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I have to...

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i believe there is something out there i believe that you do go to heaven and will see your loved ones again but thats down to sally morgan lol but i dont see why people have to try and course an argument over it, it will never be proved either way. but i no that ME and DF made our beautiful children no one else. x
Rósa;7787290 said:
Rósa;7786943 said:
I know this is going to start such a huge debate, so I will forewarn with that....but its been something nagging at me for a little while with some people I know in person and now I've run across it on here so I just have to say it....No one even needs to reply to this thread but its my way of getting it off my chest.....

How on earth can you not believe in God and look into your babies eyes everyday!?!?!?!

ok...just had to get that out.:thumbup:

So.. how do you explain the babies born with terrible disabilities etc and thats just for starters

that was abit harsh:shrug:

I think its a valid question. If your baby is supposedly a gift given by God then how must it feel to be a religious parent of a severely disabled child?

ALL babies are an amazing gift, including those who are born with extra challenges :shrug:

Maybe, a friend of mine has a son, he was born with servere cerebral palsy, is virtually blind and deaf. he has eplipesy, he has a tube for feeding as he will never be able to eat, he has to be strapped into a chair as he cannot sit up unaided, he will never walk and talk.
He has to be sedated to stop the awful spasms he has from the cerebral palsy, he is on medication for eplipesy , he still has several fits a day. He is in hospital a lot from frequent chest infections and he actually now has a DNR on his notes :( He has lived like this for 8 years, he is in constant pain and moaning/crying unless sedated. If there is a God, why did he allow him to be born this way? What punishment did he deserve or his mum and dad?

I totally get where you're coming from, I just wasn't comfortable with the implication that babies who may be viewed as less than perfect in some way need an explanation if you see what I mean.

I know what you mean, and just to clarify I am not against children with disabilities and the love and joy they can bring. I am a full time carer of someone with Down's syndrome
Rósa;7787594 said:
Rósa;7787290 said:
Rósa;7786943 said:
I know this is going to start such a huge debate, so I will forewarn with that....but its been something nagging at me for a little while with some people I know in person and now I've run across it on here so I just have to say it....No one even needs to reply to this thread but its my way of getting it off my chest.....

How on earth can you not believe in God and look into your babies eyes everyday!?!?!?!

ok...just had to get that out.:thumbup:

So.. how do you explain the babies born with terrible disabilities etc and thats just for starters

that was abit harsh:shrug:

I think its a valid question. If your baby is supposedly a gift given by God then how must it feel to be a religious parent of a severely disabled child?

ALL babies are an amazing gift, including those who are born with extra challenges :shrug:

Maybe, a friend of mine has a son, he was born with servere cerebral palsy, is virtually blind and deaf. he has eplipesy, he has a tube for feeding as he will never be able to eat, he has to be strapped into a chair as he cannot sit up unaided, he will never walk and talk.
He has to be sedated to stop the awful spasms he has from the cerebral palsy, he is on medication for eplipesy , he still has several fits a day. He is in hospital a lot from frequent chest infections and he actually now has a DNR on his notes :( He has lived like this for 8 years, he is in constant pain and moaning/crying unless sedated. If there is a God, why did he allow him to be born this way? What punishment did he deserve or his mum and dad?

I totally get where you're coming from, I just wasn't comfortable with the implication that babies who may be viewed as less than perfect in some way need an explanation if you see what I mean.

I know what you mean, and just to clarify I am not against children with disabilities and the love and joy they can bring. I am a full time carer of someone with Down's syndrome

Fair enough xxx
Why would a god take a mother away from her 6 month old baby ? Why would god take an unborn baby away from it's mother ? Tell me that

I keep trying to answer this but nobody is listening :cry:

I think it's because to a non religious person we can't get our heads round the explanation that because ''evil'' in the world being the answer and things like that.

I understand your trying to explain but to me at least, it leads to more questions. xx
Why would a god take a mother away from her 6 month old baby ? Why would god take an unborn baby away from it's mother ? Tell me that

I keep trying to answer this but nobody is listening :cry:

I think people are listening but for me, they're not good enough reasons so I personally would continue my search for another explanation.
Tbh I don't know why the OP posted this thread if they know it will cause debate and alot of upset, as I know if I lost a baby I couldn't believe in god and this thread would upset me, sorry if anyone disagrees x
Tbh I don't know why the OP posted this thread if they know it will cause debate and alot of upset, as I know if I lost a baby I couldn't believe in god and this thread would upset me, sorry if anyone disagrees x

I agree with the OP - looking in the eyes of my baby, seeing her so utterly perfect - I just have to believe in a creator. :thumbup:....I can't believe it could be down to just chance that a little person can be formed form 2 cells that fuse together. all the genetic info is so complex that it just cannot be down to pure chance.
Tbh I don't know why the OP posted this thread if they know it will cause debate and alot of upset, as I know if I lost a baby I couldn't believe in god and this thread would upset me, sorry if anyone disagrees x

I agree...this could cause alot of upset x
Lol what a random thread. Me & my OH made our son nobody else!!
I think the miracle of life is something to do with biology?! Which is science.. Which is nothing to do with god.
I can think of more reasons to believe there isn't one than there is. How about the hundreds of children going starving in Africa, wars, murderers, paedophiles...
I honestly don't know what to believe-It is something we will never be able to prove and something that we can argue about until years to come but there will be no conclusion.

When i look at Aliyah god doesn't spring to mind though.

I look at her and i see partly me in her and partly her daddy and i just think wow.Me and him have done such a brilliant job in creating something so precious and perfect. Although i got told i would probably never be able to conceive naturally when i look at her i do see her as a miracle.
I don't thank anybody but i am very,VERY thankful.x
Tbh I don't know why the OP posted this thread if they know it will cause debate and alot of upset, as I know if I lost a baby I couldn't believe in god and this thread would upset me, sorry if anyone disagrees x

why can't people say they believe in God because they see their wonderful perfect baby?? I disagree, how can that be distasteful?? I know people have different oinions on the subject of faith, as it's very personal, but why can't we be open about it?

I have lost people dear to me in death too, but I still believe in a God...so we can't generalise that everyone who has lost a baby automatically feels that way. in fact faith can be a comfort for someone like that. :hugs:
I think when we look in our LO's eyes we see a reflection of ourselves/ our beliefs whatever they may be and so the OP being religious sees god. All our perceptions are affected by our personal experiences, beliefs, etc. Religion being one of many things that shape our world view and it can be difficult to step back and look at it from someone else's perspective.
I believe in God, my husband doesn't. I respect that and I think religion is very personal and not something I would ever want to debate over because like I respect others' views, I expect that respect back. I'm sorry but I just don't see the relevance to this thread :shrug: xx
Tbh I don't know why the OP posted this thread if they know it will cause debate and alot of upset, as I know if I lost a baby I couldn't believe in god and this thread would upset me, sorry if anyone disagrees x

why can't people say they believe in God because they see their wonderful perfect baby?? I disagree, how can that be distasteful?? I know people have different oinions on the subject of faith, as it's very personal, but why can't we be open about it?

I have lost people dear to me in death too, but I still believe in a God...so we can't generalise that everyone who has lost a baby automatically feels that way. in fact faith can be a comfort for someone like that. :hugs:

I think it's the way it was stated like if you don't believe In god then you can't look at your child, maybe if it was worded differently then it wouldn't cause such a stir
Why would you start such a controversial thread and then not reply or contribute to it?

I think the OP is stirring to be honest.
well i might as well throw my penny in lol. we dont believe in god and it doesnt bother me if u do or dont.

when i look into my lo's eyes i see her looking a me with a bizarre look saying "woman do something with ur hair and wash the black circles around ur eyes lol".

seriously im amazed at my lo, it was me and oh who created her.
Why would you start such a controversial thread and then not reply or contribute to it?

I think the OP is stirring to be honest.

Agreed, some people thrill over arguments and don't think about peoples feelings
i dont believe in god i believe in science and nature. Nature is a miracle but by no means God. For me it was 1sperm 1egg 1womb 1baby and nature doing its thing. My dad died when i was 18, i didnt start talking to god asking for an explanation, he was an alcoholic, he hit his head, he died - end of. I didnt think god had other plans for him. My sister nearly died when she was 5, again i didnt pray to god, but i had 'faith' in the doctors looking after her and the training they have and the understanding of the human body. I would LOVE to have a faith but i would be fooling myself. God cannot be proved nor disproved, so this will be an argument that will carry on for MANY MANY years to come. Religon has ALOT to answer for. ETA: i dont have anything against anybody with any faith, as long as it isnt in my face, 'i believe so you have to too' IYKWIM?
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