How young is too young to start trying?

I'm sure shes got another username now......
Wow, loads of replies since I've last been on!! :D

Why am I not surprised that Aria had to throw in her two cents and offend pretty much everyone, even those that aren't 18/19/20, purely due to the rude way in which she puts her opinion across.

I'm hoping to start TTC when I'm 19/20 and that's a personal choice, not a stab at getting a council flat and living off the taxpayers money.
I think its perfectly fine. I am 18, nearly 19 with a great job in nursing at hospital. My partner is 20 and he is in a full time job with good pay. We have been together for 3 and a half years and have a flat together. We have waited until we feel ready and are financially stable and now is that time. Because we are young doesn't mean we won't make good parents. yes it might be hard but we are strong and are willing to have a little one.

I got pregnant at 15 when i first met my partner i am with now which is far to young and we both knew that. We were young and stupid. Unfortunately I misscarried at 3 months. Worst thing in my life. We always think about our angel and always will but it makes us look forward to trying now because one day, hopefully soon, we will have a gorgeous baby.

If anyone has had similar experiences please private mail me?
I know this forum doesnt support under 18's TTC x But I am under 18 by 3 years and I have two children x ( twins )

Yes, thats wrong, and I am dissapointed in myself, but i dont need to here from everyone here how wrong it is ! I know myself !!x :) x

The point is, I had my babies 7 weeks ago now, I love them with all my heart and i find being a mother a challenge but I love it x!

I start a school for young mums in 2 months x My twins have everything they need and more x My ex boyfriend the babies father comes round for regular visits 3-4 times a week, he pays me £300 a month and helped me out with furniture since i need two of everything x!

Emily and Luca are my lifee and I love them millions x They come first, I am a good Mum, even my Mum who was dissapointed and furious as hell when i told her says she is immensley proud of me and that i am a fantastic mum !x :D x I always wanted to be a young mum but i didnt think this young but i am, i dont regret a thing, i am a bit dissapointed in myself but that feeling has left me now all that matters is emily and luca x

Im lucky, they have slept through the night ever since they were brought home, they have gotten up 5 times during the night in the whole 7 weeks they have been alive, if one wakes so does the other but i dont care, its all part of being a mum, my mum takes them 3 times a month so i can go out, but i dont get drunk i go to the cinema or a party and mabye have 2 drinks at the most !x

The point is, I love being a young mum, yes im too young but who cares, i love my children more than anything and there is no "right time" its whatever suits you !!
Hey there, I agree with mostly everyone elses comments on here.

Everyone ages mentally and physically at different rates. Therefore there is never any correct age to try in my own personal opinion. One of my friends had her first at 18, yet my auntie only just had her first at 40. Both completely different ages, but to them it was right, and for both, its been hard, its been challenging but both are fantastic mothers that I could never fault. I will be trying for my first next year and I will be 22. For myself, any earlier than this and I would have been underprepared, financially and emotionally. I won't be married, but a ring and a certificate is not going to make much difference to my relationship at all, we may get married in future, something small, and if we have children at this time we would make it a family event, our child being a little bridesmaid etc. :blush:

Anyway I ramble..
It's about being mature both emotionally and financially. I'm not saying to be rich, but to be financially stable! Being in a stable relationship and willing to give up nights out etc (if that's what you're into). I couldn't have had a child at 18, I was way too immature. I feel now is slightly too young (for me) and I'm 22! A couple of years should be perfect though :)
I think its completely differant for everyone, i know some people who are in their 20s and they are too young and i also know people in their teens who arent.It goes both ways, its a matter of being emotionally ready and its differant for everyone.I got pregnant at 18 and i wasnt ready, i would have made myself ready obviously but for me personally i wasnt in a position to try and it was unplanned.My relationship wasnt stable enough.Since then ive change an awful lot and i know i am emotionally ready but circumstances dictate otherwise hence wtt, i know it seems strange to change so much so quickly but its like the sensible switch is flicked and all i can think of now is how i would love to be a sahm with a nice husband and loads of kids.I think under 17 is too young, but many 17 year olds are very mature.They dont all go out and get drunk all the time lol.I used to go out every weekend, now i rarely go out and dont like drinking anymore.If your in a very stable relationship, you have a job and your own place i dont see the problem.Young parents make fabulous parents in my opinion, yes there are ones that dont do such a good job but you get that in every age group, some are good and some are not so good.Age has nothing to do with how good a parent you can be.So there really once your 17 and have all the things you need to give a child a stable life then i would say ttc is perfectly fine, your supposed to be your healthiest for concieving at that age anyway, people had tons of babies by 20 before and no-one batted an eyelid. My cousin recently got married, hes 22 and i know he'll probablly be ttc with his wife.I dont see how anyone could see a problem with that.
I guess its very dependent on the person. I had friends at school that got pregnant ant 15-16 and they were fantastic parents in terms of caring for there child but they could not financially support themselves, and they gave up school. I think to have a PLANNED child you should be in a position that you are financially secure and living in your own place. You need to be able to provide for that child. I guess this can be from 18+ depending on the individual.
I never had first child until i was 34 as I didnt feel ready, I got several degrees from uni that have enabled me to travel with work and have a good well paying job. I wanted to travel the world first and experience life, yes you can travel with baby but its not quite so easy. I am in the position now to provide my child(ren) with everything they need and give myself fully to them without feeling like i missed out on anything.
I'm waitin till i'm 18. Personally i think people should stick to over 18 to TTC, if people get pregnant under 18 though then they still deserve the best support and love.
I'm waiting till i'm 18. When i've learnt how to drive etc. etc. and saved enough money for a car from money that i earn from my part-time job then i'm going to save up, try and get a full time job and TTC :) x
i'm 19 and will be trying for a baby in a few months as i want to finish college. i have been with my boyfriend for nearly four years and he has reasonably well paid job. i feel ready to have a baby and would definatly not have one if i didnt. i dont think it matters what age you are, my friend got preg at 17 and had her beautiful little girl at 18 yrs and she is a brilliant mother and her boyfriend is a brilliant father they were both ready both prepared and planned it really well and are planning their second (already!) me and my partner have discussed it between us and this is something we really want and feel ready and know we can do it. we will be also telling our parents that we want to try for one when i have my implant out just so we can hear what they think and we are pretty sure it wont be too much of a negitive reaction (fingers crossed)
I've not read the rest of this thread, but I'm 22 and am going to start trying this summer, I will be 23 then.

I personally think there is no right age, it's all down to the individuals maturity.
i am 18 and i am fully ready to be a mother and i have been since i was about 16. people might think that is wrong but everyone is so different. you don't need to be married to have children. there is no right age to have a child everyone is different!

just my opinion :)

I fully agree with that Sam.

I became pregnant at 18 and decided not to keep the baby as I wasn't ready. Just because I wasn't ready at 18, doesn't mean someone else isn't!

Congrats on the pregnancy btw <3 x
I have 19 years (July 20years) and I think that's a good time for a child .. if only my boyfriend would agree, this year we TTC ..
I began TTC when I was 17, after I had a m/c at 7 weeks. Originally the pregnancy was accidental however we were over the moon and couldn't wait, so once we lost the baby we decided to TTC. It took us 10 months and I was pregnant whilst 18 and had my daughter when I was 19 on 02/11/07! We have since had another m/c just before christmas, and so are having a year out from TTC. However we are both only 21 still and I think we are completley ready! We have been together for 5 and 1/2 years, lived together for 3 and 1/2 years, not married. I work and I'm in my 2nd year at university and my oh is a self-employed bricklayer.

It's got nothing to do with age, wether I had my first baby at 19 or 29 I don't think I would of being any more prepared that I was!

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