I think I ovulated :D anybody wanna wait with me?

Oh wow can I see the scan pic when you have your scan? :) you could always tell family your on antibiotics for some reason so you can't drink? But it would be a nice Xmas surprise for everyone! Yes ms if definitely a good sign everything is going well with bean. Spearmint tea made me o after my last anov cycle which resulted in dd2, but I started drinking it just before af started so I'm wondering if that could have contributed to af starting early? I might try soya if I have another anov cycle but I've been reading up on the side effects and banging headaches don't sound very appealing to me lol plus I've seen it messed some people's cycles up! Of course it works for most people like you but knowing my luck I'd be one of the unlucky ones that never got a period again or something!
Yes I can post a scan pic here! Two of mu aunts are coming over for almost two weeks so don't think I can stretch the antibiotic story that far. Also, I don't rally fancy many foods at the moment even though I keep feeling hungry, which of course makes things a bit complicated around xmas time...

I didn't have any side effects of soya but maybe I was lucky. The only difference was rather strong ovulation cramps, normally I don't get any. I think they say you shouldn't try soya if you are regular naturally, maybe it's those people whose cycles get messed up. I just thought as I was irregular anyway I didn't have much to lose. Might be worth trying the spearmint tea again, and I have also read positive things about softcups, I was planning to try them myself.
Hey ladies. I'm 4dpo and just waiting here for symptoms to kick in I hope. I was 6dpo last time and had bloating. So seeing if that's going to show up soon. I don't see how we couldn't of caught the egg honestly. 3 days before O and on O day. I'm hoping I'm still really fertile after the metho.

Dimmu- congrats on the pregnancy :). Hope everything is well
Sorry I had gone quiet ladies! I have been very busy the past two days. My oldest had a Santa parade to ride in last night and have been trying to get Christmas decorations up. I am done bleeding already on CD4.. Very short period this time. My cervix also stayed very high during the bleeding which is super odd but don't really think it means anything. I am going to swing by the store today and grab a pack of OPK to see when I might ovulate this cycle as my last one was longer than normal. We still haven't decided if we are going to keep trying or take a few months off. How is everyone else?
Dimmu yey can't wait to see the scan pic!! Dtrisha I'm sure you won't have had any problems catching that egg this cycle! Let's hope for a healthy implantation for you this cycle! Country isn't it weird how our bodies suddenly decide to act all wacky once we ttc. Thank god yours isn't to much different from normal though, but that is one short af! Can your body have a word with mine please, mine don't seem to know what to do anymore!! I can't believe my bleeding is getting heavier after 7 days, this has never happened to me before I just hope there isn't something majorly wrong. I've been getting clots over the last few days but it's more like black jelly sorry tmi! It's so weird can't wait till its over and done with
Dinky- I can't believe you are still bleeding. That's how I felt with my last period it lasted 7 days I never thought it was going to stop because mine are usually 5 days and done. I really hope you stop bleeding soon and can get back on track :) thank you for the kind words as well. I hope this is it. I hope we all get our BFP soon. We all deserve it.
Mine are normally 6-7 days, first 3 days are heavy then next 2 medium and them the next day or 2 are light. But this cycles been backwards, light for 3, medium for 3 then heavy today although it has slowed down now in the evening. Still quite a bit of blood though! Not leaking through tampons like I normally do. Yes we all deserve our bfps this month! I'm sure you and country will get yours but not so sure about me with this wonky cycle
Dinky- don't give up :). I have high hopes for you as well. I'm sure you will O this cycle. Just make sure to BD as much as you can just in case
It is crazy how are bodies can be normal for years and then just throw us for a loop! My AF is normally about 4 days so three isn't that out of the ordinary for me. I thought it was only going to be 2 days as I didn't bleed overnight between day 2 and 3 but it picked up again during the day but nothing yet today. That is odd how your bleeding has picked up on day 7! I have my fingers crossed for you that you O this month. I am going to buy some OPK today so I can start testing next week. My app has me Oing on CD 14 this month as my last cycle was so long but we will see! My fingers are crossed for you as well Dtrisha it sounds like you have a great chance!
Been having this dull kind of a hey feeling on my right pelvic side today. Hmm
That could be a good sign! :) My darn hips are bothering me so bad I can't hardly stand it. Not sure why they are hurting so bad. AF is def over.. No more bleeding at all today so that was def one of my shorter ones at 3 days.. Hoping I O early like normal and my cycle goes back to normal this month.
FX for you. I've been gassy since 1dpo. But not as gassy today. That's really the o my symptom so far oh and white kind of tacky cm. when I check my cervix is all over my finger ...
When are you testing dtrisha? I'm excited for you!! Cd8 for me, still bleeding. Not sleeping very well at night and I've had horrible cramp in my left calf all day :( heard that's a symptom of low estrogen so going to have to keep my eye on that! If I haven't stopped bleeding by cd16 like last time then I'll have to go and see my gp. I hate this cycle!!!
I'm not very excited. I just don't know if we caught it :/. I woke up and took my temp and it went up by lie .5 a degree and my face feels hot. It probably doesn't mean anything. I haven't felt any cramps or anything. No sore boobs either. Cervix is high and I had white discharge again on my finger. I was bloated by 6dpo last time and I haven't really felt that. So I feel like I'm out.
Dtrisha I had a very full feeling in my lower abdomen during my two week wait, a bit like a full stomach but it wasn't around my tummy but further down. I also had no symptoms to speak of, the only symptom was the lack of pms symptoms. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Dinky sounds like you're having a horrible time with your AF. I hope the bleeding stops soon.

Countrymomma are you gonna take a break from ttc this cycle? Maybe your body just needs a month off to let that uterine lining to build up so that the egg can attach itself properly. I remember you saying your cycles are very short so maybe there's just not been enough time for your uterus to fully recover after that chemical or was it two of them in a row?
Dimmu- thanks for your encouraging words. I don't feel anything today. I've heard some people don't have symptoms at all so maybe I'll be lucky at first? I probably haven't implanted yet if I'm pregnant.
Dimmu, yes I believe we are going to take a month or two off to make sure my cycles go back to normal. I am wondering if my uterine lining just isn't getting thick enough for the little eggy to attach properly. Only bleeding for three days leads me to believe I don't have much of a lining. I had two chemicals Ina row so I am thinking that has messed me up as well. My cycles have been very short at 25 or 26 days so hopefully with this last one being 32 days they will even out at around 28 or 29.
Country- I hope you get back to normal. I hope to still see you around on here. You have really helped. I bet once your cycles go back to normal you will catch that eggy!

Btw I have the back ache on the right lower side of my back. Anyone ever had this ?
I am going to stick around and see how things play out for you and dinky! I am still having some weird things going on.. My BBs have been really really sore and my cervix has stayed high since my last AF, it didn't lower during this last AF.. So I am hoping things straighten out soon! I have had that lower back pin before both when pregnant and not pregnant. Right now my lower back and hips are bothering me bad.. It may be a sign but not positive!

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