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I want a Christmas BFP...anyone else?

Well, bad news. I'm guessing this was a chemical :cry: several faint bfp's that didn't get darker, then a temp drop yesterday and af today. I'm so down right now I think I just may take a break from everything. I need a few days to process and decide if I'm even going to ttc again. :(

hey hope ur ok, the sames happened to me there chic i had pos digital and tesco on fri, tested today with a superdrug test out of curiosity hopin for a blazing bfp, they are supposed to test from 10 miui and the line was bearly there, my df bought be a digital and said not pregnant...im gutted. my af due today or tomoro.
makes u feel pretty cheated. :(
Sorry cozmos :-( although maybe don't completely give up just yet xx
thanks lbrum just a bit mad that last week i get a pos on tues then negs til fri, then a pos tesco test and digital sayin 1-2 weeks and then now only the faintest line on a test, negative tesco and not preg on digi ...to be honest my heads fried. my df thinks its because im drinking loads of water but i think from fri my hcg should have at least doubled not went down. iv a digi for fmu so fx ...sorry for the wee rant im in a bit of shock over here lol.
im tryin to keep things in perspective as its early days, id rather somethin like this happen now than bein told at my scan everythins gone pearshaped. my friends sister has lost her baby today at 20 weeks, somethin was wrong with the wee mites heart, bloody awful.
Well, bad news. I'm guessing this was a chemical :cry: several faint bfp's that didn't get darker, then a temp drop yesterday and af today. I'm so down right now I think I just may take a break from everything. I need a few days to process and decide if I'm even going to ttc again. :(

hey hope ur ok, the sames happened to me there chic i had pos digital and tesco on fri, tested today with a superdrug test out of curiosity hopin for a blazing bfp, they are supposed to test from 10 miui and the line was bearly there, my df bought be a digital and said not pregnant...im gutted. my af due today or tomoro.
makes u feel pretty cheated. :(

I'm so sorry. I'm crossing my fingers for you that it's just a fluke and everything is fine. Gutted is a good way to describe how I've been feeling. I'd love to have another child, but I don't know if I can go through this roller coaster again :( I hope the witch stays far away for you!!
The witch hasn't arrived yet but tested with clearblue +/- with fmu and no second line.

Sophiasmom i know your gutted and the thought of all the tww to possibly come are daunting but it will be worth it . Imt not sure if im too keen on testing early again though.....actually that's bullcrap!

Think im officially a poas geek now. There's no turning back....i for 1 will poas until i die.

We will get our babies stay positive chic xx
The witch hasn't arrived yet but tested with clearblue +/- with fmu and no second line.

Sophiasmom i know your gutted and the thought of all the tww to possibly come are daunting but it will be worth it . Imt not sure if im too keen on testing early again though.....actually that's bullcrap!

Think im officially a poas geek now. There's no turning back....i for 1 will poas until i die.

We will get our babies stay positive chic xx

You are so right. As much as I hate to admit it, I'll be pulling out my stash of opks to begin again. I really hope I can be better and not test so early, but I know that's crap, and I'll break down and do it as I always do. Oh well. Admitting I'm a POAS-addict is the first step!! We will get through this next month's tww together!
The witch hasn't arrived yet but tested with clearblue +/- with fmu and no second line.

Sophiasmom i know your gutted and the thought of all the tww to possibly come are daunting but it will be worth it . Imt not sure if im too keen on testing early again though.....actually that's bullcrap!

Think im officially a poas geek now. There's no turning back....i for 1 will poas until i die.

We will get our babies stay positive chic xx

You are so right. As much as I hate to admit it, I'll be pulling out my stash of opks to begin again. I really hope I can be better and not test so early, but I know that's crap, and I'll break down and do it as I always do. Oh well. Admitting I'm a POAS-addict is the first step!! We will get through this next month's tww together!

thats ma girl lol, thats the first iv smiled today so thanku very much indeed. im slightly concerned that af hasnt showed yet but im sure the wee trixter bitch will shortly.
defs in it next month with ya...let em try an stop us lol xx
I love the fiesty attitudes today! Let's all show AF who's boss!!!
Oh no!!! I haven't been here all weekend so I'm just catching up, I'm so sorry Sohpiasmom and Cozmos. That is beyond shitty, I wanted those BFPs for you guys. On to next month... :(
Ah, cozmos so sorry that happened to you too! That really sucks.

Glad for your attitudes cozmos and sophiasmom. Hoping your sticky beans come soon for you - this cycle would be nice!

Afm, I'm 1 dpo. Have timed things perfectly this cycle, so I'm really hoping I catch the eggy! On to the dreaded tww now...
mlm iv my fingers and eyeballs crossed for ya!!!

think id find this a little less irritating if the bloody witch would arrive, i keep thinking oh maybe the tests are wrong lol...crazy i tells ya.
Mlm I think we have exactly the same cycle! I'm 2 dpo today do fingers crossed for this month!
Cozmos and Sophiasmom how are you guys doing? Are you both trying again straight away?
I second Lbrum--

Cozmos and Sophiasmom, how are you ladies holding up? Any sign of AF yet for you, Cozmos??
Mlm I think we have exactly the same cycle! I'm 2 dpo today do fingers crossed for this month!
Cozmos and Sophiasmom how are you guys doing? Are you both trying again straight away?

I am 2 DPO today too, next week will be exciting :)
This thread has had a rough week so I thought a funny husband story might help :)

So I told my husband on Friday that I would probably O in the next few days... I don't normally let him know, but after the 'pulling out' incident last month I thought it might be a good idea :haha: So every BD from then on out he, ummmmmm, how to say this properly.... finished behind me? :winkwink: Which is unusual for him, that's not one of his normal positions.

So I asked him about it and he said one of his manfriends told him that's how you make a boy. Hahahaha! It's just that easy right?

I hope everyone has a good weekend, hang in there Sophiasmom and Cozmos- :hugs::hugs::hugs:

AFM, I'm off to Vegas with the girls this weekend for a dirty thirty celebration!!!
no aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa efffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff!!!! had spotting so must be a start, up to my eyes at the min finishing my wee georgies birthday cake for tomoro, shes 8....i feel old lol. also having a glass or 2 of pinot....why not thats what i say :), thanks for the kind words everyone u are all fabulous xxx

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