no food makes you tired. I am truly a mess today. I cried for no reason last night, I am begging AF to just get here and put me out of my misery. Like you hon, I truly feel like it is too late for me. I will keep you posted. If you want to be friends or chat privately just let me know, it would be nice to have someone else going through the same thing to talk to.
Treat yourself to a pity party today, chocolate, salt, a good book a weepy movie lol. It works for me. xxxx

:witch: just came for me this morning. This month felt really, really different, and I wonder if I've had a chemical. That doesn't stop the huge feelings of despair and anguish though.

I really need to move on from this. I can just about accept a childless future but it's damn hard. Does anyone know of any boards for the childless not by choice?

I too am feeling, i think CRAZY would be a good word for me today. I am at day 26 of my cycle normally have 28 day cycles. For the last week I have convinced myself I am, then 30 minutes later I am convinced I am not. I have had PMS type cramps for about 6 days now on and off, Is it isn't it. I have a lot of other symptoms, but each one can be explained away. I have constant heartburn, I am not eating as much and I could sleep for the street. Well heartburn hits the appetite, no food makes you tired. I am truly a mess today. I cried for no reason last night, I am begging AF to just get here and put me out of my misery. Like you hon, I truly feel like it is too late for me. I will keep you posted. If you want to be friends or chat privately just let me know, it would be nice to have someone else going through the same thing to talk to.
Treat yourself to a pity party today, chocolate, salt, a good book a weepy movie lol. It works for me. xxxx

Your idea of a pity party really made me smile! I might just do that tonight.

I really, really have all my fingers and toes crossed for you, it would really cheer me up to hear someone's good news.
My cousin conceived au natural at 42, so don't lose hope.
i like your way of thinking but i turned 44 on the 28th dec and i feel really low about ttc and reflecting on the last year and so many early mmc, its a bloddy hard thing to keep putting yourself thru with so many disappointments.
But the thought of actually eventually holding your own baby in your arms has been keeping me going but i dont know for how much longer this bubble of hope will last before i eventually say enough is enough and the bubble bursts..........
Ok girls, I am on Cycle day 27 today. I have felt weird, tired heartburn, not wanting to eat and then eating a little and being terribly full. I have had PMS type cramping on and off for a week now, feels like AF is coming to visit any time, then it goes away. I did not have little clumps of EWCM this month I had like a Jelly clear stuff that was almost like a clot when I ovulated. This morning i had a small amount of the EWCM in a small clump. I am going crazy. Oh i have felt queezy and sleepy for about a week also. I can rationalize and explain all these things away, but the EWCM thing has me puzzled. My cycle has not been regular for about a year now, I can bleed at 2 weeks, this is the longest I have waited for AF. I feel a little embarrassed posting this as I am sure I will get up to greet AF in the morning, but has anyone any comments to help me with this one. PLEASE, I am crying for no reason now, begging AF to come and just be done with me.

Sorry to whine about this all. xoxo
i like your way of thinking but i turned 44 on the 28th dec and i feel really low about ttc and reflecting on the last year and so many early mmc, its a bloddy hard thing to keep putting yourself thru with so many disappointments.
But the thought of actually eventually holding your own baby in your arms has been keeping me going but i dont know for how much longer this bubble of hope will last before i eventually say enough is enough and the bubble bursts..........

Hi there inkdchick, sorry not to have replied to this before, because I can so identify with your feelings. Check out the post I put on another thread, I won't retype it all here if you don't mind.

I am so sorry to hear of your pain, and I can absolutely identify with it, I've been down in the pits of despair myself so many times. But just remember: you are bigger than this, there is more to you than just this, you are this amazing wonderful creature.

All love and prayers to you: for the miracle that you want so much, obviously, but more importantly for YOU.

TTC45, I posted a separate post in the main thread earlier this week but I just wanted to mention that I was having cramping, mood swings, thought I was tired just because I wasn't getting enough sleep. I was sure that AF was just a few days late. I didn't test until I was on day 35 (since my longest cycle in the last year was 33 days) and it came positive right away.

It can happen for you. Keeping my fingers crossed for you. I'm 42, btw.
thing is i have been so grouchy this last week and me and oh have had some really bad days with each other coz of it, but i thought i was just tired too as i am having so many disrupted nights sleep, i have had no cramping which is unusual for me right now at this time in the cycle but my boobs have been unbelieveably sore now for three days and i am cd21 today , my cycles are anywhere between 24 and 28 days , so that means tues to sat next week. I have taken soy this cycle to see if it will help and have given up alcohol altogether (love my :wine: too), and i am now 44 !, but i am not holding my breath.
Ciarhwyfar - Congratulations Hun :happydance: :wohoo: xxx
:hugs: there's a lady in my antenatal group pregnant at 47 au natural. My midwife reckons that over 40s pregnancies are becoming much more common. I put some stats on this somewhere in the thread 'little bit of encouragement for ttv 40+' - they really are quite encouraging! xxx
aww thank you hun i will have to search for it. How and what did you do to help you conceive if you dont mind me asking , i seem to have given everything up for the last few months for what feels like nothing. I must admit what seems like pms mood swings i never ever get and last week i was awful to my oh and he was back i had honestly no thought about it and just thought it was coz i was tired as of the broken restless sleep i have been getting for nearly a week now but for the last couple of days i have been ok, a bit tearful but ok so i dont know .
Cant wait to be in your position tbh and then i wont have to ever worry about it again !
hi thanks im go to try some soy .we r in england hertfordshire where abouts do u live in uk .thanks sue.

sorry for the late reply , have a broken laptop and then was in italy for xmas (visiting inlaws - hubby is italian), and i have only now got back on line,
i live in ashford near heathrow hun x
aww thank you hun i will have to search for it. How and what did you do to help you conceive if you dont mind me asking , i seem to have given everything up for the last few months for what feels like nothing. I must admit what seems like pms mood swings i never ever get and last week i was awful to my oh and he was back i had honestly no thought about it and just thought it was coz i was tired as of the broken restless sleep i have been getting for nearly a week now but for the last couple of days i have been ok, a bit tearful but ok so i dont know .
Cant wait to be in your position tbh and then i wont have to ever worry about it again !

My very first pregnancy symptom was being tearful a few days after ov, it could be that this is your month :hugs: but in terms of what we did, there were a few thing but the things I sort of feel might have made the difference were the things that helped the swimmers get where they needed to be.

I used to have loads of ewcm to the point that it was a nuisance, but that stopped about 3 years ago and these days I have practically none. We got pregnant second month of using Preseed and I really think that helped cos the sperm needs the ewcm to get to where it needs to go. Also then doing the 'legs in the air' thing for about half an hour after dtd, which I hadn't really done much before.

And dtd a lot more in the 2 days before ov, whereas before we were focussing more on ov day and couple of days after: I saw those stats that you've probably seen that say you are much more likely to get pregnant from sex on the two days before ovulation than you are on the day itself or afterwards. Those stats are widely repeated on the internet on sensible-looking sites and they really surprised me, and that month was the first time we really took that into account. We were totally knackered and felt like we were off sex for life by the end of it but it was worth it! Used opks to predict ov.

Other things I did different in the couple of months before getting pg were giving up St Johns' Wort, which I was taking for migraine prevention and which I read there was some suspicion it might affect fertiility slightly, although not confirmed anywhere. Also had for a few months been cutting down on caffeine and had given up alcohol. Last two months also took EPO to try to boost EWCM but didn't notice any difference at all there, but it may have done something else helpful. Stopped trying to diet (bmi was only 22 so didn't need to medically but wanted to fit into my jeans again!) And got loads of people to pray for us. I think the big man upstairs heard us.

I know I was ovulating cos had 21 day blood tests come back normal but my feeling is that the swimmers weren't getting through, or not at the right times.

fingers crossed you won't need any of this anyway now but if you do I really hope it helps :hugs:
lol its funny you say about ewcm but i havent had a problem as such sometimes there wasnt much but i was told by a nurse at the epu to have one glass twice a day of grapefruit juice and it worked and this month i have given up alcohol altogether and so far i have no cramping just really heavy achy boobs, grumpy, tired, and cry at the stupidest things which i would normally shrug off so not thinking about it and will see what happens as i normally have lots of cramping low down for a least a week before af which i have nothing of and im due for my period day after tomorrow (cd24-28) up til sat so pray for my hun i need all the help here i can get xxx and thank you for you fantastic reply such an inspiration xxxx thank you
lol its funny you say about ewcm but i havent had a problem as such sometimes there wasnt much but i was told by a nurse at the epu to have one glass twice a day of grapefruit juice and it worked and this month i have given up alcohol altogether and so far i have no cramping just really heavy achy boobs, grumpy, tired, and cry at the stupidest things which i would normally shrug off so not thinking about it and will see what happens as i normally have lots of cramping low down for a least a week before af which i have nothing of and im due for my period day after tomorrow (cd24-28) up til sat so pray for my hun i need all the help here i can get xxx and thank you for you fantastic reply such an inspiration xxxx thank you

Will do. Oh this is really exciting, I so hope this is it for you xxxx :hugs:
aww thank you hun i must admit i am a bit excited and have ordered some 10imu tests yesterday and hope that they turn up before friday this coming week as i would love to know before the weekend as my daughter (17 , froma previous marriage),is with us this coming weekend and it would be lovely to know before she comes, xx
I've got a 17 year old daughter from a previous marriage too! :)
wow no way, im 44 how bout you, you give me great hope hun xxx
wow no way, im 44 how bout you, you give me great hope hun xxx

I'm 40, yeah we can do it! Just takes us a bit longer than when we were younger is all! A couple of my friends have had babies in their early 40s too - hang on I'll find those stats and post them here cos I think they're really encouraging. Also you have to remember that a lot fewer of us are ttc at this age than are ttc in their 20s and early 30s, so relatively fewer babies are born in our age group anyway, but...

Most up-to-date statistics - 2009
(calculated using the 2008-based population projections for 2009)
In 2009 there were 706,248 live births in England and Wales. 114,288 of these were to women aged 35-39, and 26,976 births to women over 40, compared to 14,252 births in 1999.

2006 data shows that 22,512 to women gave birth aged 40-44 and 1,123 to women 45-49. This was broken down further:

40: 9,303
41: 6,191
42: 3,769
43: 2,069
44: 1,180
45: 585
46: 286
47: 129
48: 77
49: 46
50 and over: 71

46 years young and 2 months, trying to conceive naturally using fertility affirmations, yoga for fertility (bought DVD but haven't started yet - only got it last week), hypnosis for fertility (Maggie Howell's Preparing to Conceive), am vegetarian, teetotal, non smoker, not using ovulation sticks anymore, just BBT every morning with my Lady Comp. I have used Yes Baby twice but haven't for a couple or so months (wanted to try it out).

:dust: and sticky glue all :happydance: going to :sex: :dance: with my DH now :)
Hi Ladies

I'm new to all this, I'm 40 and have just started trying, we did consider going straight to IVF given my age but I would really like to do it the old fashioned way, so we'll keep trying for a few more months and see what happens. It's great to know that there are others out there in the same boat. Good luck to all and lets hope 2011 gives all of us what we dream of!

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