Hurry up BFPs!!! We are ready when you are :-)

We went private hun cause we werent gonna get seen until December - it cost £150 for an hour consultation and my scan and DF SA but hes referred me back to the NHS so its cheaper - that sucks that does!! I dont think thats very fair :-( Have you had a look at any private clinics near you? Thakn God your back.....iv been feeling like a bloody ghost! xxx

:haha::haha:i'd better behave myself then :haha::haha: no its not very fair on andy, i'm having two blood monitored cycles, then i see the top man on the 10th october, i've had loads of blood done, cd4 done, booked for cd21... then same again next cycle... its all gettin on my tits tbh hun, but... if it comes to shit eggs or something, we will have to pay, but hopefully, all this pain.. will be due to something fixable, or hopefully, all my hormones are out?? :shrug: SHOOT ME pmsl xxxxxx:hugs:
Have they offerend you a FSH test?? that tells you how many eggs you have left? I refused that test on Sat as I didnt want to know - im 26 so if they told me my eggs are running out I would go into overdrive!! What was your CD21 test results? You and Andy have caught before havent you? I wonder what it could be? xxx
Have they offerend you a FSH test?? that tells you how many eggs you have left? I refused that test on Sat as I didnt want to know - im 26 so if they told me my eggs are running out I would go into overdrive!! What was your CD21 test results? You and Andy have caught before havent you? I wonder what it could be? xxx

:wacko:i had that one done on monday... trust me i have lost the fuckin plot over that one, i dont know the results yet, it was cd4 fsh/lh.... shitting myself, andy has caught me twice now, so there is something seriously up with my body :cry: i didnt realize it was for that, cos it was supposed to be done on cd2, but i bloody come on friday, so its been done cd4, then i googled it to see how important it is, and yeah, i came across all that shit.. i went off my tits on friday.... i'm so scared now... but in reality, i cant do anything about shit eggs, but, would think about a donor?? ffs... its all hard this :cry: xxxx:hugs:
Dont think straight away that there is something wrong hun - DF and I have been pregnant 3 times in the last 16 months but I am ADAMANT that I will get duffered and last the whole 9 months soon!! Sometimes these things just happen - my consultant was saying that even though im now private they cant do the tests as the ectopic dont count as a mc so iv only had 2 mc and 1 ectopic - soooo many people have 2 mc and go onto healthy pregnancies they refuse to do the testing (obvs if you havent caught within a year they will start the testing etc) hhmmmmmmmmmmmmm Im trying to think of more tests arghhhhhhh racking my brain! When will you get the FSH results back hun? xxx
Hilslo - I'm so sorry for your losses. Hope you'll feel a little better with time. :hugs:

Happily - Still no af? Do you always have longer cycles?

Welcome back Sarah, you've been missed around here :hugs:. I had my CD2 tests last month. And I totally get you about being terrified about the results. Mine were not so bad (as I dreaded they would be), only estrogen was a little bit near the upper end of normal. I guess I can live with that :) What concerned me more is my CD21 progesterone. It came as 9.71 which is not brilliant (10 seems to be the lower limit, but the more the better it seems) :(. Still haven't seen my OB but I guess I'll need to supplement progesterone once I get a bfp!

Cath - I don't know nothing about SA but your DF's numbers and the norms seem to be matching well, if not better. Why are they concerned? I need to convince DH to take an SA as well!

And still no temp rise today :nope:. I'm on CD15 and never O this late. Hope something's is not badly messed up :wacko:
Dont think straight away that there is something wrong hun - DF and I have been pregnant 3 times in the last 16 months but I am ADAMANT that I will get duffered and last the whole 9 months soon!! Sometimes these things just happen - my consultant was saying that even though im now private they cant do the tests as the ectopic dont count as a mc so iv only had 2 mc and 1 ectopic - soooo many people have 2 mc and go onto healthy pregnancies they refuse to do the testing (obvs if you havent caught within a year they will start the testing etc) hhmmmmmmmmmmmmm Im trying to think of more tests arghhhhhhh racking my brain! When will you get the FSH results back hun? xxx

ok so we saw him on the 6th, we left, i went to the path lab i had full blood count done, liver function test (my past), prolactin and this other test for clotting, then 4 blood request forms, this cycle.. cd2 fsh/lh then cd21 progesterone, then the same for next cycle, we see the top man on the 10th of october, he wants scans etc done, he took andys sa results, looked at my charts, wants me to carry on ttc.. he said dtd every 3 days?? :shrug: but he didn't tell me about the friggin fsh one, i saw that on google... am shitting myself xxxxxx
Hilslo - I'm so sorry for your losses. Hope you'll feel a little better with time. :hugs:

Happily - Still no af? Do you always have longer cycles?

Welcome back Sarah, you've been missed around here :hugs:. I had my CD2 tests last month. And I totally get you about being terrified about the results. Mine were not so bad (as I dreaded they would be), only estrogen was a little bit near the upper end of normal. I guess I can live with that :) What concerned me more is my CD21 progesterone. It came as 9.71 which is not brilliant (10 seems to be the lower limit, but the more the better it seems) :(. Still haven't seen my OB but I guess I'll need to supplement progesterone once I get a bfp!

Cath - I don't know nothing about SA but your DF's numbers and the norms seem to be matching well, if not better. Why are they concerned? I need to convince DH to take an SA as well!

And still no temp rise today :nope:. I'm on CD15 and never O this late. Hope something's is not badly messed up :wacko:

:hugs: ahhh blesss.... well i promise i'll behave :haha::haha:
i phoned today about my bloods, still waiting, but i think i might put it off till october :haha::haha: WHAT A BABY :haha: cos, at least if i have a mental breakdown, it will be infront of the FS :rofl::rofl: i'll be a hysterical mess pmsl.. rolling on the floor, crying, swearing.. i'm sure he'll offer me ivf, just to get me out of there :blush::haha: xxxxx
hows you hun? where are you at? xxxxxxx:hugs::hugs:
E.c.e im not sure what they measure progesterone where you are hun? Its measured diff bloody everywhere isnt it?! mine was 65.5. Doesnt low progesterone affect Ov? im not really sure though hun?

I think they want a repeat as his count was 3. something million lower than the norm but drugs can even that out and he did have a hot bath before the clinic!

Sarah you have had a load of tests then hun! yeah i would say every 2-3 days aswell hun thats what my consultant told us we never dtd every day though id be exhausted lol! If you can try and have the scans when you are about CD10 as they can see how good your follicle and egg is etc? i was CD11 on Saturday and they kept saying how good my follicles and egg looked as im due to ov! xxx
E.c.e im not sure what they measure progesterone where you are hun? Its measured diff bloody everywhere isnt it?! mine was 65.5. Doesnt low progesterone affect Ov? im not really sure though hun?

I think they want a repeat as his count was 3. something million lower than the norm but drugs can even that out and he did have a hot bath before the clinic!

Sarah you have had a load of tests then hun! yeah i would say every 2-3 days aswell hun thats what my consultant told us we never dtd every day though id be exhausted lol! If you can try and have the scans when you are about CD10 as they can see how good your follicle and egg is etc? i was CD11 on Saturday and they kept saying how good my follicles and egg looked as im due to ov! xxx

well i phoned up last thursday, some were back and normal, so i'm guessing that would be my full blood, cos i always have that done :wacko: cant be my liver, unless its repaired itself :shrug: but she said a couple would take 2 weeks, i doubt he can do anything until i see him, so i might just stay like a big baby and wait :haha::haha: yeah hun, i think that is his plan, is to get the jist of my cycle, then scan me, andys told his boss cos its gonna be alot of piss arsin around, back and too... but there done with him, so i think knowing the results now, and my app would possibly do my head in :wacko: so stop me ringing.... PLEASE KEEP ME SANE..... well as sane as i'll ever be :haha: xxxxxx:hugs::hugs:
Cath - I think we go with US norms regarding progesterone. But as I say the higher the better. I've seen women talking about 30s. Progesterone doesn't affect O but implantation and pregnancy. So basically if you don't have enough, there will be no implantation, a poor implantation or an early MC!

Sarah - Don't worry yourself sick over something you don't know yet. It is scary but they'll probably come back fine. We just started TTC again this month but I have no idea where I'm at?! I'm usually an early ovulator but by CD15 I still haven't seen a temp rise!
sorry meant to say knowing the results and NOT having an app until 10th october would do my head in xxxx
Would your liver affect TTC? not a baby at all hun - its an important - worrying test to have done! I bet they will all be fine though hun! How old are you?

Oh and I have a tilted uterus which they seen on the scan but they said that shouldnt be a cause for concern so thats good :-D xxx
Cath - I think we go with US norms regarding progesterone. But as I say the higher the better. I've seen women talking about 30s. Progesterone doesn't affect O but implantation and pregnancy. So basically if you don't have enough, there will be no implantation, a poor implantation or an early MC!

Sarah - Don't worry yourself sick over something you don't know yet. It is scary but they'll probably come back fine. We just started TTC again this month but I have no idea where I'm at?! I'm usually an early ovulator but by CD15 I still haven't seen a temp rise!

:haha:thanks hun, yeah, i'm just gonna be a big fat baby and wait :haha: ok progesterone... 10-15 high possibility of m/c, 15-25 top end would be able to sustain a pregnancy, and 25 and over is considered safe, when did you have your bloods done hun? xxxx:hugs:
Ohh sorry hun I thought you had to have a certain level of progesterone for it to show that have ovulation has occured....... lol god knows where i got that from! is there anything natural you can take for the time being hun? Well my CD21 tests were very high but my consultant still wants me to take progesterone when i get preg next - im not gonna argue with that!! He also told me some very weird info on baby aspirin which i was like 'Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!?' when he told me lol!

Have you been worried about anythimg chick? xxx
SArah my prog with the ectopic was in the high 70s - with the mc it was in the high 60's so to me my losses arent progesterone related xxx
Would your liver affect TTC? not a baby at all hun - its an important - worrying test to have done! I bet they will all be fine though hun! How old are you?

Oh and I have a tilted uterus which they seen on the scan but they said that shouldnt be a cause for concern so thats good :-D xxx

my uterus is slightly tilted hun, i shit myself when he said that too :haha: chillax, its normal :haha: well friggin tilt it back :haha:
:nope: a womans liver levels should be 25, my last count was 47, so my gastro dr said its not a problem, it was 172 this time last year :cry: but all healing now, i'm 34 hun, so times ticking for me... eggs start deminishin at 35... well thats if theres any there xxxxxx
Lol I know! When they scanned me him and his chaperone were whispering about my uterus so i was like ummmmm what the hell is wrong and they said oh nothing its slightly tilted but its nothing to worry about?!? Well why whisper like its a concern grrrrr just means more headstands after dtd haha!

Bloody hell hun!! those levels have dropped significantly!! thats great news on that front isnt it! even though your 34 hun I bet their great! I think you need to know the results for your own sanity chick! xxx
Ohh sorry hun I thought you had to have a certain level of progesterone for it to show that have ovulation has occured....... lol god knows where i got that from! is there anything natural you can take for the time being hun? Well my CD21 tests were very high but my consultant still wants me to take progesterone when i get preg next - im not gonna argue with that!! He also told me some very weird info on baby aspirin which i was like 'Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!?' when he told me lol!

Have you been worried about anythimg chick? xxx

yeah you do hun, thats just the levels of it to sustain a pregnancy, tis all v confusing.... mine was 27.4, suggested no ovulation... so he had to google it, usually over 10??? but, i still dont friggin well get it... i either did or didnt innit? i think i need progesterone, i think i need a friggin miracle, yeah baby asprin is what they will give me if it comes back i've got that clottin thing....
cath hun, i'm friggin shittin myself over everything xxxxxx:hugs::hugs:
Lol I know! When they scanned me him and his chaperone were whispering about my uterus so i was like ummmmm what the hell is wrong and they said oh nothing its slightly tilted but its nothing to worry about?!? Well why whisper like its a concern grrrrr just means more headstands after dtd haha!

Bloody hell hun!! those levels have dropped significantly!! thats great news on that front isnt it! even though your 34 hun I bet their great! I think you need to know the results for your own sanity chick! xxx

:haha::haha:innit, a woman did mine, she was goin ummmhummmmm, all the time... i was nearly gonna say wtf are you UMHUMMMMMING at? :haha::haha: oh and then the comment, lining nice and thin.. nice and friggin thin.... i dont want it nice and friggin thin, ooohh i tell ya... no wonder i have a short fuse, i'm surrounded by idiots pmsl :haha::haha:

yeah liver's repairing, it still takes up half my belly tho, oh i aint got diabetes, my thyroid is normal, have you had those tests done hun? xxxxx:hugs::hugs:

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