Hurry up BFPs!!! We are ready when you are :-)

Yeah. It's odd. I guess I'll stick with cd 17! Just weird that the progesterone is killing me already! I was starving when I woke up so had a bowl of cereal and then wanted pancakes. Now I'm full and sleepy. Today, I shall be a glutton :p
DH got me flowers the other day but for some reason the smell is bothering me. I swear I'm about to chuck them. Damn him and his feelings :haha:

:haha:yeah, sod him :haha:if you did ov on cd14, would you be 5dpo today?? cos your chart seems to have done the same mad shit as mine :wacko: i went for a lie down, and just got woke up by a stab in my left ovary :shrug: xxxx:hugs:
Ok ff says day 11 still.....ovu says day 15 ????????????????????????

:thumbup:i'm still going with cd15 hun, wheres your FF chart? do you pay for it hun??? xxxxx:hugs:

I have my ff app on my iPad I don't pay o not ure if or how I can her. It's basically same as my ovu hart but has crosshairs on day11:shrug:

I think you're right my pain defo was day 15 ...flip I hope I DTD ok as I din o it day 15
Helena: just looked at your chart.....he is one lucky man!
A girl on FB said that she didn't know when she ovulated or something like that, so they just BD everyday since the bleeding stopped for three weeks. "Hoping I got everything covered."
Uh... I think you do! But I should be talking, my BD days weren't that shabby either! DH is dead set on getting me knocked up again. as in, at this moment. I really do want some intimacy as well.
Before, I decided I wanted to dunk in the Mikva, a Jewish custom. Dunking to be purified after bleeding. I wanted to do it after the previous MC, for good luck, or cleansing, but missed the date. Afterwards, I felt I had missed the chance, it was gone. When I started getting scared about this pregnancy, I decided to dunk for good luck. You need to abstain from sex at least 7 days, and with no bleeding. So, no sex from last Sunday. When I started to notice a pinkish discharge, I figured I'd need to start my 7 day count again, so we DTD. After that everything went haywire down there. This week, while bleeding, of course there was no action going on whatsoever.
So, I need some lovin. :sex: (LOL, gotta love that one!)
Sorry for the Jewish lesson of the day up there, I just really feel the need for a cleanse of that sort. Like it will help me feel like I've started a new chapter, turned the page, wiped the board, or something like that.

I love knowing other customs an I love the idea..go for it,if u can abstain :haha:
Ok ff says day 11 still.....ovu says day 15 ????????????????????????

:thumbup:i'm still going with cd15 hun, wheres your FF chart? do you pay for it hun??? xxxxx:hugs:

I have my ff app on my iPad I don't pay o not ure if or how I can her. It's basically same as my ovu hart but has crosshairs on day11:shrug:

I think you're right my pain defo was day 15 ...flip I hope I DTD ok as I din o it day 15

:haha:lmao, what do you mean "you hope you dtd ok?" lmfao.... your like the friggin energizer bunny!.. girl :haha::haha: i'm going for cd14 :thumbup: which would make you 4/5 dpo hun :happydance: xxxxx:hugs:
I am a plonker! I did a test! FRER! Negative of course.... Seriously at 6dpo if I were knocked up, it wouldn't have implanted yet!


If it helps I'm always super tempted too....FRER are good but not THAT good:haha:
Ok ff says day 11 still.....ovu says day 15 ????????????????????????

:thumbup:i'm still going with cd15 hun, wheres your FF chart? do you pay for it hun??? xxxxx:hugs:

I have my ff app on my iPad I don't pay o not ure if or how I can her. It's basically same as my ovu hart but has crosshairs on day11:shrug:

I think you're right my pain defo was day 15 ...flip I hope I DTD ok as I din o it day 15

:haha:lmao, what do you mean "you hope you dtd ok?" lmfao.... your like the friggin energizer bunny!.. girl :haha::haha: i'm going for cd14 :thumbup: which would make you 4/5 dpo hun :happydance: xxxxx:hugs:

Says you who DTD everyday....I said to DH.... FFs I was ovulating and u were working... We should have done it everyday!

He thinks I'm mental:happydance: I prob am:haha:

You are sooooooo well covered this month mrs!:happydance:
Ok ff says day 11 still.....ovu says day 15 ????????????????????????

:thumbup:i'm still going with cd15 hun, wheres your FF chart? do you pay for it hun??? xxxxx:hugs:

I have my ff app on my iPad I don't pay o not ure if or how I can her. It's basically same as my ovu hart but has crosshairs on day11:shrug:

I think you're right my pain defo was day 15 ...flip I hope I DTD ok as I din o it day 15

:haha:lmao, what do you mean "you hope you dtd ok?" lmfao.... your like the friggin energizer bunny!.. girl :haha::haha: i'm going for cd14 :thumbup: which would make you 4/5 dpo hun :happydance: xxxxx:hugs:

Says you who DTD everyday....I said to DH.... FFs I was ovulating and u were working... We should have done it everyday!

He thinks I'm mental:happydance: I prob am:haha:

You are sooooooo well covered this month mrs!:happydance:

:haha::haha:me or helena?? lol xxxx:hugs:
twin- It was probably not the best idea… I ended up with a horrible UTI. It made me shudder at the thought of sex for like a month. I was popping cranberry pills like crazy haha. Terrified to get another! DH loved that he "broke me" though lmao

lune- how the twinges are an excellent sign! Not much longer until testing :D

sara- I'm the same way. It's all too obvious when I'm pissed. Good for you for sticking up to your over emotional MIL and your own mom! My mom was not pleased when I told her I was pregnant, but I think that's only because it came out of the blue for her. She got used to the idea pretty quickly and was able to be there for me when I had my miscarriage, so that's nice. I'm excited to tell her I'm pregnant again (when I'm pregnant again) because I think she'll be happier. There was a lot going on when I told her. She didn't know I was seeing my (now) husband at the time and had thought I was still with the guy who she is absolutely gaga over. I stopped talking to her for a bit. Not stopped seeing her, but stopped telling her things so she was shocked. My nephew was also still under my care (I was his foster mom for almost a year) at that point, so I guess she was concerned. We didn't have the best relationship growing up. She was always with her boyfriend instead of taking care of her young kids, so we more or less fended for ourselves. It wasn't that bad, but I used to fake being sick so I could stay home from school and see her for a few hours. We're close now and have been for some time, but only because she never had any authority over me when I went through my teenage rebellion years. I don't think we'd have been as close for as long as we have been if I actually ever cared about her input. I think she'll be happy for me this time. I live across the country, so sad that she won't be able to be here all the time, but still happy. There's a pretty biggish chance that I'll be moving to Japan in a few years. She's gonna flip when she hears that ugh. And yeah, my husband is in the Navy, so he's away on short sea trips (underways) all the time. No long deployments yet, but that'll likely happen sometime next year. Really dreading his next trip! It's all very odd, my chart. I guess I should just go with what fits my opks. Although, is it normal to get a positive opk the same day as ovulation? I know it is, but I didn't get a positive until PM. I also tested AM. I guess I'll continue to temp until tomorrow and then just start the progesterone. Then a lovely 10 days to wait and twiddle my thumbs while my I wish I could just cut my boobs off for just a little bit. I may just test on the 6th. That'll be either 10dpo or 13dpo. Seems like a good compromise.

nina- my first M/C ended at 8 weeks and the HCG was present for 2 weeks. My second M/C ended at 5-6 weeks, and the HCG was present for 2 weeks. With the first, my hcg was in the 11,000s when I miscarried and with my second my HCG was in the 20-30s. So I guess it doesn't matter so much how high it all was. I hope you'll be back to zero by then! I think the cleanse sounds like a great way to start a new chapter. I actually knew all about that! haha I grew up in New Jersey in a very Jewish area. Most of my best friends were Jewish. How much longer until sexy time? Monday? God you must be going crazy! The bathroom is definteiyl my favorite place to read. Growing up I didn't have much privacy, so the bathroom is where I would go to get it. I guess it's stayed that way. Plus, as much as I love him, DH can be so annoying sometimes. I shouldn't complain, but sometimes I just want to read a damn book without having him cuddling me.

dream- way too early! When will you test again? Enjoy Pink!

cmc- is your fertility friend chart in your sig? I swore I saw it the other day, but now don't? Why don't you split the difference and test early AND later? :haha:
Sarah u are not too far behind Helena with the amount of DTD..... Rabbits lol

No I've never Been able to share the ff is exact same as ovu but just diff assumptions on O day?

It's strange tht it's 4 days difference...weird.
bloody hell girl!!! what an essay!! lol, hey what i told you was only a tiny spec of what i've really been through! i almost lost my life last august, i stabbed myself in the stomach! i couldn't cope... i was in ic for a week, i flat lined in the ambulance, it was all due to me being pissed and bad memories! selfish i know, but i really thought at the time, everyone would be better off! but i now realize that i am alot stronger... and i dont take any shit! not off anyone, yeah i've been a junkie, yeah i've lived on the streets for 2 years, yeah i blame my mum, but i tell you what, the scar i have down the stomach is a constant reminder to me of how i was, and what i've become... i'm so happy now, andy isn't josh's dad but he might as well be! he wants to adopt him, wants us to have a baby and get married next year... you would not believe how much my life has changed since i finally woke up and realized i cant let her dictate my life anymore! i love her, we're fine with eachother now, but when she gets pissed, my dad gets it... and i cant fuckin stand it! so yeah 24hrs with her would never happen as she's already warned me the next time i lay a finger on her, she will have me locked up, and tbh, i'm so above her mental abuse now! (even tho i would still like to scratch her eyes out every now and again) i suppose thats why i went down the road of psychopharmacology and psychology, to deal with my demons, and try to help other people who too have suffered the abuse of an alcoholic mother and help them deal with their emotions rather than turn to heroin or alcohol....
its strange really, its never really affected my brother, he's older than me, but i had to grow up really fast otherwise we wouldn't get fed or go to school, the days i used to come home from school and she was wrecked asleep on the sofa!!
but hey onwards and upwards :) xxxxxxx
Sarah u are not too far behind Helena with the amount of DTD..... Rabbits lol

No I've never Been able to share the ff is exact same as ovu but just diff assumptions on O day?

It's strange tht it's 4 days difference...weird.

:haha:hey believe me the first night was a minute wonder, the second was ok, the 3rd and 4th was i so cant be arsed, then the weekend was like when we first met :haha: so if i am pregnant, i hope it was made by teenager sex and not ffs sex lmao :haha: xxxxx:hugs:
you're all just jealous of sara and mine rabbit sex. With our partners...not each other :haha:
sara- I'm more than glad that everything turned out ok for you. I'm a psych student too. I remember visiting my old high school english teacher and she asked me what I was doing in college. When I told her she was all, oh that's great! you've had so many problems so may as well make something good out of it. I was ready to punch her. The only reason she knew about any of my "problems" was because she was a mentor to my creative writing teacher and I didn't feel like doing a poetry assignment so just handed in something I had written during a particularly horrible time in my life. The teacher then goes to the mentor to ask her if she should be worried. How old are you hun?
Last MC the baby stopped developing at 7 weeks, and I was too dumb and didn't check the betas before. 1 week after the D&C (at 9 weeks) I got 200. The week after a BPN.
I'm assuming my levels were higher that 1780 before. This pregnancy ended at about 5 weeks. So I'd think they'd be lower. Ugh. So much math and numbers!
I really just want everything to go back to normal.

You have to wait 7 days from when the bleeding stops to dunk. So, today I'm barely spotting, I hope it stays that way, so next week :( Oh man...
Unless I get a BFN and a smiley, then we'll be DTD. I can dunk after! Babies come first... But really, like that will happen...!
sara- I'm more than glad that everything turned out ok for you. I'm a psych student too. I remember visiting my old high school english teacher and she asked me what I was doing in college. When I told her she was all, oh that's great! you've had so many problems so may as well make something good out of it. I was ready to punch her. The only reason she knew about any of my "problems" was because she was a mentor to my creative writing teacher and I didn't feel like doing a poetry assignment so just handed in something I had written during a particularly horrible time in my life. The teacher then goes to the mentor to ask her if she should be worried. How old are you hun?

:hugs:i'll be 34 next month hun :blush: :haha: be ready for my bus pass soon... god yeah i know exactly what you mean, i remember bumping into an old teacher not long after i had josh, and he kind of gave me that "i knew you'd end up pregnant look" :growlmad: he was a high school teacher tho, by that time i'd already gone off the rails, and was getting back on the right track, so he was shocked when he found out i wasn't on benefits, and i'd gone down the road of psychology, sociology and criminology :haha: i went to college for that, now i'm studying psychopharmacology (drug psychology) and the affects it has on people and their surroundings...
its really annoying when you get judged for your past, but i truly believe the past has made me what i am today, and as bad as it was, i would never change it!! weird really, ahh your so nice to talk to, how old are you hun? xxxx:hugs:
I'll be 23 next month. psychopharmacology is so interesting. I'll be finishing up with my undergrad soon. Just 4 more classes. I moved, so am taking the semester off. Part of my wishes I just stayed put for my last semester, but I think I'm just missing having something to do. I worked in a child research lab at the university and really miss the kids. I'm also disappointed that I was so close to finishing up my study. I was miserable there, though. I hated never getting to see hubby and after the miscarriage, really needed his support. Having to go through that was really tough. I went to the ER during work and ended up staying there for like 8 hours holding my cup of pee because they never took it and just left me in the hall. I was miscarrying in the bathroom when a homeless man walked in on me because the door didn't lock properly. As I was crying in the hall, a million doctors tried to get me to "cheer up" and kept asking what was wrong. Honestly, at that point, what was wrong was that I wanted to go home but they wouldn't let me go until they took blood. That took another 2ish hours and then I had to wait for results. I guess that's what you get for going to an inner city hospital. I only went there because it was across the street from campus and seemed easier than going to another. Oh the best thing was that they gave me someone else's discharge papers and someone else got mine. Didn't realize that until I got home. They then wanted to charge me for a printout of my blood test so I could give it to my doctor. All that was meant to be included in MY discharge papers. Oh god I can't even remember my original point now
ahhh bless you hun, it must have been so hard going through that on your own! yep, drs are knob heads... i think they have their heads up their arses sometimes! so did you move to be closer to your hubby hun? god it must be hard him working away alot... or have you "kind of got used" to it now? so how often is away/home hun? ahhh i really hope this is your month chic ;)
oh and i hope its ALL of ours too lol xxxxxx

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