somedays i dont get nausous othr days i cant move bc of it...same with the boobs some days i wanna beat my fiance if he even LOOKS at them other days they dont hurt at ar eu feeling other than no nausea
Yes i will most likely be having a c section but im not upset about it!

. Its crazy this morning i didnt wake up sick...hmmmm...odd
well yesterday i had no nausea whatso ever and then today BAM didnt wat to get out of bed... i have the stupid runs too so bad

sorry tmi but its like debilitating, cant even go anywhere.. i think its all the veggies ive been eating on top of the prescription pre natals so... maybe im getting too many vitamins??? is that even possible? lol.... i just want to eat all day though! boobs are always sore, and HUGE.. tiredness but thats all... hormones have settled down a bit !