I told myself I wouldn't symptom spot this time....

Yes! And take her fabulous shoes.
I'm very excited. Kevin and I decided to hold off on using another test but I was also looking up the accuracy of tests and apparently the E.P.T tests are not very sensitive and I was using a generic so it could have been worse. I'm holding off testing again until Wednesday. I have my annual scheduled for the 26th so if nothing happens or I get a :bfp: I'll actually get to get checked out and also have a blood test if need be. If I am not pregnant I'll take my Dr. up on her offer of her referral to a specialist because of my age. She actually told me two years ago she would send me but we were TTC yet. I really love my Dr.
Girlies i need some advice.... Im in limbo and was wondering if anyone could help me..... I had a chemical pg last month 14th of jan im 14dpo according to cbd opk..... My usual :af: date is 17th of every month..... Would i class that as my :af: date for this month or the date i had my chemical which would have been yesterday??? Im so confused..... Tested this morning with fmu and :bfn: ??????? Xxx
The date of your chem loss is CD1. Sorry for your loss. :(
I started spotting last month on the 14th and then bleed heavy with pain on the 19th. I entered the 19th as cycle day one in fertility friend for this month. It's my first month using fertility friend and I love it so far. I am also using OPK so that is the only way I know I ovulated around the 30th of the month. I am not positive on how many DPO I even am at this point but if I was to have used the 14th as my cd one I am already late as my calculators all said the 11th would have been my expected start. Using the 19th gives me an estimated start date of the 17th. I did have some spotting on the 12th and thought that was it, here comes the :witch: but she didn't show. i am now really hoping that was implantation spotting even thought I have never had that before. I am not having any of my usual ovary pain I get a couple of days before AF either and I normally start spotting regularly a couple days before start. All good signs, I hope I can resist testing in the morning. I hope you get things figured out soon because I know what it's like to feel like you are going crazy. I also know it is entirely possible that even with a positive OPK this month, I may not have ovulated at all this month due to the chemical or whatever it was I had last month. Time is the only thing that will tell.
Today I noticed some wet looking spots in my bra wear my nipples would be. Never seen this before...I hope its a good sign.
Spotting doesn't count towards AF or a loss, it's the first day of "real" bleeding. Confusing, I know! Took me a while to wrap my head around it. Remember that the OPK gives you a positive 12-36 hours before actual ovulation occurs. Charting your cervix position, texture, and opening can help you better pinpoint the actual date of ovulation if you're not into temping. Cycles can be a little crazy after a loss -- you can skip ovulation, you can have a longer or shorter cycle, it's all a bit up in the air. It took months for my cycles to return at all after my bigger loss, and they shortened dramatically after my chemical. It's always different!

Sounding more and more promising, sookie! I've had colostrum leaks when not pregnant, but it's mostly been limited to pregnancy. Seriously hoping you get your :bfp: soon!!!

I also just started using Fertility Friend this cycle (app on my phone) and love it! If I don't get my sticky bean before my VIP trial membership expires, though, I may have to spring for a subscription. I really like the added tools and features.
Or just cancel and sign up again with a different email. His go back and enter your data from previous months. Yeah I'm cheap.

Gave in and used a FRER today. :bfn:!
I'm due tomorrow. No signs. Slept through the...i think. Woke up and the clocks were all blinking bit my alarm is self setting but was an hour fast. Sheesh! Now I think my BBT was wrong. I took it again for comparison purposes and it was the same after moving around as it had been when I took it after waking about four hours before. Wondering if my thermometer isn't crap now.

My doctor has told me before that in the case of my lengthy light menses I may very well need to be counting the spotting I have. The OB told me the same thing when I went to make sure I had had a complete discharge of any tissue and that my ovaries and uterus got the all clear to continue TTC. Was also told i may not ovulate or have menses at all this month as my body repairs itself and gets geared back up for its normal cycle. I'm afraid this might be the case. Sadly, i feel like I'm out. I just feel like i should have some kind of positive or at least a light line on a test if i were pregnant. Kevin's says well keep trying but i wordy about one more big thing: two years ago I was told my irregular periods and other symptoms I was having at the time (large clots and such) could indicate i was premenopausal. My mother had this at around 28 and after other issues had a total hysterectomy at 29. :'( I have to prepared for bad news when i have my physical in two weeks. I'll ask her to test my bloods (not that I'll have to, she's great and will do it anyway) and accept her offer of a referral to a fertility specialist (granted my insurance covers it :-/). Okay, I'm gonna go and get chores done now. I'll check back in if anything changes.
Ah, that does complicate things. Fingers are crossed that the witch either stays away and you get your BFP, or that she gets around to showing up so that you can hopefully have a normal, fully-recovered cycle as soon as possible. :hugs:
It's now what is supposed to be day two of my period. Only the tiniest bit of spotting and the most terrible cramps. My stomach feels like its in knots. I also keep feeling nauseas. I hate that my period won't just show up and stop getting my hopes up. I am so tired and weepy I have already cried once today and would really like nothing more than to crawl under my desk and stay there. No, I would like to go home and go to bed even more than that. I brought a whole peanut butter and nutella sandwich for lunch and want about four more of those or at least something else. why is my body so freaking cruel? Just give me a :bfp: or let me start at day one already. :cry:
Oh, I am so sorry!


Here's hoping your body sorts itself out soon. My heart aches for you! Any answer would be good!

Sookie's body - you stop being a jerk and figure it out right now! Stop this silliness.
Still only that one very light smear when I wiped early this morning. Even been having bowel movements and nothing. Had a bit of CM earlier too. I don't like that my hopes are still up.

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