Does anyone know what bloodwork they do/can do to make sure your hormones are ok to become prego?
finally got a positive opk after not getting a second line at all on the strips i went out and got some opk's at the store i have been getting ewcm but no second line on opk strips off the internet let alone a positive. dipped a store opk and an ic and not even a second line on the ic but blazing positive on the store bought opk glad to know i am o'ing i was starting to wonder lol
ok so the obgtyn told me to come in asap. and well... GREAT NEWS! Baby is measuring perfectly 6 weeks 4 days today and a heartbeat at 124 bpm!!! I literally cried.. what a releif... my due date is jan 21st, but because i am diabetic they will induce me in the beginning of januarynips we will prob have babies on the same week haha
Yes baby was measuring two days ahead of time too! Im calling them in 5 minutesto get a scan today..i dont care if i see the doctor i just want to hear the heartbeat! I threw up this morning! But i still need that reassurance!
Bd with db and started spotting and bleeding. Counting tomorrow as cd1. I would be on my period in Disneyland![]()
Yes i will most likely be having a c section but im not upset about it!. Its crazy this morning i didnt wake up sick...hmmmm...odd